Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1951, p. 8

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thursday december fllh 10s1 paox bobt the acton free press acton ontario thf acton free press acton ontario faqb mot tiiuitbuay december 8th im1 this christmas the vtiy btit in thr tlim unbehtvihly uttering nylon by holepcooi u itmh fuhion aceulemy awvd winrvtrt or petuuve beauty both in line uul colour nylons of notb pnllants clothing obituary native of acton dies in usa old mends her md many f our reader will ltim with trotfr- of tht plrtf of un cleo oibomd nt her home ims fifth ave hetl- ttvtselear aftor nn moms of two week mri osborrti ws th ftrnrkva i willlimot n daughter of the htn mr und mrs wlllltimi of acton shi wim ivorti in acton hut haw re sided in nnnivoelear over so yearn she ai n immlwr of phillplm chapter order of the kustvrn star and first methodist church sutxlvinj tn addition t her hus band are two dauuhtcis mii lasllt o cothln hetwesselear and mrs julim 1 svlwu catsltill three ats- tem ml thomas kiltv toionlo mr uichard somertlle london aiiinutrwiniaii mcthctum sauir ste marl ami a brothel carl wil liam mid a ejtwdmoit thi- hex arthur 11 luindmesst r of first melhodwt chuuh offielat- d 1 funeral mtvui fi ma in tlu william j hockefellrr kunenil home tt second aw hcnntvwlcar nurtal was m grornbush cemetii chronicles vi of ginger form wrlttu specially or th act j yrf bj iwuuuun k ua on itav last ueeu there ww uumu at urn fuml dnoi when 1 halton juniors stage annual competitions for crowd of 300 store miu st acton a fourleaf clover 14 considered huu luhmute iu four leaves form a crosi your eyes deserve the best consult r m bell registered optometrist phone 23rl5 erin acton ys mens club are at your service with your christmas tree we deliver phone orders acceptedphones 230 192 302 pick it out at rachiiws iqt next to the leishman block 100 150 200 proceeds for ymca work to the electors of the town of acton the representatives of several organizations having approached me to allow my name to be nominated for the office of mayor i debated with myself before deciding to qualify for said mayoralty i am a comparative stranger to some of you having settled in town in 1947 i will give some particulars of my qualifications to hold the chair at your town council meetings in 1938 i attended the toronto university extension courses m municipal public administrations and from these learned how municipal affairs should be conducted after that i was elected to the industrial committee of stratford and served for 1 1 consecutive years i wjs president of the stratford trade and labor coun- ciltwo years the town of acton has some ominous questions loom ing m the com nig ear which might entail the town in costly legal expenditures so electors- should thinkseriously who their councillors atc for this coming year i have retired from the railroad services and have come to this town and would like to serve its cituens to build and beautify this town until its name will rank with any m ontario the town is spending money at an alarming rate and there is still more to be spent which entails careful con sideration that the town is getting full value for its money thanking ypu and i hope you will vote for the fewest interests of your town j remain thomas salmon thomas salmon for mayor for acton ujp lied it there stood mi uimv hi i iltnt nnd his ointi wife look inn ti a place lo lue aiitiiilh they j i ami hfiv h miitili thinktnu tt i uih tin hoiim it which the had kit it duected 1 linked them iii nml the stoj thc told ni miulo mv hi ml m hi lifvioud tatlond at i imp llordcn thin si ruunt nix wskntiohndtm it trtuusfirivl to- another ilusti u t ami hud h en hnuu huiitim ever kiiu for an apartment a house oi four un- furnlshed roonts thciv were pint i which the could have r nted un til tin owners leainl that besldea tin man m hls wifi thin wcru nuo thrvr htnalt ihildron ami then thotr doors wcu fltirativolv shut in their faevs appartiitl w conunittcd a crinn in huvlnu children tin dw- courairixi vou n i mother told tm and what are mi doiivj in the meantime 1 inquired one child is w ith her grand mother two othets live with mv sister ami mv htibaml iftul i are stalni at an hotel the children a r five four and two ileliewnu 1 wanted to tell the ouni co u pie to collect their child ren and move riiiht in they were mich nice ouii people and i felt so orr for the ounicrtits but offeriitr to take a family into vour home wnt a simple as that we have enough room ila true hut vet the hoiwe ls not adapt ed for two fa m 11101 espiclally if newcomers ha c heen used to a citv home country plumbing lutclf present one problem a icptlc tank cannot quite take the place of sew erage svstem it has to be