Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1952, p. 1

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seventy5eventh year no 31 acton ontario thursday february 7th 1952 eight homo print pagessix cents council to pay part of sewer bill every community across canada mourns passing of a great king flags on public buildings in this community arc at half mastl king george vi is dead and canada and evcry city and hamlet and every part of the great commonwealth mourns the paulng of a great ruler and a great man there is a mourning and sadness which has hushed our everyday life scattered though the late kings subjects are the 500- 000000 today have a- common bond in the loss of a ruler who was an inspiration in whatever tasks he undertook unprepared for the life of a king he met the challenge when edward abdi cated and overcoming great difficulties he succeeded in being one of the commonwealths most popular rulers burdened with the rigorous and demanding tasks of his position hr never failed let be popular as a ruler and family man this town along with hundreds of others awoke to the shocking news of the peaceful passing of a truly fine man prime minister st laurent commented he was both a great king and a good man acton joins with the commonwealth in acknowledging the death of a truly great monarch in a conversation wjth mayor rachlin he expressed actons heartfelt sympathy to the members of the royal family in their sudden bereavement and acton mourns with them and all other subjects the passing of a beloved king and a great man acton will join with all the nation in a day of mourning when the funeral day is arranged and a suitable service in which all citizens will participate will be an nounced at the proper time special services in all the churches will likely be held on sunday sixteen years ago on the death of king george v a public- service was held and members of various organizations paraded to knox church for the service the day of the funeral was proclaimed a day of mourning details of local arrange ments will be announced in due course faced with the task of reigning the british empire is the former princess elizabeth now queen elizabeth ii the 25 year- old girt is still familiar in canadian hearts for she won the ad miration of all who saw her when she made her hurried cana dian tour recently with her facing a great responsibility is phillip the duke of edinburgh much has already been written and spoken about the greatness of the late king george vi but a mere chronology of facts does not do justice to the personality and character that made him the type of king he was the empire was probably never fully aware of the seriousness of the operation he under went it took its toll as did his many other duties and activities during his 16 year reign long live the queenl acton ministerial associations message on the death of the king at the request of thr- free press i hr art on ministerial association has rjitxii this messaqe to the people of acton andrmnlty at the ttmr of the dtaih of our belored kuif george vi on wednesday morn inn of this week 1 cold chill gripped the world ind mankind wi sick at heart hushod into shocked un- believing silence ind sobering re flection ve heard the ikws th king ls dcid i oer vl a kink mow tmivcrs- all- wwcud or the passing of a i good m id more un t verbal l muiiiii- ed kk mrgf the sixth a good in the fullesl miisc of the i tnn i town of strength to hi people a puhlc wr ml faithful tov oiui tht aveiace a kind ami j lo iiij husland and father a man tf deep and abiding faith undei the most iimiic of citcumslukv a gentlcmn and a scholar a nuii man and a kmgk man a kmg tn all limits- i man w iuim- hvss to i the wot id at ihis most critical and tring tune us nom miieerelv to he lecietted hilt beeaitit tei monarch is subject to a higher one and a mghtier our belo d king his iiwrihl the nimunoius to highei stwe we aul ill people even w hete ale iddened b h oing the whole um the i het and the ultei he miong r aid the wis tor hr having ltvn h re but the h woilj rejoices 11 the knowledge of eternal justice l iw 1 ixlofit m 1 u e faithfuls rend ered and for dexot on to dlitn dthw the awiage u v now he his with honour tnetvued and bhv- ino be i ed kn ctorgc ill lh intvjed ye our king dd not leave us alone nor did he leae u without a further witness to hls faith and spirit m hus stead we will have hls daughter tilreadv dear to the heart of people ivtnttv and prochuli in the sight of her mib- jccts alrvadv welltried and well- vhooled in the fires of affliction and sorrow so much like her fath er in spirit and faith may the god of her father be for her too wisdom and strength comfort and joy and his memory and example her inspiration this sorrow which ha come up- on the britlsh commonwealth of nations and upon the people of england in particular ls a most sore affliction the heart of all the world ii touched and quickened with sympathy for the resident of britain for the royal household fur the