Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1951, p. 2

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viaoe two the acton free press acton ontario tilllhmvay novemheh b iboi ag shall not weary thm not many of us have been on a battlefield few of us have heard the ackack fire and the stocatto note that the machine fjun hammers out klotmany nf in huve n inabl along dark roads in a rough riding truck with the destination un known and onjy4he results of enemy attack to consider not many of us have crossed the sens tc distant countries to battle an aggressor an xious to rob countries of a heritage of freedom net many of us were over there to battle and drive and push and dig the way to victory all the grim reminders of conflict have been constrained to faroff battle fields it is with pride and respect that each year we as a nation pause in our dally routine for two minutes re membrance of our friends comrades or relatives who did not return from the last world conflicts it is with pride that we pay tribute to the brave canadians who went from this country to uphold the dominions principles of freedom against the tyrannical challengers remembrance day this sunday is a time to pay tribute not only to the fallon who did not ro turn but also to their relatives who wore robbed of pleasant hours togelker to those people who with fortitude and determination kept the hearth stone warm and a glimmer of hopo in their hearts our heads are bowed in tribute and ro membranes at the cenotaph sunday as reveilleis trump eted and the flag is raised lot us lift up our heads with new determination and faith and hope that never again will the war dogs be sot loose to harvest such a giant crop of young cour agoous lives age shall not weary thorn nor the years con demn at the going down ot the sun and in the morn irtfj we shall romombor them like the indians it has been taken for granted that a snow storm and n roal taste of winter must precede indian summer that much talked about period of fine fall days these early days of winter are oflon referred to as squnw winter but whatever the days thq first snowfall and winter of this year were certainly of the real boisterous variety and certainly not very effeminate we differ from the indians in our way of life in this canada of many weather chanqes but in many respectsawe have similarities perhaps you noticed how this cold wintry spell hastened the removal of screens the putting on of storm win dows the fillinq of cars with anti freeze and the securing of provisions from the country around all these little things which had been delayed from day to day were hastened by the ad vont of some real winter weather yes we still need squaw winter and indian summer in our present day mode of hvmq yes we are ust like hundreds of others we put in the anti freeze on saturday and made an excursion to get apples and potatoes stored but we re still waiting for indian summer to remove the verandah screens which is greater have you noticed it were war conscious with two world wars as memorable history and the korean campaign still in the news it is under uandahla yes wo ro war conscious too be in black and white meetings ore often unduly lengthened by un pecessary argument we attended a meeting re cently that seemed to get through the business tn good order and were inclined to believe that a little gadget used there had an effect on the length of the meeting as each member of the aroup spoke 6n the question before the com mittee he was required to use a small micro phone give his name and his contribution to the discussion was recorded uater we received a report of the meeting and on reading it we sur mise it will have a salutory effect on future meetings where such a recording device might h ust d wt have si net wondt red ust who could on ravel tht recording if the m ich nt wtre used at somt other meetings wi h wt lttendtd but of courit tin tree discussion can bt tlmiinited w hen there art t limittd number of microphone and to qet on the recording it is necessity that ou can secure o mike such a system is of course a great boon to secretaries jmd