Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1952, p. 2

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paoa the acion free press acton ontario effective warning devices according to the journal of commerce a patent has been luued for a device that will cause highways to speak up when an automo bile approaches a clanger point undulated pan- elsatintheodturf wheels conveying the sound waves and the car body acts as a soundbox to make audibility so far only single words such as danger or cros sing at contemplated several years ago a warning signal was placed at a railway crossing on no 7 highway between norval and brampton when cars went over the signal it made a noise as if one was losincjmarvypairtspf the vehicle it was really quite startling and one was so confused that the crossing was liable to escape from ones mind and concentration made on reaching the nearest garage we recall going over the crossing one day and- noticing a motorist examining his load of camping material which was strapped on the top rear and sides of his car he seemed quite con vinced he had lost part of his load in the noise created the signal didnt stay in the road very long and its the only one we can recall being used m wendhem-irrrnorty-plftces- theyseem tohav its a big job inaugural council meetings are over and the 1952 municipal year has been launched with committees formed and routine business operat ing the elected officials who are serving their town or township for the ensuing year are sad died willingly with a big ob that quite often goes unappreciated and ignored the business of being a councillor is much more complex and demanding than many think and sometimes this public representative is open to severe criticism when he takes a definite stand on a controversial issue too it is a thank less ob in many ways a man if he looks after his municipal duties in proper and conscientious manner must of necessity devote considerable time to the municipality often his own business suffer on the other hand the municipal role has its bright side many pleasant and even warm as ociations are formed and there is the education acquired from studying and practising municipal law and administration all in all the councillor though at times he has occasion to regret entering the arena of local politics is happy in his ob and in the knowledge that he is rendering genuine and useful service to his neighbors and his community the odd car it s always interesting to note how anything unusual will attract attention any place some place we read about a new plastic preparation applied on the chrome of an automobile pre vented rust caused by the sand and salt placed on wtnter roads it sounded logical and it never crossed our mind that the preparation would be anything but clear we arranged to have the material put on our car imagine the surprise we received when the chrome was turned to a gold color our surprise vas no more than those who viewed the gold trimmed car on the road it appears our car is one of its kind in this district children slop in their play to point at it folks along the street take a second look we parked on a street in a nearby city and sat in the car and the comments wtre most interesting one woman it sure is bright another group of four solved the mystery by stating it was un doubtedly one of the 1952 models because we had a new 1952 sticker on another man after carefully appraising the decoration confided that he liked the color combination we have learned since that the plastic preparation comes in various colors and pink and lilut and neutral are available we ii be giad if some orhtr motorists like the colors and relieve the spotlight from our car its fine to try new th ngs and be early m color schemts but it has its d sidvantages in being singled out one of the advantages besides pre serving the chrome trim is the fact that there is no difficulty finding your car on any parking lot on being agreeable it is great to meet agreeable people we all like their company they light up a crowd and a room like an electric lamp jt is peculiar they are not in the majority but a knack of making everyone like them they are pleasant to talk to and always have a smile we want agreeable companions foremen like agreeable workmen it makes everything run so much smoother when you have agreeable people every man wants an agreeable wife wives like that kind of husbands children are pioud of agreeable parents and we all visit our agreeable relatives it is nice to meet agreeable hotel