Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1951, p. 1

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seventyseventh year no 22 acton ontario thursday december 6th 1951 ten home print pagosslx cents vote as you like- but vote monday fronrttrpftgeheditorial vote as you like but vote 1 monday is election day citizens of acton aro asked only to pot an x beside the candidates of their choice that x is not only a safeguard of freedom but a safety valve for efficient administration of a 200000 yearly business your business the towns business candidates interested in the efficient operation of the towns business have offered their services voluntarily in the jowns interest and in your interest the least you as a citizen of acton can do is register your choice by marking the required xs on the ballots we do not suggest the candidates you should vote for if you are interested in the handling of your taxes and tho care of your town you should be able to decide as mature citizens who is best capable to protect your interests and represent this progres sive community hundreds of dollars are involved in the settlements yet to be made on tho paving and sewerage construction contracts this is just one of the major problems that will confront the council of 1952 that sits around the towns table of administration elsewhere in this issue or on this page you will find a com plete list of candidates and also a list of voting places study these and be prepared on monday to exercise your franchise sensibly and in the best interests of acton electors in acton are being called on to elect a mayor from two candidates six councillors from eight candidates and one pub lic utilities commissioner from three candidates think of the qualifications and capabilities of each of these candidates before adding the mighty power of your x to his name only the x is valid on your ballot but it is symbolic of trust invested in the peoples of the free world for the continuation of freedom and tho efficient administration of government for your sake for the towns sake vote on monday be tween 9 am and 6 pm street addresses feature of new acton telephone directory indicative of tin- continuing growth f acton is the increase in the number of telephone director ies which were mailed to subscrib er here list veek approximately 885 pew director ies were required for homes iid business establishment- according u u g dillane bell tclcphon manager for thus region as comp ared with 7110 when the last direct ory was issued the new directory contain 20000 new and changed listings and a suf ficient quantity ol the new direct ories has been printed for all pre sent telephone subscribers and for the estimated number of new cu i turners during the next 12 months a new feature of the directory which will be appreciated by nil is the listing of subscribers ad dresses with street numbers up to the present this has not beer ayailable hut now the directory has added this new listing tt has meant much extra detail work in compiling but now established will be carried on new homes being letter to editor criticizes council on rate collection erected should therefore be sure of putting the street number on their dwelling in addition to acton the direct ory also contains listings for sub scribers in kitchenec waterloo call guelph elmira ayr hespel- er preston arthur elora fergus and several other nearby centres because of the many new and changed listings mr dillane urg ed subscribers to check any pers onal lists of telephone numbers against the numbers listed in the new book and to make any changes thit are necessary acton ont dec j 1051 kditor or the free press acton ontario hear mr kdior in thus weeks issue of the free fres- thi re is appearing the third consecutive weekly insertion of the sewer b law no tltj thus us the lust publication of a bylaw which should have been published in three consecutive issues of the f re press abou a year agi before the newer bylaw wi passed in this bylaw the citizens of acton may note paragraph i pro vide- that the town- may charge to the oh ner of the property in the form of taxes any overdue seer rates one hinders why the council has chven to spend the taxpayers moue in an effort to force pay ment of sewer rental charges by 1 cit7entenant of acton who deems himself not liable for the payment of these charges why did acton council not charge the amount in dupue against the property as provided in the bvlawt yours verv truly b d rachlin editors note the opinions ex pressed or implied in the above or any letters to the ldltor are not necessarily the opinions of the editor of the free press but entire ty the responsibility of the wrjter five take parts in study period 1 knox church pyps held their regular meeting on tuesday bee- ember 4 opening with the call to w orhip by douglas davidson ken mann read scripture and mr armstrong and douglas davidson led in