municipal clerks would no doubt be all for such a device we found another advantage also a copy of the minutes of trie meeting shown to our family has convinced them that we aren t any more talkative than other men and that s something we could never convince them of before yes it s a great thing at times to have things in black and white toronto dailies are certainly showing their political leanings in their reports of the present campaign small wonder if the electorate reads only the comics in them knowing that these at least are prepared outside of ontario caute economists suggest that our economic syi tarn cant survive without a war but how peace conic loo t we yh very word peace is coming to have an unfavourable meaning because of the many peace petitions and peace conferences that were floated by red propagandists in this country no headlines in the newspaper dont toy with peace ax they do with war we seem sometimes to talk ourselves into war because we often lack faith tn others it is usually tome small incident that because of someones unreasonablesnest develops into the kind of battlefield on which countless perish russia is surrounded by an iron curtain per haps as a counterpoint to that curtain the nations of the free world could erect a wall of faith that s something russian propagandists would have a tough job combatting with their words out the wall would have tobc as voluntarily sound as the iron curtain is tyrannically sound with armament races rushing dangerously rlose to the home stretch how can a wall of faith bo built i dividual who claims the power of fortclling the future and several successful predictions to his credit claims that by november 1952 stalins die tatorship will be overthrown by revolution that prediction may have merit and it may not but nevertheless it is quite possible that internal strife from a suppressed people will explode to end the regime it would take a great many masons to lay a formidable wall of faith but think what a for midnble proect would be completed if each in dividual m the free world were to lay his faith in one block that faith should be iiilheifuture a common belief that the future holds valuable things for the whole world how much thought do we have of war how much faith do we have in the future which is the greatest production and distribution the latest figures of the cost of living in canada as issued by the federal bureau of sta tistics indicate an increase of 87 6 per cent over living costs in the years immediately preceding world war ii the increase since the outbreak of the korean war is 13 4 per cent canadian people are now greatly concerned over hiqh living costs and the canadian farmers are being blamed therofor actually the tncreas ed cost ot food processing and distribution is more responsible for costs to the consumer than any other factor on previous occasions the budget has pub lished the results of surveys made by the u s department of agriculture such showed that if the farmer gave away the beans in a 16c can of men s clothing the suit would still sell for 40 50 if he qave away the wheat in a 16c loaf of bread the loaf would still cost the consumer 13 4c if the famer gave away the beans in a 16c can of pork and beans the can would still cost 14c at the grocery store country life a british columbia farm publica tion edited by charlie hayden quotes a new re port on cost of distributing services issued by the chamber of commerce of the united states this report says that about 50c of every con sumer s sales dollar goes to pay distribution costs that there are now at least 15 million peo ple engaged in distribution and that the per centage of workers in distribution has risen from 1 per cent one hundred years ago to 25 per cent at present advert sing age published in the united st itcs asserts that distribution costs w it continue tc rise in relation to total costs as the economy of lu nd uki coninus to expand the selling ana distributon costs naturally ris m a complex in duslr dl society and the higher the standard ot 1 mg that sootf it nns the moh such costs are likely to r st htl mad otf