Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1951, p. 2

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mos two theacton free press acton ontario tiiulthuay novemiucr 15 lmi pf election thoughts perhaps some of you ilka ouraelvei can re member earlier election whore wek balore he election the torlet in one camp and the grlti in the other were not teen in each others com pu we dont argue it wata pood thing but certainly both sides took the issues to heart which is more than can be said today evi dence of the apathy was again found in the nomination meeting last week when only a hand ful of county citizens attended and those attend ing decided a public meeting following the nominations was unnecessary bear in mind the candidates were on hand and p tojjiscuss the issues but the audience was lacking tdhoar- tttern quite a contrast to those nomination meetings that were regarded as the highlight of th campaign and usually packed the town hall in milton attendance at meetings of tandi- dales has been very poor unless some form of entertainment is offered and the speeches are i apt to a minimum this sort of thing isnt only in evidence in this election but has been seen in these parts for the past few years the public is certainly more interested in a dance and a free lunch than they are in hearing about the affairs bfthelrprovm o dominion for that matter- bot taxes are certainly ajively topic which doesnt seam listed on any of the platforms per haps that s the reason for keener interest in muni cipal affairs one cannot help wondering how a platform would be received if it were based on less free public service and reduction of taxes a plan that gave the worker his money earned without deductions and let him supply his own needs but perhaps we are already too involved to regain our independence whatever you think be sure and vote next week and may the bost men be chosen for the positions of public trust those turkey suppers the annual fowl suppers have been getting good crowds and proving very popular events throughout the town and district they un doubtedly offer the biggest food value to be pro cured these days humanity always appears at its best at a fowl supper ask the average person to sit patiently and twiddle his thumbs for half an hour or so on any other occasion and there would be a djekens of a fuss but a fowl supperl well that s a dif ferent thing dozens of people sit docile even amiably awaiting the second or third table with no visible signs of impatience and then when they do arrive at the table they eat their meal happily but quickly to make rbom for the next battalion of hungry guests the meals of course are a sublet in them selves turkey is the favourite of late years brown well done and accompanied by fluffy dressing mashed potatoes turnips and peas salads and ellies are a must and what a colorful variety from which to choose then the platter cf turkey is passed once more symbolic of coun try hospitality it isn t essential that one have a second helping but it s pretty hard to resist if you have any rpom left you go on to pie any ariet ou care to name hot tea or coffee and onnt mes an apple to eat in the car on the way homo it is a terrific ob for he women who are augmenting the funds of thi r 50c lty in th s manner ind for the husb inds who arc occasion ally prlsstd into service but for thi r console tion it is vtry doubtful if then is my n cer more satisfying custom than the annual fowl supper are you interested we people on the north americ in continent tli nk we are pretty good our stindurd of liv n1 is high but so is the cost of liv ng we claim to be the upholders of demooac though many of us don t quite understand its true meaning we all claim to be christians unfortunately our ex lmple isn t the best tht democracy we uphold by all getting out and vot ing on elect on day is something many don t understand and consequently many don t bother to vote on election day it may be ra mng the snow may be deep there is too much work to do men fought for the privilege of voting and women screamed until tney were granted equal franchise now a 50 per cent registration for voting is good north americans went over to korea to show them our wonderful way of life and our won derful support of democracy but back in 1948 0 per cent of the south