clerks policemen amtors bankers preachers conduc tors in fact we all like to meet agreeable per sons no matter what their occupation may bo how much do wo contribute to agreeable ness do we meet every person with a smile not a sickly ono that gives the impression of pain but one that is and looks natural agreeable people are in demand in every walk of life just take for instance your mer chant if he is not as agreeable as your neigh bour s you soon change him you even greet the tenth salesman at the door with a smile when he rings the door bell unusually hard and wakes the baby lust because he is an agreeable sor of chap he also succeeds selling you goods where the others failed being agreeable has its compensations thursday january 17th 1m2 city is strike friendly toronto struck us as being a changed place when we made a quick weekend trip to that city it s changed because the ttc operators went on strike and eliminated those oneeyed monsters from the centre of the street people were hitch hiking on most of the main corners and two groups we picked up didn t seem to appreciate the stand the operators were taking we thought they were probably the two most authoritative groups we could have chosen to6 one lad who occupied the front seat with us was quick to point out his father had been with the ttc for 4 years and had received sufficient pay all the time plus cloth ing plus transportation the second couple a man and wife who oined the discussion from the darkness of the back seat had formed opinions on the subject too he had worked for the ttc for eicjht years as an operator and just last year left the job not because of money as we understood it because he claimed drawing about 120 to 130 each week with overtime afterwe mulled 6ver the figure it sounded a little fantastic but it was too late to verify it for all three passengers left us at ossington ave daily newspapers have carried an abundance of letters expressing the opinions of citizens by the time this appears the whole issue may be settled but we hope it is by a great deal of com promise on the part of the operators for the simple reason we think their demands are more than a little too much th strike seems to have worked a miracle on the general attitude of torontonians they re friendly when they get m a car just out of cour tesy anyone who has ever faced an every morning and evening half hoyr ride on one of those ttc bone shakers will realize what a change this is we hope that when and if torontonians go back to riding street cars they will remember their lesson in friendliness they could easily take an addition to that lesson from the smaller j centres outside the big cities where friendly areetmgs are usually the key note of conversa tion and a lesson for smaller centres not to get too bid and be involved in such extensive trans portation problems postman knocks twice docs the postman knock twice six burlington men should know hivina juit completed civil service examinations thit qualify them to carry burlington mail house to house the one aday brand deliv ery will begin down bouth on mon day january 21st as soon as the two rings or slip in the slot or whatever tho syum is is operating smoothly the nost offices at freeman and port nclun will be closed turkey and ttc the ttc and turkey both jus iot one train conductor down ac cording to the oikville trafalfiur journal queried ibout his irritability is the eeninn special neired oik ville hi grinned and sud guess its just too miny of thosl dinged turkey sandwiches wh not tell your wfi to swteh to egg when she iinkes jour lunch the conductor ecd him m inmzlment whj no conductor on this trim his brought his lun h for ten eirs he cxcliimeci you rider lni 25 lunches on the trim every morning and litel ei i d irned oni v is full of turkev sind uichts photogenic christinas tiking one list look over the christm ls cirds w xs georgetown columnist m h b in list week s hirtld and some she looked oit m print prove interesting ou ide gior borders miss doroth stone m ir ist who hes it suwirttown sent not oni but i pur of circls both pho o jnphic studus one uls her hou c with fhwtis i bloom md th other w is t iki n in id wi li c its t pr iw 1 on ht r i idt it r m s stoiu u ichis ii rt it tin aitcn t i milk i 1 1 k ih c cil i n 1 m i ird w hi i li t i r tph i liininu n ij likht ir k ilk i in ill ti un n i m it m deer people this county commentator just a few days ago read with interest part of a novel people of the deer in the last edition of the atlantic monthly and u