Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1952, p. 3

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thursday january 3rd 1 ml the acton free press acton ontario paoe tintek i- i the bowl timat- durlntf the holiday season when tbe h6me u tfarlandod with colored cicciric light on wreaths mantle and the christmas tree informal entertaining seems to tit any occa sion buffet meal can be moat suc cessful when planned informally plan a they nrc probnbly the favorite of the men the buffet tabic should havjcon- tinulty in arrangement so that the kuetrto may wait on themselves as fhxy move along the hide of tho tabic if the room is small push the table against one wall and placo vour flowcrc and candles mfnlnm the wall rather than in the centre decorations will then provide an nltraclnc background for your cer vine dishes stack plates in one or two piles at the end of the tabic and the silver in parallel of vlincs on either side of the plates next to thct place the napkin folded in a relatively small shape the dishes of food are arranged accord ing to their phapc and colour how ever bowls of sauce mixtures should be placed at the edge of the table for ease in serving man hortejgeg feel it len ds a g ra d ous touch to ask a friend to preside ov er the main dishes in any event she will do well to designate a hosteks to pour tea or coffee oj- tierve punch from a aide table cecil a carr optometrist guelph 8 douglas st m i09i ah of thi brings us to the trtftjt important point of the food lucjf a buffet hot consomme cheese squares cold sliced turkey and ham cranberry sauce or jelly jewel salad hot buttered holla picklei olives celery sliced fruit -5ake- holiday cookies coffee punofc 2 scandinavian buffet sardines smoked oyjten stuffed eggs shrimps corned wef cured meats potato salad relishes ii brt ad poppy rolls cheese ti ay dinbh pastry coffee take a tip 1 ktcp thi instruction imfllts and guarantee packed with thl ilic- uiliu equipment uiui to you fui chriitmius 1u ad ihcm care fully and then fill wheic they will be available for reference i if there arc no directions accom panying new electric appliances phone or write to the manu- latturer j be tun towipe off new equip- your guelph and district booking agent for the best in travel on land sea air world wide travel system guelph travel bureau 110 mudotuiell 81 3 doors east palace theatre phone 631 call or writ stop and see us fpr- pontiacs buicks vauxhalls gaac trucks parts and accessories tires and batteries good selection of used cars complete service and repairs lorngarner motors acton ont avain st tel 452 ment with a mitfhtly damp cloth never jnnursc electrical units in water 4 season a new electric waffle iron with salad oil it is then not necessary to re season 5 preheat the electric table broiler tor 5 minutes before toasting food c do not uc plastic or thinly covered extension cord for heat ing appliances attach the re commended healing cord 7 be wary where an extension cord u placed it should never be laid across a doorway or in the path of traffic 8 never use a frayed or defective extension cord it is wiser to purchase a new one since wind ing electric tape a round a cord for a heating appliance slows down the heating of the unit fl never overload any one circuit 10 replace a blown fuse with one of the same number of ampcros as marked on the end of one to be discarded it is usually 15 amperes unless it is q fuse for the ehctric oven 11 nivir stand on a wet floor when ou are reaching into the main fuse box 12 ktep a supplv of lamps on hand so that there ma be light from an socket two tone salad 1 package lime jelly powder 1 cup canned pineapple pieces 1 package cherry jelly powder cup grapefruit sections 1 cup pear cubed dussolvtlirnc jelly according to directions when partially act fold in pineapple chill in electric re frigerator meanwhile dusolye cherrv powder fold in pear chili until partuillv set then pour over firm linu jill leave in refriger ator nbou three hours 6ervcs g to ft pecan tarts l cup butter or substitute cup brown sugar 3 e x cup flour i tsp alt 1 cups corn f nip 2 cups broken pecans tsp maple extract cream butfer and surir add beau n trgs then flour salt sy rup nuts and extract line tart jpms with pistrv put a spoonful i of mix into eieh bake in electrie oven of 40 di rs for 10 mini then i nstt hi at lontrol to 350 degs and i rontimu biking about 15 mtns m m im i ninm chronicles of 4 ginger form written specially for the acta ifvmr pru by gwendoline