page six the acton free press acton ontario tilimglmy januahy th 1m1 plan for annual 5d fair and bacon shout underway the annual halton sed fair and fekcon show is scheduled for the milton town hall oq march kth and 15th this was the decislui at a recent meeting of the joint ex eculives of the halton crop lm- innesmenl and halton hog pro- leadership of president iv rev merry o his fellow direemi of thi lalton hob pnod ueer live lings will be selected in each of the four townships of the count thrse hogs will have to be read for market on march 3rd 4th or sth the will then h processed and one side of each circajoi will he brought- out for dipav purport- at the bacon show last car trafalgar township won the intertow ithip iwird hot producer who expect to hae hog- rradvfnf ii irket b the above dat es tjould contact one of their tow nhip directors in the seed fair in artdii n to the i uv-c- of foniui war el ia- ire to he provided for ill a hie of first rop hn j a bushel of flrt crop chopped ha and tj ut t irs of hybrid corn at- n former eit- the junio firmer will have thetr special ecu on with classes for nits birlev and wheat and alo a clas foi inti rclub educational displays we understand an effort u being made eure one of the top faiuieis ii western ontario as the gusi naeaxer for the occasion in hurt j everything point to thls annual wi lnng well up to the mdard i f imer vcara bros and gerald r- graham four all canadian record were esjb- uthed iby anlmau in the beity and tvathertone herds a pleasing feature oi the after noon program was the presentation by james bremner secret try of the canadian jersey cattle club of a medal of merit certificate to undehtftfatklpjrtherstarn herd sire silver spring april king fallowing the excellent dinner catered by the ladies of the hornbv womens institute hayes woodlev of albcfton president of the ontario jenuv club extended greeting owing to mr biggs being unable to remain for the afternoon program mrs biggh pinch hit for her husiiand in a most capable manner delivering an illustrated address on their 1050 tour of italy cerminv and holland the election of officers for i9i2 it suited as follow president ken ella 1st vicepresident w j hatih 2nd vicepresiden hugh beatv directors fsiuesink mac auxander and stanlev matthew tr ifalgar han kruis win featherstone and w h devlin nekon ernest dav ics and root ha ward nxssagawe i geo how er and duncan moltit ei in chis mckeow n kti ella neu president ha i i jersey breeders evtrett biggs recentl appomtid dairv conriuvmuncr for ontnto wa the guet speaker for the ai mill meeting of the halton jitm club htld at hornbv on tuesda of la ucik mr bigg spoke on the proposed formula method of eatluhing a price for iluid milk in omano iiarkeb in the future it was ponted out b mr biggs that this formuli method vv ith some modification ha been in eitec in iun northern united slofts mark i for sumo vears our present method of establishing a prue stated mr biggs unfortu- natrlv is seized on bv municipal pol itic ans and the dad press with the result that man months elapse be fore a definite decision i arrived a ihis naturall reacts to the detriment of the milk producers if the proposed formula method were in effect today the price for j 4 bf milk in toronto would be w80 the socalled formula method takes into consideration the following points 1 wholesale index 2 weekly wages index 3 purchased feed index 4 home grown feed index 3 ha index 6t farm labor index 7 price of butter index 8 pro ducer pnce of milk for vaporation index lo price of cheese index mr bifigs delighted the 80 jersey enthusiasts uvho were present with ta logical clearcut presentation the secretaryi report revealed an active club year under the lead orchip of w h devlin president during the past twelve months in addition tc sponsoring such activi ties a a calf club with 11 members a social eentng a fleld dav and a tjus tnp their qansh show at the milton pair had the largest entry f any held in the past thirteen car tlicv also won the intercount herd class at the western ontario championship show held at simcoe n october with entries from the h m of m c beaty featherstone ha iron and peel juniors stage delightful function ri solv ed that compulsorv farm mounting would be advantigeous o canadian agriculture w as the subject of the intercount debit between halton and peel junior firmers held in the junior farm ti building brampton on fnd tv evening last halton repri sentativ e sttnr mcfadden and ditk course upheld the attirmative and while the made ver ablt presentation thev found the compultorj feature of the subject too much of a handicap to ov ercome conequentlv the judges decision w ent to the pt el team of blanche wanlev aid il- on bowes brookv ille and palermo juniors h s i isd their respective amateur entertainment skit sweet violet and school di and won high ommendation from the large audi ence present muss helen nesbilt county dir ector for peel presided over the excellent program w hilc david ptlletteno halton versatile coun ts president led in a most enjoy- ibli smgong the evening s pro gram concluded with a dance in short it wa a delightful