koreans registered 10 vote more downfalls of ways of life have been brought about from within a nation or empire than from without one of the most recent ex amples was the downfall of france in the last world war stalin and his reds are apparently the next outward threat but a itlll larger threat is the in ward complacency of the people that inhabit the democratic countries they teom numb to all the writings and talking of the newspaper maga zine and radio in elites close to this town knowrrcommun- ihiciwunlnnuctkmand pollalafgashara of votes france fell quickly in the last war and one of the reasons was the prewar public apathy that voted into office the undermining leaders on election day next thursday nov 22 get out and vol for the official you think best able to serve and follow his actions for the rest of the term to evaluate his ability vort as you twe but vott utov 22 knowing ourselves canadians know more about the united states than americans do about canada reports the canada u s committee on education but the ignorance on both sides is appalling in recent surveys canadian students includ ing those attending university were found to have only the sketchiest knowlodge of u s his tory and geography on the other side of tho border more than half those queried could not name the capital of canadoj nor any prominent canadian since the days of wolfe anctmohtcalm afcwthoughtthat mackenzie king was a hoc key player this stalo of affairs observes the financial post raises interesting questions about the edu cational facilities offered in canada and tho united states certainly our mutual ignorance of each other s country is a constant source of irrita tion to citizens on both sides of the border and it could become dangerous too when they go abroad canadians and amen cans never tire boasting to less fortunate peoples about how well we know each other and get along on this enlightened continent when com pared with others it is true our record has been qood but decidedly there is room for improve ment and the place for that improvement as this int committee suggests is in our schools and our press editorial notes the only difference well almost between new york and our own hometown is that we don t get a crick buildings our neck looking at the tall even life long liberals will be glad to be greeted on the front page of the star by the pic ture of someone other than the liberal leader in ontario according to an editorial in a neighbouring exchange ontario s population now 4 512 000 will reach 5 000 by 1961 this atom bomb power has certainly been taken seriously in that office two opportunities for citizenship within the next few weeks a vote on provincial affairs next thursday and a vo ce in municipal government the next week don t leave it for some other joe but look after the ob yourself two sets of brims rtducod the accident haz aid in the good old traffic diys points out the montreal gazetle the low rite wasn t only the result of low speeds two sets of brains were in cl irge cf every vehicle if the dr ver didn t have sense the horse did the consumption of intoxicat nq sp rits has tfdubled in cvudi s7nce pre w ir diys slates the fort ere lettor review beer consumpt on has tf pled stat st cs show that the rising cost of liv ing has had no effect on beer consumption which has shown a substantial increase since 1944 whiteer canadians may be going with out they are not going without their liquor one of the big troubles w th governments comments the sw ft current sun ed tonally is that they think they liii run your business and n fact your life more eff ciently than you can yourself governments hive not the divine r ght to regulate our lives and business and if the people didn t get up on their hind legs and pro test men in government would eventually want to regulate the way we brush our teeth the- midland free press resents the recent blowoffs on newspapers at canadian labor con ventions challenges them to do as newspapers do instead of having compulsory checkoffs made by the employers on your behalf under a year long contract why not sell your union ac tnities and your union leadership voluntarily with no strings attached like the editors and publishers sell their newspapers all tree b4irhiiiit whatever thlr name av in tvollrn oonommiiirn hi iiiihllr opinion anrl