Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 13, 1951, p. 2

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pajoz two the acton free press acton ontario thursday descemnfr 11 1051 the voters have voted municipal elections are over for another yoar and now wo can get on with christmas prepara tions th votors have made their choice and it was gratifying to see such a largo number par- hpste over65proantof lhaseollglbloca5t bailors in acton on monday in aomo instances the vol was very close whllo in others the majorities were large it seems to be a yoar of changes and several now faces will be soon in municipal affairs in 1952 the new mayor thomas salmon has boon a resident of acton sinco 1947 and was a candidate for council last yoar ho brings oxpononco how- trjar from public affairs in othor municipa with him will be two now mombors on the coun- cll mossrs a irwin and c rognvoldson in tho public utilities commission c e wood o for- mor councillor roplacos thomas ware tho pre sent commissioner many probloms will confront the council again this year and thoy will requiro the under standing cooperation of all citizens which we know will be accorded thorn in their tasks only with the help of ell can they achieve succoss in every contest there must be losers as well as winners mayor tylor and councillor j groor and c wood and commissioner t ware have oil given excollent municipal service during their terms to thorn a word of thanks is duo and as a close observer of council proceedings we pass on the appreciation of all that they have done to make actdn flourish we know oil of them will still continue their keen citizenship interest in acton and now altogether and on with our tasks and a start in 1952 in municipal affairs thr voters have made decisions which in every de mocracy are binding on alt office parties illegal j c spragge chief administrative officer of the liquor license board of ontario has issued a reminder to oh municipal and provincial police stating that all office parties during 4he holiday at which liquor is served are absolutely illegal any person organizing or attending one of these office parties is committing an offence against the liquor control act states mr spragge pen allies for the first offence range from 10 to 1000 and for a second offence imprisonment for three months mr spragge said one of the more undesir able features of the office partyjs the fact that many of the people who attend later drive a car he added if the general public were aware of the facts about office parties they would not be hold the reminder closed with the statement the liquor license board will not grant banquet per mits for functions which are to be held by organi zations at their offices or placos of business local sport bracobndge seems to be a typical example of many ontario communities in their trouble to im port enough hockey players to make a team that will be contenders for a provincial championship the gazelle of that town recently editorialized on the subect and implored citizens to find em ployment for two imports that must become resi dents before december 15th the paper points out that two other players were lined up but the communities in which they now reside soon secured them suitable employment if hockey is to remain our great winter game in thesmalter communities it is time we realized that the gains wjjl not provide imports and that to get hockey back into the realm of local sport we need to place teams in competition that truly represent our towns and not a group of has bet ns weiring a difftrtnt swt ittr ever night in the week mort ind more it 15 btcomnq tvidtnl tht fcrn5 wri nu l up t nut l prtil holsw players in tin towns of out irio it hockt hcu ct islci to bt a snort nul has lhcomt t bus ntss in the so called am iteur diss let b lie honest about it but surely tht rt borne pi let in hex kt in rt oui voung loe il niei in pin tiie qinn with tht pi lyers bon ltidt rt it it ot t ieh town 1 it 1st s net midsummer ot itn eu suji a it suit 11 t rtilt wis sieet sstt i ttv yt irs ino and then theie w is re il interest n loc