Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1951, p. 10

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iof al n1fws ttmu for tmi ntumn maw b pkowd to it4 or ami to tke free prase wimu acttm the acton free press acton ontario thursday november is ltas i was the annual veterans vole nert thursday november- wlem at walker lodr monday sand its about time we atop watch- inat and hoping for indian summer snaybe we nave had it xont confuse municipal and provincial elections keep hs date separate because one la as important as the other many have been atuckon the -abulder-xfvlo- ashlihtreyr canr kave a tendency to sink in the firm looking ahoulder of the road donald snyder rockwood suf fered multiple laceration to the acalp forehead and fata u the result of a car collision in guelph sunday he was one of the two out or eight who were hospitalized tnd waft a passenger in one of the three car ouelph constable w s hara- ihon noekwood was placed under suspension recently pending an in vestigation into an accident in which the constable it reported to have suffered a thot in the arm while cleaning the revolver deer are beginning to be common and pleasant alght along the edge of the roads furt si ahopplng daya till christmas and progressive merch ants are offering many jfom through the advertising columns of this pfiper a note from charlie mecann an acton old boy says the ifree ireas pictures are splendid the writeup of acton was fine ask some old tlmeia if first flour mill was burned or washed away when the dnm broke would be glad to hoar from oldtimers on ihls point a comparison of motor vehi cle accidents in the district incllld ins haiton nrant norfolk and wenlworlh counties from january to june of 1010 and ifl1l shows an increase of 27 3 per cent there were 2113 accidents in 1010 and 2813 in 1031 this district provided ontario with 113 per cent of its total accidents for the period three candidates seek election in prov contest over mom voters are eligible to poll their votes in the provincial election next thursday in haiton county as a matter of fact the pre liminary lists show 2a270 in the nine munlctpalluesof the county every british subject over 21 yenrs of ace is elidible to enst a ballot in the provincial election in 10ifl there were 16030 who made use of the fran chise there are three candidates in haiton representing the three par ties prominent in ontario stanley u hall is the proffreau- lveconservative can date he has been the choice of haiton electors in three previous elections and now seeks a fourih term havlnfl been in public office for so lonff mr hall is naturally wellknown to most electors throughout the coun ty he la a wellknown farmer resident of the hornby district residents of the north end of hal- ton county remember that it was during mr halls tenure of offke thai the final section of no 25 highway between acton and mil ton became a paved surface and a fine lilghwav from north to south instead of the patch upon patch which prevailed for over 25 years under the lfberal bannc the candidate is again dr murray deans of onkville who wn also a candidate in the election of 1040 and polled a total vote juit 118 short of the successful member dr denns is a dentist who has re- aided in oakvllte for a number ct yenrs and we understand quite a publicspirited citizen for oakvillc e lnngille who ii a plumber in that town and district he is a newcomer to the haiton electors and thu his first bid for a seat in the legislature there ore 20 270 voters eligible in the countys 42 polling subdiv- lmoiis made up ns follow voters polling nasugawy townthlp nominations for reeve and four councillors for the municipality of nossaga- weya and three trustees for school area no 1 in the municip ality of nassagaweya on monday november 2flth 1051 at the town ship hall brookville at one oclock p m in the event of a poll being de manded the balloting will be held on monday december 3rd 1051 at the following places rolling subdivision no 1 lots 1 to 10 across the towiuhtp the orange hall campbellvilli- polling subdivision no 2 lot 11 to 21 across the township in the township hall brookville polling subdivision no 3 