prayer the study period u as on the lord builds his church and was in five parts with james greer elma bruce den davidson crawford dougla- and douglas davidson each giving a different part a short discuss ion period was held clarence coles then favored the society with two songs long long ago and grandfathers clock douglas davidson gave a short talk on how one py ps society builds up to the dominion of canada p y ps lrraine mulltn then plaed a very enjoyable piano solo moon winks and winter wonderland the reading of the secretarys report opened the business part of the meeting follow d by roll call at the next meeting dr seho- field will be the guest speaker christmas party follows meeting tli- tvniiu mrs a lone pro t l 5iviinbtr mittintf of tin jiuki of divpilsluri chapter i 0 k rl tudi yiviniiik dic- ilnnr 4th at the home of mrs geiirne sirrs mill st annual donations wore voted on ionie skuee of milton nave a very intiivstmi ilustratod address on hls trip abroad kollowini the rrimlar meetlnit the members enjoyed a christmas party candidates it monday election mayor one to be elected t salmon e tyler council six to be elected- m cunningham a fryer j greer a irwin c hognvnldson e taylor h thompson u wieck public utilities commissipn one to be elected e bllton c wood j t wnrc election monday december 10 polls will be open from 0 nm to c pm in view of the fact thnt 10 many ballots were spoiled in the inst municipal election we would point out that only nn x can be used to mnrk your ballot there will bo three ballots if you vote for more than the num ber to be elected in each case your ballot is not counted for instance if you vote for two names on the utilities commission the ballot is spoiled and uncounted you can not put more than one x opposite a name these remarks may to many seem unnecessary but every year many ballots are spoiled and uncounted pworm nomination meeting friday scene of heated verbal exchanges ward one all eligible south of mill st and east of john st vote in the coun cil chnmbors at the town hall vera in flies deputy returning of ficer ward two all elidible north of mill st and east of john st vote at the coun cil chambers in the town hall w coles deputy returning offic er ward three all elidible north of mill st and west of john st vote in the firemens room town hall an nie anderson deputy returning officer ward four all elidible south of mill st and west of john st vote at the brck room of the town hall harriot helwlg deputy returnlnd officer polls open from 0 am to 8 pm to bo elidible to vote a man or woman must appear on the as sessment roll ns either an owner or tenant of property to th value of 300 obituary mrs swackhamer dies at her home aside from cheese rats also en joy doukhnut3adpicssweetpot a toes and peanut butter the death occurred very sudden ly nn november ho of mrs stan ley swackhamer at her home 4th line erin township she was formerly gertrude viola agnew daughter or the late mr and mr david ajrniw she married stan ley 1 swackhamer on april 11 ihll and has lived all her married life around churchill mrs swackhamer is survived by besides her husband two son david of acton arthur at home and three daughters louise mrs f trebblei cjiioensville marg aret 1 mrs s hill acton and clara mrs iyle malolti ridge- tuwn town one sister mrs jean milne hntle alta also survives funeral scrvcies were held on monday december 1 with privae htvicc at the house and then to churchill united church services were conducted by the pastor rev gibb asmmcd by rev foreman a former pastor pallbearers were messrs artnur swackhamer harold griffen joh 1 untitle charles binnie archie kerr and itobet t warm- floral tributes were from the family mr and mr- c swack hamer and family mr and mis swackhamer leslu- and helen mr and mrs frank swackhamer rnd family ridgtown the malmt fanillv kidgettmn the mccoinlne family toronto corman engineer ing toronto churchill united church mr and mr freeman jones guelph greenock- womens instil ute flannockburn womens institute and the neighbors board receives inspectors report the acton public school board had the pleasure of a visit from j inspector l l skucc ba b j paed at their regular meeting in 1 the school at 730 on tuesday in spector rkuce made his inspection i of the school last week and his i fine report was presented j secretary w middleton reported receipt of f0 november nonres ident fees the liability insurance policy vx replaced by a new policy the premium being established on tlv number of rooms in the schools rather than on the number of pupil attendance a finance statement was present ed for the amount of li977 and wxs approved tin secretary was directed to assess nhhsd board slilft 112 being their cost of novem ber plant operation an account of 102223 was re ceived from the acton public ut ilities commission for cost of un derground electric cable an ac count of 393 3fi was also received