Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1951, p. 2

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page two the acton free press acton ontario tiiuiisday december 6th 1051 o easiest and best the nbxt fow weeks will be busy with the christmas shoppingtho timo when most folks spend a good deal of thought about the pur chasos they make to please the ones thoy love a time when many grootings of good will are ex changod between friends its truly remarkable what a busy time is croated oach year by fins ex- change of g will i grows and grows and someday it may encompass the whole world and spread throughout the whole year but these are shopping days the bigger tire ccntros the more turmoil there seems to be in getting the shopping done if you would make your shopping simple and loss tiring the place to do it is in your own community in the stores where the merchant knows you and can bo help ful in showing his stock in the homo town you wont be rushed from floor to floor the crowd will be moderate at this time of year and you ii receive personal attention for value and selection these days you ii find it hard to do better than right in your home town city stores have higher overhead and can offer you no better selection than you will securo right here count up your travel costs and other expenses and the wear and tear on yourself and youll be money in pocket by doing your christmas shopping right now and right at home it troubled solomon too it may not be much comfort but dr f cyril james principal and vicechancellor of mcgill university and a noted economist reminds us that mankinds present struggles with the prob lem of inflation arent exactly an innovation in a speech recently before the canadian chamber of commerce at quebec city ho point ed out that the full story of inflation both in re gard to its value as an economic stimulus and to ihi nauseous aftermath extends back across all the pages of history- stretching our minds back to that great solomon whose wisdom has become proverbial wherever the bible is read the record clearly indicates the extent to which the prosperity of israel during his reign was due to the inflationary stimulus provided by the loans from hiram king of tyre towards financing the rebuilding of jerusalem including the great temple and the extensive public works throughout the kingdom of israel there was no cost of living indices at that time but the chronicler is clearly descriptive even poetic when he suggests that towards the end of solomon s reign silver was no more es teemed than stones in jerusalem the value of money had fallen sharply and as you remember solomon s successor rehaboam was confronted with the sharp problems of a business crisis and depression so serious that it split the kingdom and precipitated civil war no one added dr james significantly men tions rehaboam as being a popular king finan cial post a wet win pee county has at last repealed the canadian temperance act by a niaonty of 2 597 less than 50 per cent of the voters of that county registered their vote on the question in 1917 the act was upheld by a maonty of 557 news papepheadings following the voting gave the in ference that the vote was a victory for the wets vvhich could scarcely be a correct interpretation the canada temperance act has been an orphan piece of legislation for some years it appears that at one time the dominion act gov erned the administration of the sale of intoxicat ing beverages for many years the provinces have set up lavs governing the sale of liquor it was common knowledge that the provisions of the canada temperance act were difficult to ad minister and were therefore very loosely en forced they conflicted badly vvith the provincial laws and there has been a tendency to scrap the canada temperance act now peel county will come under the same laws as most other counties in the province manitoulin island rconllv voted repeal jlso ot the cta many sections of the county ire si ii under local option and fuither voting will be necessary to clear the w i before peel v i le as wet as the rem of ontario it is doulmf ul if the u e is c h jim iml v inq in peel counts ab in ind iit on ot i it ler n approval ot the u dc i o sir i i i on i id s t ot in to meat ng umi klib the re r l eu i lit province pelhips vou llevel no u j lis b j r gone is ine one cent post ige si i ip ir vvpnt carry a