Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1952, p. 4

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page four the acton fre press acton ontario thursday january 3it 1mb ttocxwooo officers directors of society elected the annual meeting of the jrockwood horticultural society was held iwit week ntthe home of mm wm s gordon with tin at tendance of nine mm a it root president in her opening remnrloi stated her pprocintion for splcndldco-oper- atlon during the paid year mm j a elliott necrctnry treasurer roan the mt nu ten of the inst nn- nunl fneeflnjj matters of import- mice jn the meeting were dealt wl thtpnrti cu i nrly nlfctierf f owjrj a carroll stating he relinquished itu position ns superintendent of iinrtt cultural societies and his nuc- ctwor was f a tlaahlcy some dhcusflion on horticultural matters donlt with wiw objection to liquor advertising in canadian honn nnd garden magazines a memlwmhip drive during the past year resulted in a list of 8h fin ancial circumstance arc in n goo1 mate officer and directors for 1052 president mrfl a b hoot vice- president mrs a kingnbury dir ectors for 10523 mrs geo oakes mrs fcopoiand mias myrtle moore mrs fred alton musi mar ie uind directors for 106152 mr wm harris mm s n hutchinson mrs w hauser mrs noy young mrs d s armstrong auditors mr d s armstrong and mr a kingsbury the annual meeting of the un ited church was held inst tuesday evening preceded by a pot luck supper owing to unfavorable weather some from a distance were not present the nnniml meeting of the pres byterian church was held wednes day evening with a fair attend ance itev fred williamson con ducted a brief devolonnl service but owing to slight illness return ed home to guelph mr dave d gray presided over the business meeting with mr gordon swanstnn ns secretary all depar u ch ntnrsrmdny school showed a healthy condition at the conclusion of the meeting all adjourned to the basement where refreshments were served nnd n social time enjoyed a number from st johns church including member- of the choir wen- present at the funeral of rev w g iuxton last thursdav morn ing npttw c o thompson was in charge a ft result of the rerenl snow fall and following mild weather master kenneth johnston erected a tug nowmin in front of dave d gra residence which reflects much rredi on the young lads arteitir efforts during saturday evening the township snow plow eas in the village and mide con dition much better for traffic and those on foot re mi powell of hamilton conducted service in st johns church sundav afternoon his ninutr wi- much enjoved bv the eongregntion th funeril of the late miss nnu c joluffe wa- largely at tended sundn afternoon by mini- cioil relatives and friends a few wi wen ntvieed were mr and mr ale munru hamilton miss guth guild tot onto miv frm- ees jolliffe r n wuand mr- annus carter guelph lnit friday grade xi held n very successful claim parly it iitnr- ted with a toboganmng party at braldai farm muw jtrlndjny went along with the form and nil hird a won cli r fnl time the crowd then returned to the ucliool to eat a littic of hot chocolate sandwiches ondeookwfi richard mason nccompanied the record player with hot set of drums and dancing got under way in room 4 there were a few visi tors from ouuiido grride xi and one last years student joined the party for a while all in all a very enjoyable evening was spent by everyone iasl tluusday the student coun cil met in room i to discuss the school party and settle some points in regard to the constitu tion after some discussion it was decided that grade 9 should have another form representative fran ces oakes was chosen for this posi tion on frldny morning the school party is to be held in the y we hope the students will show as much enthusiasm as they have for class parties the hoys p t classes played a basketball game with milton on wednesday campbeuvlle dedicate plates at regular service at the regular sunday nfternoon service in st davids church last sunday new offering plates were dedicated by the minister rev j sutherland the plates wore the gift of the adams junior bible class mr billy elliot president if the modern trough type of vae tn useii m irrmgmg cut flower the length of thtt trough or th- diomeier of i bowl should be about twoflower work for 1 triangular ushers mr w king mr h hur- ren mr g inglis and mr r ma li on at the same service awards were presented to members of the sunday school mr murray mc- phaiu superintendent or the sun day school explained the system adopted for perfect attendance robert ralkcs diplomas nnd a book were presented to anna hurren audrey hurren joan black san dra black mariannn grocnleca lot- greenlees gloria purdy and john mcarthur there were first second and third year seals this presentation was made by mrs r c menzies mr kobzey then presented books to those in rttendanee forty sundnys or over lots inglis terry moore margar et mephiil murray inglis larry mcphnil jane smith marilyn moore norma brown mary fer- rier tommv elliot bryan moore an it 1 smith hardy purdy joan king pins or guards were also pres ented to the following for church at endinre joe ferrier russel hurren anne parker mary fer rier hardv purdy lois inglis suulra black murray inglis an na hurren terry moore gloria purdv lois greenlees larry mc phnil- tommy elliot norma brown brian moore joan black audrey hurren jane smith mar ilyn moore nnd marianna green- lees mr sutherland gave a very worthwhile address stressing th importance of cooperation between the home and