Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1951, p. 5

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thursday december oth 1ss1 shyer star awarded nephew of mr and mrs j b cha1mers word hna been received by mr and mi j b chalmers that their nephew set john t fredrick of brethcrcn michigan bal been awarded the sliver star for gal lantry in action according to the bulletin receiv ed by bis parent sgt fredrlcks displayed gallantry in action against an armed enemy in the vicinity of yongsan korea pol- lowing a mortar duel the enemy delivered a heavy barrage and nt- tacked sgt fredrick led the bv cdroitm oejcea one sure sign of christmas ap peared at the school when mr rob- bins posted the examination time table on the bulletin board x dont think many of tho students had realized just how close the rxnmlnntion1 were headquarters personhenri a horcet at j w counter attack and fearlessly ex- posed himself while directing the enemy fire of his unit the en emy withdrew and at dawn sgt fredrlcks led a patrol into a near by village and captured three en emy soldiers including an officer saccharin tar is derived from coal poem december is hero the weather is colder the- northwest wind is ficttlntf bolder to enrry pnrcels more nnd more swrnr nothing but n heavy chore so leave them in nt 0 main south no need to cet down in the mouth our delivery service is safe and sure the driver will take them to your door it costs so little and means so much to take advantage of our truck the sixe of the load decides the rate but its always fair at one two eight not be- until j after christmas because the stud ent council has had quite a lot of trouble to get the town hall however the at home will be early in january the students have been divided into five sections and each group is expected to put on a literary program before june the five headings are rndio music dramn sports nnd miscellaneous the music group is putting on the pro gram for the christmas party on december 21 santa claus will be at the party and the students are going to pick names forchristmns presents this week some time these presents are not to cost more than 50 cents and will be put under the chrlstmns tree j were sorry to know that miss harris is sick and may have the mumps no one is sure yet and we all wish her a speedy recovery roys taxi phone no acton at e phead optometrist eyt examined scinhfically glasses fitted guelph ss 8t gerra 8j phone 15 evufccd u tun shorthanded literally as crippled staff gets out the papers shorthanded is an expression oft times used when members of a group arc not all on the job this week it came literally to our office staff it started on saturday when dave dills fell from the back of a truck collecting paper for the ac ton scouts the rope holding the load broke and in his fall to the ground he suffered an injury to his wrist which has had him with his right arm in a sling ever since jim greer had the thumb of his left hand treated for removal of n felon and part of the nail had to be removed its getting along all right but he found it difficult composing type and carrying on his work to top it all george ware an other member of the staff had the end of his thumb come in contact with a metal saw which put him on the shorthanded list but every one of them kept on the job and theyve been as busy as onehanded printers could be every day to as sure your paper getting out on time and the twohanded mem bers of the staff turned in to make up for the onchanders we encoun- tcrqd meeting party are baptist features the november meeting of the mission circle of the aclon baptist church watf held at the home of mrs 1 coufeon on tuesday even ing november 20 1051 mrs helen mccutchoon was in charge of the meeting following the devotional period the ft resident mrs s crlpps con ducted a short btulnc session plans were made for the annual christmas party to be held early in december the members wera urged to attend the baptist world allinncezjwtemenff- dayofprtiygjl to be held in the church mrs lome garner spoke bas ing her remarks on genesis 24 members enjoyed a biblical con test after which they enjoyed a delightful lunch served by the committee in charge the christmas party of the bap tist mission circle was held tues day evening at the home of the president mrs s cripps mm l garner led in the singing of favor ite christmas carols with ethel franklin ot the piano mrs landsborough was in charge of the devotional the christmas story as found in luke 2 was read in unison and was followed by prayer led by mrs d dunk the president conducted the business during which time she told of at tending the presidents conference held in kitchener mrs lyal mc- cutcheon was appointed secretary to fill the vacancy left when mrs boyd moved to toronto mrs mccutchoon read a most interesting letter received from mr and mrs bob sweet hazel con nor who are missionaries in french equatorial africa mrs j chapman read a report of the work done by miss kay ford in norfolk county amongst new canadians special interest in miss fords work is maintained by the group since the christmas gifts of the circle and the sunday school white gifts arc forwarded to her mrs g wagner distributed the girts and a happy