Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 13, 1951, p. 1

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v- p f soventysovooth year no 23 acton ontario thursday december 13lh 1951 eight homo print pagessix cent 65 per cent cast ballots monday a honeymoon couple escaped uninjured when their vehicle flipped completely over as mr and mrs edwards formerly jean longstreet drove along the third line south of no 7 highway east of acton the driver reports a deer on the road and in swerving to miss it the car climbed a bank and rolled over on its top damage was estimated at 4qd stall photo minor sports club grant free ice for 120 boys acton council at their regular meeting on friday night granted the acton minor sports club the use of nrona ice facilities for two nights a week and arranged a cq40 per cent split of any gate receipts which might come from possible omha plnyoff games a free night was also granted to hold n booster night to provide the club with funds j goy and dr sirrs made the request of council on behalf of the acton minor sports club they pointed out that a very extensive program had been lined up which would include about 120 boys from the town and surrounding vicinity mr coy said they were not going into highly competitive groups equipment had been secured by the club for eight teams from eight to ib years old i ugion president m storey was j rmk presented to all acton return- present to discuss the request of a rr men nt a ceremony several years veteran for relief mr storey re- nro mr dron said he was not i car flips as couple go on honeymoon just leaving on their honeymoon after their saturday wedding mr and mrs thomas edwards form erly jean longstreet were unin jured when their car flipped over 7mdl and edoni ti roof n bou t-4xalf- a mile south on the third line enst of acton damage to the 1047 plymouth was estimated at 400 police report mr edwards says he saw a deer on the road and swung to miss it the car rode along the ditch then up a bank and rolled over landing on its roof across the road the accident occurred just a the top of the big hill on the third line that leads to dolly varden on saturday evening about fi pm warden k y dick christmas theme honored at dinner w a msetllg viewed assistance already granted council accepted the patient for post sanitorium care the halton health unit was to be contacted regarding the case mr storey also informed councl that the iegion was a nonpolitical organization and was not support ing t salmon in the mayoralty contest he said the legion had nothing to do with supporting any candidates the president also extended thanks for the councils cooperation at the remembrance day service council acknowledged a letter from g e elliott solicitor- for b d rachlin regarding the location of the lamp standard at the north east corner of mill and main st the letter reviewed the situation nndnsked that the matter be kept inmind council asked that the planning board town solicitor and surveyor meet and present re commendations the recommendation of the plan ning board was accepted for an exchange of property from one side of mill st to the other on the i northwest corner to the southern side this would allow an ex- keith robertson meets korean buddy who helped on battlefield a former moffat resident j keith robertson was on hand at the cpr station in sudbury when the friend who carried him wound ed from the korean battlefield returned home on rotation leave with two other buddies keilh robertson was wounded last february 24 during the blnidy battle of massacre hill in which c2 of the 135 men in the company did not return lie returned to canada in march losing little time in potin three members of his 11th plitoon dog company of the 2nd bat talion princess patricias can whan light infantry cries of hill 419 and dog company rau out a special welcome greeed municipal and public officials from nil parts of halton county attended the annual wardens dn tier in milton on tuesday and honored warden k v nick the reeve of milton and warden of halton for 1051 h was a delight ful event over which the warden presided at the milton inn and had many reunion of public men from halton refugees immigrants in canada germany helped by pyps speaker a very interesting lecture was enjoyed by members and friends of knox pyps on tuesday december 11 dr francis seho- feld a professor teaching in guelph told something of his work among the refugees and displaced persons in canada germany and sur rounding countries dr schorield has made several trips to germ any and has first rrcmd knowledg of the conditions there he had some very interesting pictures and showed some slides through his projector dr sehofield devotes mast of hu time to relief of displaced people who live here in canada and semis clothing and food to many refuses in europe dr schofield delivered a mast inspiring message which was murh appreciated by all the meeing was opened by the call to worship by kae hann the convenor for evangelism ind stewardship several carols wcr- ung and scripture was read by the united church pnrsonngl waa