pack sec the acton free press acton ontario thursday november 18 1991 milton night school enrolment hli new high the rfesporuifi to the announce ment concerning the milton com munity night school has been nl- rnost overwhelming when the loctf planning commiltw met on tucj day evening of last week n total of 423 applications had been re ceived no iwr than nine of the fourteen counuui offered have been filled to overflowing no further applications have been nccepld since november 6th for the contra in clothing lcathcrcraw wood working and oil pointing on the other hand we understand that ad ditional applicants will be accepted in the following course farm buiinesr farm machinery drama and perhaps a few more can be squeezed in for the coume in crops soils and land use one hundred and tcventy nine ladies out of the 423 applicants ap plied for one of the four course in clothing consequently the planning committee with a t woodlcy os chairman and mrs m j brown as secretary have their work cut out if they arc p arrange the necessary accommodation and line up twelve qualified instructors in these four clothing courses it may also be of interest to our readers to learn thnt 68 have ap plied for instruction in leather- craft and so in oil pmntlng here again staff rmy be a limiting factor two course namely those in choral work and public speakinfi and current events have been can celled dtit to lick of n sufficient number of applicants we under stand how over thnt the junto farmers of hnlton are planning tn organize a chonl frroup following the conclusion of the night school it would appear thnt the new pavements in milton will roceiv a real test on the twelvp evening of the night school which opens on november 27th halton farmer enthusiastic on veterinary public health service a little over a year ago the hal- ton health unit set up n division of veterinary public health this filvium ui undm-4ho- dlrctup ervision of dr d v m d v p h dr mitchell is tention to milk supply diseases miisnble to mnn ns it effects the idents of hnlton w h mitchell in thin program giving special nt- production meat of animals trans- and food control health of the res- county unconventionalist in favor of litter in this day and age of great em phasis on sanitation and cleanliness it ma srem a little imprudent fo we hnvo been improved by the favorable renction on the pnrtjjof the milk producers in the county whose herds have been checked for mastitis the program for control of mastitis involves a cooperative effort on the part of the herd owner dr mitchell and the herd owners personal veterinarian the herd owners with whom we hnve discussed the matter nre delightcj with the results secured in short their mastitis headache has almost been eliminated this leads us to suggest that other herd ownen who arc having trouble with this disease and there nrent too mony who don t at some season of th year would be well advised to contact dr mitchell at the hnlton health unit inmilton tawhnt i extent this service can be extended iac are not qualified to even sug gest however wo do know thit mastitis docs cast the dairymen of hnlton a tremendous sum of money nnniiallv consequently if the ex perience of the nirymen with whom wc hne discussed the matter rep risents a fiir picture of the pos sible results which may be secured then it would seem folly not to make an effort to learn more abou the help and service which may be tivmlnblc through the veterinary public heilth division of the hal- ton health unit nnyortte to mgmt that considerable benefft can come of a foot or so of litter tnren though the suggest ion is aimed towards poultry but t m mclntyrc of the experiment al farm at nappan ns a hian who is recognized as an authority on the subject has advised poultry- men that a foot of litter on the henhouse floor is not only sanitary but has a definite nutritional vnluo fmhirmrdsairwehmrhmicity hos proof too the litter material used is not important but four to six inches must be added tostnrt with addlt- irios of frcih litter should be made from time to time ns this becomes caked or damp litter should lot be removed until eight to 12 inches arfc built up and six to eight in ches should always be loft for con tinuous use once established under good conditions says mr mclntyre built up litter can be maintained indefinitely the moisture is ab sorbed and the heat generated by the microorganisms helps keep the floor dry and the litter warm the microorganisms favoured by this method of litter management not only produce sbme valuable nutr ients in the litter such as vitamin d12 but also seem to have some this superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup sa1ada 0ban6e pekoe kent modrntfto with yotn want a fire proof wtl insulated house this tim and schelj materials provide the answer these highly adaptable products can be styled to whatever archi tectum i design you want the hollow core type of construction results in great economy as well as providing a home of enduring beauty you ii enioy more comfortable and healthful living in a schell built house order your materials now m si imitect- woodstock- ontario i camaciaff toys ttlu mouioiho amd u i li wo ik effect on the presence of harmful organisms in the litter in other words this builtup litter is not insanitary and if properly handled is beneficial to growing stock and laying heru stop and see us for- buicks vauxhalls gjmc trucks parts and accessories tires and batteries good selection of used cars complete service and repairs lome garner motors aden onl aaain st tel 452 2000 population maybe 35 million the other day wmu minister st laurent predicted that our pop ulation would be 33 millions before the crurorvcrauitho uncial post asked a group of prom inent canadians wjtnt they thought- most replies agreed tiut u wu added well have to work to get the new population many replies strew the need for a sustained in- telllgcrk and aggressive immigr ation policy few of the respondents see any difficulties ahead in absorbing new popujftiion housing a ml education needs are atrcsred by one another sees the progress of industrializ ation in canada as a determining factor several think the prime ministers prediction erred on the conservative side and see so million ns nearer the likely endof century population figure where will the new population go alberta and b c get the over whelming vote ontario and quebec nre also regarded as sure beta for new population a few cce oppor tunities expanding in the porth to attract now population lsnt it peculnr that the human brain begins to function from the moment you nre born improve as you prow older then stops com pletely when you stand up to talk laundry just cau zenith 13600 direct line no charge laundry services youll go in snow with sfaftfedf suregrips m wtiera the going is toughest goodyear studded sdregrlps will poll yoa through where other tires lip and clog let us equip your truck or car for positive trac tion in mud and snow deep strong studs set like tractor cleats bite deep take hold k you going in the bad road season without chains thompson motors iso mill strew phone- 9 ford monarchsales a service mr jack ridley mtona acton 251 goodotmnmft performance not promises is the keynote- progress is the goal of all progressive conservative policy 2000000 horsepower added to hydro output y transcanada highway under construction st lawrence power develop ment to commence si 50000000 extra for vast highway extensions 1jl50 new schools to ac commodate 150000 pupils v y 109 new hospitals or exten- sions provided y new farm markets developed v forest wealth preserved as part of vast conservation program 5100000000 in municipal grants to relieve local tax payer 85 of ontarios farms electrified premier leslie frost is the only provincial treasurer in ontarios history to introduce 8 consecutive balanced bugcts y yet ontario has the lowest provincial taxation in canada no sales tax no personal income lax ontarios credit has been kept bright and clean under progressive conservative management ensure continued good government s h a progressive conservative nov