saddened members of the kinds own immediate family and for the young girl and moth r upon whom his been placed so suddenly the heavy responsibilities uf queetiship yet we knaw that this i sorrow this burden of kiief whuh ills been placed upon thi heii t of a wonderful people wid serve but to bind them the more elosel together aiui strength en them to fulfill their destmy under god in thr service of man the people are fashioned accord ing to the example of their kin and edicts are of to- jniwer than tin- model which iils life exhibits so pake claudiami- what fni vaniphqthen has ever been gi en to inv people than that which has been iv en b lmg george vi whose itv th whole hum in familv so deeply mourns- it us ttlls vetv example lhs model hfe of j iiuuici and fidlitv whose inter- i iitv ind unselfish devotion to his people and iils dlltv displayed bv i then lite king which vvtll nuvt assindlv comfort strengthen and 1 mmin the britlsh pople as the i kin w l- so will his pet pie tn n ig n 11 thngs and failhfu blip kituj m flram king gaorga vi who dd mud- denly en wsdnatday meming 1936 19s2 dismiss charges on closing bylaw charges against frank j toth jr for sollinu gasoline after hours were dismissed by magistrate ken neth langdon when the accused pleaded not guilty in court friday of last week a dale georgetown appeared for mr toth and r maeaulay ap peared for the town charges were brought under town bylaw 051 forbidding the sale of gasoline by retail gasoline out lets in town between 7pm and 7 a m on monday to friday and be tween 10 p m saturday and 7 a m monday permits were to be is sued in rotation so one garage would be exempt each week from the provisions of the bylaw the bvlaw was passed after a petition by the garage operators had been pwsenled signatures of more than 7a per cent of the upe- ators were necessaiy to make the petition effective evidence brought ut dui ing the hour and a half hearing showed thai the tlik had failed to unify im tin- bottom of ih- petition that tht it quirt d num ber had sed magistirte iingdon r nit d the com i finds this fnl to bvliw ojl and this 1 hal ge i dismissed constibu wvim laid the cjiii ge loi an oil us- on jinunv k tt 7 1 pm and 11 hi p m tht constable tjrk met- achie and town solici- toi it ttlur land gi- t v ivl net in temifv ink ci ik mid achu ald he hd tfld uncil eiballv that 7 pi 1 lnt ol tile optiators had signed the petition althooh he did not hi ti it in w uimi missionary work knox sermon topic her work in british guiand south america was described to a larpc congregation in knox pres byterian church last sunday morn ing by miss nellie anderson a missionary who is home on fur lough miss anderson whose work is centered at georgetown british guiana ls staying with her sister mrs c m hansen in acton and visits different prcsbytc rials during the week to describe her work the choir sang an anthem with crawford douglas taking the solo in p old- 1- his p or bixid 11 is time in 1mu wi u- kinj r ferrsl to u s f that veir v n thus like ttl tn notee t v- hev oth- th lo hs 1 hiv 1 a silver hm n ls he kings nies- peopleand tt humah- it it t the world todav m the kovil familv the sub jects of his realm all people take heart iniv thev know that king gimre has accomplished itimethmij for humanitv vhich will never puss jwiv that the world ls a better place for hm having bn here and that even under this cloud of sorrow and affliction even thus like evrrv other cloud can have a siver lining goi bo praised and thanked for king george the sixth god save the queen the mctofi afinutenul slxioctutioi school addition toured at meeting chat man oikes presided at a full tod of tiusbses tt the refilll- meetug uf tlie bo id hm ill voi 1ulihc school im tu sdav the chm man ttlmiitl a dele- r on of horn uul school nu-ni- t s eoiiducud them 01 an m- e t oil of the mew sciwol uldlt- ion matters of mutual int- res w 1 e clusciissed il ineipal mckene r ported thit the toilets were causing con- dirable dutress bv the odour 1ioperty coiumtttee ordered thu- conditton was to be corrected at once as much as pcthmble the s reported ree ipt of u00 nonremdent fees i finance statement of 7m 14 was j approved for payment and the j skretary was directed to assew the nh1isd board 200 00 jan uary plant operation expense 1 the board spunt considerable 1 lime inspecting the new addition county assessors meet on problems the monthly meeting of hal ton county assessors association was held wednesday feb g in acton town hall chairman p l spur- geon oak vi he assessment com missioner presided v ith secntary f w ci limp acton assessment commissioner present were find hogers coun- tv ass ssor a benton ksipn s- mg iismsmii k c lindsay ksipns- ing a o klummerfelt trafalgar j gibbens ceiigetovmi k mai hall ntlson k nunhim ti afal- gn f mcn1v11 milton c v johnson nuihngton 1 w mcmil lan nassmiwvi c ihadheait tiafalgai j mcgeaclne attended repisenting alton the ehatimali op lied the inot- m k w ith 1 en 111 ks on v 11 10 us t p s of new dw 1 