vctm t lest we forget the good old days may have seemed better back in 1901 ink ii from ttit ietii th h re r of tliuri an t imii r 7 1jol tin i trt vinl i li f t phuul fii in milton thin art abto m nit t used oi dlplaaria itll ilvtltll lllllll ll ltl all h til 111 itli it hi ii llm pi i ill ti uill i in iii f mi al x liisliulm in tn i niw a silver up iii ill in mpi ti1 tor ml 1 0 in h in s 1 i i ah f int milt ii v ill li in editorial notes elections have surely changed was a time when public halls were at a premium a month before polling day now only the faithful turn cut to hear their own party according to an exchange this is a true story it was their 25th wedding anniversary and the wife said well old dear how are we going to celebrate replied the husband how about two minute silence of course such a thing couldn t have happened in our town lh c inn sli nth fit i n iu uilt to mr mtt ml nlckhn m of mn ohli l am most highly i nii t rrfi t i itit ns hi v c lit his tilth ir md h il sp nt vi hlf a lliituor in at ton tin oiilv r im w tilth c inn up for in irnik m tin fourth division mil mttirik n sit rd iy afti moo i wis lh it ot dun ild minn for th i inn tituist tuc of wir ti im s fmiiiimiik aeru iiltur il soch th c im tro t i ut of tin t uk of t ir ton t it tin fur h n with four ti mis i nti n 1 i mn h ilm pull td acton and m id i driw with sptsidt spijwdi pulli d stolen niuk md il thin rimaincd for spi sidi md i urn ho ilm to pull ii u is thtn too dark and a final pull uas arrancd for tht next s ilurd i tti othi r tt im filled o apju ir ind limthousc put in a bid for tht prirt morn sot u ty of net rs lrnnri d for nnth r pull howtr md whin i im housi f iih d to entt r ihi othi r thre tisnms wn nuardtd the prw mom af i r hi irinj thi t idi nc of mr minn md h ilf a do7t n w t nt sst s thi e ist v is dlsrrilsse 1 without cosls i tht gutlph cruv country and roid it ict sn c i ti n hav j n n h t to i hit lis h it thi v vill jiot ulmit t i tht ir thanksjjv mj i i ncis m uh do truninj on sirndtiv back in 1931 from hi iimii ii tlw fro jr x of j hurailau not mitt r t i n u li lots of fun hut it th il of piopi ity i un 1h prtdhlim of dollar wh it ii vileini0 iiivs to niott t vt ryonp 1ist uiu mr hut i- v mi hrouuhl i f n ih h id of t mb ii to tin i r iii s 1 t i i whuh mih grown in hi k mini mi arthur strut thi 1 1 win ui im sep irati hi ds tin one m ilk mil most i f thi ni w n wi i formi d antiiii is ir sirvitii wi n h id in thi wmli d hurth on suml iv whin sp iithd un wtak wt n th luired by hri i m moyi r of liiipeh r a forrru r rtrrmed pas tor mrs jnim s itusill rrndi n d delightful solas thi lending of the e irload of foodstuffs for tht wist by th undid hurth rongrt k itions of alton churehill md i tint house w is complt it d on mfindiy thls fir will in distributi d in tht west t m tntft tl rouletu saflk a pnttv wfddink took pi ice it tin uniti i church i imi house u hi n ann 1 fvt lyn youngi st dtiithu r of mr and mrs a mere dith wis united in mnrrlire to chirltt willnm eldest son of m md mrs chxs i new of george town difd mctagoart at thr homr nas s igawi vi on thiirtdiy octobt r 2qlh idtl j a mctirgirt vs ii d 74 m irs supersensitive credit among nt w tquipment to be hown it 1 runin ss efficiency ex hibitit n it bristol fngl md in a cndit sindion system for big s on which intorporitts 1 sup r s r iti til phom md 1 duin whr h hill m b stimptd wi h iuth r 1 n h ri mott contr 1 at tmt mitllrh clmrrh ui flntmhn avtah oaljuri k 3d klnwfir avvrtlu ihmiti il 1 hv k a iurroy ha mu mill later mua m ummm atom ortfitnul und cimilr lhdtr hundav novftmllhl mill i0l initfl urn siimliiy hthnol i ni 11 tn minilnu wnmlilp huh j ir-cuun-uuiaiquuitliliujju- i ill p in 1 iiutiiiili hi 1 vli 1 j ml 1 111 annul iuy hi i v 11 1 siwbuii hi v artiulrontf 700 ill i- 1 nlim stivlii hull itt llu cniltuuliiil of onoit yiiohom for the ivwfc wiumi uui iaqlrtilut wriitn llutu thou in lh1 h tfiiva the world the only ground for hop that lata ijiib 1 wtatharhradl h albmm dljurrlj akajuashl w o lilllm ba suniiav novinyi nth trinity xxv 0 00 aw holy commiinlnn 1000 am sunday school 1100 am halnnra loan 7 00 