evenings piogram and both counties ma w ell bey proud of their respective juniors the junior farmer sews the junior farmer new official rublitation of the junior farmers if ontario ha now developed to thi point where each issue is eager 1 looked forward to b every jun ior farmer household across ontar io the januar issue of 16 pages is chuck full of interest from cover to cover in an excellent account of the ibm 4h congress at chicago lat fall w here ruth brown of limehouse was haltons represent ative we noted the following thought prov oking w ords by one of their banquet speakers you cannot bring about praperit bv discouraging thrift you cannot strengthen the weak b weakening th strong you cannot help little men bv tearing down big men you cannot further the broth erhood of men b encouraging claw hatred you cannot veep the cranston ha a first floor plan eonitmg of a living room dutette combination kitchen dinn ing three bedrooms bath and eight clivset plus full basement the bedroom aie all at the rear with the liv mg nwvni and the kitchen airos tin front in the kitchen the mk u undei the f window the tove and lefngii itor igiinm the inside v ill latge dining pace ls provided in out end of the kitchen wh corner windows a fireplace and dining bav feature the llvmg loom which ban a two way view to the front and ide the exterior flnuh is wide sidin w itli itne chimney nnd enlraneo ti ill the roof is dead level using pitch and gravel roollng and n two foot overhang other features nit the open torn lit at the ehimnev the cov ered f i nut entrance plant ire i andilowei box a plan wltn i gable i oof ls alo obtainable the dimi nsion are 42 feet bv jil feet and area 1112 square feet and tubage 10460 engineers scarcer even than steel the jmnttugo of engineer said lite ptviudent of u huge canadian tit nt of project engineer hurt week u worwe than the shoitage of steel the facts u rpoited in the fin ancial pout uight now 1 cwh engineering j obi ure going begging in cunudo lu- dastry needs 1000 professional engineers a year for normut re- plncement nnd growth uy nuxt venr demnnd will hit 3000 accord ing to ltabor minister gregg graduation of enguieem by our univeisltleji is declining fast where itukt graduated in 10u1 only 1700 htaduat can b oacpucuid in-ifl52- and the total will dwindle to little ntou than 1000 bv lom dut the demand ipurred bv the continu ing boom in new capital investment nnd gicntfv accelerated bv defense needs continues shaiph on the up glade we ii loosing voung englneerlnj brains to the u s at an alarming and en i increasing late out of tumble bv spending mon than von lu e irn you anuot etiblush sound securi- t on borrowed ntonev you cannot build character and and courage b debirov mg man s initiative and independ ence and v ou cannot help men permanentlv bv doing for them what thev could and should do for themselv es holirein all canadian au ards the 1051 all canadian awards for holstem hav e just been an- r hi need halton hplstein enthus- iasls will be delighted to loirn that blow nv iew futuntv burke owned bv a m brain and sons of notval won the ret r e allcanadian sen- oi yearling bull title a panel of 17 of the top canadia i nnd american judges made the award ft will be rt called that me brain herd ire had the follow ing show record for 1951 second tnd reer e junior champion at the cne junior and reserve grand champion at halton b w dav second t the roval winter fair our heartiest congratulations are extended to the brain family and in particular to son bill who wai largelv responsible for the fitting and showing of the animal rrowview rututlty buiki owned ky a m brain and sons norval has ben named allcanadian bemor yearling holstem bull he was junior and reserve grandchampion at the halton county black and whitaday held in connection with milton fain was second and reserve junior champion at the cne and ttood second to the allcanadian winner at the royal winter fair freezer humidity des skates food improperly packaged food pro ducts especially meat poultry and fish are subject to serious desicca tion dr ingout in the freezer this lessens the food value pnd frcsh appearance of the product in extreme cases f reezerburn results and the product becomes brown in colour and woodv in tex ture in meat and poultry products the cat underneath the dri ed out area becomes oxidized and rancid the protein becomes permanently idehvdnited and the tissue tough and dry the underlying cause of desicca tion u the humidity of the air in the freezer room sayi a w moyli of the fruit and vegetable products laboralorv summerland bc air ha a normal moisture holding capacitv that of warm air being greater than that of cold the frozen product and the air in close proximitv to it ls relativik warm er than the air in surf act contact with tu freezing coils thus the circulating air absorb moustuie from the frozen prodm t and di posits it on thi coils or plates m the f m of frtxs thw tontinuou ivcle over i period of months can isult m considerable moiituri las pi ip r ink ng i m do miuh n m i desuviti m v phirlv pack- iged pioduct mi lose w eight it u of thn e per cent ov r i 2 m nth s orge period