llibgn b mg built aim the proposed handling of these new dwellings modem heating leiiuiie- ments were discussid in coiijuiu 1 tion with new buildings a eounlv land v du- map w s dlscusseti n length and koui kiigeis was givn the task of pit- paiing this map di use ihioughout the ount mr ittg- rs poke bneflv on a pioponl dlt iission with th 1 paitmiiu ol municipal altai 1 g ruling the adaptation of the in w assi sim ni manual im a fului 1 in t ting v th diugat- m id a bin f loin o i in tow n to 1 a first hand v lew ol tti ass s 11 nioblenis 111 ai ton parents and teachers meet in social evening in acton on tuesday sgt angell on way home from korea mr and mrs george l angell church st received word on wed nesday that thoir son sgt jack angell will be coming home from korea he has been in korea for n year with theamerican army and is returning on rotation leave about march 1 he is reported to have left korea on february 3 although not an american citizen he lived in the usa for about two yearn before enlisting mr angell is the agent at the cnn station in acton finish carpentry in new y kitchen as far as albert and morris van gils are concerned work on the new kitchen in the basement of theymca ls finished now the ys men are planning to take over with new linoleum wood finish and lots of paint and eventually with enough money for a new stove and perhaps a refrigerator cupboards have been built the whole length of one wall with the stove built in and a space where a refrigerator could eventually be placed the wall ls attractive covered with green congo wall and the counters with grey arborite natural finish will be put on the cupboard doors and the frames will be painted the ceiling ls lo be painted and linoleum placed on the floor the sliding door ls in smooth working order with the door frame widened to allow trays to be car ried through with more working and storage space improved facilities and attractive surrounding the new y kitchen will soon look like an il lustration of a model home in a brightly illustrated magazine after midnight session on sew pa prolonged discussion on n settlement of contract holdbacks took acton council one hour post their recently established midnight curfew when they held their regular session tuesday evening the aftermid night session was climaxed when the following resolution was passed with councillors taylor nognvoldson and irwin voting against thaf the mayor and clerk be and are hereby authorized to pay the spartan conlractink co ltd m42ib7 being holdback under sewer contract of jj22197 less clnims for defective work and for dnmages amounting to 170010 as filed with the clerk to date mayor rachlin pointed out thntti the committee had gone into the united church choir names officers rae west years president at the annual election of officers nd social vening of the united church choir held on thursday vening january 17 rae wst was elected president for the year vice president th lnrene rnsel secre tary muriel burns treasurer mrs george holhnger gown committee mrs clare pickett mrs john gor don oeial committee mrs i van fleet mrs wvinari kittle and miss shu lev holston the organist miss o impaidof ctiu iph was un tot tunit el v una oh to he pitellt hut was s ill a hull- it t of fluvveis fiuin the ehon games v er e plav ed and then a hint h miied sewer payments very thoroughly a holdback for construction work was evidently due the spartan con tracting co in november 1051 but the town withheld pnyimcnt because claims for improper work and damage during installation had not been properly considered and the contractor was denying any responsibility in mast of the cases the company has- been pressing for payment of the holdback con tending that another is due tn february which more than covers the amount of claims against the town council at their last meet ing resolved not to pay the hold back until a settlement could be arranged through a meeting with the enrincer contractor and sewer committee it was reported that no concrete arrangement could be made between these parties in dealing with the clnims sections of the contract with the contractor came in for close scrut iny in attempting to arrive at a decision it wis pointed out thit there had been claims for improper work amounting to at least sfloo while only a third of the laterals in town had been installed solicitor leatherland advised council they were legally right in vvitholding payment if the work ls defective mayor rachlin pointed out that he was prepared to make an 1ssiie of it if council was willing investigating possible costs solicit or leatherland estimated an action to the supreme court would range between 1 000 ind 2000 summing up what seemed to be a general opinion mayor rachlin commented its a rotten mtuat- 1 ion i mrs r hall who eluims amounts totalling 1000 for damage to her property during the installation of a sewerage system wis pieselit at council because she felt the let- tis had been jum thrown aside she pointed out that all the good 