im fvunlng prnyi r a welcome awalu you i0ai llrrnbtitrrlau qhnirrt iw knox ciiiiiuiii arrn ukv itiinacur ii ahmhtiunu m a tl mlaialar h1indav novimiicit mill unl 10 00 am flimitiiy hthoul and mllli lnu 11 hi ii in muinlnu hi ivln yikitrtrr hvhlhahrvu vlnltiira iirn wi li uiim utiptli ciurrh aiiton mr nouuliih shut r hindi nt paalnr hiindav nuvfuiikit i till imi 10 vi a in hunday hi liool 1110 a m tnliii ilium b oi mir ai in 7 00 ii m a tfrnatit limn tlur oloiiiu tqr la hnru wi ilniiday 8pm- irayar maet- krllay 4 111 nm mljulnn llaiul p iii 11 v l u wi uoiiki to all itlo ill liiin iro mi una jamury lllvi r professional directory and travellers guide mfwott dr w g c kennty phyalelah mwa hurgaan office in mynion mlork mill st alton offlra ihanii 78 baaldtnra i hurch hi ibana im dr d a garrett thyslrlan and hurgven 4orni r of willow and ltlv t sta vntrunn lllvir stint alton onliiitn riiour z3h iifntai dr a j buchanan llrnlal hurgron ortlir i i minium 111 li mill st ofhii jniii i n in to a pm x hay th hlloni- 141 dr george a sirrb llrntal hurgenn mill st mint titdillik alton olflii mom- llflll am in i iii pin thi mionr 1u vmiuivauv b d young bvsc c l young dvm vrtrrtnary nurgrona offri llruikvill ontnrlo lh mi milton mdrl f g oakes v 5 b v sc vrtrrlnary hurgron offlcr und kfnnltnti knox ava acton jhuiib 1ju c f leatherland barrlatrr 4 holultor noury public officl a phoiil ida 151 acton lever hoskin chartered aeeountanta succi hmira to jtnkinh and uakov 1305 mi trnpolllan ulllg 44 victoria st toronto ere nisi mlbcr llanfoub the victor b rumley funeral home fnnrral homr llratrd ambulaaa phone vt nlklit or luy srint tin tiniimunity or 4 y urn uk a i kavtayk ani inhukanoaa willoughby tarm agency ijiigial und oldi at aueney u c unudu lliuil orriie awl flay ht tomato imiim kmiilr 3om4 iforuiiowu iii priomintatlva taih llruaan rlinur leorgrtawn 3uw wright rtai rsiaie and insurance y i which i n ii whicht 211 wlllnir st iiu muidonnauhi at ton onl in lull ont ill in m ilioni 40i6w valuatara urallara inauravai mi iiiih r apillulaiil irmlltute of iinnilii mi inlii ii linlpli und lllatrlct id ul i stuli llouid mi iiiln ii mlpli und dlatrlrt iiiniiiuiii i a nti aihlutlon w full alai in 1 1 urn ntly niiilri lutlnga of pi op ily from ml to 100 acraa mo ill liolilliign from 1 to 39 olitum andy rank i iti ut implii llvllla iliour milton izsri c h dyment realtor wintworth st h hamilton ihoiii 7i1uiu wm r bracken ural kluu inhiai 1nsuhanci- ilioni j acton w h parkin floor handing and urflnlaklalg iluini 105i1w oakviixe travellers guide gray coach lines standard time t oat iifh lfave actor icaatbound uo 3h u m 11 311 a m 1 1 23 a jn w pm 5 03 pm 8 33 pm ms pin b 1 1 oil p in wratbound 10 17 u in 12 32 pin 2 37 pol 5 27 pin 7 7 p in d ii p m lls pin 1 14 am bun to klurhatif only l a daily t xti pt sunday and noll- duya l saturday sunday und boll tl iyi the acton free press tli onlv paper ei er publuhed in acton publ si d ich tliursdi at r mill st acon ontario aulhorlird aa srcond claaa mall poll offlcr uepartmrnt oluua g a dills publiahir member audit bureau circulation c w n a and ontarloqaebee dilaiao c w v advartiung rata en raquatt subscription in advance 2 50 in canada 3 00 in united states 6 months 1 50 single copies 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131 i r altr ijy aiujoiiitini nt wm c milligan r o oplomrtrlat is md lid w din ila5 of the in n h 2 m to it l tn al mill st it i i nn 1 a t iirows e phead optometrist eyes examined scientifically glasses fitted guelph u ul oaargaa 841 phone i52b eatabuakaal h team canadian national railways stun ford time raatbound li vt in 1 i l xt pt sun- i l i in id p in sunday i 11 h ii liili inl sun- il v h r 1 rkitoali ikk am li 1 r i cut in 10 11 mrithound ii ix s ii 1 iv uui mon 1 v 01 n sui 1 i- in i d i day i 11 ii i v i xi i p sun- it t h i 1 n tl i in- flag i i 44 p i j lly ixitpt bal i 1 s in g 111 i in siturday only 10 pin sin i iy nly d 43 0m fl o li s ii 1 y nl v r lrr at i iph 01 p m your eyes oeserve the rest consult r m bell tegiiiereij oploanattiai phone mru erin

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