Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1952, p. 2

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page two the acton free press actom ontario thursday january 31st 1952 a canadian for canada rt hon vincent massoy will tako office as governor general and the fact that a canadian has boon appointed to iho post has been severe ly criticized in some quarters and supported in q the basis of the opposition is that it breaks tradition since the post has hitherto been filled by a briton from britain- no one has yot corns out to say mr massoy is not qualified in deed opposition 1o tho move is quick to point out that he is boyond a doubt the best qualified canadian for the job someone once said that tho old givos way to the new canada was onco a colony in tho now world thaf status has changed end canada is a country with an important place in the world we can personally see no ominous foreboding in the appointment of a wellqualified canadian gentleman to the post of governor general of canada just because it has never boon done before george drew has objocted to the change be ing made without consultation with parliament perhaps wo can point out that the question of a distinctly canadian flag oither a new design or an old has been before parliament for a far too lengthy time now for consideration it is quite possible that mr masseys term of office will be over by the time parliament ever reaches a defi nite decision on whether the appointment was justified we some day have to grow up one daily nowspapor quotod mr st laurent as saying and that seems to be a healthy conclusion ifs quite possible that the official opposition in tho federal house is having trouble opposing government measures and has turned to insig nificant details to smoke screen the situation local barriers the other day wo received a circular from montreal and we wore intrigued by a notation en it that purchasers who resided outside the provinco of quebec wore not required to pay a tax which was levied on all residents of that provinco wo in other parts ot tho country may make light of such restrictions but we would do well to guard our own bordors even municipal barriers which aro oftonset up many trados in all tho municipalities arc at tempting to instal regulations which would con fine trade only to thoso established in the town many of them have been successful in setting up barriers that keep mechanics from other con- tros from doing work in other cities and large towns the licensing business has gone to absurd lengths pretty soon a man wont be able to do his own painting or handy mans jobs about his cwn house there are too many barriers in the world to day and if wo arc to keep costs down and ef ficiency ot a high standard those barriers within cur own country should be discouraged the monopolyminded groups are not in the best in terests and municipal councils would do well to restrict thoir powers and refrain from adding to bylaws and local barriers which are now over crowded s 3r e better go inside our hfced man cant ktet ft ms off you friendliness lasts torontos street car strike is over but its still a topic of general conversation like a critical operation or illness is with many folks we found this out on a recent weekend in the city when we did more than the usual amount of street car riding wefound too that ihe friendli ness of toronto folk is remaining after the strike many conductors are now calling out the names of streets in a language that is quite understand able and clear a citizen came up to us as we stood at an intersect iop which appeared to be a car stop and advised that the car stop was in the next block at a busy transfer spot downtown a waiting passenger was critical of the city streets and started a conversation when we boarded the car and took a single seat he stood in the aisle beside us and carried on conversation until he reached his destination in spite of the fact that there were seats available he was all out for labor minister daley and mayor lamport these public men had stood up for the average citizen the strikers had little sympathy from him they were well paid and had good jobs we gathered quite a bit of his slant before the inevitable question of our attitude came up then of course we told him that we lived out side the city and were not greatly inconvenienc- ed by the street cars not running then came the questions where and what business were we engaged in rather broadly we answered we were in the paper business and then his nar rowtng down counter question waste paper business without even a smile we explained cur business was printing newspapers and com mercial printing and his enlightenment was evi dent as he said like the globe and the star it took some further explanation on our part to explain the