decorated for chriatriins when c womans association met there on tuesday december 11th mrs j wilderspin the president was in the chair and mrs w ev- anstonlc thr devotional period- roll call was answered by th word gladness several christmas enrols wcro sung it was reported that several cpiilts have been sold and the lad ies are still quilting cards are being sent out to the sick and shutins during the christmas season mrs wilderspin the president for the past two years resigned he- cause of ill health the newly- elected president mrs h burns closed the meeting with prayer mrs e a currey assisted by mrs drysdale mrs pickett mra poole and mrs j moore served a chrijitmas lunch greetlnes were exchanged and n social time was enjoyed together a vote of thanks was given to rev and mrs currey for their home and to thy lunch committee keen municipal election for mayor council puc the municipnl elections on mondny in acton proved one of iha keenest in many years with over 05 per cent of the electors casting their b for m council and pu utilities commission ji provided w proud of the ring and suggested council melt it over to provide better lunches for the council meetings councillor greer reported fre chief dawkins thought the rvyd rant at the auto body was not easily accessible council discussed the proceturc on the prosecution under the par age closing bylaw the pol were instructed to prosecute undo thii byjaw and solicitor leathor- land was to handle the case clerk mcgeachie reported that arrangements had been made fo- the prosecution of t scynuck be cause of an infringement of the subdivision bylaw farm proper ly had been sold without proper subdivision a letter from the ontario mun icipal board advised that the board had dlsmlssed the application for review and variation of an order by the board this was formal acknowledgement ofthn upholding by the board of the sewer hate bylaw the road committee felt the tree experts should be engaged to re- pte l ix kilmartin he was he kos tim greer led buddv who loaded robertson onto prayer and sheila paul played a a stretcher amid chinese and j violin which was rfeatly en- north korean fire and drove him j two or three miles to n doctor ev armstrong closed the m- pnnsion of the home of r it j move the tree nt the corner of parker and a rounding ov the cor- 1 charles masons property when ner from park ave to mill st re- they make their annual round- moving part of the obstructing council decided not to proclaim stone wall 10 feet from the corn- j boxing day but to leave it uo to er beardmore and co were to the various industries pay nil expenses 1 complaint was received ihat a letter from c f leatherland the town sign at the corner of tn reviewed the settlement on the third line was obstructing vision it county levy reeve hargravc re- i u1ls pointed out that the sign wis ported that the increase accepted by out of town and the property of acton for the equalization of as- i the ontario highway department sessment was approximately 100 i complaints were receivea that the solicitor was authorized to the dog bylaw was nobcjn er- n gittbttg to be reminded of the res- that still apply on garb- when he was wounded in the left eye the two other members of th group also united with robertsni were cpl l e rintoul of keu-t- ville and pte g w robertson of ottawa ing and a mast was served enjoyable lunch church groups greet missionary in honor of muss mary ellen nellie anderson who has re turned to her home on furlough from british guiana the senior auxiliary wms of knox church acton held a missionary family party which all missionary group and their friends attended the daughters of knox on the meeting with their own opening call to worship service which in cluded a flag ceremony of the childrens department the explor ers conducted the worship service and the mission band a chhsma- pantomime- the alert evening auxiliary had a period of carol singing after which miss anderson thanked the assembled friends for their wel come into the missionary family and told them of her missionary family m british guiana greetings from each organization of the church followed then all present enjoyed a social hour when they had an opportunity to extend their personal greetings group committee receives donations for furnace installed at hall the group committee that ad ministers the boy scouts wolf cubs and brownie organizations id acton has recently installed a gar wood oil burner in the scout half hodenosawnec in the school grounds several donations have been re ceived one from mr wm bracken for s2l68 one from duke of dev onshire chapter iode of 50 jnd another from the scout and guide mothers for 50 thd scouts and cubs will be continuing their paper collection program to raise suffic ient funds for the final payments of the oil burner and uokeep costs of hodcnasawnee obituary mgp the mmwte effecting th settlement the planning board in a rec ommendation to council approved amendment on the building bylav which itfs the restrictions on the two part lots in town they felt though that the amendment shouln be incorporated in several