Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1951, p. 2

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pace two the acton free press actonj ontario thursday december 20 urfc our seasons greetings the fostlvltios and rejoicing of the christmas season arc with us as friends ind relatives ex change the greetings of the season frionds of hi paper from british columbia across canada ictejfiloplarenglbtidanchheunjted stalesr-are-sll- oxchanglng the annual merry christmas in this issue symbolic of the season is the pervading christmas spirit of good will to all men it ts unfortunate that this spirit has not yet become world wide for still we have international and personal differences but the christmas season is one in which difficulties should be forgotten and friendships ronewod for the bottormont of all cottjniotforgortheeventthattheseason colobrolokthe birth of a saviour in a manger the beginning of one of the greatest lives that ever lived and the continuation of that spirit of christmas and of forgiveness that benefits all spiritually and materially to the children santa claus willappeartheir personification of the christmas spirit from our staff to subscribers in all parts of the world advortisers who use our columns cor- tespondonrs whohelpsc muchaac wcpv w their roport of community events to each and everyone everywhere our best wishes for a merry christmas in the true spirit of the oyful season no claim to perfection this newspaper and every other newspaper has often been criticized for one thing or another for suppression of the news for leaving out a personal or for neglecting to report an event the press has very dramatically been pictured by imaginative people as the maze of rumbling wheels that prints the news each week these same people fail to realize lhat the most import ant steps are those taken by human beings in the creation and production of a newspaper in the publication of a newspaper there are many decisions to make and they must be made to meet deadlines the decisions are always sub ect to the human element the decision of what to publish and what not to publish is the one most often dealt with in writing a story quotations from a speakers text are sometimes included to give a more vivid nn pression of the proceedings quite often those quotations are not the part the speaker hoped to be quoted on and he consequently feels ill used space limitations prohibit the use of all the remarks of a speaker and the reporter is left as the sole udge on what adds to the basic pattern of the story and what does not that is what the reporter is trained to doto present the picture as he sees it from the viewpoint of an unbiased listener some mouthful an issue of a recent american magazine quotes j alsop as saying american politicians and american businessmen are increasingly com pelled toward the corruption that marks their mutual dealings politicians need larqer ana larger contributions to finance their campaigns the businessmen are more and more tempted to pay money to the politicians in campaign con trtbutions or otherwise to facilitate their dealings with the increasmglv complicated government to use a slang expression thai man said a mouthful there are three important points in that quotation first of all the man is dealing with the american political scene which is con mderably different from the canadian because of the difference iii size attdopcnrhon but the- american way often points the canadian way a few years hence another point dealt with in the quotation is the increasing complexity of tin workings of government federal provincial and municipal by laws passed in small towns now often nun ber near the 1 000 mark some of them are good and effective others are on the borderline and many others are complete ignored and mis understood the thud and final point gltancd fcom the quotation is the need for vast sums of mone to finance political american campaigns in the gladiatorial days of rome the politicians swayed and indeed controlled the masses on bread and games now in the political field again is the necessity of large amounts of money for cam paigns canada is not free of all faults but it seems to