the sundav scnool eden mil mrs mino host to ladies aid wms the january meeting of the w ms nnd ladles aid of the pres byterian church were held in the home of mr mno the wj4s was in charge of the president who opened with n poem and hymn- scripture was rend reiponiiively with prayer by mrs w lowrle arrangements were mndc for the worlds dny of prayer to be held in february roll call was jmiiwcr- ed by the payment of membership feeiia ndu gguutionif or the yent- work mrs r borthwlck and mrfl w gilbertsnn gave readings which were enjoyed mrs mino closed the meeting with prayer mrs h gilbertsnn had charge of the ladies aid and opened with a hymn and prayer a number of letters and cards were rend from shutins and those having illness in their homes roll call was again answered by paying membership fees and sug gestions mrs r roy and mrs w mclean gave humorous readings and the meeting closed with the benediction a contest was conducted by mrs r roy and won by mrs macdon- ald a social half hour wns spent with mrs b smith and mrs r roy assisting the hostess the sympathy of this community goes out to mrs john thomas and miss isabel in their bereavement in the death of mr thomas in grand rapids mich mr thomas has been in poor health for the pilst 1 years a funeral service was hold in grand rapids at 10 oclock friday morning nnd at the rumley furr- enil home on saturday afternoon at 2 30jlev fred williamson conduc th services both at the home and the graveside in eden mills cemetery pallbearers were messrs ed thomas wilfred thomas charles 4cinghbry7wilhwtbonrwtlr gtl- bertson and donald clark flowers were carried by messrs bill and mansell lowric sandy martin and bert lowry the annual meeting of the presbyterian church was held on monday evening mr and mrs frank lommer and family of erindalc spent the weekend in the home of mrs lemmers parents mr and mrs j d lowric mr j d lqwrlc bill nnd man- sell spent several days last week in grand rapids mich mrs gordon morrison of sud- hnrv spent a day last week with her sister and fnther mrs anna coulson and mr a j bradley garnet winters is n patient in toronto general hospital j j henderson u n patient n st josephs hospital guelph mias may nnd mlsi oign dyrlw visited inst weekenil in toronto muss frances mullen of toronto spent the weekend nt her h6mr near acton mrs fred blow leaves mai ton airport today thursday to spend a month in florida campbeuviue a patient in the siqk childrens hospital toronto li young tom mv close ot acton receiving treatment in st jos ephs rfospital guelph is mrs lawrence williams of acton miss carole anne lantz guelpb spent the weekend with jtcr friend miss margaret kirk nets master ted jennings is a pnllent in the general hospital guclpn friends wish him a prompt recov ery mr and mrs g a dtlls visited last weekend in toronto with mr and mrs frank browning nnd miss etta dhls mlss g wilson and marilyn mercer of london visited during the weekend nt the home of mr and mrs alan mercer knox ave mlss bertha brown mr em brown and mlss zelln mccartney all of toronto visited last week end with mlss fern brown jobn st mr and mrs gordon mitch all and two children of mill st left acton thus week for sherbrookc quebec where mr mitchell has a new position he has been em ployed with bnxter laboratories ac1 ronald j l king attached to 441 squadron the silvei fox st hpherts qu mother mrs marion king of tor onto and his grandmother mrs miry king of rockwood prior to going overseas shortly second canuck jamboree target for 1953 the second canadian jamboree canadian bov seout headquarters staff has start ed planning for the big event they hope o see 5000 scouts in attend- anr as compared with 2700 from acriiss canada theirsa and cuba who enjoyed the first canadian jamboree at conn night camp neai ottawa m july 1940 engagements j tile engagement is announced of helen riise only daughter of mrs i rose findley and the late christ- opher fmdle toronto to willinm karl sun of mr and mrs earl h vincent toronto formerly of ac ton and chatham the wedding to take place on saturday mnrh st at st cuthberts und church toronto at four p m an arrangement of cut flowers with two faces looks attractive fiom every angle the dining table for instance single face arrang mi-n- aie more suited to the mantel or for a corner william nelson ferrier was fatally burned in his trailer in aailton monday night during sub zero weather he was suffering from a foot injury at the time of the fire servrces were held wednesday blackened debris all that remains of the trailer in which william furrier lost his life in milton monday night during subzero weather the trailer was parked on cp r property in milton fire men were linable to rescue bill because of the intense flames that enveloped the frame structure a great bushman he had been with the cpr as a section hand for about four years cause off the fire s thought to be an overheated stove inlhe small trailer staff photo for sale 100 acre farm iof which acre- 111 linkable situated of uud load nin milt 1 south of acton also 1 mile from either no 7 or no 115 high way buildings mil land aie aoth in en ment condition ten- 1 imitn house contains furnace and balthroom with pievure syi- u 01 road kept opt 11 all w intei foi niailiilin baker milkman and inighhoi- going taiiu di tancts to vork prick rkasonablk wh pa ibooo morr for similar furni ftituatrd on hljchujy this will makr foodturkry firm if mteiested contact- chas cutts r r 4 acton ont phone lloj 12 acton annual reports at church meetings the