lls 22 to 32 across the township in thi- knatchbull hall knatchbull the tax collector will be in tht township hall prior to nomirui ion to issue tax certificates l w 5th 1051 mcmillan curk a10 2 you ar cordially invltod to attend th euchre dance of kquesinovourjo ubmais club in stewarttown hall tuesday nov 20th 1951 boris hulls orchestra cards 830 pm sharp admission 50c 6 miii st acton n0 continuous shows mon thru fri from 7pm saturdays and holidays from 6 30 malmoos saturdays and holidays al 2 p m visit our refreshment bar in the foyer frisat doris nov 1617 subdiv acton 1710 4 nurhnkton 3063 4 esquesint 23113 b goorkrtuun 2mb 3 milhin 1522 3 nlssieivex a 1175 4 nolson 4bsb 11 oikmllr 4030 x 4sm s trifuliinr s gordon extra uok smiu hollwood sueepstaks serial chap ii batman and robintsatt matins only montes nov 1920 20 270 42 instructions to the voters nn of t mtrse prominently displayed at even polling booth on election da but in spite of this there are umialb n number of spoiled bil lots the procedure is very simple you mus use un x to dtmgnnte our choice placed 6p- ptvilte the candidate ou favor no other mirk ls ceeptablr and nu tun in this election onl vot for one candidate the names ippe ir on the ballot paper in alphabetical order polls are open from sim until 7pm and election di us tbtir- dn november 22nd correction please on tangled letters ivluch as a newspaper dislikes making an error it sometime miottj the obserann and mtnmt with which local news is followed week by utvk in the acton frtt press in last weeks issue the letter instead of the letter a in one word of the council rrport kt pt the maors phone ringing u 11 morn ing the item reported concerned the rebate granted the beardmore co farm instead of firm on the sewerage rrnu1 charge reported as firm other local in dustries asked for the same coo- sideratton it actually should have j read a refund was granted on the beardmorr co farm that had bo charged aewermg rental when you hear the sound ol the gong- it will be belvedere- all 0r ih world clifton webb belvedere rings the bell mm henry koster cajfe aqded entertainment aboard flatop midway mows and the garden screaming jers wedthurs nov 2122 this is a guy making love h thmlill this is adoll taking over she itnows rachlin jewellers -acton- budget terms it for your added enjoyment horiioni of tomorrow rjrd towor in rko now puturvt of royal tour births marriage deaths etc pkhkink mr and mm tom per- kin wihii to unnnunce th n- lualof -liielr- duuuhler luuij colleen on thuriidiiv nov mhetr ii i0t al guelph oeneial iiok- pilul mother and rintiuhtcr fine iici stewart- at tho onlt llrunlliil on tiiexdny november ii 11151 harriett cowan in loved wife of the late j nmej stewart li her with year funeral servlen wiw held thura day iifterikutn in uundiui with in terment filljwlnu ht catnpliillville cemetery coutuiik suddenly at the home 120 miuioii illvd acton on monday november 13 111 john paul invlnic turn vt john and mary couture ailud 1 year ii montlu funeral aervlct wa held at the victor ii rtumley tuneral home on wednesday at 2 oclock inter ment kah view cemetery copkiand at hu realdence ii h 1 hock wood on wednesday november 7 1011 jumcs a copeland huibnnd of thi inte catherine mclatiuhlfn dear fa ther of lola mrs it butcher meiithville and lincoln at home in iih 111 th year scrvlie wni held from the victor ii itumley funeral home acton vui snjurday interment nimnai- wi yn ci melery cook suddenly ut georgetown out on saturday noveinber 10 1051 william john coik in hla 45lh year of 17 ilnrton street beloved husband of mnry hodi- hon and father of mrs chnrlea nk kel i jean frank g and ceorjie all of guelph and aon of mrs william cook of 33 elizabeth street service was held on tuesday november 13 interment fairview cemetery acton in mrmoriam henderson in lovlna memory of aanes j henderson who passed away november 18 103d her memory is as dear today an in the hour she pawed awnv sadly mlased by hunband and family roszell in loving memory of georne roszcll who parsed away november 0 1041 time speeds on ten yean have passed since death its gloom its shadows cast within our home where all seem ed brikht and