lack the corruption so prevalent below the line one speaker we heard recently declared there is nothing for nothing people should develop their minds to the mature outlook that politicians in any field cannot give them something for nothing the individual always pays either directly or indirectly yes mr alsop said a mouthful who serve onjuries we arc often asked how the selection of jurors is made and why cortaln narnesare never included the 1950 revised statutes say that every malo person 21 years of ago and a british tuboctjaihoiiippnrtsslnn of h natural facul- ties and not infirm or decrepit and who or whose wife is assosscd for real proporty to the value of not loss than 400 in towns villages or town ships is liable for ury duly in 1951 the act was revised to allow women to serve as urors and now roads every person instead of every male person there arc however a number of exemptions to jury service in the 1950 and 1951 revisions those exomptionsincludopersorrsoverz0 years- members of privy council members of the sen- ale and house of commons or legislative as sembly judge magistrate sheriff coroner jailer sheriffs officer police officers ministers or priests barrister or solicitor officers of any court of justice physician surgeon dentist pharmaceutical chemist and veterinary surgeon member of navy army or air force on full pay every head of a municipal council every editor reporter and printer of any public newspaper or lournal employees of railway or public com mission distributing electrical power telegraph and telephone operators and firemaribf any fire department who must submit certain certifi cates the amendment to the- act of this year also exempts women who live in a convent or reli gious community and registered nurses and the wives of some of those who are listed above that s the selection for ury duty names which are liable for ury duty are always desig nated in the current voters list with the letter- although the voters lists issued this year do not take into consideration the amendments of 1951 bt albanfl olliitrrri ahiruean hiuitor bv w o ijixiob it a sunday december 21rd lftm advent iv 10 00 im sunday school 11 qfln m mil mlii tr pra b tinners class 7 off pm annunl carol service sllndny school christmas trco pridny december 21st at 7 50 chrlstmni eve holy communion 1110 pm christmas dny llolv communion 0 n m a welcome awnita you leaping rumors newspaper work seems to hold one lesson that would be valuable to everyone the untrust ing instinct that makes a good reporter verify his facts before repeating them verification is the greatest guardian against dangerous and harmful rumors rumors are those things every individual repeats or adds to at same time or another for instance who has never said they say that so and so is true one person said they say is the most often quoted individual a rurnor does not even seem to be plausible yet it travels with the unexpected speed of light ning from one end of town to the other a rumor leaps encompassing a whole town or sec tion and picking up little additions as it goes from mouth to mouth unfortunately these rumors can in some in stances be damaging to individuals and towns and countries it is impossible to stop these little gems of conversation unless people are forbid den to speak and certainly that power will never be controlled but it is possible for people to consider the validity of what they pass on and erify it before repeating harmful comments the good old days may have seemed better editorial notes merry chrislmtis to aim and let s rruikt it one thtit is especially a oy to the children strikers and tlu ir families in windsor will be pleased that the strike is over before chr stmas if you drink don t drive all ontario police officers have beerj instructed to arrest and lay charges flejmtt3r-cjf-tvfv- srvuohavben dranlang- and the hoi day time w ii be no exception back in 1901 t-ikcn- from the issur of the frcf irrss of thursday irr ii 180 linnmw mints an in prnjiss it iru huns wmillm mills in kink whii a mw limit t linnet mil i 2tt font buck himnt in imoni thi ru k fi itmo aiiuidnik 1 ttu ciundu th moim will h full on chnsimis nint it is to bi i r ti d th i