time was spent as each gift was unwrapped and admired the committee in charge served a lunch and a period of fellowship was enjoyed over the tea cups mrs garner expressed the appreciation of the group to the hostess for a pleasant evening acton home and sch asso christmas social wednesday december 12 acton ymca 815 pm come nd enjoy a fine program of entertainment and refreshment 10c collection to the voters of acton if you foal that my experience in council and alto my 25 year of experience in the alec- trical field in an administrative capacity would bahar anabla m to tarvo at your ra- prtonttiv on in public utilities i would appreciate your vote and influence charles e wood election results in municipalities i nassagaweya council 4 elected j robert son 243 j milne 208 c thomson 197 a r service 104 g robert son 102 bronte money bylaw for 200000 water system yes 152 no 51 to join ontario hydro system yes 185 no 19 oakville reeve edward lauder 022 howard litchfield 748 depirtyreevelachlari mac- arhur 915 ross m gibson 752 council 4 elected ralph walccly 095 william anderson sr 003 howard caine 837 ernest sa vin 834 thomas lindsay 788 george davis 730 w s thomson 710 atholl blair 597 timothy rocers 529 eljtin bonus 407 town manager for i091 akninst 568 bylaw prantinjj 10 year bus franchise for 1394 against 205 nelson reeve geo w thorpe 002 c l s palmer 894 deputy reeve fred b walker 896 russell smale 847 council 3 elected john at kinson 932 wm r hume 602 wm green 851 g e brenholtz 726 john gladwin 534 school trustees i2 elected j c mckinnnn 1004 r c wll- lianuim 713 m hood 767 trafalgar reeve w ii bigiur 477 j m wiksntv 997 deputy-reeve- e f ford by 4cimaiin council 3 elected r c a cumberland mlfi e c pullen 534 r marshall 756 drh pope 496 v c stark 678 j d ross 450 school board h elected hrvnrdi 517 eves 256 helmer 593 pounding the sports beat with a vengeance ceorgrtown raihekli have cnknkd jack kcntner better known an danii to coach tho team in the intermediate b circuit with bridueport wnlkcrton hes- pcler nnd elmira the raiders have found tho loop a hard nut to crack ns the loss of the first foir kamorwnum ind its not- the professional touch gives baxters win in the most professional like gnmc to date baxters fast played tpa 42 win over georgetown businessmen in the regular mon day ovenlntf gama in goortfotown aronn the heavy game saw a trio of penalties meted out ttt ac ton plnyern one to zajac for rouuhliik to jordnn for tripping and to evcrdell for jtlnshlne the four ronls were credited to mcphnil from znjac stewart from duval somorville from stewart and marshall and jordan from al- first time ho has eonthed a gcorh town intermediate team several years nun before the last bin fuss he was approached to coach george town in a plqynff series with ac ton danr instructed the pa per makers as they were known then to line up at the blue line nnd break up the then feared tanner passing came with heavy checks the system didnt make tor flood hockey from a spectators point of view but it was effective georce- town nearly upset the vaunted tan ners in that series acton won but it has been said since if tho georje- town team had of stuck explicitly to their instructions they would have won hands down and acton would have been faced with the enigma of a man from acton beat ing his own team an unheard of situation it would take more than this space to tell some of danes hockey exploits he broke into pro ranks at an early are with the quebec aces then n bonafide pro fessional team he did stints with various other teams but it was his years with windsor that fired the countrys sport headlines an old saw prevalent around acton is that there is more hockey in jack kcnt ner than in any man around this neck of the woods fans in these parts wont ever forget the playoff series with preston in 1048 danr well over 40 at the time went out to help the tanners on defense he had played only a few names dur ing the schedule and by the time the tanners went into the int b playdowns he was just beginning to get into shape the first game of the series was played in the new water loo arena a special tropin left acton filled with rabid boosters the year previous preston had won the int b championship and still had the nucleus of that club in uni form in the first period of the game preston outplayed the tan ners by a wide margin notching a goal to boot we happened to be in the press box after the first per iod and it was the opinion of the occupants who included several veteran hockey writers from kit chenerwaterloo gait and preston that preston had a better team than acton they had however reckon ed without dang in the second period the tanners came out like a house on fire and t rented the fans to one of the best exhibitions of amateur hockey it has ever been hit plenhtnt of this- scribe to see led by jack dang kentner the tannerc formed up in three man rushes using the pretty little short pass seen in the old days and ham mered out an d1 win the boys in the press box were astonished es pectally the kitchener- waterloo editor who had seen jack kentner ply with windsor 20 years before off tiif cuff harold townsley whomwi- reported in washing ton inst week is home again and now