f curfce take it ennythftt i am sure would be n good new year resolu tion for all of us who are over im jin lmoti thought ttndlcs3 oviisi l ordt rs fur brit no two piotitei ink j u tuibine pout red urliiursthi ji t lonii t md 111 turbuviip vim mint- h i ivutdid tlu j million m irk bilt0n and perry limited plumbars steamftthrs tinsmiths ve carry a complete stock of furnace pipes steel pipes eavestroughing toilet outfits basins sinks baths furnaces oil burners etc gir wood air conditioning oil fired furnaces we sell direct office showroom dnd plant 126 main street north phone 4j acton furry for everyone irrespective of oro would mean n treat im provement inour way of livinc in 1032 if it were carried out hurry hurry huny that ap parently has become the keynote to modern living and what does it add up to nothing but ineffl- citncy high blood pressure and jagrod nerves there are few of us who mnnne to escape its in fluence we maj not want to be hurried but a person caujtht in n crowd is pushed nlona in spite of himself and there you have stranjre paradox a slowmovinn crowd is usually the result of too many people trying to hurry nt the same time the fact of their hurry- inn eventunlly slows up everybody as for instance highway traffic it isnt necessary for me to say anymore about that you know what i mean but you can ma at home and still feel hurried you can he so conscious of all the work ahead of you that while you are doinr one job you are hurryinc thinkine of the next job ahead of you waiting to be done a bad habit but one that is hard to break maybe the telephone rings you are busy but you dont like to keep anyone waiting so you hurry to answer it besides that the other party may be in a hurry and not wait if you dont get there fast enough so you dont stop to push the pan of fry ing sausages to one side nor may be to shut off the draft from the newlybuilt kitchen fire but you have it on your mind as you an swer the telephone in a few minutes ou excuse yourself hurry back to the kitchen just in time to rescue the sizzling sausages from burning or to stop the stovepipes catching fire then vou hurry back to the telephone the othi r party tells you that in your absence two or three other people came to the telephone and asked if the line was busy so you hurry to finish your telephone conversation and thm back to the kitchen open up the drafts again push the frying pan to the front of the stove take a quick glance at the clock my it can t be that time already you 11 have to hurry or dinner wont be on time maybe after dinner you must go down town can t wait too long the bank closes at three oclock but it looks like ram so you must get the washing off the line before you go yai hurry to wash and change your clothes and away goes a run in your nylons now you are really rushed you finally get out to the car hoping it will start being overanxious you get too generous with the choke and flood the blessed thing just aa you finally get started your bet ter half comes down from the barn and calls to vou to bring back some 2 inch nails he hasn t enough to finish the job he is doing you get to town the only park ing space you can find is one end of thi street and the bank is the other hurry hurry hurry you reach the bank just as the junior clerk lb closing the door you knew all along he would be hur rying to do that httle job then comes shopping and of coursi jou left vour shopping list at home now what was it you win ispetiallv anxious not to for- gtf you cant n member you finish picking up w hat ou vvint and makt for tlu cash r gisti r but from tin otlu r aisle couu s a worn m with a huei bisk t of giiuiriis and g ts thm ihi id of jou thin follow a l imnutt north i e ast west s outh m1 news from all directions nl two hhlllln curioaliy from last weeks oakvllle tra falgar journal comes n tale that not local jubt interesting an ad vertisement in a london england newspaper road a book every nevvly married couple should read t bhilllntis and that wan all curious couples who sent tliclr shillings received n bible when the cnse was brought to court tho seller was promptly acquitted of course cvfry married couple should read the bible klapstlek artist a slapstick comedian had him- olf n rare time in a burlington store last week strictly for laughs and in a first class imitation of tv or moving picture eomics he be gan tossing all tin goods off the shelves and biting anyone who trjed to stop him the obnoxious custom r wns a monkey who had i scaped