took from us a shining light we miss that light and ever will his vacant place there is none to fill down here we mourn but not in vain for up in heaven we will mt again ever remembered by the family cardh of tiiankh little janice wagner u ihr to lhank her friends and neighbors for being so kind ind thoughtful to her during her convalescence speciil thanks to mr cliff brad ley fir use of the whul chair i would like to take thii oppur tunlty to thank friends and -elat- ives for the lovely cards and par cels received while i was in hos pital special thanks to dr j scott and dr garrett alro the sis ters and nurses of st joseph hospital a n fird on bchilf of the excuti ami membership of thi acton brnnch 1 107 of th canadian l gion i ake this opportunity to thank al uho participntt d in and hi p i with nur mimonil div par ide onl with thus cooperation cm sin li su li ss br atluntd wi vould alm hki to th ink thr org ini7 kin- and individuils for thi ir kind and gt n nuts cnntnbutions tf ih popp fund through he purrh i f wn it lis and prrppii s and h don ilioiis to th ac ton home furnishings a big th ink- u fir thi usi of thi ir window f- hi mi mortal day disrptan th um on 11 r m st ire pr di it wantads for sale coming events thu office cannot be responsible for conflicting datt3 of i uents votice dancing l ssons foi mall chtldn n w ill b h id in ti ymca if lull r slid phom lki a euchre and dance lome scihkji friday nombr 10 p m lunch provided admission 50c iui j vakntuu t i and baking si ausjutis y i idit s auxilim si i ih juiiiars 16 k ep this d in iijii n a euchrt siturdiv novnib 17 8 15pm ymc acton m p s y ladu s aux liao luti k ad mssion 3st a lol no 467 i uthr md 1 u crt w son corners hall m r r da notmtxt 16 at h 10 pm good pruts refreshments tiu p- net orchistra aiimisu n in i balhnafad w a turl su per tuiada nuumbtr ju n the hall g t lickcrs i hun n supptr srved 1 t0 to 8 30 prog i n church following upp atlul 1 5 children 50c i sundav even ng novenib- ih churchill church al u is h ouni people are holdirj ice with mr roy nevhall a ii ro formerl of trinidad now student minister at emmaniiil col lege as guest apeaker play refreshed fohsalk kitchen alov t wood i toil kiiiiill alze ill met 211 a for sale ladys iiiulic coat w lilt in ink collar ufe 12 phono 44iw a for saleyuuntf chlckona for roaiitlnir cuimhui aluo u few hens for boning dretiheel el junninuii phono 3jvuw a- 10- j for sale large eoal or wood heater good condition aluo 1- roomed npnrtment fur rent apply aw bower ave u foit sale top your flock with a pure bred oxford ranx only two left gordon lejlle ac ton plume rolk wood 6 1 r2 u for sale 20 shorthorn eat tie from um to 000 ibtt all rais ed on the farpi and tu teiatrd lat winter atix near phone dowl a for sale grade holsteln cow lue november 24 grade houteln heifer rising 2 years apply a lt swnckhamer lot 0 4th line erin a for sale 1 pair ladys while stkalch aire 7 i pair boys ukates size 11 1 large ulxe quebec heat er all in gowl condition s5 mnin st n a for sale 1000 bus apples will aprayed spy 105 green ings 1 so ontario 1 79 snows si 00 bring containers jas lafd- law norval lot 0 sth line aio2 for sale winter apple well spniyetl northrn snyn snows bh id wins delirious ontario in any quantity also some good cook ing mcintosh delivered in actin willard hnidlaw tot 11 5th line west chinguacousy phone brampton 37012 ati for sale come in and see these rand specials more power for your wdollatim 1051 ford i tonner used very little 1040 mercury sport sedan a apot- lessear with radio air condit ioning heater and def rosier seat covers northern equipment etc 1040 me4eor sedan an exception ally clean cor with radio air conditioning heater and defrost ers scat covers etc and only 22000 miles 1d48 mercury 114 coach a fine enr 1047 mercury 114 coach in beauti ful shape 1047 ford sedan dont mb this one with practically all new rubber and only 32000 miles 1042 dodge club coupe reniinted and looking extra good inside and out 1041 ford sedan builtin radio heater and sejat covers priced well below market value afanu many others fo choott from all ears winterized and readt to fjo cash trade or terms which v r will