Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1952, p. 2

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pag the acton free press acton ontario thursbay januajiy lotfc tatit need for urgency om of the advantages of having elections in early december is that the newly elected members may get into harness early in the new year that advantage has unfortunately been lost to a6on this year owing to the severe illrtest of the mayorelect thomas salmon if is one of those incidents over which there is no control by either the electors or the elected the nomination date has been set for next monday and if an election is necessary to fill the post it will be held on monday january 21st this means that the new mayor will actually hold office only part of the year the lapse of time is regrettable but apparently unavoidable under the circumstances we have heard the point dis cussed on the advisability of a smallor council however when the frailities of human beings are considered and the fact that members of council draw no allowances for their services the argument for a small group has little to com mend it council meeting of this week is partly a duplicate of what will have to be reenactod after a mayor has been chosen the years pro gram will have a months delay it is therefore imperative that the election be over as soon as possible and by that we do not suggest an ac clamation but we do urge that once the mayor is elected there be sessions as soon as possible and the program for 1952 started town business is not by any means at a standstill but there are many important items that require attention and one of these is the securing of industries which may be on the move there was much work done on this phase last year that will be lost unless speedy action can be secured from council and its industrial committee which is yet to get organized which group are you in personal income in canada ni950 reached a new high 13327 million here is how it was distributed employees got 8032 million or 603 per cent farmers and others in business on their own aot 2875 miltion or 21 6 per cent people drawing income from rents and in terest netted 997 million or 7 5 per cent shareholders canadians owning stocks got 245 million in dividends or 1 8 per cent members of the armed forces drew 137 million in military pay and allowances or 1 0 per cent income from transfer payments items like family allowances old age pensions veterans benefits and charitable contributions of corpora tions accounted for 1 041 millions or 7 8 per cent agriculture is important municipalities are busily seeking industry mat will locate with them for the beneftts that any centro can denvefrom them but it struck us the other day that all industry is certainly not the type that locates in buildings agriculture is one of those industries that is extremely important to tiny municipality and although geography books always treat it as on industry we commonly for get it yes agriculture is an industry that is ust as complex as the kind that t mploys great machines and larqe groups of men the agriculturist is a combination of chemist tconomist sctentist engineer and a lot of other things the farmer is often forgotten in tht industri 1 ttern yet he the most important cog in the industrial whet i of progress and sufficiency often cyjr talk of industrtit expansion tspe cutlly m thost art a si iu d for t lrimlture s dtinqeioi bt iu ttu iol sfr cner nq i f land and making tt k if uk 1 1 t the growth of fod is toivtiru i economically aoi luiiuu mportant i i i industry because of the dollars it attracts to the country through expot markt is son e ndustrv docs the ijmc bee u se o k to i u m it pt uht t n tht farmei i i r o u o or 1 1 pt r cent tht pt oplt i t i s no tt o it ir c b hi ht toni nr a 1 mil tt j o ko in i tht nt i pc u it on u n v i t ooi v h l i ioi puikts tilt 0t i rt 1 s v t l pt rt t or sidt at lm i ii dtt op it t pro if ir i th it i nic pv ti i i t- tt f it sjld in t tt tl ex tr s i uv i t nough to tt vou i o to r lm l ur bub nts too sin irl to tjrt t c transportation ptob cms to and trom woik nean nothing m the smaller communities then is still personal independence