fiom a cage in the stoie wht ie he had betn attracting atcntion by more orthodox means the police who were called in to help calm the christmas spirits of the monkey finally captiued it in n smelt net the animal was said to be of a vicious an well as playful species water state or affairs top topic in milton last week was water or jack of it a water leak which for some time was not discovered depleted the towns water supply some taps were completely empty from some drib bled just a trickle of wnter town workmen covered tflout four and a half miles of milton water pip with- geophones then a town workman heard wajer running near the town hall and the leak was found the normal waler prts sure of flo wan reduced to an ave rage 12 fire chief a clement wai busy finding allernntive waler supplies in case of fire and whnt did the people do some import d tin ir aqua from toronto some went to toronto for a taste of h some even melted snow for n bit of the precious li quid the result wns reporti d none too good proud noldritirh the georgetown herald reporti d a goldfinch that didnt go south with all the conviction that this was a novel piece of news and likely most leaders did think that the bird was a rarely the paper stands corrected howevt r by a reader who makes a hobbikof col lecting birtl3 he tells that gold finches never go south they never- thlnk qfjt they change into a dull crcoat and just stay right hen evidently the bird reported in the georgetown herald was ralher pleased with his bright jacket and decided to leave it on to cheer up the winter laundry just cail zenith 13600 direct line no charge laundry services worlds greatest hearing scientists new discovery by sonotone no receiver button in oar or dangling cords tho electronic hearing brain after 50 years of research llt hers now hard of hoaring and all hoaring aid users have tho greatest treat of their life to look forward to all sounds you havo lost you will again hoar for the asking write for free booklet or home demonstration hi doerrs hearing clinic name 62 quean si worth address l llllll kitchener ontario town 1951 awards for bank advertising hated second among all banka in north america for the quality of its advertising the bank of mont real has won three awards for maj or publicrelations productions is sued during 1051 with a wide margin over any bank in thus counto the b of lvl has scored second placo in the bank adviews continuing study of f in mcial advertising on the north american continent leading to the socrates high award of the year first place for 1051 ww taken bv the republic national bank of dallas an honor which was previously won by the bank of montreal in 1940 the only time for the highest award to come to a canadian bink the bink has consistently rated in this survey among the top banks of the contin ent for several years past the b of m also received an award in the 25 directmall lea ders contest for the production of canada today a 100page ii- luitroted brochure which the bank distributes to businessmen in all parts of the world for the pur pose of developing commercial and industrial interest in canada in the field of annual reporting the bank received a highest merit award citation from the financial world new york for the illust rated brochure it published for its shareholders covering the year 1950 the report to quote citation was judged as among the moot modern from the standpoint of content typography and format of the 5 000 annual reports examin ed during 1051 the bank s 134th annual report covering 1051 has just been pub lished collfgf attfndance drops illll ul on hiilny r l ii uu rt through at 1 ist ton i f if it in mating hours in iir and uu did want to i hullii to mrs blink who u in the hospital too 1 itt now so mui ii it hoim yihii patu ntlv wait nif hush ind i onus ilong for his niils and of coins oui fn gotu n tin in noni of th txcusts u of ft i in iki s us to him so tin i iu or hi jo back for tht n un 1u s ij p r turn tin lu id u hi s mi muii m m itt r if i n h tw iiv m ins swirling irouml in m ur lu ui lik 10 uuuli hillnik duniih i tlu i w niiik n ihb r plums for fiu rulu il at iui what hm i ou bun douij shi iski tint tht rt mav bi trouble aheid for c in ida s rapidly expanding indiu- tri il 1 1 onomv if the dip in thls mtrs uniwrsitv t nrollmcnls is a tn nd sign unlike tht risint figun s for popul ition n tmn il output and nitionil inromi inrollmmts an alltime high for auto accidents a threeway pressure on automo bile insurance rntes