1 top oil m her garden was i nl and when she went out to the back uoilstitution rfchls v aril it w aj just a heartbreak i oh at it mr hall suggemcd shouldnt be asked to lower their price to the town unless alt town purchases were reduced councillor taylor concluded that the job of council was to encourage business not dlscourage it mayor rachlin suggested that if there was sufficient volume the gas company might put in ii tank and pump the gas would come in wholesale at considerable saving to the tax payer the mayor said a letter from the department of public works sent credentials to vote at a meeting for the format- ion of a credit valley conservation authority dealing with the pos sible cast to the town if an auth ority was established one council lor commented it can cost in plenty 41 was decided all other munic ipalities should be urged to attend and vote against the establishment of the authority r r parker was appointed to represent the town with j creighton as a sub stitute in a vague suggestion b mayor rachlin- that the library grant might have to be cut councillor taylor launched strong opposition to the move im strongly oppoa ed to cutting down that grant they cant maintain a library on anything less than 2200 thats dui only ctmti ibution to the cult ural benefit of acton except to the band it w ould be awfully small of us to go to that meeting and attempt o chisel them down mayor rachlin commented we cant overlook the financial condt- imi of the town it was agreed that some investig ation be made into the original agreement with j w wolfe re garnmi the establishment 1 turkey farm near bower ave be fore any action be taken or the matter be considered it was confirmed on ptijjr four i hi uggomea 1 uum il ninsider lowering her ta- precede charter over 60 attend acton ys mens party at the brant inn the mr mt inn at biuhngton w hin foi he aiiuu il ys m n pai held llst frdiv evtnmg leaving the ymca in two lus w 1 re 1 oiiplt s hi ihavge of ariaig nit nts vv s charli s klikness the 1 v en 1 tig of titer taurine 1 ttl diiicng wls urn h itijovtd bv the lab meiubi rs th 1 w v mt nls since the v unrig men night with a peaktr from toronto held tn acton v on jiniiirv 21 threi 1 net 1 rigs have been held eoilcern- irg the formation cum 1 tion rluh t 1 philaiik h the acton ohtmi flin flon third largest cenre in manitoba was named oftcr flinta- battv flonatm a character in the story sunless city 1 the pnhvipa and staff of ac ton high school were husu to th- parents of pupib at a delightful social evening in acton scout hall on tin sdav evening cards dam i g anil sociability and a tavy lunch all went to make 1 gathering for better relationship between school and homes prizes for court wlilst were won bv mrs norman morton and mr george mason theie w ls 1 splendid attendance and principal robbins expressed the hope for more such gatherings lani it 11 him siiggestd that as 1 the iroiind vvls clear iumti of minw to the damage mr hall cirgn th- t lei k mil wr ummtltoe would arrange t iet -ii- ito view tin- property 1 t mefore a club inav ohtatt il k 1 it am sh ttiit ieor fo i barter 1 mristitutmin and project m ml m ns sub th 1- n11 fimmilt c f ihiluix 1 iriui as il iirnjcls for thi- new jls ll hv ilv it s sl and had i- at 1 hi i l a x vl k- alaiion pn h v ai s h t 1 i t alalll t 1 lir j h- t haj uh ml mt 1 t nth- taiu ii it 1- illua v r nvton h rnni tr ioi t y lor clak- ii s u -m- n liaitur ihat hi a ulil h f n th- 1 mtit at 1 111 ii i i i 11- rr th 11111 slu thai 111m ll i ii 111 h of st albans wa m 11 111 mill s it p mlu inii a lit that nllliiil h l ul iiiniit rn th- in th- i 1 ni si 10 lll lll rnlirv li i c1111 ial oil 1 iui major eric w clarke and mrs clarke have been appoint ed to take charge of the new halton county home for the aged now being constructed ust south of milton on highway 25 for the past five years they have been superintendent and matron of the salvation army eventide home for men in the city of guelph srnr11 fa n 1 10 a n th mmillii 1 ii nit u a piil m nr ha hi i i i 1 mimtt n unlit ut iimiiiii reelect officers irl st all all w 11 t at tin- timi t ml- lain tin- 111 thuritiv linuir tl with a lhki uttindanf tafl ititinrts a-rn- rtatl whlfh himiil ful pump f th n11 t ntr 11 utrmit with ntnl dilir th cjrls w ri0ivl f r 1 ihatiir wiit s wn nul b r th- mimr xpriv 1 an pn- mi u christina malruilif inn that if thi- purihuf of h n in lir fiuriliiiiuit lur tlir mimlon himlil hi- put up fur ti nilir thi-r- ti ainilit hi a iv in i mil vi bv pr 1 th nfflrr an- tu nmain hf arraiiitinint thi- imritfi iatabllh sa fur tht ytnr anil an- as ul- 1 tirii-i- lou primtlrnt mrs w i tiny liiputv nt vi- stiw irt said h- si cutary mrs 11 jtli- tn-anu- thollliht it was hartllv fair th4piiri mr j ciiiims durca sicri ritup haulil tn- ikl ti- rvttli- hiv mi ii llavliss avistant thiir iirin- cliunrillir ilngm-alil- mis h mulmis tlvlim m-ni- sun niiii in thiiiikht imi- brniii sittuiy mia ii jiilliy

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