tht n u ill bi othi is m ink thi christm is u ft w rtisi rt coiouh shuls m w 7 t l 1 7 skihsfmnisot up hurl siuls fimn l up photo fi v lfn to st ifl iilk siispi ndt foi jintkrrun put up on to i bn i sphndid i inm of mm us tli r i ahisk is tht sho th it mn ui hikhst nu ird it th pins v i 1 1 1 s fin si ind 4 onon tfl isse s fr m pins anions tht loc il lori s wth id t rtiscmchts in the free prt ss v t n acton machine nnd ropiir shop h gnndcll proprietor wilhim m coopn merchant tnilor gurm and cn i fi mitthcus gcorm stovel william erkinp pnlnco diur stort a t brown chcmis nnd stntiomr c f goodcxo and co hi ndrcnn co miss porr mm mrs anni middock b ikt r ind others st hi dull of ionictions fm hil t m dtirinj the inst qunrti r ndrii dt itmbi r mth 1101 shows m th irtts of drunk tnd disoidirl i ndiu t ill fini d si two for i siult m i it h tin for ijnnt m i sj fini for drunk ind di or d ii i s firit ft r drunk nnd dis tidtl conduct nnd is uilt d ft rid mt i uiinui and n 2q luu f i silinj liquor dnrinj pm h bi n d hours thi frit pn ss hi pli i uro i c uriuli mj miss diis nukl t lud n it thi m ki 1 si hoc 1 fr m i t ii up hi hi i i v hiph st md nj sht obtmmd thi n ii it tic k ts st lo i thi iton stition for gm iph dur u thi d us n thi win ir fur 1 fi stock show tht r back in 1931 i rom uir issue of the i rcc tress of ihurmlu dcccmbcr 17 1931 tin sundi sihnol ind s hi nl conctils ui popul u it ms tins i nins 1 in fill of snow iddtd tlu lutis su touch in i minimi christm i ippi ii met quiti i iiuiiibt i riom atlon ii itt ndinj the w ircu n s dmm i n milton t nilhl is im sis t wmlu a m is n atlon 1 ist tuiscli ivmint the lot il compnm of ioim hiflis mil i thin iiiittis in tin nu nn for lh w intlup nf tin f ill ir lining this ten k tin foi m ttt i dinner ind pn si ntntions about di ittt nd d th it spu ndid f u m on the hor de is of atton be li njinj lo john stone ind llumli w is 1 ist w i k purcb isid b ntlle s ind son f toionto thi acton inli i mcdiiiti hocke te nn hae new outfits this nr tht colors are blnck tnmmtd with burnt orange find should m ike u attrictnt ippiarinct mr john ktnned wis rimmi btrtd b jiis fellow workmen or his st en tit in birlhdi tste rda mr ktnntd his btin an implowe of tht benidmon co for otr 40 tirs ind the prestntntion showed the estitm in which he is held tht nffici il opt nine of norton motors new j ir im- md strice st turn v is in eent th it ittritted pi ipli frtim tin nhiili coui li sicll k iitiim picturiv vt r stuiw 11 mel fc llnwllll tl i i nurt iii 1 11 mu cl ih l ll 111 mi i i ainc on lliuisd i iii ti ml t i hi ihi it n it ii m illi i n iun 1 i li md inisl i ml 11 ittn 1 isb s lltllitml s1atio in 1901 there uas 62 per cent of canada j population living in rural areas the census 50 years later just bemq compiled shows the pre bent farm populabo i will be about jo per cent thi cinidnn mntnlnnd suppli s non th in two third of v w fr ind 1 md import it fne to hae i christm is tree but be sure ou buy it and do not steal it from the property cf someone else that s not the christmas spirit and prosecutions are due for thost apprehended while the house of commons argues over the fixing of retail prices by manufacturers an ontario government board fixes the retail price of milk better get together on the price fixing boys and let the people have a hand to straight en out the muddle hi it nn s ministr of c ml i itu n mnounti s ih it the official ti rm for hilitopter pisstnrtr itat ion in tht future will bt air- p in ton r lst to iirportn thi n wth bf tn ih twnt c citits md towns md local nuth i ritu in tin u k hne been on- ourimd to irmnrk sites for hi in it is stated you can send a message around the world in oneseventh of a second but it often requires three days to get delivery in the mails of a newspaper in pointt 15 miles or less distant from the point of mailing and that not during the christmas rush either the acton free press thf only paper eier published in acton putiliilud t nil thurda at r mill hi atton ontario authorlird fts srrond cliu mall imi offlcr drpartmrnt oltaua g a dills publisher tf rmbrr audi barrau clrcautlon c w n a uid onurisqarbm dlvulaa c w na advaxitlng bat on raqua subscription in advance 