makes increas ed rales almost inevitable in most parts of canada in 1052 noting that insurance ratts are determined by the amounts paid out in claims each year the an nouncement said uiat preliminary figures from all parts of the coun try indicated that 1051 would chalk up an alltime high iri claims pay ments arising out of automobile ac cidents final data is mill bung worked out and definite announce ments are anticipated early in de cember during 1050 insurance companies paid out 52000000 in claims plus servicing and adjusting costs thcrj is every indication that the 1051 figure will top 100 000 000 with in surance companies paying out more and more to bcttle claims it ap pears inevitable that rates will have to go up to cover the rising costs insurance officials explained that any adjustments made in existing rates will vary widely from place to place in canada depending entirely on the number and size of claims arising in that area for insurance- purposes the country is broken down into numerous rating areas and the rates for each area are es tablished bv the claims made by or against insund drivers in that ani there are three reasons opera tional why insurance companies wert paying out more and more in claims each year on the technical aide is the fact that the modern motor car is such a complex vehicle that it cost more to repair now than ever befon with both the cost of labor and of pirts far in excess of what thf y once were thi result is that eve rv accidmt cexstsmore in terms of re pairs to damaged ehlchs on tin u gal side is thi fact that court judgmtnts for damages n suiting from death or injury due to accidents haw bun much more gtnerous in recent trs than in xhc pist- largely in ri cognition of tht rising cost of living and of mi die il can tins m ins hiavur 1 1 inns ig mi si tin h ihilil si rtum of insur mn i outiat ts wn tbmrt ttmx rt untversttinr- his m ir it ros tin rountn fducators sa s tin financial ptist st t tins is i d uigi roils omen f r thi m trs tt mint whin more ind mort tjuilifiid gr idtnti s wm hi rut did b mdustrv bublneis md i n t rnim nt thm tr bi fun mr ul tht si irih for qinhfud s untlst diictors mguittrs ind un i rsitv r um d t i hmrtans hi hid t h cimi d oulsidi f imd i tlui ju t r n t t nough graduated b un v i rsith s pollock aria campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 waur st north galt telephone im h ps u whit h mii1 n do m think i i i il a ill just n im it tl i s w rk y u mid- unu r ii i u tin d it t ibu mi fiuti i d n t be- i u i of tht w rk o i m d t but i ui u vns iwriint i u uiik it s tin li v i i t fl ll is d u hut dis likt th it or dnnt mil if 0 1 1w l til wt sit p this hurrmiik sou t 11 im h tanse i tan t find tlu inswtr nd mi help nu im tot to ti this topv in thi mail or else turn and tide wait for no m in nor do nt ws paper officth wait fur their cop on the opt i itional sutt i titt ful that thtte is i sti idil rising numhi r of aicidiuts with insui arut compmiis h uulliiik thousands mori i 1 unii i iih wnk this is tost filtoi whuh e in ix improve d otiu h i itduttiuti in tlu nunilii i of m id nts i s vi i ininc sphilt i mfor rd with fib i kl iss is usi d in i m w hm r f r ti i k it ion i in ils di flu s stot k p m 1 did w mmmg pools to eoi tr t rt ports thi fin uu r t y wi om r ixciult b it it ijt a ftt 1 v tht hnt r ii arips nm tin 1 in i with ilxut foot of th i i u ook out i l smokinr 1 rss sn ike in t 11 don t ilk thru l ii s n p i is i hi h i n a n c i a 1 lkst iitts nuisid for cm uinpti n in st pti mix r wiri down w pi r tint fumi iinu month lust tar n it asi of citfars down 83 per ci nt nit tohuieo down j4 per tint uuo hows itffect of tobacco workers strike jufattwu green beansv peas jt s le kernel cornv 2 t ehs7 brakb mihobd beef loat 12oz tin 29c tomato soup 2e tuna pish plajou ylb tdi 29 ketchup heinzbtl 28t tomato juice atlmee choice 30oz tins dessert pears s31t apple sauce peaches btuhfs ptney qtmbkfl rotal buosd 1boz 27c 2r33e mansion bl0ebaok salmon 37c raisins av 4e bulk figs pnnd io orange juice 29e aylmer boston brown beans with pork tm 16oz fij 200z mi tins jbrw m tins heinz cereal ro 23k baby food 29c libbys milk 2 31e somas 0u8tom osound coffee 96c tea b ags vkci 99e 67c 34c margarine z 55c tops dog food loc mzl m grapefruit 5 for 29c tangarines c iilnl celery hearts imiouriii diit 1 ioi carrots doz 23c- bundle 19c ig bunch 17c vutnli l spinach rrrn luatu toniauwi baiujuu graprs muhraonu

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