womens muulonary society mod lndlea aid of st david church held their unnunl tncel- ingh at the home of muuj e j mcphnil on wednexdny afternoon mm r elliott pnyddent of ihc i wms opened the meeting with the call to worship un george in gib offered prayer mrs a t moore rend the ncrlpturc iwuhm nnd gave n commentary and prny- cr mrfl m mcphnil rend the secrei- nrys nnnunl report there were rtlneliljets hnmphclpj em the report of grnce mbulon band as read by mnrlnnnn greenlecs miss j reid gnvc a very gratifying report of the fin ances the allocation wns exceed ed by quite a good sum the cheer secretary mm s cairns reported sending 51 letters mrs r inglli convenor of wel come nnd welfare nnd home help ers reported making 30 calls the literature secretary mrs r men- zles reported 2fl presbyterlnn church calendars bought as well js a small amount of literature mrs 1 k mnhon reported for the supply work nnd thanked the ladles who had given a helping hand mrs a t moore gave an inter esting report of the st davidj girls group this group was or ganized just one year ngo all these reports showed keen inter est nnd faithfulness mrs elliot congratulated the or ganizations on their success the roll call was answered by pay ment of fees the offering wqs i dedicated by the president who 1 closed this part of the meeting with a short poem appropriate to the new year 1 the president of the ladies aid mrs g inglis then took the chair and opened the meeting with a poem thp new year the sec retary mrs w greenlecs gave the nnnual report which sho a yr of ncllvlty new cupboards were built in the church kitchen several furnishings were placed in the vestry making this room n con venient study for the minister dishes silverware and several oth er conveniences were purchased mrs menzies cheer secretary reported sending 83 cards and let ters during the year and read sev eral thank you notes the officers of both organizat ions were then installed by rev j sutherland the new president of the ladies aid mrs wm rob erts then took the chair nnd ex pressed her appreciation and ask ed for the cooperation of the mem bers it was decided to have a st patricks supper a vote of thanks was extended to the retiring officers mrs g inglis and mrs a moore the offer ng uis dedicated by the pres ident i rt v sutherland then gave a vcjy mi rest in r addies- his opening remarks referied to the vuit of th royal couple who were in our midst three months ago and comp ared it with the visit of roalty to the humble home nf mary and joseph n the little town of beth- lelii m god is no respector of peri uns but will guide and uphold us all through life the loll call vl responded to b pamnent of fee- the meeting was clased with praver by mr sutherland nnd a social half hour w is enjoyed the st davids girls group met at the home of mrs moore en monday evening with anna hur ren in charge the opening pray er was riven by audrey cairns jane smith read the scripture rev sutherland installed the new officers and spoke to the girls i of the value of private worship in their lives and the need of having the aim of christian service to make them truly successful i mi black gave a preview of the study book southern lights and appointed a committee to take charge of the study marilyn 1 moore read a short account of the christ of the andes the closing prayer was given by i eleanor cairns the girls enjoyed a short qui on south america the new officers are president marjone chester vlcepreaident andrey cairns mcretary ann parker assistant secretary elean or cairns treimirer marilyn moore leaders mr- a t moore and mrs g black in i usten mg to all these reports your press secretary feels tlfat al though living in 1 small place much has been accomplished to help our church at home and abroad the appeal from every president was for cooperation and u better year in 1952 pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 63 water st nohh oait telephone hw when building- or krnovftilnf conaall t for your rook and wail covering linoleum huijiht nnd mmtlc til ulitu plastic nnd pearlriiutla wnll tile floorever vinylplastic tim floor tlint require no poliihlttii and a minimum of clcorlnu liimdsayphair enterprises 236 suffolk st guelph prion 3599 or fro dumonstratlon and tlmte no toll chai1gk annual meeting of halton county hog producers association will bo hold in the court house milton on tuesday february 5th 1952 al 200 pm speaker mr chas mclnnis pres of ont hog producers association everybody welcome p merry pres c harrop soctroa princess h milton february program friday saturday february 12 lemon drop kid bod hope marilyn maxwell monday tuesday february 45 on moonlight bay gordon mccrae doris day thursday february 7 the flying missile glenn ford viveca lindfors friday saturday february 89 ma pa kettle go to town marjorie main percy kilbride monday tuesday february 1 112 last outpost ronald rfagan rhonda fleming thursday february 14 fat man j scott smart julie london fridaysaturday february 1516 across the wide missouri clark gable john hodiak color monday tuesday february 1819 angels in the outfield paul douglas janet leigh thursday february 21 fourteen hours paul douglas debra paget friday saturday february 22 23 apache drums coleen gray stephen mcnally monday tuesday february2s26 appointment with danger alan ladd phyllis calvert thursday february 28 gambling house victor mature william bndix friday february 29- saturday march 1 thats my boy dean martin jerry lewis l

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