2 50 in canada 3 50 in united states 6 months 1 50 single copiei 6c telephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131 stktitf b eliurrlj uf cflatiahu afitan ontmho a viuendly chuuch rv k a carrey ba bd minister ptiriumnge 20 bower avenue phone 60 mb o m ilwntomd atom ortmnlnt nnd choir lder sunday december 23rd 101 ctiruimam serulcei 10 00 nm sundny school 1 1 m n wi lynnrnlna w o r i li i p chrlitmiw service 7 00 pm evenlnif worship holhnd v us the home of fru dom ot thi press in the earw lotli century ilrhhiirrtui 01liirrtj in danaha knox envnat actoh hkv hobrrt ii armhteony ma bd talnktor sunday lljbcbmtjen 23rd 1w4i clirixtmdf 5irilcej 10 00 am sundny school warn e anderfioh ruent npeauer 10 30 nm chrbrimnm chimin 1100 nm divine worship fl30tw clirlbtnaag rhlmrc 7 00 pm cnndlelinht nnd carol iservlce vialtori nrtwelcom uavtlbt cliirtl acton doukius 13 sluitd interim pnmor sunday dlclmhek jliiljlll clirqittun shicji 1010 i in sundny si honl 11 iii ii m grrnt fxi ttilnmi yit they nuir wnuld iivi gill ssim1 710 pm all tin uiffinm- m thi world thursdiy di u mlifr 0 sun ijy school christm us projlnm boa pm imn and pantomim tin tirsl chvlstmni- i i ulny 4 p m mlimtm band um tilkd n pm hyiu n tclled welcome to all professional directory and travellers guide mfdical dr w g c kenney phynlclan and surceon offici in symon block mill st acton orflee phone 7b nmidence church st phone 150 dr d a garrett riinlclan and surgeon coinir of willow nnd river su v tunnct riur stitot acton ontino phone 23 i rfal f8tatf and inbukanom willoughby farm agency inrjtt and oldest arcncy in cimda lit id offke 3011 bay st toronto phone emplre 30sm rnirj tow n hepreientntlve tom hrurnn f phonr grornetown 332w dfntal dr a j buchanan dental surrcon office li ihmin block mill st office hours u i in lo 0 p in ii i fphonl ms wright real estate and insurance p i whigi1t n b wnight 20 wilbur st 111 m icdonnell si acton ont utlph ont phone o phone 4d15w valuatont realtorn imiuror mi mbi r appriml instltute- of cnn id i membcis giu iph and district it il fsliti nonrd mi minis cm iph and district insui luce aftiu aloclaliuis dr george a sirrs dental burgeon mill st corner rredenck acton office hours 0 00 o m to 5 30 p m telephone 10 veterinary b d young bvsc c l young d v m veterinary burgeons office brookville ontario phone milton 1wr4 1 we urrcntly require ll5tlnk of firm proplrly froni 50 to 300 acre also sm ill holdings from 1 to 2ft itri s i contict andy frank assoihlc al cimpbcllvllle phone milton xesrz c h dyment reatlor oakville 123 wntworth st s hamilton phone 78005 f g oakes v s b v sc veterinary burgeon office and heiidtnce- knox ave aeton phone 1j0 lhal c f leatherland lurrlitrr solicitor motary public offitl 2 phone kes 151 acton wm r bracken real fatal gi nuial insurance pliiint 20 aekn travellers guide gray coach lines lever- hoskin harterrd accountants sucei ssorb to jinklnb am hardy uu5 melropolitan bldk 44 victori i st toronto us 0131 mltit tuankoub 2uh li m i 10 s27 p m 1 nl d lys d lys standard time hth 1lave acton taitbound 111 i m h ill am 1 1 23 u m inn id pm 0 33 pm 131 hll p in werthound 17 i in 12 2 pm 2v7 pjln iiii 7 27 iiii l 12 pin 112u 1 12 a m sun to kitclienar daily ixcipt sunday and holl situiday sund ly and holl the victor b rumley funeral home funeral llomr llratrd ambulane i horn 30 nliht or day si rvmc tlu tomni uut for tt arr by appointimnl wm c milligan r o optometrlit is and jld wdlksdiys of the m mth 2pm to 0 p m it mill st hi side net of a t iirouv moore rocher painting and decorating contractors won mfw ot 275j acton canaotannationat railways standard time kaatuound i t iv 40 d m u uly txctpt sun ls itm mi 7 10 pm sunday nl hid p m jjailv xcipt sun- li 1 1 r t cortf town 00j utn i itl f im r it oi rj tun 10 11 ru wmlliounrt i i 1 impl sund ly and mo lis mhi i in suihijv and ivimday i l 1 j lit i m d uly xcrpt sun- v 1hh i tn l v i m fluff 1 pi 7 44 pm dally except sal nd sun fl 10 p m saturday only it p m sund tv only 0 43 a jn f j lktop sunday only flytr at out iph 7 05 pm dou fi jfomtdhom optoitetubt 73 stgeoroes square guelph complete eyesiaht sjtnviat

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