it li on fh qualltv of thu pritimi oiwiifrm that their pro jichft depends j n inuifii w the good old days may have seemed better back in 1901 f mm the issue of the frte press of thursday november 14 1001 hispiltr hni pavkl a by 1 iw to prohibit ixptctorntiiik on tht atdi wnlks or other spcoflid pi nets ac ton should follow luspt ler t x mnplo in this n spt ct with ulluht modification pirhiips but should add a rwnit st th it nil ladies d cird thi tnilinr skirls which nwclp up ho m my abominations md dts- i itt producing uerms anothir dlslu vdng thnoiink nc ndtnt octuirtl a thi fum of mr d cook nilllnifnd list thusduy fori noon jo tin ki ntnt r thnslur v us working ibout thi ihndits ls tht in u him u ls in motion v hi n his su i m i uikht m otu of tin whit is lthnin h fin i tutu it w is ft md thi poor ft mow would blitd to dt ith fortun it 1 thi flow of blood w ls stopptd md hi ilruluy dr ssid tin p unful wound which ritinrtd siii or i ijhl stiuht s i it tu ul us of i uniiiii h i how i tn ipproiiliid mis oivid mi koown sr who ls it pri si nt ns idinn with lu r cl nighti r mis john stiphrnson m un st dt it imuud tn kiu hi r grandi hildn n t ii il lowt i n tn it ln it itions w n st nt out md whin tin iveulnu ir- nid i w r out of hir 30 frw d- ihildrm w ls present mi c tot ton w ho h is bt on tu ki l ihi nt it tlu alton st ition m thi p lt i ir his bun mod to tin il1 nc it dinfu id ni ir london mr d mcbndc of br imp ton his btin ippointid to thi vie inc di ith mdid tlu mffmnl of mr robi rt sw irkhimmi r list fn di it w ls hoped for some turn hi w mid ntoir fioni his ti rnbh injuru s but thi shmk w is mon th inlhiiimstuulm srmd tht fuiuril from his fithirs hnm- 1 t ir i oru i s i in 4 i sqiii sin w p rh in tht liriit th it evi r cimo t mun chill nut r 0 r t un nu s j ithi n d it th r id in md h th tun th t n t r vs r id w i r u h d fiftv or tn u au i iddi d backjn 1931 h rom the isme of the tree press of thursday ntwimbtr 12 1031 tin first snow fill of 1011 can be ntordid in thi illsiriit us novnn hi r r tin hmkiv bovs hixi started in to truinlnr omnsn pn p iratory for tin inniinn snsuu trainer et- ilishili is pultinu thi boys through tin ir pacis mr nut mm c w hill of mini- km muh 111 uli i briif tail oi ai tou frii nils tin sd iv at i jt t torithir muting of tin nun tiuhirs of hilton count it thi hoiin of j a 1 mkh irt iluil uigton i lot d cumuli of mi n s 1idi i itiou w is formed aiiotlu r import mt th un i in bus un s wis in idt this wnk mr e i bur if wiiu h un on of mr md mis jihn bur of acon his ptinhimd tlu busiiu ss of th sin i nor ston tin ston h u bin ilos d this wnk fur i xtm im ihuims i- tu nils in tin honit town will i jl id to imiuirip mr bui buk mis birr md son will jom him in art on soon tin hurt i nth mi piorlil si r in on itviiu mbr inn div wis lirjlv itt ndrd tin town hill wis pick il to its npicit tht iddriss wis dt i iind bv hi p a siwcr i th marrii- o comioitt snydfrat tjin un jtid church ihrsnmc stone cruk on s iturtl i ortob r ti nil bv thi b v hinrv cotton mtrmt till snd r to hiihi rt alt in comfort of st anns ont u lo difd hoi mks at st joseph s tios pitil gin lph ontuesdiy no disabled earning living m r th in 1uhhhh1 d ibl i in n in i m n iri iru i lb i ilk m brit un t d in in nnimtl xiupitions thi iw th n in di pi ud in md s if ri sp ct t brit un s n hibilit iti in ind r st tlli nun progrim one i th mi ton s mil ri m irk ibl p iw ir hu t mt nts i inb 10 mil frnrm leon b i d i it i r ii holmi s ai ton rationing on way at th vtillrh diurt uf-thiiiiahe- aeism omtbff liinunagt m uiiwmt avnu iliuno w hv k a ourray ha bt mliiutor mlea o m ainpahl atom ortfkhlnt htiil ctuilr iailar navkmnktl tilth illlliluy hi html ik wnmlllu fl suntav 11 im urn ii ml iiiii miirnlii jut i if u flunk hull qiiijllilnx 7d0jim kvnnliu womhlj mm of tttf old hymn xnttnohrrun- nnckwnnd th iboautlful litouaht for 0t wk tliouih yue travil tliu wjrld ivir tn llnd thn thiailtlflll wa tnuat nrry ii with n nr wn find h imt kmiriiani vt jtvunni tt vitttn buekt to a lutm hunnay nov5lbcit 18th trinity xxvi 10 60 am sunday school 1100 a m holy communion iliklnnora clam 7 00 p m evening proyr a welcomr awaltj you jtrflilltrtait bliurrii itb bnh mnom iiiiaual arrn mkv utihtxt ii ahmimnnu m a mi mtnkur sowday novkmnmt uth i0s 11 novum jhiiniluy krhmil kndl illlil claw 1100 ii ill