il hock and no tin inei il dittui it t s en it lit ted b those who sponsored the teims to win isn t t verv hung in hoekt or on other sport but lets qet b iek to ie il loeal in teres and the bovswt know lepiest ntinq the town we know it might be well to remind ratepayers that officials elected this month do not assume office until january don t expect an of your difficul ties to be handled by the newly elected until 1952 unnecessary hours during our rocont reading wo rsn across an horn pointing out that a united states sonators death was hastonod by tho long hours ho had boon putting in tho long sessions tho senator toldfrlondii usf before his doath thalovoroll physical exhaustion had provontod him rogain lng his health following an operation naturally looking from a local viewpoint wo thought of municipal councils and boards who spend many hours during tho yoar and sit up late at nights to conduct public affairs tho hours used ore beyond the workdayof thoir othor buslnoss intorosts wo do not wont to frighton theso progrossivo citizens that their health is be ing impaired but wo do ihtntrcltlzerrc-gonerelly- should be more appreciative of the work they do it is doubtful if death can be entirely attribut ed to the long hours the senator used but no one can deny that there is 0 lot of unnecessary strain jaid on public officials these days in high and low positions sessions could be shortened in dominion provincial and municipal affairs by more thoughtfulness and consideration on the part of the public and no doubt would react in better health for many people his first word was one he picked up from you back in 1901 from txe issue of the free prcjs of thursday december 12th 1901 proving your age many of those eligible for old age pensions have found difficulties in tho matter of furnish ing satisfactory proof of their age of course the whole matter is very simple if you con secure your birth certificate but in many instances this i not possible the following item gathered re cently in our reading may prove helpful and we pass it on since the creation of the dominion of canada in 1867 decennial censuses have been taken as of the dates april 3 1871 april 4 1881 april 5 1891 april 1 1901 june 1 in 1911 1921 and 1931 june 2 1941 the director of the census division advises there s no fee for fur cnmcd on for twcnt ycnr to mr ni6hing proof of age from census records census wm johnstone furniture dnh i records can be searched only when they are 30imr lohns om tikes possesion next years old in the case of canadian born persons k ind tt 11 conduct his furniture and 20 years old in the case of persons other than canadian born you may procure applica tion forms for the purpose from the census divi sion dominion bureau of statistics ottawa ontario the good old days may have seemed better j at a mootinr of the cnbinet the icmrnntion of jude hnmilton for ha it on county wps received ind mr a t gorhnm of port arthur was appointed in hes plnce the school bonrd hns rcpl icrd the two wood furnaces in the school with i sttnm heitinfi tppii ntus the executors of the estntc of the late j b pnrson hnt disposed of his hirdvirp business vhuh h ind undertaking business in con nectton with the h irdw ire busin editorial notes its almost too late to do your shopping earlyl christmas king george marked his 56th birthday dur ing the week wonder how many canadians know what day his birthday was bowmanville has repealed a saturday night closing ordinance for grocers and butchers who are now allowed to keep their shops open do your own counting of the days until christmas and it won t require much counting from now on there aren t as many as you think in proton township electors voted by over two to one in favour of snow plowing of town ship roads voting was done on a lovely spring like daysuhen there was no snowon the ground evidently those voters knew that every canadian winter has a good fall of snow the ndministr itnr for the sti of the in o frod c globe t is in toun ind hindtd over tho mill ind residence properties to tho pin ch isors mtssrs bcirdmore co securlnp the mill and mr