surprsed to read m an oakvllle paper that the writer of this exciting novel farley mowai has an aunt living there mrs j m cond reports a bit on her adventurous city hating nephew after six years with the ca i- jidian intfantry farley mowat headed north to become the champ ion of the fast disappearing esk imos of the barrens at 15 he had gone north with in uncle and liter during college summers he spent six months with th people of tho barrens ind with him wis i city bride who knew just ibout nil concerning life as the eskimos live it the pur now live in the caledon hills mr mowit tried to find a mir ket for his tilt s of the north in cimd ind found the mnrket just ibout ls birren us the lind h w rote ibout mr mow it sr ls the author of cirr mg plice and is the dir ec or of public library service to ontirio 7300 nights mrs nelson howird of cimp bt llvuje rnndo i good buy when c bought i light bulb 20 veirs igo the light w hich has been turned on every sjngll night since it wis purchiscr his cost only 105 of i cent per dov or nther per night evidently 7100 nights of rejulir shining hisn t frosted the bulb for the origiml frosting hi ill worn off but the em rgetic likht still shims tht oiktilu iucoid st u shps t one conn r of its front pil i itim tilled all rikht you t 11 oiu com iled jminj nun p i i ofti n take me for i nu mbt r f i tlii r u uxls i prett jouiik think iu illv m i i bl ick all i ilht u t 11 one the good old days may have seemed better back in 1902 frost ih fume of tit frer prcm tt thrday unitary 1mb lmrt th rmnuntlt rtimnum which ar current in norm locality to th ef fect that ulcuiik of the mnutlpox cant acton un n town la qimrun- uttiulrutid uu i uu iraliuldu not- stop here ur a rldlculmm an tin y ore ub true acton mny consider hint if far- tunnle in the fact that the acton roller mills have bun wcured by so thorouuhly prncticnt a miller as mr w monhier of palmimton who has leaned tho property for o term of years from menum bardmore and co the mill will be in full ninnjntf order in n few days on tuesday nfttrnoon mr adam bauer s team hauled the biggest load of hemlock bark that was ever teamed from the gtr station to beardmore and co a tannery it was 14 fut long ft feet wide and b feet hikh exictly seven cords the load weighed l pounds or 7 tons the officers of woodmen of the world camp no 02 have been in stalled for the present term as fol lows pcc ii jeans cc a a secord a l george vincent clerk george afnew binker james wil son escort j forbes watchmin f ryder sentinel f gardiner delegate george agnew the new doctrine promulgated at the nnnunl meeting of esqucsing agricultunl society thit because the annual fair is likely to be held in georgetown next fall the presi aenl should be a georgetown man is nu amusing as it wns unfair to mr john mcqueen the vice presi dent who had honorably earned 1 the pri sidency by arduous unsel fish efforts in behalf of the society esqucsing fair has been held six years in acton during its history et never did acton climor for the presidency back in 1932 prom ut vaatffi tf ihtt vt itreaa mt truy lannry htfa inc well the oold weather camp at lost even if it wan raltu to npnumie the ice men haven i been b1 ie imvwal mueuofnerorfar6tott purposes yet the ypung peoples society ot the united church held a akattntf party on monday evening on vmiry bake the benefit show for relief work which was sponsored by sho fac tory employees was a huge aucctari the two performances were ferret ed with crowded houses admi low tickets were unusually bulky sad uhen stored at the govcmtttt building they presented a sight tamt spoke volumes for the generoaifcy of actonians and will help reliev the worries of the food commit tew for some time acton hist the first hockey gatae to elorn 2 0 in a slow contest o elora ice shinny would best des cribe thn opening encounter the council elect for the towi- ship of esquesing for the year 1032 met on mondiy ind subscribed to the onth of office as follows gborkt curne itetve w g ap- plebe deputy itetve l l muiu wesley murriy ind n a robin son couneillors died martin at her home toronto on fndiy morning january 8th 1032 marion henderson buewed wife of mirtin pilmer in her 6gth year agent interviewing applicant for life insurance do you dnve applicant no agent do ypu fly applicant no indeed agent sorry our company no longer insures pedcrtriins professional directory and travellers guide mlbltal dr w g c kenney ihjslrian and surecon oftict in sjmon block mill fal acton ofricc phone 18 krsldrnrr church st thonr