postcard a christmas cud or i mvss paper anvmore the one center vvhen wis so piohficashor tmie ago i now ony of value tc the stamp collector regulating regulations in those days of regulation of buslnoss wo find much confusion and a groat neod for dofin ing laws the following item from the municipal world offers some recommendations that seem reasonable in the matter of storo hours and tho classification of various businesses because many merchants aro fhese days selling various linos of m lit tho same store a grocer for example may bo oporating a lunch counter in connection with his business it is frequently n problem for business tax purposes to determine usl what class of business such merchant is carrying on the same problom often arises in connec tion with by laws which require shops of a cer tain class to close on a certain half day or be tween certain hours both of these problems could bo solved if after due enquiry the assessor in assessing such persons was required by a statutory amendment to the assessment act to specify in his business assessment of such persons what class of busi ness is being carried on and whoro more than one class what is the preponderating business if the statute wont on to provide that the class or preponderating class of business for which such person was so assessed as shown on tho last ro- vised assessment roll would bo deemed final and binding for all municipal business tax and closing by law purposes during the year for which the assessment was made then the class of business would be defimjolysettled for business tax and closing bylayv purposes and the present difficulties removed persons so assessed would suffer no injus tice as they would hive a right of appeal against this part of their assessment the same as they have with respect fo other particulars the present situation would be further im proved for business assessment and closing by law purposes if the legislature were to specify by name the classes of business which would be recognized for such purposes royal tour returns the royal tour has served a double purpose strengthening the devotion of canada to the royal family and deepening the gratitude of britain to canada reports the financial posts london correspondent in fact canada is now enoying what is cal led a good press in england the old boast that was heard 52 years ago that the soth century belongs to canada is now being heard again young people all over britain are casting thejir imagination in canada direction and if the currency and shipping problems could be solved there would be a mighty flow of vigorous british people to canadian shores the good old days may have seemed better back in 1901 from the issue of the free prew of thursday december 5th 1001 editorial notes it ofltn happens that men who talk too muci think too little these are da s to slow up irvyour driving remember stops can t be made as promptly as when pavements were dry those centre white lines on the highways are blessed many a time by motorists who have been on the highways with ine heavy fogs of the past week looks as if there would be a plentiful supply of all the things usually offered for christmas trade shortages hive been largely overcome but it s best to shop early farmers hereabout wore plowing on monday at tho meeting ot the farmers institutes last week the secretary j l warren outlined the haltin institute as the most prorrcssive in tho province havina 200 members more than any other john e connor a blacksmith at west superior wis has beffun suit in the canadian courts nfiainst the canadian rovernment to recover an estate valued at over 3000000 the estate comprises the site of the city of guelph rev g a gillett who has been ministering to tho con j regit ion ot tho disciples church hero the past month was lut sund ly morning at a congrcrntional meeting ui- inimousl cslled to continue in the pimonteof that church tho m inn for robbing ce 11 u s uhich rns hot n so prtvaknt n sonu seetions thus fill is rt ichi d this inmt one night hst week i the ctllir of mr joel listu fi i u i ct ircd so effectively of thing i eriibk tint tho fimilv hid to foi igi i imong tho neighbors for sormthinf to e it for bre ikf lst on thinks- gi ing morning a couple of me n enteral the cthir of mr thnm is flluitt homo on the second lino b sm ihing the lock on the out side ce 11 ir e ntronue ind we u biml