general amendments being prepared the board informed council that they felt it would no be practical to sell property adjoining war time housing subdivision to mr vyseasit futti-r- development of the town council accepted this recommendation the road committee reported that stone was being applied to roads in the wartime housing sub division as fast as it was available during the muddy season road problems were discussed with town foreman jcirlcness tru cost of cinder for a temporary path in wartime housing was dis cussed and u to be investigated- council received a letter from h v dron re turning hli service tnetinn age d0 payment was approved on the following sewerage accounts 2141 0j1 halton county levy 10044 k7 watermatn extensions ac 285 15 the following accounts were ap proved roofers supply co ltd signs 77 21 can legion wreath 10 00 bowman black li-shoema- kcr plans 6 00 brantford coach body ltd parts 58 15 can nat rlwys flasher lights in 78 acton flour mills rock salt 70 00 ont provincial police 7188 concrete pipe ltd 14155 tommy green radiator re- 2775 1550 4350 1200 contfaumf on pact inoht warden k v dick was hon ored at the annual wardens dinner held in the milton inn on tuesday evening after he had presided at the years final county council meeting in the afternoon mr dick was reeve of milton in 1951 staff photo taken suddenly iii thos burrows dies the sudden passing of george thomas burrows cast a gloom over the ospnnge community taken suddenly ill monday morning while working in the barn he was rush ed to the hospital in guelph where in spite of loving care he pavsed away early tuesday morn ing december 4 1951 youngest son of the late william burrows and loie smith he ws born near harris on when three years of age the family moved to lot ib co 4 erin town- lakeside iode christmas party the annual christinas party of the lakeside chapter iodk was held on tuesday evening in the legion hall the husiness part of the nvetini was presided over by the recent mr- 1 h creighton the secret arys and treasurers reports were lead and outstanding bills wer nnlei id paid mr k j salt had inscribed the certificate presented to winning pupils at the high school com mencement and the members voted tliat a token of appreciation be i ent him s20 00 was donated tn the sick childrens hospital and 2 was received to help with the welfare work at christmas time games were enjoyed and every one joined in a square dance car ols were sung and gifts were dis tributed by santa claus whoy was mrs s norton a delicious lunch was served by the group in charge some changes in all the bodies upon which voting was conductedt thomas salmon wholasl yeai made nn unsuccessful bid for a scat on council won by a majority of 221 over k tyler who ban been councillor reeve and mnyor of acton over n period of years it for the council miss esther taylor the first womnn elected to acton council again headed the polls with three uf 7 last years council in the top positions follow ing her two new memlwrs were elected with a irwin in fifth pos ition and rognvaldson in sixth place j greer a member of last years council was just 10 votes be hind the sixth place and n cun ningham a new candidate polled 242 votes the race tor public utilili a commissioner was indeed a close one with c wood n member f the i0 council nosing out t wai present commtssioner by four votes a third candidate k hiltoi polhd 151 votes the voting wis heavy md witi thiee ballots to be tallied and lit candidates for the various office it wts nine oclock ixfore results wen finally tabulated on the clays voting all voting was con ducted in four booths at the tnn hall for mayor no no no no tot 1 2 3 4 al mayor elect thomas salmon was elected mayor of acton for 1952 in the municipal election held last monday he defeated the present incumbent e tyler staff puutit- ship where he resided all his life left to mourn his loss is h- wife jcsmc robertson whom h married in 1129 and a broth r richard of guelph- lie was pre deceased by a sister annie who passed away several years ago and a brother herman who died in childhood mr burrows was a member of the board of stewards of erin united church and a member of erin masonic lodge the funeral held from his late home was largely attended by neighbors and friends and was conducted by rev a o w foreman a former pastor followed by a masonic ser vice mrs taylor marks her 90th birthday mrs w robertson and miss phoebe taylor held open house recently at their home in guelph in honor of their mother mrs e j taylor who is 90 years old a brother william patterson 80 of princeton ontario and a sis ter mrs george howard of tor onto were on hand at lhe party to help her sister celebrate also present were five children mrs w robertson annie miss phoebe taylor mrs thomas marsh mary of liverpool st mrs wilfred thomas sadie of tidcn mills john taylor husk- isson st her ten grandchildren and ten greatgrandchildrerrand a host of friends and neighbors born in nassagawcya mrs tay lor is the former eliza jane pat terson she wls married in lftfn and with her husband farmed near moffat until