difference in the weekly and daily newspaper field and that there was news of a purely loco i nature thai was found interesting in each town and village and was not found in the daily press finally he grasped the solution by asking us it we knew one of the north toionto suburban weeklies and did we listen to kate aitken we never did quite find out the connect ion be cause he hopped otf the car with a parting greet ing of so long hope ill see you soon this was toronto after the street car strike north e ast west south in a growing country recent news items indicate the growth canada is making these days over 175000 im migrants have come to canada this year it is estimated that between 700 and 750 million dol lars in capital has flowed into canada in 1951 these are but a few indications of the place this country holds in the estimation of those outside our borders to those who may object to the influx of new people or who may lament that other than cana dian capital will develop and reap a rich reward from our national resources it might well be pointed out that the development of the united states was largely by those in tho early days who realized it was a land of opportunity and a place with a great future we agree that those coming from other countries should be carefully screened we also contend that we as cana dians have a duty to perform in setting an ex ample of the canadian way of life and helping them in understanding our aims and helping them forget the politics and customs of the lands from which they have come making good cana dians of all in this land is not only a task for the newcomers but for we who have always lived in canada x easier prices theres good price news for consumers for manufacturers shaping up writes w l dack in the financial post for manufacturers your dollar is going to buy you more in a wide range of raw materials i or consumers if the manufacturer is able to pass the saving along prices at least to hold the line and perhaps to go down in the months ahead in many lines of finished goods one by one in recent weeks key commodi- comfort and the future is full of ties used by a broad crosssection of canadian pmjs ttuw said hit in can industry and entering into manufacture of thou sands of products have been reversing the 1951 price trend and either flattening out or turning downward tops ontario lnst week when acton public library was the subject of on art icle in thb free press the oakville record star also featured thoir library oakville claims to have the library circulating more books than any other in ontario with a book stock of less than 10000books acton has about 6500 books last year oakville readers look out 4007 books an editorial says about 16000 were borrowed here acton added more books to its shelves lnsl yea th oakvilk- though their library ls in terribly over crowded conditions and the edi torial recommends the purchase of a house if possible to house it grandma moses surprised anyone in toronto would be in terested even if not complete entranced by the original paint ings of grandma moses which are on display at the art gallery there a room is hung with th- paintings which are familiar to most since christmus when repro ductions of her paintings were so popular on christmas cards the paintings certainly do have a charm of their own with limit ed perspective and faulty figures the pictures of everyday life on t farm are sparkling and alive iih action grandma moses has had i good time and is evidently quite surprised at all the acclaim some of the pictures are for sale but fh mast of us who hkc the painting framed christmas card reproduct ions will have to do prices vtre from quite a few hundreds to a few thousand on the verge an english couple recently ar rived in oakville were interviewed in oakvilletrafalgar journal col umns last week mr and mrs c a j wood thought canada a land of lavish abundance a pleasant friendly land where people enjoy editorial notes seems hard to realize that we are now enter ing february and that winter is on the waoe the hours of daylight are noticeably longer and in a few months daylight saving will again be to the fore promju 1 tda we fte real living 1 were any robins a small bow to oakville where the first robin of the county to be seen this year ls reported in print we think surely there has been one hardy robin bobbin around here but it hasnt been mentioned to the newspaper that ones probably not too clever a robin anyway thinking it was all the way south when it was only in oakville new industry georgetown has a new industry an ad in last weeks herald says need a baby sitter phone the baby sitting bureau convivial com petition milton coops and georgetown raiders combined forces last sat urday evert though the two teams were playing against each other