john hirve tht residence at the cornt r of park avenue and mill str 1 1 tht beirdmore co purehxstd tho mill in order to ensure i supply o water for tannine purposes the byou comedy co concluded the series of concerts in the town hall the concerts uere the ker r gow mv partner ten nirhts in the bar room miss goorcmi younr is to be encaded to teach the second dc pirtment in the school it a silir of 300 members present it the bible socictj meeting monday ctcninp wort wm broun hei j gillet john s colimin tno cameron james mcintosh t t mooro j l wirron h v moore j b w il liet ind a t brown sec treis mm iohstof at frttlton on sundu bth nccombtr john it inhnstone iri d 4 2 eirs 1 m m ths back in 1931 from oie jisnr of the free press of thiindav december 10tk 1931 sieichi tire slipping alonj ind so ire some of th sllf iloit merry christmas here s a summary of retail business proopects based on information sup plied by tht purchasing agents association of toronto to tht f nancial post christmas sales helped by good weather across the country have gotten off to a fast start retailers are look ing t hnrm i iu s which have be jgqivj in the last six months ptctinq reor i j nt u lt s d t is i n it d t for butkari m childn n who rmni thtir pr s nts ind sm ill sums of moiu in r urn f e r thr rifts tht certmonioush prt s nt t n uirs n ittnj nd wish ink ntifhbors i h ip n w 1 mtium tr its md rtfrtshin nts bui unhl t in tn k or tit it f h illnvi tin h ukt tht suj pi f i dit s i m sh t t mlu ltl n js im pit d i t i the nictl autos gutlph winter fur hxs ittrnctcd m in visi ors thus wti k the shoe factory employees nnd tho oddfillvs ht id m tnjowiblc uchrt p irt in the oddft how h ill 1 ist t w ninj on tin sdi mnnirt when mr v illi ird bi itton w is ft t dinj hi stock tht i uii rn w s knocktd o r ind t xplodt d the 1 inus rimed such ht idw i th a tht flri w is ion bt t nd onlrrl inri tht birn w is compkttk distrowd fi ht id of oung cattle were lost along with the season s crop conned pisst d n bir list ot nc counts it the nutting on tueidis vcning which imountcd to 11- j07 41 mr thcxs kilt wis chosen is stcrtttrv or tht in m for this t ir tht rt wire twelve ippli c itions for tht position georkt birbi r was elec td ree e of cton bj i mnjont of 22 and councillors will be cowie jones icol and macarthur mr wm slenn w ho cirne to acton lart summer when tho cut sole department of bcardmorc co moved from toronto appeared in the plavers box in the openinr hockc rime and did some instruc tion wrk betw eon periocls mr slein has been tnininr ind look inr iftcr hocke teims for some ime iifd erin on sundi dec 1931 wellington hull gt at the mnitrfi cburrh uf ccatiaba arton ontlrtn a vnijndiy churcjl rv v a currry ii a r mlnlnter pdrrtonho m houer avenue phone 00 mu o m junpanl mom choir r orsnnut iinri i indar sunday decfmt1kii tilth ibm 10 00 nm sundny school white gift service 11 00 ii m morning worship chrtktrmur-chrateninif-sotvtet- 700 pm evening worship cnndlclikht service chlldrtn choir tlionolil for tli wxlc chrliilmiib is tho mo t humm nnd kindly of mnioni ns fully pin ctrntul and irrndinted with tht fmlnik of humnn hrothi rhood which is the oyienlinl ipiril of christianity tvt the month of juni with sunshinr nnd the bntmy brenlh of nuo- g w curtlm lrlbafr8tlu rector kv w j iuitnn ha loil and sunday dicimbiit lnth advent 1 10 00 im sundiy school 1100 n m holy communion tit rinnc r s clns1 7 00 pm fvmink priyer annual cnrol srrvicf sunda december 23 it 7 pm a wr icomo awiltt you llrtuhiftrrtati fcljurtlj in canabti knox finmot atton hkv motlkkt ii altmhtfuwo m a b h mlnbur sunday ntxnmnfcn mth toil 10 00 nm kuntlny school hnd iliwo clnmi 1100 nm ulvlne wornhlp 7 00 pmkvenink servc vliltorsnre welcome ttirtbrinj n-flyimrir-atrtn-ewr- that rail upon llim uoiila b shutflr inttrlm pxstor sunday dfhmbml 10th um 1010 nm sund iy s hool 11 0 i m mow to i ut n to st trntn i m i slrinjt r it 7 00 p m mysflf wtdntsdiy i i pilx r 12 k in li i r mr tirir i- ndiy ii f i mbt i 14 4 p rn mi hion bund fi pm ryli hrntm ls pirtv thursd iy li mix r 20 p r s ind iy s hv 1 hr rr ir r m cfirnl mr 14 