in the uncrowded parts which he outside the cities the- press and council from time to time there is often misunder standing of the functions of the press in relation to municipal councils wo are often criticized be cause we dont publish enough and just as often censored because we publish too much no newspaper minds such criticism as long as the issuo is kept free from personalities an article from the booklet the municipal council in ontario seems worth reprinting at the start of a new year in municipal affairs while it holds no official position in munici pal government the press plays an important and ueful pah in its operation it is largely through the columns of the newspaper that the citizens obtain their information with respect to what matters are being dealt with by their council and their disposition in this way the press serves as a connecting link between the council and its people and serves to protect the electors and tax payers by keeping councils under close scrutiny while the representatives of the press have no special rights they have the same right of at tendance at council meetings and access to pub lic records as other inhabitants of the munici pality although the representatives of the press may be excluded from committee meetings ex perience shows in the long run in most matters it is better to have the representatives of the newspapers get the correct story first hand than to get a garbled version of the proceedings by indirect means most newspapers can be relied upon not to publish information which it is clearly not in the public interest to have published in fairness to the representatives of the press however it should be membered that their business is to get news and not necessarily to print only what the council or a member of council wants to be published there is probably no other agency in a com munity that can do more to promote or obstruct good municipal government than the local press this quotation above is not our words but we subscribe to it in principle and have all down through the years of our newspaper work trophies for urtglamorous there are so many trophies given for sports these days and we often wonder if our incentive to excel could not be shared in more common place little things that provide benefits in other directions we are not belittling the need for oood competition in sports or the awarding of tiophies for excellence in playing games but what about the fellow who shovels his sidewalk promptly and well after each storm or the citizen who is best at paying his taxes promptly or the property owner who has the best kept property and surroundings truly these are commonplace and not spectacular and are not the centre of the public gaze they do how ever contribute to the appearance well being and comfort of many citizens you might say they are duties many of them are not fun and in fact snow shovelling is not advised for folks ever a certain age but if trophies are good to create a keen in terest in play they should have a like effect on the work of community betterment this winter would have been a good one for competition for the best cltared sidewalk in town that s just as important as a ski championship or a figure skating award in our canadian winters we are ust a little bit afraid that if all tht emphasis is placed on sporting awards the young folks of to day may think sports are all important and the t veryday tasks are unnecessary we may have something to offer for another t nit that will tn dtavot to stimulate cil ensh p con pt tit on editorial notes now bitk to routine ur d a ct e merch int d k l he wou d bt glad to mil w a nn mo i 1 i w ag n i wg med less pxoblem j the good old days may have seemed better back in 1902 taken rom the issue oj the free press of thursday january 9 190- the municipal contest here last monday was confined to the rtcv ship and resulted in an over- whelmmc majority for reeve johr williams the defeat of cou jeans was more decisive thin gen erally anticipated the council of the present is therefore as follows reeve john williams councillors bv acclamation jno a henderson george h nds h swnckhimrr r ind j a knew the public school truslet