cause for the conviviality in com petition was the fact that the two teams had but a single thought it was a benefit game for pete ward georgetown defenceman from three rivers quebec who came to gtown this season via simcoc early this month at a hockey practice pete suffered a broken jaw and lost four teeth he was just- released from toronto general hospital las week but the jaw s still just convalescing and is by no means all better for anyone interested in the score as well as the purpose of the game it was 53 for milton milton and georgetown have tangled fou times now this season three were wins and one a tic handicrafters ahoy the annual report of the george town arts and crafts group sum marized a year with most interest ing highlights- for ttyosc interested in crafts as many ladies here an the group heard lectures on flower arrangement by a man from dales on he fundamentals of dcsjgn by dorothy stone and on the history of pottery by eugenfe berling of the royal ontario museum staff among the courses were one in leather work taught by mrs cyril brandford in sewing by a repres- entative of singers and in spinning and wool dyeing by mrs parker of king j the good old days may have seemed better back in 1902 fryom the icttttt of thr hyee frr of thursday january w 1m in 11170 there were 1w tavern licences in hnlton county of these eftquening hnd 2fl trafalgar 27 nelson 21 nnd nnuuignwcyn 12 tnrlny therr nrr hut 1 rlistrilintch ns follows bnllinnfad 1 glen wil liams 1 georgetown 3 norvnl i acton 3 stewnrttown 1 postvilfc u oakville 3 milton 3 burlington 3 campbellville 1 this reduction of over 75 per cent in the past thirty- two years in surely nn encouraging result of the ngitntion and educa tional influences of the countys temperance workers storeys hockey team will play their first match for the champion ship of esquesing in georgetown on friday night a goodly number of supporters will accompany them to cheer them oh to victory the annunl report of the acton fire brigade showed that the bri gade has 35 officers and men in good fire fighting trim we held 15 meetings during the year and had five practices the fire engine was taken out and tested 10 times the brigade has on hand the following apparatus for fire protection the general fire alarm at the town hall nnd three electrical alarms one of each of the caretakers house the house of the driver of tho fire en gine and the house of mrs h bauer we have one ronald steam engine and coal cart two hose reels and 1200 feet f rubber hose- 2fl rubber hats 20 lanterns ib pair of rubber boots 65 buckets and hook and ladder complete all of which are in good repair and ready for immediate use there was but one call to fire dijringthe year that was on june the filh when james browns saw- and planing mill were burned coasting superseded skating al most entirely in town last friday and saturday scores of young i people and children had fun and frolic in this healthful pasttime during the sunshiny afternoon and the bright moonlighted nights thr favourite course wan on agneji st between frederick and john some of the best slides covering the en tire two blocks with one trip back in 1932 yrtthtthr kaxur of the free o thursday january iftsfe there is quite an epidetnic of mcnsles among the children at pre sent this is onion week it will scarcely need announcement if it is loyally observed there are 372000 miles of tele graph wire in canada over whicw in 1030 17500000 messages were- transmitted a large barn on the farm of newton ruddell stewnrttown war completely destroyed by n ftre of unknown origin on monday miss stephenson president o thr young peoples society nt the united church gave a ulk illus trated with lantern slides on a trip to tho british isles and the conti nent at the meeting on monday evening during the past summer a very- interesting demonstration has tretv conducted on the farm of mr thoe bird georgetown by the depart ment f chemistry oa c tlicy ehose mr- birds location on ac count of the excellent corn whieh he usually grows the crop in crease was veryv favourable county council held the inaugu ral meeting at milton on tuesday and reeve readhead of nelson was chosen warden for 1932 the last week in januar and ntl a local hockey game yet iitn nydkr atthf home of -her- son inlaw mr w cheyne lot 25 concession 4 erin township on sunday january 24 1032 fran ces sophia martin widow of thr late james ryder in her u2nd year professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney rhylclan and surreon office in symon block mill st acton office phone 7b resilience church st phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surreon comer of willow and river slv entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 dental dr a j buchanan dental surreon office lcishman block