injaiidiii fillingabagii ilh unking fruit bu tor etc when i timpli of un folks of tho horn u tin ind in i n itte ndmg tho vvid- ding of mis- mirgmt wildu ind mr mitthitt lob jr found hem ttit rt tht hem hold wis it onto il irnii d met pnx i i de d to corr i tilt thuvis mr flhott hit nno of the nun ls hi i is t mi runic fr ii hi ct 11 ir ind brnki i chiir ovt his 1 u k but in gnt lv i tin v linked thim b nn ins nf n light snnu u hit h h id f iln n into i v on s tin h u he rr wnodruttt rs ir v wink ind thi n tht tr nl dis ipp ir- ed it v is found th it tho dispie- ibli hoiiii bre tki rs hid bi t n in dublin school f urn ict rnqm during tht nitfli 1 the bijou comid compnnv hive bun plivmt to fur r rowel in tin i town hill the 1 lst throe evenings back in 1931 from the issue of the free press of thursday december 3rd 1931 and now the hockey season with its attractions is with us election for reeve and coun cillors will be on monday with geo barber and c m hansen contesting the recveship and geo cowie j f davidson evan jones wm d macarthur and john nicol for council for the first time in many yam the lome rifles formerly kntfwn as tho halton rifles held a church parade in oakvillc tuesday evening was ladies night nt tho acton canadian legion and a mast enjoyable evening was spent in progressive euchre acton lexst tho ftrst hoekoy game by 73 when they pliytd in gnlt with tho gilt intormldiatt s for tlil local btivs it wii tho first turn on skitts this year dim wllldeksmn at newmarkt liospitil as tho n mill of in u cidtnt on thuisdn nnvtmbir kith 1011 john wildiispin hi loved husbind of ah in i allen in his hid i ir the roads which were such a contentious is sue in last years municipal affairs ust had pas sing attention in tnis years problems what a ditftrence a few months can make in the outlook and the problems agriculture and tourism hiv miu h ui common suenv of i it i depends on good vw iln r ind n individuil tnerpnse b individi il epe rators list m ir cimdiins piid lgfil ofioooo b direct tixts mil 2n 101 021 in indirect imposts at th mltttfb mijurrli uf unrtnha action ontario x a rmttknofyrilmltch itrv k a murrey ma iii mlnlator llimniiuui mi itiiwit aveniiii iim n fit ml m ijntlrd aturl oruunlut finil llinlr lender sunday iii imiikil lltli hill i mm ii in siimiiiy h hiioi ii ml u iii mm nil i win lili ny- iilvt snnilii siiiiji i i iii sup- rt mi it 111111111 iiniiinilliil at jllttliiil v im1 pin lvtiilili w ii i a ii i p tlirlitnii tiynwii an lllli t- intiil film iilrlji nf utlii r yi nm i mi mnrli i ifyinlui iinrl itiil ill ml tllr r i i i ii miniitit or tllr wi rk it in lilchly irmv nlint to to hi vi in tlw infinite in riy nf gurl wh n vmi fill tin mill if mi rry iml rt mi mhi r iilui iii i inflnlti jin- tlti hi ii lluyiliin llrrnbtttrrlan dljurrti i cbuiiahs knilx flllkoi aiitikn likv liiikitt ii iakmhtrono imiiikitt ii m a b l mlnulor t albutid clurrl ialillui llilui luv w ij limuili ba sunday dkctmiii ii mil llll ailvi nl 2 fltki i m ilnly ciiiiiniinlnn 1110 i m sundiiy schnri 1101 n m iii kiiiiii ni ciih1 7 00 pm lvinltin jrij r on- luiliri by hi v w a hunt n ctor uf st 1itrliki church gui iph a welcome awalls you sunday dkcktvtnkil lltli ifisl 1000 n m kunrlny kehunl nnd ilihle climn ii ml nm dlvlru wnrililp 7iki p m kvinlnk s rvli vliltnri nre wi 1 nine 7 lie fnril i mnr unto nil thm that i rill upimliin vupllut cliirrli afrov doiiuiii h stillti r lull rim pnfllnr sunday dff kmi1i ii nth llll 10 10 ii m sund ly sr liool 11 10 n in- whit i i in l thlrle callrrl ssln 7 00 pin dmiik tin wnmi tiiiiikji fi hi ktilit knuiini ii 10 im ii y i tl rinnlde in i nrir twn it iptlit hurill rrldiy ijiiimhir 7 i p rn mw- iin itinrl ii pin nipluit world ami inc wimnj uny of jr lyi r wiilm d iy- ii urn ir ly r m t- lnk welcome to all tlijn in 221 ti idlirt of u in ounadn professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney phylclmn nd burrton office in symon block mill st acton office phone ib reildenee church st phone im dr d a garrett physician amuiarfton corner of willow nnd river su entrance river street acton ontario phone 218 dental dr a j buchanan dental burieon office l ishm in niock mill si office houri ii am to 6 p in x hay tflliiionc 148 heal estate and in8ubanc willoughby farm agency lariteil and oldeit agency in canada head office 338 bay st toronto phone empire 30804 georuetown kepretentatlve tom hewun phone