suit you best earlys dealflt in ford and monakcii sales and service phone milton 510w evonlni 510j b personal skinny men women gain i to l lbs ntw jm p try ostrcx tonic tiblcts ffir new healthy fit sh ncwmctr inroductory kpt- nctiu unt d sii- only o0 all druft- hlsts farnworth memorials manumrnts at msdrrate irlers ckmetkky iftttehino t lora rd at crmrtrry giflpii ovt wanted wanted a nwlrniiiuiiv kiiwl working order ihonu au3 in wanted homo for sin month n il cullla 1ok apply ibs mcunn- jild illvd m i wanted hrsulla- try thi- ant ad- dvpartinrrtl want adsi tjilu ui a lot ul peopla every wmk use tlmrn o fur nood ratilts wantedl 8tiny wjuk rt t stata tf wlllfn to move loutaftown ah- pv w acton frxj pli ab abwanwj atn aim wanted cows horae feu pv ea yu- phono aucfph sj4 rollwt for sp l wm lalnr op- aratln- for qordon youn tf wantkd puurts all braada nd i okvs giiad prices paid alan flocks wanted to supply us wlu hatching w on breeds wi c j 5r yr round ap ply twdddra chick ilatchehas u4 reruns ontario aiiws tenders n t nr th r-mod- illlnu of the kitchen at the vm c a up to noon on monday nov- mlr 20 1011 details rn u had arllc t the y tl november 50th at 7 in p m lowest or any tender not itrwirly accented ii arhlc sec ys men club jlost and found lost ni nr osprln black and hn ward wn shepherd phone tflflin l li 7 m lnck or white female pup 8 weeks old he- ward hotch ns ilakery phone for ront for rent guelph sl rooms 13 airs miscellaneous washer repairs iulu rsrls complete overhauls bruv- adlo and elctrlc georetawn phone 4s roxy theatre nid tr sewing machines ssias and service repairs to all makes emlcs radio and electric phonal 40s roxy theatre bldg qeorm- town jjp kitchener upiiolstkiy hove your chesterfield suite n-un- holsterrd for as little as ftt prompt and efficient service etj 103 acton one weeka aervlce attentiqn cattlemen we- buy and pay top lash market prlc- t s for old disabled or dead cows horsci hoiis hlospeedy aerviu- phone collect acton 81 or hamil ton 3bo5b ontario rendeinc necktie exchange ssc each 5 for 1 40 money back fuar- anti e more and more peon art- saving money these day by ex- lhaniiinii their old used necktie fr nutie neckties th je ties are spotlessly clean and carefully iiuspi i ted send in 5 of your old usi el ties alone with si 40 and vnu ill receive s lovely nutl neck- tils postpaid pliase stite style md colors you prefer remember if ou are not completely itlsfnj sour imni v ls refunded nu-tn- n ktiis dox 72 station d to- i unto ont a-lt- notice a puliln hi iririu nod r hi- mllk cmtiol ait ii b hi id in ililoiii a oris i ntion r loor itos il york llol i tronto- on monils nmmbir 1u 1111 at m il ih s liublk li rmi lt for tin piirpoi of providni al ini n id jirtis in opporinity of mil- inn r n i nt iti itls to the m k mi i 1 ii 1 of no be- f tus hi rl pr i rib s th ma- rn itn tin s t a mm li rr i muv i lil in th in rk t of tt in a i cimik snriiv i m hit 1 ilnrd of u itirio u- the adon free press classified advertising rates ow iv khtct n i h irii for nnounc rn nts of ilialhs lirrliis iath nd i nkii rm nts in mrmorum sor plus lac per line for verses artlclti for sale rent etc 2c a u ord minimum risk lac if net paid antll after iruuruei le has n u this afflee its addluaasal coming events 10c per count line wth 30c minimum all claaalfted advert ism sals sraal naali the amlaa kafara t las asi wlialllya i ostihio im 1h thi ostaitki ml 1pai iioahi s nu inm ot s ui tl i i- m ir 111 ilnl it so 1in joi id is till tt7llt or the sppllra- liun of ii iron for a review and srlstion uf sn order of ike iuiird dled the tllh of january i j3i approving b lau number i of the tiisn of eton autkar- uiiis a ilriu of prrui srwer rales i appointment for heatino takr notick that th- ontario muiit pal hoard hai apkinted krid is h sixteenth dav of nov- mb r a d ibm at the h ur of h sin oclkk in the foreo kin at th- board s chambers in the parliament buildings in in- city of toronto for the purpoa- of heartnk all persons lnlreitej in support of or opposink the atd sp- pllcstion d4ted at toronto this sexenth dsy of november a d 1941 m b sanderson a secretary seal

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