from acton public utilities com- niissnn for cast of waterworks in stallation these accounts wen- handed to the finance committer secivury middleton reported to the board that the service charge of the 4 hiflowlowflow water- meter would be sstlgfi every two months the board approved the recom mendation that mrs jane gamble visit the porter plan class in georgetown where that plan is in its mtnnd year principal mckenzie reported that a representative from the depart ment of education had visited the school to introduce a vocational guidance record program the boa id approved the adoption and requisition for the necessary forms the b the mt sheep ho t catgut comes itirns of lean sis or mules from illfed mr and mrs s h lindsay celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary at their home on sunday when about 125 friends and relatives visited the couple to mark the pleasant occasion congratulations were received from their majesties the king and queen and the province of ontario mr and mrs lindsay re ceived thejrgueststhat arrived sunday afternoon and evening to extend congratulations reeve elect j s norrish was acclaimed to the position in nassagaweya last week four councillors j robertson j milne c thomson and a r service were elected in mon days election staff photo puc checks on valve operation nearly lfioo voters wilt in- eligible to vote for mayor six council lors nnd one public utilities commissioner in the municipal election to he held monday december 10 following the nomination meeting held on friday of inst week approximately 100 citizens nttended the nominations nnd nenrly 60 nominations were accepted for the 13 offices in the mayoralty contest are the present incumbent e tyler nnd a new candidate t rnlmon for the six council sents ftte following eight qualified c rngnvaldaon a irwin it thompson n curufinghnm i wieck e taylor j greer and a fryer in the enmpnign for the utilities commisliloner nre j t ware c wood nnd e bilton elected by acclamation were reeve j margrave deputybee ve j j stcwnrt nnd t hrce public school trustees j h creightop j w wolfe nnd t wntson those nominated who did not qualify for election in the following off icon were mayor e taylor c hnnsen b d rnchlin neeve e tnylor j j stewart b d bnchlin council c hansen e footht r collett t salmon g v nnrbeau d dnwkins j leishman c wmd a mercer w carnochnn deputy- reeve j greer n hurst j goy f dnwkins c hansen a fryer puc commissioner c hansen c hansen was appointed chair man for the citizens meeting that followed the close of nomination mayor tyler reported recent re ceipt of a letter from engineer b v anderson that the sewerage system would be in operation not later than january li 10t2 he i reported on the formation of an industrial committee and the work tlny had doin- in retaining one of actons large nidimi h- the mayor superintendent lambert ivpnrl- rd to the public utilities commis- mnri at their regular meeting that the valve springs weie not woi k- ing in the pumps at the sew igi pumping s at ion this matter is acton police get robbery suspect i 1 1 k 11 ii w tl hil li s u in sin llcl ll ar 111 ii inst ill iii hi 1s thi-si- li iv on y rl 1 ii h r 11 tin iiguieil supirinteiitient lambert repoiled thai a lireak had inen repaired an knox avenue the commits ton agreed tluil the aeeoimt submitted by them loan- thnny hufnagel should be assumed by the commission ls this wa thi agreement with mr hufnagel at the time the lot was purchased friimhiiu for the water source silt- the cr- water would be residence aeon ilovinc stuart andeioi sunday uiorniuj by giniph poll wtih an attempt the office of it al police captured of toronto eaily who was wanted e in connection d safe cracking in o barber ltd ement wls installed u that hia superintended mason reported that the hydro inspectnr had given permission for two services to be installed at the anglican church and parish hall this enables the church to enjoy the special rate for power used in a church notification was received ffjni the ilkpc inspection deparv- merit that 48 meters would have to be inspected before the yetirs end the oil switch has arrived to be j installed at the well property mayor tyler l- to take up with i council the removal of a tree on mill street cist so the power line j can be extended towards act on blvd the following accouhts were iassed for payment hydro eiils howard supp 0 8ft northern elec supp 115 10 ii kpc of ont power bill 7f17l acton free press supp 50 08 ttimmy green supp 7 50 d h howden supp 0715 mlusco elec supp 17 18 sangamo supp 83 fi- macdoiuild elec supp lflfit gen elec mipp 3704 ils it kearney supp in 50 rec gert meter inspect 250 petty caffi express and transport 20 59 guelph a few hours earlier the suspect had ordered a t taxi to toronto and was enroute when the acton police slopped the car an descorted the- two to the loca headquarter at gunpoint without cash the suspect