his death 20 years igo about 15 years ago she went to giiljih tn live with her daugh ters although she has been blind remains exceptionally active for her advanced age she is the old- et member of- calvary baptit church acton bqnd holds- annual banquet theiuihial banquet of acton cit ifiis band last friday evening wa a fine social event for bawls- men and friends it was held in art on leninn hall and the tukev dinner servi d by the ladks aux iliary was both satisfying and temptingly arranged and served among the guests were mayor tyler reeve hal grave and coun cillor weick bandmaster perrott and messrs bert mason janus chalmers and g a dills brief messages of encourapement praise and recollection were given by var ious speakers following the dinner president kingsmill was in charge of the event a lively sins song with ray agnew at the nlano wis musingly given in the election of officers thtt was part of the meeting charles kingsmill was elected president with tom nicol as vicepresident ted tyler jr secretary and tom ware treasurer representative from the band committee is bing ramsden and honorary prcsidens are g a dhls e tyler sr j chalmers and bert mason toronto rotary clubs vocational guidance speakers subject j vocational guidance and its ef fects on rotary clubs in tor into was the topic of mr grey of tor onto who addressed the acton rotary club at their regular suoper meeting tuesday evening introd uced by dr sirrs mr grey was thanked by v rumley the men teachers of both the numerous floral tributes bore j h school and public school were silent testimony of the esteem ln special tfuets christ mas boxes a project shared with the lakeside chapter of the iode were discussed which the deceased was held interment was made r at con in ga by cemetery with the following pallbearers messr keith bur rows willum stewart albert i history ahowj that the press has roberts garland bramhlll edwin been uniformly on the tide of the parkinson and lome burrowa common people s not all published that is received at editors desk every week the editor receives a great deal of material intended for publication it comes from rnany sources local and dominion n eery wcetc the editor must make selection of that which can be placed in the columns of the free press our choices arc not always popular and are not al ways easy to make klllllmlll i7l 132 129 137 577 tylir 142 57 80 72 ir7 mijnrry ffi r sal mmi- 230 for council tiiylur 1iw 113 lfl 140 son fryer 100 124 134 130 tict thcimpiii 1117 103 120 124 541 wfirk 114 911 117 113 4d2 irwin 1s2 132 ts 110 470 ilijnvilil- son 140 iu1 130 iis 470 grcer 170 nr 104 101 410 cunning ham rn 4i 48 s3 242 fur piilillr lliifiri coramurfon wood 130 73 77 101 380 wirr 138 74 ra 74 378 bltcin 42 44 38 27 1s1 local constables recover stolen car acton police recovered a stolen car on monday night when they arrested william duffy james walsh donald micholsky and brad wasdell in a car reported stolen from toronto the green monarch sedan was spotted by constables wylle and todd about an hour after it had been reported missing in toronto noticing the police following them the thieves ntarted out high way no 7 toward guelph but miw ed the corner at tothld service station and went up over the tracks they were arrested on scene st the thieves told police they were heading for the border they had six cents between the four of them this wee a page letter from a correspond- ent who has written often and many times very interestingly and we have been pleased to publish the contributions of ii v dron the present five page- letter however contains nothing new on a subject that has been much pub licized and therefore will not occupy the column and t half which would be necessary- to pres ent it in full we might also point out iha letters to the editor containing statements which might be con sidered libellous will not be pub- lished until adequate proof of the statements is submitted you cant call john blank a liar or a fraud over the telephone or in a news paper unless you are prepared to back it up and as editor of the free press we will not be a party to such name calling for any cor- respondent manuscripts submitted for puo- lieatioo cannot be returned please help subscribers like to rrcriue their copy of thr homo paper tm time they look for it and if is in thr post offifm every thursday ajtrrntton to do fhu tup murt maintain a rigid rrhrdulr ajid we would ailc fht- ajsuttancr of all joitvtrtii- erj and confribuforj to rem ember the deadlines adurrtbrino- illustrations for the issue of december 37 must be in by the preceding satur day noon latest display ads trill be accepted until svondau at 4 pm uhfhout illustrations classified ads deadline is wednemday at noon it would be a wise policy for advertisers to leave their ad for december 27 when they vl- it our office next urlc be cause of the boxing day holi day please cooperate in this schedule to all our staff may enjoy the christmas holiday coal sometimes ifnltes spontan eously in a shaft the phenomenon being called a rob fin

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