at jero hi av w ix coating on the outer md nn surftces of the contame- or coated cellophane w ill contnd niouturt ks to nnc per or less di nation has a more marked effect on some foods than on ohers in frozen fruits especially s rup packs it is neiiligible and does nit seriousk affect quslitv exp r- ments conducted at the summer- land experimental station indtcate however that it is important to pack vegetables in moisture-vapour- proof containers and fill the con tainers completely full thi prac- tlee reduces moisture loss to a min imum thus conserving quality and palatablllty i thingt aro rathr detperatv spinttor sally sighod dut not nlir1y hopaloti there still it clatiifiedl the end of the wur provided a mow of euglnoerf out nf unlfornl and mtudnnut into engineering hchoou in 1040 cunadas ongln eerlng population wus around m- 000 indumtry was reconverting to poueetlme prtuluetlon the domund for englnoerti was normal uy january 1iui the miuimjr- ing population had inci eased to an ivhtlmated 30000 a net iucreaso of about fl000 but this incrase was nowhere enough to keep pace with the induslflal boom cecil a carr optometrist i doubu i ti 1091 when llulldlnif ar ueitavhllhir caiimult ifw kor yeur hodr and wall covsbinos mnnikumtuuljlluiunamalitlulluruljioliluiiuuulul rearinluntlo willi tlln kiodit kveil vinylimastic tin- i thul niillifh nil polihhlnu mul i minimum of ciimii inu lindsayphair enterprises 236 suffolk st guelph phone 2590 for free damontlrallon and eillml no toll ciiaitui voutt bmimcbuiwi pi m akke1 cfclcl i maid lot deadstock horses cattle hogs geobgetown u guflchjum gordon young basic in canadian mealsi wlmt can be more appetizing and nouruhing than a alice of milk loaf bread containing 6 millc powder epnead with first grade canadian creamery butter i through the centurica bread and butter have leea symbolic of the necessities of life wholesome and flavourful bread and butter remain just as luuur in oiir nutrition as ever no meal is complete without bread and hutter basic in canadian economy to 400000 dairy farmers of canada butter and the other dairy products are their bread and butter so also to thouaandof others engaged in the manufacture and distribution of these products every purchase of canadian dairy foods b an econom ical contribution to the health and nourishment of your family every purchase too plays a part in the maintenance 01 this great industry down dairy lant liiltn to utii pro- ttsm em tkurtiall i 4 2 00 p m i s t r oil frnucanado nil work cac daiby roodl 40 hms h n home news is important to all is as presented in the free press 1 r hid i lamer u i th lllius he icliicd imld fnit cinhojj latest news tfeel i home tow n news is impor- tant to readers livinfi in the t town and those who have left ihe district improvements are doinfi made in the production of the home town paper to keep up with all the latest events more pictures are be- t inj included reflularly as im- portant news developments af fect the town of acton and its neighbouring districts each week the paper with i all the local news goes into the j i hands of some 5000 potential readers and buyers adver- i users ma present their items to a wide market when they meet prospective customers through the effective advertis ing medium the home town paper news eathitinft facilities and methods are being improved to keep pace with the progressive developments in a modern commumt and to keep the free press among the top ranking weeklv newspapers in canada for 1 uuin five cents you can receive a weekly bargain package of news by subscrib ing to the acton i ree press appears weekly in issue of free press yes the latost news and pictures of events and interesting happenings receive com plate and factual coverage in the acton free press be sure of not missing stngle subscribing now while the price n 2 50 a year issue by still ust regular features local pictures farm news editorial v es mixi lq bowl county council lckji council club meetings chronicles of ginger farm district reports township councils news column fashion hint 50 and 20 years ago all local news want to buy sell rent trade do it through the classified advertisements where more than 5 000 potential buyers can look each weet for two cents a vofd or a minimum 35 cents cash you cover he market display ads cons stent arid attractive display ad vertismg helps build business your advertising gets good attention among the customers you want to meet lllustr itions aro availadle for use at no extra cost at all news stands 6 cents a copy for ust a little more than 4 cents a week you can keep posted on municipal affairs farm news cooking hints local merchants sales bargains and items along with alt the latest local news job printing quality printing amrathvfly designed is the aim of th modtrnly equipfed printing plant birtfd by pernnce interest n our particu nlcms sale fl a genuine printing pn subscriptions insu wild subscribe now to l receiving all the local to he free press srr pton plce of fee that s less week your weemy edition neas by subscribing while tin old sub s2 50 s stll n ef than fve cents a the acton free press phone 174 56 mill st i