offer ed the guelph cab driver his wrist watch as security for the trip to toronto he said he had come to town 1 guelph with some other fellows to me their girls and had been stranded without means of transportation to get home a guelph police cruiser returned he taxi passenger to guelph j robertson heads nassagaweya poll j robertson headed the polls when nassagnweya electors voted on four councillors on monday of this week approximately 300 el ectors cast votes those elected to council are j robertson j milne c thomson and a r service g robertson was the fifth candidate separated from the fourth by two votes following are the results releas ed by township clerk l mcmillan wards total 1 j milne 37 58 g robertson 48 49 j robertson 67 92 a r service 00 48 c thomson 27 77 j s norrish was acclaimed reeve of the township at the nomination meeting 3 113 65 84 47 03 wafer b d rachlin standard chemical acton free press canadian brass 8002 nn 9 85 14 80 13 48 228 58 newspapers- selling for apiece a ere originated in in the 1830rt a nliiny knghni treasurer resigns in nassagaweya 26651 those present at the meeting were mayor e tyler nnd commts- treasurer for more than 27 years nassagaweya townitrip council acepted with regret the resignat ion of j w moffat township j t ware with arthur presiding more than 7000 varieties of apples have been recorded in can ada and the united states r mac- at their regular meeting in the township hall this week 1 mr moffats resignation was necessitated by ill health members of councjl expressed their regret at thesuhmlsslan of the resignation of such a faithful mployee also pointed out the expansion of office space thnt would soon be necessnry for acton reeve ilargrnve of the finance committee unid tho deficit at the yenr end was due mainly to extra work on road paving nnd downtown iiidewnlkn deputy reeve j j stewart of the road committee reported on the application of crushed stone nnd oil on the ronds he pointed to tho subsidy thnt was yet due from the government on the road expendi tures councillor k taylor chairman of the parks fire and public build ings committee reported a hectic year miss taylor reported the addition of the new fire truck she commented its a pretty poor town hall but there isnt much we can flu about it in paying tribute to the senior members of council foi accepting the criticism and giv ing excellent guidance she com mented that she felt the present council had been the most highly i ensund because they accomplish ed more ir f g oake chairman of the public school hoard reported on the prokn s of the new building although the ouswh- 11 prttv well fim hd there ate floor partitions win n plumbing and carpentering on the inidc to comphu the chairman reported the purchase of flfiitonil pi 1 v ground area it mararthur chairman of the public utilities coinmi- ion report er 07000 of fowrr purchaed lat year and 75 000 thi year mr macarhur said lfi000 000 gallons of water had been ued and 4000 feet of copper wire installed in ervirrs i yuimghlut chairman of tin cemetery board reported hie- smallest budget of any town group he pointed out that madhadbetn reptnd m th mtt4rythisvcar torn jones commended the cnuii cil nn oiling ihf roads this year i think its a worthwhile -xpendi- 1 lure mr jones said 1 ii d hachlm reviewed the ever bylaw and the exceptions ii dron had taken to the rate true tun- that was recently re affirmed by the municipal board he suggested that mr dron was getting no benefit from thr sewer i and enuldn t mm- whv he should piy i might liave been vrong biit no nn- can dinv rne the right to siipunrt the man mr rachlin commented one of the eouncillprs told ni i would never get any coiperatnn frrru council as long as i mtnporp d herb limn what kind of nhology is thi- mr rachlin uu tinned in hs 1 eview he vaid two letter- i from he board urged a change in i the bylaw in spite of all tnat 1 tin- cae was heard before the mun icipal board and thrown out i dont know what happened he 1 exclaimed mr rachlin alo referred to the location of a light standard on a piece of property that in claimed to own he suggested that when a man approaches council he ihuuld be given a fair hearing council has alwavs been a thank leai job i jus did what i thought was right he said o stapleton interrupted to sug gest that the sewerage system was a public project and everyone should pav their way j mavr tyler suggsted that the people knew how the system was going to be paid for when it was put in he reminded that the let ters- mr rachlin referred to came from members of the municipal board not from the board itself tho mayor also said that the pos ition of the light standard alleged to be on mr rachllns propertv would be considered if and when he builds he challenged mr rach lin to repeat the statement he made before a number ofcounclllors ot continued on pap rive

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