dr d a garrett rhynirlan and burgton corner of willow md uivtr entrinci river strut alton ontnno lhom 23h 1 iii vi rstitf nii insu11avce w1lloughby farm agency lirtfi ind oul 1 1 agency c inidi hi ul oitict ififi niy st tironto ih n kmpin 3 0604 gi irt town it prist nkitivt i tom llrwson phoni ci oitoun 3t2w iifntal dr oltu olliti- a j buchanan dental surfcon liishmin block mill hours 9 i m x ray rtllpjlonk 148 st to t p in gf at the ufttmcmes editorial notes if wealth is d d be ise d surg cal operation tax i on no doubt s ullf artnn 3xvt ijrpbjs tin 0ll pavrr eur pulluluil in anon toundid in 187s and publish d ivuv thund is it si mill st r atun ont mtmbtr of llu udlt uuriau of ciriuli lions llu cw a and llu ont ino cjiubfc divisi in of tlu t w n a adirlisinh rati en rcinust subscnpuonfpay able in advance 2 50 in canada s3 50 m tlu uniud slius six month 150 smu toplts tw autlioriztd as snond t c lass mull pom otfli diparllmnt otliua g a dills lililor and publuher business and editorial office telephone 174 lllttrfi ffllnirrii nf ttonnjio acton ontario v iriendiy church itrv fc a urrry ila 11 minister parsonage 2 bouir avenue phone 00 mlu i m lamport oreanlst and c liolr atom r leader jlrrtibiitrrian dliurrh in fflaimfta kno iiiiuii atn ur itnilfilt lb altmstltji m a iii mlnuter dr george asirrs iltntal suret un mill st nitn r midi i ik olfai hun j 00 i in t i 11 p ti uliiom 11 r 1hiinmh b d young b v be c l young d v m etrrlnary surgeon olflll blolkmlll phom milton out i 1 km i jnuh oth snndav s hool i u i 1 h p u su 1 1 suma 10 00 1 1 00 i in m j t r l ihi p m fca ii in j h n ill l ti it t ik ii mill 1 riioiiul t for til hi k i if i ii il lif i i nil 1 nd un krir is nil ils mi il dili ih n art li tin t r turn i v is n it poki n of th soul uinirf ii ianuaiiy oli si hoi i sundw 10 00 i m sundiy hibli cltib llk i in on in worship 00 pin dlvitli worship l iti rs in wi in mi diutli 8attul iliurrl anxv b shuti r interim plitoi i i ti albnitb cchurrtj angllnanl llmlar iu vv q laiitoa sund jwu h 0 h iiijo i 111 sllll i l vll il i illbl ci iv 1 1 10 i m i thought 1 u- is c hrusti in s il ust mr rob inki i f tin mimislir qu b titti 00 p in b y in s ll lit mr su1 i0j nd january 30th lplpllan 10 00 am sunday school 11h i in holv comnuini in lliniiimra clilvi 7 00 p m evenlntf prayer tht innuil liitry inisttlnu mil bt htld tuijd ly january m at u im 111 in i pin hipp inki r i ul i j mu ir mlssi in ii ii u v iu ii u s iltirdav j inn irv 19 1953 sk itmit p irt inti hllliburkh 11vpu mond iv j inu ir 31 1952 uilsliii ss mi i tlnit welcome to all ill 1 1953 4 7 pm inn i si in r un p ii p in r ainii ir g oakes v s b v sc rtrrlnar surgeon il mil hi i h nu knpii ailnn i h in 1 l 1 mm c f leatherland llarrlslrr 4 solicitor vular iuhlli olliri i li n it 1 il ton lever hqskin harti n d vtrounlauls siui i t jtskiss m iivhih 305 m trip lit m 111 it wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wright 30 wilbur st 09 miidonn 11 st acton ont guilph oni phone 05 phoni 401sw aluatoni realtors iruturcm mi mbi r appnilsil instituti of camd i mimbtrs gmlph ind dirstict r il es iti bnird mi mbi rs glloliih ind distrnt insurii a nls assocnti i urj n i reciuir list ii- f f un pni il fr in 0 to 100 mm 1 i n ill h 1 i hi from 1 i a u r c out rt c h dyment realtor ll i t i ih st s h i in ill n iioir or andy frank s 1 m hi il t impb ik 1 1hiitie milton 335r3 wm r bracken krai fstatr crnrilai insbuantf ill uu3 aetn travellers guide gray coach lines st miliir i tmii t tt ills h t ton r aithound ill iii ll ill i i 11 21 i m nil i 01 i ii li ll i in 8 u i i bin ll i 4rsthouinl ill 17 n i- i- ii 2 57 pr i i n 7 i i i l pn ii ti i i i i ii si h ti i i r ll 44 ul i si hi 91 1 i h ur i i 1 s ii 1 1 n i oil md hull il i mist h i imol s the victor b rumley funeral horvte luneral home llratrd aniliulanrr ph mt iii miht ir d i s r mi th i in in lint 1 r 45 m h n canadian national railways sraiidird time ratbound d lu 04u un daily cxci pt sun ttis 9 45 im 7 10 pm sunday nl h 16 pm dally except sun- tlav thir ut gcoritoivn 0 03 am diih hyir at gioriiitown 10 ill pm iu app ilutmi nt vam c milligan r o optometrist ut and 3rd widmdaya of th uionh 2 pm to 9 p m at mill st itisldinci of a 1 ilkown dy imlv vettb0uiul o ulv t xcept sunday ant man- 2 04 am sundav und mo n tiny 12 38 am dallv txcepi sun- day b48am 18 50 pm flag stn 7 44 pm daily except sat und sun 610 pm saturday only j 16 pm sunday only 0 43 ajxl tlnjtfltop sunday only plyer at guflph 7 05 pm

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