mill st office hours 0 am to 6 pm xray 1 telephone 148 real estate and insurance wright real estate and insurance v f u wright n b wright 20 wilbur st 09 macdonnell st acton ont guelph onl phone os phone 4b1sw valuators realtor irurarara member appraisal institute of canada members guelph and dlratict real estate board members gurlph and district insurace agents association at the wont something for nothing it is possible when yon buy o iurm with buildings on it de- fhires the cornwall standardfreeholder it is possible to buy 1 parcel of land ready equipped with everytning needful in the housing line both for file stock and the people for a greatdeal less man the cost of purchasing a similar tract and putting up new buildings in other words a targe portion ot the worth of the buildings on t tie first taim can be obtained for nothing irtttrii tjriurrh of f turn to artnn ontario a friendly church rev e a currey na hd minister v parsonake 29 bovver avenue phone 60 mix o m ijuiumrd atcjw organist nnd choir ieader jlrrnbutrrtnii elmrrb in eattabo knox ihiuii afton itkv itohkitt ii altmstron ma ii d minliter dr george a sirrs dental kunsron mill st corner frederick acton office hours 900 am to y30 pm teleph6ne 19 we urgently require listing of farm property from 50 to 300 acrev also small holding from 1 to 15 acres contact c h dyment realtor lii wintvvnrth st s hiiliilim phone vb005 or andy frank sihsmin a clinpbellvilc phone millon k5r2 veterinary b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary surcrona office brookville ontaii phone milton 14ir4 sc artnn jfa prjsb the only puper eier puhluhed in acton founded in ih7a and published every thursday at 56 mill st e acton om member of the audit bureau of circula tions the cwna and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna adverlisine rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance 250 in cunada 350 in the united states six months 150 single copies 6c authorized as second class mall iust office department ottuwu dills editor and publisher g a business and editorial office telephone 174 sfndav ffbulary i iii2 10 01 i ni sundav school 1101 alli murumn vihi sb- jv i- mlsuiiim effoi jii ifuiblev too pm fvciuie rhi cc it ice speuver the kl 1 kii ciiiiey it a orton tluiiilhr or ri- wrk i and thu- i the in v on i church no civil ion liu sal- miliniiiw better laws purer lec- f 1lriiwl ncml elevitum hunrir- etiuility and liberty but firs the kingdom of god and his riht- 1oijsncss rescuer itcd heir- ind ill other thiiies will follow a e kltreric slnmah fkisiu- m trci in imi m sund iv sell ml 1 n1 m divi e wor 1np 12 1 in bible c ass 7 ix j in even n w rshu a rh e n ar nrriine drun w tvic ill mis dlre co hr ti- e on cm on it her a wor 1 are f g oakes vs b v veterinary surgeon office and residence knox ave acton phone hit leo a i wm r bracken krai iklalr general insurance phone 20 artnn travellers guide gray coach lines bapttii lhurrli ton liirli- h shuter pistor c f leatherland ilarristrr a solicitor notary public ollee n phone ii im acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and ii auoy ii5 metropolitan hide u victoria st toronto eli 0131 vfamlin d tim t ociies ie we acton 111 1 111 h p eatl ill it h m s ni p i till mi i in mind a in l ti tt 1121 p in a m iii ill 17 wrsltiuultd aluljw pin 111 i sii to p m km l it i encr ii xpt sun da in lllll- s s iii1v and olll- mis eilaneoi s ji tt albana cljurrlj ancliciajil supply minister archdeacon mcintosh of hamllnm sunday febrlary 3rd 11151 10 00 a in sunday school 1100 am bekinnors class holy cuuimuuiun 700 pm evening prayer annual vestry meeting monday february 4th at i pm in the parish hall sunday february 3rd 9b 1030 am sunday school 1130 am faith wrh a reason followed by communion and rception of members 700 pm the christian apprcach to social problems fridav february 14 pm mis sion band 7 pm jr bypu 8 pm sr bypu thursdav february 7 church niiihf 8 pms30 prayer 1130 pm0 10 study of pauls humans 0 10 pm05o dis cussion group welcome to all the victor b rumley funeral home kunrral home heated ambulance phone 30 niuht or day servina the community for 45 years eve care by appointment wm c milligan do optometrist 1st and 3rd wednesdays of ttu month 2 pm to 0 pm at mill st residence of a t hrowv canadian national railways 6roiidird time eaatbound daily iui a ill daily except sun- davs t 41 am 710 pin sunday univ a hi l m daily except sun day fiver at georgetown 002 j m daily flyer at georgetown 10 ii p in weftlbvund daily except sunday and mon day 204 am sunday and monday onlv 1238 a m daily except sun dav 848 am i650 pm fli stopi 7 44 pm daily except sat and sun 610 pm saturday only 2 36 pm sunday only 8 43 aav i mairstop sunday only flyer at guelph 705 p m

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