treated w ith greater respect and that ls something cltv people never eom to realize and there i always the possibility of a water short age nivinc up a number of rooms also means a rcorganitation of the farm familvs way of living and that isnt alwa casv on a farm extra room is needed for o many jobs heav washing cleaning packing and storing eggs room for occasional hired help space for the varietv of outdoor clothes and boots that men need according to the i eather and even room for the various cats and dogs that come to the house for warmth and comfort in wintertime animals that ma be treated as pets but are yet necessities for farm life talking it over with partner af terwards and saving how selflsh 1 felt in not inviting thus young couple to share our home partner said and what would you do w ith vour junk ou need a big house for all the stuff you keep around well that had me stump ed mabe 1 am no worse than anv other farm honjcwife i dont knw but i certainly manage o spread things around but eventu ally i make use of w bat has been saved thus week for instance 1 am hoping to end awav 24 pounds of woollen goods to a factory to be converted j into blankets but 34 pounds of woollens old socks and sweaters cannot be accumulated over night so thev are natural v cluttering up some room or closet but women are not the onlv clut teruppers mv goodncyi partner has enough old nails around to build a house except that half of them an bent and rust and could not be used anvwa yet evervtime a box or a building is demolished the nails must be saved and bob has a fivegallnh can full of nuts and holts and woe betide anv of u w ho throw s e en one of them aw iv but if vou notice whit ever a pi ron saves is ww is junk to others but priceless to himself one ofmv collection u-buuon- utilitv buttnns not collector s it ems no garment is ever discarded until the buttons have been re moved as a result whether i make j a shirt i dress or t pair of pvj jamas it never necvbsarv to buy buttons j most of w hat i have are sorted as to colour and size and then sewn on lo cards jurt as vou find them in a store not much point in sav ing buttons if thev art all jumbled up together so that ou have to waste prrcious time flnd- ini out whether vou have two or a diurn of anv one kind zippers can auo be saved and used ajjun providing thev till zip i and here u a wa to save vour pvm the timehonoured w av to thread a needle is to hold it ove something white but for nhkneu trv this hold needle bvtw een thumb and middle finger raise in- i dex finger to form a background for the needle and vou have it threaded in two shakes just as l simple as that i millnu llluh hittiuil wan thu muuiiu of olio of ihi nuwt yutciarwful eveitu ever uiuuimi hy llauoii tiiuiiiih an emlimattml tin en bundled tilled thu iiiidlloiliim to uipai itv sattirdav eveninu while tho jimioix hnld theli iiniiiial pulilie mieaklnu mid elliutimll entel talnmelil i iiinpetitlon ullh ihe piiildenl diivld pelle tt i lo iiitlng a i i hah man the aud it in wein lliit wilmniid and then ltd in u iouhim alilu iiiinu tin imtilii hmuini iiiniielltlou wii held aj in outu i of he vm ii i r piogiam tm 111 t spimilu i w ut uliine a ill it i front lilenno junhuh ntu sh i hi lie ai in i loph miuile she iniludot a flight hiitinv of smmii if hit oldi i snittit and innu f llu ohti i loinp in she al tlisi iissi d ihe pi lie of miitti in hit timl kiiumunltv living llei enlhllsluilii inlei cut and ii7m ntatlnu tatei uiiiih ltd the i built of tin pant of jndgi who w i k klliot w ih i inn mi siinderson tin uthi i two t mitt mtanlti went miarllr watt of palei mo and mabel thumiih f ilrtinuvilh riimtl- ihose iu hb topic milni hllliih and mnbel hnue as hei topic the med tm it sponslliilitv in the i nmimin- it on in half of the panel or jtidtes mr kuiutt commented on the pialltv of the three jiperchi i and gave fin titer m nurageiueit to politic speiklng i oinpi tltlon in the flltlllt while pi epai allon wan being made for the amateur entertain- nunt mine ginup singing wii eiijoved hv the audience under the etietgetie leadership of the i hiirman the amateur at ts wi re as follows milton junior farmers preaonnt- lon of the bachelors bet urn under the direction of evelyn course norval juniors with their sunshiners club fa radio prod uction and palermo with their musical skit called school days under the direction of david pel letterio preceding the last entertainment group j e whltelock congratul ated the halton juniors on their ability to organize on their own and carry out a program of this nature he also touched on the growth of the organization and felt the juniors individually showed that they could take on responsibil ities that they needed to share in the rural community howard cain of