gearfetown ss2w wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wiugbt 20 wilbur st 09 macdonneu8c acton ont guelph ont phone 05 ihone 4d15w valuator rraltora buurora mi nib r alpraiuil institute of c an ija mmiliiis in iph ind district it il r t iti board mi ml r ii ipti and district insiuaiici aiinl association dr george a sirrs orntal surjepn mill st coinci fredenck actun olficl hours 100 om to s jo pm illmliom- i i vjttuisauv coat tail control warning is given in thco dis of steiddv grow- mj t iitnn intl rrtjw in t n u 1- onco on roornmont to do things u nnce did nurse je it 11 kood to hup i shirp wimin as to uhert hils e lsy rourst nnv nd tho finiiicnl post points 1 11 th it u unini nmo from j conld cod ie prcidtn of th tirorlo noird of trade in in iddit ss this week j scirctlv a week pis- 1 1 hi jninttd out without omt proin or 1 tion pn smnj nm ir otln r of our rournminls to tmdrtil o som m v proji ct for pirdln public minnim s or to cmhu t upon me form of pi 1 rmllsm if vt ire reilh sinrero in pro- sirlrir tho pnnriplos of fr ont- r rpruse is uell as pi rsnml frei diim its if the n as mr go lino w irns ui should not be devlop- mtf stitt control bv tho bickdon- mi ihoti of catching hold jf tho en it i nl- nf rovi rnment ovorvtime vt t int somi thinj ins oad of finding for oursoloi b d younq b vsc c l young dvm e ti rlnary surrums office hiiiitlvih ont 1110 ihnni milton 1 drl f g oakes v s b v sc i trrmar surgeon ollict ind usitlenct knx avt at ton ihtne i h we urj ntl r juin listings of firm pruj rt from i to j00 acre also mill h ildink from 1 to 25 1 re ceint ilt andy frank a 1 1 it 1 c tmpbt jlvillo t iliunr milton 325r2 c h dyaaent 1 realtor i ijj nt ti st s hamilton 1h n 7kjii win r brocen krj hstitr ci m ual inslkncr i hi in t acton 1fcal c f leatherland ilarrlstrr 4 solirltur notary public offltl j2 ph iii ilea 1 1 acton lever hoskin hartrrrd acrountanti siilti sors n jinkins am 1iahdv i jus me liopolltan hldr it vilton 1 st tomnto ml 911 1 miscillanious p ni tnl it ts 1 it in travellers guide gray coach lines sunt t ir t 1 ime llts itwt acton 1 asihuuntt i 1 in i 1 rn 11 23 a m pi 1 nt p m ij p m l tlii 1 in wrtttiound 1 1 n 12 2 p tn 2 37 p m i in 7 27 p rn 9 13 p rn 11m 112 1 ni 1s111 to kitcheocv dulv ixtipt sunday and holi- sdinili sunday and holl no nutter what your choice its the duty of 1 very rjtepjyer of acton to get out and vote on monday nt xt give your tjndidates your sup port and do your share in securing good munici pjl administration its our money that will be sf ent n nt xt eus public officials oniy hen cititns are awve of the fact thil the personally have to pay for the cost of i oovtrnment and qo trnmental services do they t 1 t tin tn t y ptrsonall hjve rcsponsib i ly 1 stt nq to t tn it government ib opt rati ti t f f entl how mechanized c in wo get we re id re lnt of c father who had difficulty getting the f ivounte bedtime storits right he recorded tlie favourites on a tape recorder and now sits on the bed while tney are played back the kids hove told htm several times hts presence ts not neces sary m 1 the acton free press onlu paper fier puhltiluif in auv publish d lilii thursday at id mill si ii 1 onlal 10 authurlitil as strand lju mall voi offlrr ilrpartmrnt ottaua a dilis publishir tli inhrr udlt iturrau c irruullon n v and flnuria qurhrr duiklon una advertising rate on requett subscription in advance 2 so in canada 3 50 in united states 6 months si 50 single copus 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131 the victor b rumiey funeral home funrril hom llratrtl amhuune ill in j0 niki r s tmiik tin ii iiiiiiiiiu fur ii la uf mck 1 by aio ii 1 1 ii nl 1 v iii ik 1 wm milligan r o ft optomrlrui fs ml lnl wdn sd il thi- ii 11 ii j p 111 11 i i 1 mill st lt ih net if 1 i1iiown ii a l i s i i 1 i i a canadian national railways standard time kt bound 1 1 i 40 i in ij dlv e xttpt slul- 1 i 4 i iii 7 10 ji in sunday i it u i in i ill v i xte pt sun- di hr it cikrkt ttwn u02 urn 1iu r- s r it cjenrji tein 10 it rthound s inel iy aiul mon- i in sunel iy and monday iti mi doilv cxctit sun- i tuo ym flatf 44 n li ly ixniit sdt b ii i s itunlv only s it nnlv 041 um einlv flyer lit moore rocher painting and decorating contractors phone 299w or 27sj acton oitomituiht 7j sr llllllll s scjuake fl h ill comiltlk emsioih shivicb

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