llnviwultir micliiiry ha 7 00 p in kvinliiif hi rvlr it 00- hi kvoiilniiaiuiilurylftiro nil bv ri 1 koyal wa uuimt nimhkir vlsllora am wrliomo qllyuiill aorotx mr n tl nhutcr studrht lostoir sunwav nrtvrttnen itnh 111 10 30 u hi sunday bhool 11j0 m the valth thl cormu hu rlkhteousneo 7 00 p m thu man urhn wreath- with ood widnrnday b p m irayar meal ing vrlilny- 1 un mlulnn hand 8 p in hvlu cancfllid thl wi ik xi tulny novemlwr 20 ii p m mimhiiiii clrclo mm couuon wi icome to all professional directory andtravetlers guide- mfdicai dr w g c kenney rhyalclan and hurfran offtci in synmn hlnrkr mill st acton offlcr ihonr 7 rmldrner hureb hi liana is dr d a garrett rliyalrlan and uurcron cornir of willow und illvi r 3u i- ntr inci hlvi r stu lt acton onlurio plione 3jr illntai dr a j buchanan lrttui surxron offici- i isliiiiiin iikik mill st ofllcl limns dam to 0 p in itay ti i hmoni- mb dr george a sirrs drntal surgeon mill st ititiiit litdirilk alioii oldci hours 0 00 am to 1 jo pin imjlliont id vithunauv b d young bvsc c l young d v aa veterinary hurgeona otflcl llrookvllu ontario phone milton 140r f g oakes v s b v sc veterinary burgeon office and iumikncc knox ave acton phone u0 ltual c f leatherland lurrlnter 4 solicitor votary iublle ouicl zi pjl i h 151 dmct chirnnint rii nin in thini- liki r friui rnlors c r rf i w u is ttir it nt i f r l i- pot th fin mi i il pi tli i n i short u f r b its nth nils in t i i p r in i ill iniiiiii in uli in rr 1 r in ill i li il of th m hut f i d t s iru mi s till li h i i ii i v i il i m s nl u c in i in h is i fl xi 1 il in k t mf i m 1 n th it of i i r i i i in i ri 1 wti r ih v r n 1 1 ovist rut if am n in w irntnus pr net i iill tn fnrc in o t i t in n r li th ci k ini 1 i 11 1 rniklnn cl rlsont is in h i iiiin nrs r f r r itors id ik ti vi old h pr due d lever 8 hoskin liarlerrd rrounlantm s u 1st jrnjllms m llltl i ill m tn 1 lit in midi v i i in i si lii ol hi iii mist ii i whils the victor b rumley funeral home funrril home heated mtutao i h in id nikht or d t s iin tli mi iiriitv tor 4 r ufa fhtatk and inbubanoat willoughby farm agency ijirumt and oldiht atfency id camilla hend office him nay st toraat phone emnlre 30804 ci oi ii town it pn m illative tom llewson ihone tlrorgrtawn j1jw wright real estate and insurance f i wuigiit n ii wmcjht 20 wlllur st ho macdonneust a ton ont ru lph onl ilioru ik plum 40i3w valuatara itealtor liuurar m ml r apprusil initltulo of mill i m nib is in lph nod mntrlct ii il fit 1 itoird m io is in lph mil omtrict in in tot at nts assoclutlon w uri ntly r pur hillnm of firm prop 1 1 from ill li j00 acre also null linliliiii from 1 to 13 r hi it andy frank as it miphi llvllle ihone milton 32art c h dyment raaltor ijj w ntorlh st s hamilton phoni 7u005 win r bracken ileal i late ftmhal ivhlilancl phon tb acton w h parkin floor handing and fieflalabtng ihoni 105bw oakville travellers guide cray coach lines sinn iir i imi 1 t his i i w atton t atttound 11 i ii ii ii jj am it i m l ii p in ijj i i i 1 in i i i i us vrtluund 1 1 tn 1 i i 2 1 pm i 7 m i i p ni 113s 1 i- i ii s n i kitchinar in k x pi s m 1 v ml holt sim in vm mil holt the acton free press th otilu paper eier publuhed in arloti pubhalnd i uh thursday ar mill si aclon ontario authorlird aa secanrf claaa mall poal office department ollaua g a dills publlaher member audi bureau cireuullon cwva anal ontarlaqaabec duialan c w ma advarilllna lalat an raquaj subscription in advance 1s0 in canada 3 00 in united states 6 months 1 50 single coptei 6e teuphones buiineu and editorial ohlea 174 rasldanoa 131 111 i akl u app ritm nl wm c milligan r o optomrtrlit is i t 3nl w dniidj of the in n h 2 p ni lo 0 m at mill st hindi nc of a t iirows canadian national railways sruiuiarl toil laatbound s 10 mi i w xi pi sun i i t m hi p m sunday i ti 0 i n i til m pt sun- i hi r c rt n i0j m li hi 1 i iuli 10 li ephead optometrist ey examlimd sctomiflcahy glasses fitted guelph s bi oaa pronk ua laaaillilm mym i i nil i i i ti i j ul fll 11 wrtthiund sulv j il mon ol iii sum and it mday 1 iii in dull ixcp sun k 411 in ii t p m flas 44 p i i iv wi pt sat s i i bin pm siturdav only p m siindiv iinli 0 43 am il p svmd y only i iyer al lph 01 pm your eyes oesctvi thi ust contult r m bell nmuwmrls

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