s t rt also tlecttd bv ncclinntion mess s holmi ajmcu ind wordtn re- tirtd ind re j k goddtn m rc h a macphtrmin ind mr w h dcinv were dieted thi ji es thrco mtirek new mm to tht boird with dr s a mckpiruc w r kinnn ind h grind 11 it is now ibout time the niin trt put on the new concrtu s t the town hall johnstone ind co havt remoid their undertakmr and stock f fur ni un to the pnrson block this us more central and commodnu it ls unfortunate that pirt of ht iccine used in the vaccimtio of citizens the past two weeks w is at poor quilitv all whose ir cimtion was not effective ire bem re iecimted fret of charge the lsolation tent has a second pititnt this wit k the brother of mrs vance thi first pitient the outsidt rumours thit acton is full of srmllpox ind quirintintd ire ibsolutek untrue the merchints tt 11 us thm w n more firmer in town list situni i i thin on tht first siturdn irtt r i holidi for i lonr time tttttlt aitos mntoi nr prodiulmn for duni s i tn list ls hkt 1 tn in iff imwhtti duni if to j pt r nut in l n p its tin fin irui il i st but in th s uk is t pt t tt d to 1 t t ik n up in ituit isid tput tnd dt ft ns u idti- citntiil moltirs ixpotts ft r txunpwj ut runrun it 0 pt r ttiit of tot il oulp- it is ij unsl n nt pt r ct nt in 1 l r or tht hik tin t i l it ist mis is t xpt t it d tt n t in i i niiifun ilit dull s it or in ii nd r p 1 it 1 this st j s ii i 1 t input ii u in i iit mm h ii il j001ki0 j u h i x ouo in l n back in 1932 from he issue oj the free prexs of thursday january 7th 1932 the roads have been rather pre carious for motor traffic the pait week when the scholars of the prim ar department went back to school aftir the holidays they were erect ed with a new et of scats a complete nt w outfit of the latest pproved typi had been installed curinc the vacation in st pml t united church mi iton thi ma mace w als solem- niid of flon may daughter of inspector j m ind mrs dmls of milton to wiunm whitakcr kinr of o ikvillc thiufypo held ti new years frolic m tht pirlsh hill on nlv itir s et 1 ont of tht worst ice storms of i t irs isitcd this section of tht province on niu ycirs div and wroufih dimikl to the telephone tt leftriph ind hdro lines estim- ittd it 400 000 in acton the hvdro power wtn oft on fndnv morning but wis in order during the nirht ikiin somt sections of the community were not in repair until tutsda formtr rtsidtnt of acton p l ed aw iv on saturdiv whin john fiston died at hus home in guelph mr east on w es stvtntysix years of afit interment wes made in the fimih plot m fairview ctmetor ilun marrifo wnsovcarnmian at knox m inst acton on wtdntsdiv dtdinbtr itrd 1011 bv rt v jj l btrmi m a mvr it i c im i h in o j ni s rt i n f giulph i1ifd mrdrii m h on iph g nor- 1 hospit il on s tturdiv i mi 2nd 1032 th 1 m it dimp h 1 ivtd w ift t f rtl i u n h r hith i ir jl st whtaft rt tt nt tn urt s m thi pnrt s of i tt r compilt d in rntain show it iht c m idi m pritt is about i r im in lit itfitim tin pnrt is mtit i1j unts p r pound in intt i tints m tht united itt s 7j tnls tht ch rm in prut it ul tin v is m cm id of i t untrit s 1 st i nu in i n irk th insii h u in tn it i k i i r n tht m s a i t it i ct i lopil ir sonr- l i t t tt tor rlt ie ci s s str if ti uk i s ot o t j t r i t v btt v i sh t t s i a st is l lo suqciest on cun ik i e l itn aid otfic lis n cjiqjtv altu 1 tv u pt tt is tf oung dolirtqucnts commited to re form school should be compeitd to pu slmu tt or 1 i ttie cost of keeping them there b net t is b t n these cases nejrly jv vs ress f the parents they are the ones vwho sliou j tocr ttit bill sound think ng in these matters seems common tn the west med cine hat has ust reslored curfew any child under 16 found on the streets after 10 pm without parent or tuardian will be taken home by police parents ct such children can be fined from 5 to 15 the acton free press j p r h r i mi i i in 1 r i i iillli nt il 4s ond i ihs mall 1wl lllflir lit liarlmt tit hllvia uiiiiimt iutlt ititiuu irrultiun t and ontario lu hrr llivlun n advertising rales on request subscription i 4 advance 3 so in canada 3 50 in united states 6 months 1 50 sinqle copes 6c teiephones business and editorial