oakvlue was the judge of the amateur enter tainment competition he chose as a winner the palermo junior farmers entry school days this light and colorful musical skit depicting school days of the years gone by was praised by the judge for its quality staging pre cision of performance and orlgln- alitv tim- juduo jmid tha uruokvlllo gimip which placed net olid hhnw- ed mluipllellv uuilltiire uppeal and goi u control of tlm humormu ele ment in imtmeitlng ou tlm ev ening performances mr culu luaiiied the varioim grouiu on tho uidita of entertainment and went ou to ciitlrli the east and try tn point nut places wheie they might he iptprnvcd meinhei s of the winning caul were ulrmr avihrrt unnmr- mathhallr audi tv wlekiioii jejiu pattitkun jane kmeiiiuit lluppv oaten churl le wult ki win luiai klwln tvr- ii havi illlliiop llaiohl tyrelt wllh mai jni le si it iw in th as ptiiu- tst lollowing thi jildgi i dlsiiutuum mis diurn a hi nit wui pit nitntod vitltthrhnltnrrlnntnr frrrmnnr public spenuing mt dul hv uie- pie ddf lit a 1 1 lil l leprt melltllig milton dlsti it t co upi latlve pre- t uleit theti titiphy for the winning uuateiii enter taiuim nt gioup a i ml her fouuallty mrrled ovr fuiui the iiimmi i was the present ation of the federation of agrk- nltoie trophy fot the wlunent in the hull tournament at the annual fit id dhy this tniphy wiui prea- tntid iv it s jleatherlngtnn to ilovd viviiui who iec tdvi d it on liehnlf of the palertno jtinloni r vote norm cunningham for acton council 1952 if elected vou are assured of mv best efeokys voting dombar 10 v a m6 p nt thanks to nominators takes 40 years to develop tree tin s mdnw apple tret which fiuiltd fot the out time in 1011 and was deiived from 111 opt n- itoulnatt d seedling of northern spy has only r titty t oine into prom- iiitnti th- tm oiiginattd in the hlvuilon of hortlt ulture depart- im nt of agiitullun where it was devclopi d by w t macoun form- t 1 t hit f of the division it tikes forty yi ars to develop and fully evaluate a new variety f01 this n ason it l only within rt utivcly iccent years that sandow his been attriflng thi atli ntion of commercial apple growers this variety has become popular because the tree is hardier than northtrn spy comes into bearing earlier and ihus is more productive in the early life nf the orchard the fruit of this variety ls superior to that of northern spy in appearance and equal in quality during the past fruiting season when scab infection was severe several commercial growers found that it was easier to control cb on sandow than on northern spy and mcintosh the sandow variety is recom mended for commercial planting in the st john river valley district of new brunswick in southern ontario from sarnla to toronto and in the lake ontario region from toronto to bollville hrtvuif rnmfttfnt rt twi nr ttsffiio our kttprtttunlntivft on tho a ton iuijk ijtilitii f fjinrnismfjii i in rtjoin offirmj rnvlf ni your papretiritnlivft your vote and influence are respectfully solicited by tom ware for public utilities commissioner seven room dwelling priced for quick sale owner leaving town immediately this fine house must bo sold right m the garden of acton well decorated in good state of repair four bedrooms adaptable for other utwrt price includes new floor coverings large oil space heater cook stove with oil burners near to most factories yet in healthy locality among good neighbors good terrns only 2500 00 needed or will sell for cash see this new exclusive listing by appointment only contact wrighf real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors v u wright office is wllhar hl acton pbon h n d wrlfht office 0 mudsniull hl asclpetiiaaa u1sw yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots progressive merchants advertise bse 3e- m ft classified advertising is the power of classifieds is strong with a record of years behind them classified advertisements those little pieces of dynamite are still proving their ability to sell trade rent and do any number of things successfully each week more than 5000 readers have an opportunity to see your d small selling message and answer its call classified advertisements often start a telephone or door bell ring ing shortly after the advertisement has appeared in the paper the classified columns that appear weekly on the back page of the paper are a meeting place for buyers and sellers dont wait sel tho unnecessary ite now the money for other requirements phone your classified advertisement to our office by wednesday of the week you want it to appear and your little message will greet a large potential market on thursday dotrf for results its classifieds in the acton free press phone 174 56 mki st e 3g

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