nv 11 th i ir 1 fhr tm is pi 1 md p intorr imr wdtrmt to all professional directory and travellers guide ml dical dr w g c kenney rhyiticlan and surrron office in s mon block mill st acton office ihonr 78 rrldenee church st phone iso dr d a garrett physician and surcron corner of v illov nnd uuer su f nti t hi r s rut rlon on irir i phone jsr rfal fktatf and iv8ubavc willoughby farm agency ii loit and old it acyncy in cr ida htud of oo v bay st toronto phone empire 30604 j rlrtr an it prf ii ntative tom hruknn ihonr georgetown u2w btstvl huli at t tnbi r fith in his htth lr dr a j buchanan dental surcron office lushri n till ck mill st officehours j in to 6 p m rtw tflephone 148 wright real estate and insurance f i wright n it wright 20uilburst so micdonneusl ar n ont fun iph ont pirn 01 phi ni 4015w aluator itraunni iiuturortt mi r i i il institute n il i mi i u s g i i h ind district r 1 bmiti hird mi n 1 is g n iph ind district in inci aji nls association dr george a sirrs dcnul sarceon mill st corner frederick acton office hours 000am to5 30pm telephone 19 u i urgently rtquirl listlnffi of farm pro rt from 50 to 300 acre al o sm ill h jldltifts from 1 to 15- icri i trtebinaily b d young bvsc c i young dvm v eterlnar burgeons office brookwllc ontario phono milton uort contact andy frank associate at campbcllvtue i phone miltsn szsrt c h dyment i realtor oakville 123 wtntnorth st s hamilton phoni 78085 f g oakes v s b v sc eterittarj surgeon office and residence knox ave acton phone 130 wru r bracken real eitate general insurance i in nc 26 actoa legal your guelph and district booking agent for the best in travel on land sea air world uidc trarl sstrm guelph travel bureau 110 manlonntii si j dfor fst phr th itro phone 631 call or write c f leatherland ha it 1st rr solicitor notir public office j2 ph m rls 1d1 acton lever hoskin charlritd accounlanu succt ssors to jenkins and iirdy 1305 metropolitan bldtf 44 victoria st toronto elr 9131 travellers guide gray coach lines miscellaneoi s the victor b rumley funeral home funrral horn- ilratrd mbular i i r a n t r i t s u c f r purch ibitiq p nvtr i1 i hiqh kvel wiiilt not miny irt tx l mdicuto b show pknt of nd chr btnib iil hould bt oiu ot tht it ci ng td tor til v r tcfj of til nt v iork t mtii sir icon strurikv m i nt i n tm binnlt topv f 1 st ek nt ns slo t v v iuccttd in dr vmg hor ie i point mort t ttctivtl thtin seven d i k rnrtjpjptrb icpejtmg ttit idint point every day for a vyttk ht says with us the small town ind country newspaper which is most often a weekly ournal i j more influential than the daily press a week i iy newspaper which is read and absorbed in the seclusion and comparative leisure of a small town or the farm is likely to exercise a greater pull on its readers than the daily paper cram med with a bewildering array of reading matter and consumed amid the distractions of urban life the acton free press oil pil i 1 ir djv cton out mo pub i ht d in acton t u mi st uttionzrd as stcinid t us mail post offlrr drpartnu til oluuu c v dhls publisher it inltrr udit llurrau trcutation c u n and ontario qurtkr uuiston c m n advertising ratet on rqut subscription in advance 2 50 in canada 3 so in united states 6 monlhs si 50 single copes 6c telephones business and editorial office kesidtince 174 131 standard time 0chjs li ave acton t aktbound h 311 a m 11 sll am 1 1 23 ajn h p m 1 1u ii m 8 33 pm ist i m i 10 sll p m hrsthound 10 p 1 m 12 5j p in 2 57 pm 7 p in 7 pm u 12 pm 11j1 p m 11 im ibun to kltchenu nil i uail ctpt sunduy and holl dds 1 situili sundiy and holl canadian national railways sliln inrd turn lastbound i 411 u i 1 xci pt sun- il n in i in sundaj h u ul i x pt bun- t ki n 02 in h c wt in 10 11 i 11 ltl u a i m ligs r o lpt i u n si i i 11kou v rstl tind slid i nil m in i ii s i nd 1 day 4 d xli p bun- ii 0pm flac ii i i 1 i t sju i st ir iv tly s i 1 0 41 am s i 1 hwr ut moore rocher painting and decorating contractors phone jww or 275j acton raid i aahuoh ultomitrht st rfohgi- s square clrl1 ii comiletfc eytjiight sehvice

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