with milton coops in the int a series our mistake when we said the town fathers haddont nothing about ice in the arena they had some ice there but its gone now baxters are expected to be ensconced on top of the in dust rial league in georgetown be fore christmas if they continue their present pace monday they walked off with a 4j win pair wed in 1891 honored by neighbours friends worlds greatest hearing scientists new discovery so no receiver button in ear or djngling cords the electronic hearing brain after 50 years of research its here now hard of hearng and all hearing aid users have the greatest treat of their lite to look forward lo ah sounds you have lost you will again hear tor tlie asking- wnle for free booklet annual municipal dinner held saturday night at hawthorne farm 1 m un- 11 vt ut litis tin- v r tin fl hit fr nei and friends gathered a the home of mr and mrs s h lindsay sixth line esqiusing fri day evening to honor them on their diamond wedding annivers ary progressive euohre was played harding price spoke a few wordj and then mus emma cole pros ntcd mrs llndsay with a neck luf pin and car ring set and i up and saucer mr lindsay wm presented with an initial tie bar rid cuff hnki to match and a cup and saucer by howard prlcv the pair were married on ivember 2 1891 a lunch wv frvrd to conclude the enjvtble- evening lerrtmd master next week baxter the series champions lait year will play smith and stone lust sensons lro phy champions in the expected highlight gnmc of the first round warm nomination meeting friday continued rom page one the past office one morning that is what council holcii against you the mayor said following declarations from can didates mr nachlln rose to repeat the statement he was not sure of the exact words and miss taylor repeated the remark alleged to have been made by mr ilachlln ad youve already killed one man in acton this remark apparently referred to the application of j williamson for a building permit to erect n building on a part lot permission was at firstwlthheld an recommendation of the ipiannlng board and later granted following a survey of similar lots in acton provided mr williamson built on the lot himself mr williamson has since died mr rachlin repeated the opin ions of relatives of mr williamson that the matter bothered him it wasnt just my opinion he ex claimed chairman of the planning board theron jones said they gave mr williamson a good hearing and de cided not to approve the permit because they had to make a sur vey of corresponding type lots in town 4 failed to see where his health was affected in several meetings i had with him mr jones declared councillor esther taylor said were not in the habit f4reatlng our delegations with disrespect he mr williamson was treated in a vary democratic manner h dron commented that he had noticed several of the council hadnt known him lately when they met him on the street voters of acton voting i i rentemby on th i oth of dacehv bl for council election vounnkolh xaucilon the x on your battel could make it quite plain you would like esther taylor on council again combination radio phonographs mantel radios electric clocks mixmasters electric razors automatic toasters electric kettles record players percolators automatic irons jewellory china watches silverware musical toy washing machines refrigeratora deep freezers television vacuum cleaners and a host of other useful household items get yourchristmas tree lights tested at hassard radio use our christmas layaway plan a small deposit will hold any article until december 21 hassard radio and television corner mill and main phone 330j acton tltl t wish to take this opportunity to thank all those good people who supported me on election day of november 22nd i also wish to thank all those who worked in my interest and gave of their time to you i would like to say many thanks to our good friends who give donations of money i wish to say thank youioneanclall last but not least i wish to thank the press of halton county for their kind cooperation during the campaign thank you angus e langille ccf candidate rnr remember bvd white shirts at prekorean prices now bvd has not altered the quality of its shirts they are unsurpassed in quality and styling compare bvd quality with other competing shirts that sell at higher prices i1v l rodnry whllr shiru urrr s4 95 clipper uhllr shlru ucrr 395 now 395 now 350 first atomic heating doerrs hearing cllnlct7thinu 62 qun st north addrets kifchottor ontario town mrmhiais ofarton ciiim- eipil officials and prrss thi- annual munup tin viar at haw hot m kn tvint was hold on snird movsaiily after nirtitti olosd and tho tiro lij tiiv niifolioii- it pnvi rnw has tho world delightful irfimal uial eviuru i irm i rentril heating plan hitd the tmlytrtprtpmtwnrrt hrtarfhrmnhlwh to th- huhvn who 41 left it homo- merit tt hinvol the building jo im kniiv oinhi follow itij eontiinintf r0 offices now drjwi tlu- dinner dtnein w s t hy s heat direct from the bopi the oup i lurji experirxiental atom pile eisens use our revolving credit system to buy quality this christmas down payment of entitles credit to 10 60 15 90 30 35 130 150 clothing store

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