office 174 residence 131 at the xtttlrb eliurrh of susaha a rtuendly caiunch kev k a carrey tla bd tllnleter pmtmonuge 30 bower avenue phone go muea o m tmmsm4 avxlm orsanut and choir leader jsuntiay jakuajiy 13th 10s2 1000 em sunday school 11 00 a m worahlp sf r- vlcp ofttoly communion 7 00 tm kvenlnet wonthlp sub- jed a chrtcter study tnonphi lot th week eye haw not ueen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the thln which god hath prepared for them that love him 1 cor 3 rt albtttt m cljuftrl anahoaw bisetor tt w o ijimuh ba sunday january 13th epiphany 1 0 00 am holy communion 10 00 am sunday school 1 1 00 a m befflnnera class 7 00 p m evening prayer a welcome awalta you 1932 lrrsbitrrittnillurf ii to tsattntka knox airmen acton rfcv robert ii aaufhthone atjl ilto sunday jauwary lath 1000 am sunday school bible clau 1100 om divine worship 7 00 pm divine worship visitors are welcome bapim hrfttrrl aoton douglas n shlitcr interim pastor sunday januahy 13th 1m 10 30 am sunday school i mo am the exciting poaaabll- ity of faith 7 00 pm the hlfht way to w content friday january 11 1052 4 dw mission band 8pm week ec prayer service in unlaed church ncv w ii moore the upper canada bible soc iety sound film frontletr- mon tucwlay january 13 1052 8 pju youna womens mission clrcl at home of mrs g ultehem 02 mill st welcome to ah professional directory and travellers guide mebical dr w g c kenney phyaielan mail burteaa office in symon block mill st acton office pbatm 7t reddehee chorch st ifheee im dr d a garrett physician and surfeen corner of willow and river stm entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 devtal dr a j buchanan dental burgeon office liishman block mill st office hours 9 a m lo 6 p m x ray telephone 118 cr george a sirrs dental burgeon mill st cornir frederick acton olfict hours 900am lo 5 30 pm telephone 19 vettrivauy b d young bvsc c l young d v aa i veterinary surgeons offici brookvilli ontario phone milton 14br4 f g oakes v s b v sc veterinary burgeon office and residence knox ave acton phone 130 c f leatherland narrlslrr a solicitor olary public office 22 phmil ius 151 acton lever hoskin f hartrrrd accountants such vsors to j1vkins and iiahdv 1301 mi tiupulltln blilk- 44 victun i st toronto uk 0131 miscm i wioua the victor b rumley funeral home funeral home heated ambulane phuni jo niklit ir ciiij sirvnik tl i iiim init for v t irb bjsal estatb and inaimancat willoughby farm agency largest and oldest agency in canada head office sm bay bt tenet phone emplre 30004 georeetown representative tens hwsm phone georgelawn xstw wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wright 20 wilbur st 99 mocdonnebsf guelph ori acton ont phone 05 phone 40isw valuators kealtera inaaraw mcmbtr appraisal institute w of canada members guelph and district rial estate board mimbirs guilph and district inburdncc aytnts association wi urecntiy rtqulre listings of farm property from 50 to 300 acraa also sm ill holdings from 1 to 3 jcrts contact c h dyment realtor i2j wtntworth st s hamilton phom 70005 or andy frank salcsnrm it campbellvill phone mlllan xutt wm r bracken real kaule gem- hal insurance pliont 20 actos travellers guide gray coach lines jim pm in i7 pin inl i iln- ii sluniiinl time lllfs i lve actov iamtliound ill a in ll i m ii 23 a m i in llil ii in 133 p in jj lil 0 111 p in hrstliound 17 i tn 12 1j pin 2 17 p m pm pin b 12 p m mil i i in isun to ktlchcnar iiil ixtipt sund ty and ho 11 sitiuili siintl iy und holi h a ii i i n nt wm c villigan bo optiitnrtrut i 1 i ii i n i ii n f ih in i h 2 in 1 i in l mill si 1 f 1 hltown canadian national railways iliiiiilanl time r 4htliound 1 h i vi i in lnl xemt sun ii i i i iii i in p in sunday 1 h ii ill 11 uk i xi pt sun il i 1 1 r it i nun ioj m ii t i 1 rk t wi 1011 writliountl 1 s i i iv ii i mun nl s n il v n i 1 i day 11 i t sun i l ip i in flag ii 1 1 1 x i l sat s i iii i s li i i n lly s i s n i im s k 1 r jt moore rocher painting and decorating contractors phone 299w or 27sj acton po1 j04hluat u mmt i nun i s sgumti- ill il oml i itl ims1giit shivk f want ad page where old friends meet

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