Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1952, p. 2

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paoc two the acton free press acton ontario nothing for nothing that wo seldom got anything for nothing is being brought into the spotlight in municipalities across canada al this season particularly in small towns which havo had a necessary burst of pro- qress is this fact emphasized it is the duly of trie council as elected representatives to estab ilsh the rhill rate this involves estimating the expenses for the year in order to collect the necessary amount of taxes from the ratepayers in the municipality in the life of a municipality there are many expenditures incurred which take a long time to pay off municipalities ell over ontario are be ing faced with payment for expensive yet pro gressive additions to the town sewerage sys- temt are necessary in many towns now because crowded down town sections lack drainage and house lots are small limiting drainage area to that already used resurfacing of roads and general improve ments teem to appear on the municipal scene in cycles following the major expenditures there is a necessary seige of economy while the rate payers are given a chance to catch up on the capital expenditures the tax rate in most of the smaller centres will undoubtedly be higher this year that is just another one of those expenditures that will be on the increase as long as people want improve ments and advantages in the town we heard of one municipality where some of the citizens felt it would be fair to have the pay ments for improvements spread over more than ihe customary 20 years so the younger genera tion could contribute to the benefits its a good thing the pioneers didnt think of that or we might still be clearing land fringe at the outset of this development of big industry it means that smaller industries aro likely to bo attracted hero and we are not likely to lose in a hurry that charm and nolghborliness of a smaller town which are bound to come with the influx of a larger industry we know that many folks al the lakeshoro are wondering what the change will moan in their way of life which will result from the impact of ihe bigaulo- motivo plant being established in the southern part of haltton the big airplane establishment in peel has created a problem that is overflowing beyond the borders of malton and causing near by brampton some problems acton will no doubt share in the industrial expansion that is coming to the south of halton in a big way every town welcomes industrial growth and this town is no exception to the general rule we hope the expansion is of such 9 nature that it can be absorbed readily the ten dency today is toward ihe establishment of smaller communities which havo their own shop ping centres and are easily accessible and afford plonty of parking space for workers such de velopment can readily be absorbed here and smaller community life enjoyed up to a popula tion of 7000 or so no town can long remain on the fringe community facilities are required by all resi dents to maintain these requirements they must have the industrial growth and the taxes derived therefrom to provide for the residential section home owners cannot alone bear the burden of municipal expansion without the assistance of in dustry we are on the fringe for the present but it cannot be for long it isnt a right when we havo enjoyed a privilege for some time there is a tendency to accept it as a right that is often the case when we think of driving an automobile truck or other vehicle in a recent circular from the department of highways it re ports that more than 16000 drivers lost the privilege of driving because they violated laws designed to protect citizens if you are convicted of reckless or dangerous driving drunk driving failing to remain at the scene of an accident motor manslaughter or criminal negligence driving while ability is im paired by alcohol any offence under the high way traffic act arising out of a motor vehicle accident any offence under the highway traffic act if the magistrate orders suspension of your drivers licence and or vehicle permit or if you fail to satisfy a judgment recovered against you for damages arising out of a motor vehicle ac cident your drivers license and motor vehicle permit may be suspended driving is a privilege and if you are careless enough to have your driving license suspended it may remain suspended for the period set by the magistrate n whether your license is ever suspended or whether you are ever in any kind of trouble it s always wise to practice the same common cour- 1esy on the road as you would on the street dimming your high lights before you approach another car too closely is only sensible night driving can be a pleasure or a plague depending en how many cars one meets with high lights accidents don t always happen because you are to blame the other fellow can endanger our life as much as anyone and you have to be careful ot what he does as well as what you do thursday february tth 19sz when you sit behind highway the wheel und drive on a bt on the fringe heavy industrial iati aiong lake ontario trim tara falls s no ulle to giowth ot population it ate canadian induvr s ot the sh ppmj t l iit es this section bl unkmrifs tru nes are nniknn nui it on v ct it in the ears ahead perhaps were a bit sirall date bt 1 we io apprev iate bt thai ast aiul i th s r toi aliiiu in id tuf a trnv u u tire section to nia ton sequent i not only impof larile iv antages ot iptari tourif strange procedure an article in the chesley enterprise gives some interesting information on rules governing the appointment of a county warden and per haps the system adhered to in huron county is the most unusual in huron it appears the ap pointment is governed by politics it is not ac cording to length of service or the turn of the municipality as in halton a conservative repre sentative is warden one year and a liberal the next it even extends to the appointment of com mittee chairmen but huron county is like the rest of ontario it is predominantly conservative these days and the result is that there are not enough grits in county council to go around of the 12 new members elected this year nine are lories and only three liberals the standing of the parties in the county council is 22 conserva tives and 9 liberals the result as the chairman of the striking committee complained is that there are not enough liberals to go around one member recalled that when he entered tlll huron county councrl nine years ago the situa tion was reversed then there were only nine conservatives the discussion brought forth views that poli tics ought to be forgotten in naming committees tnd their chairmen although the feeling was that it should be retained in naming the warden some said experienced men had to bo left off committees because they were conservative and inexperienced men had to be named as chairmen because they were liberals and the efhees had to be equatty divided we like our system in halton best where ex perience of the man and the turn of the muni cipality are the guiding features in choosing a warden we do not see wjiy politics should enter into either county or municipal mat tecs ihe two have no relationship that can be bene heal next dance please this lady dressed in red isnt so good at dancinc or at conversa tion shes all set to go to a dance in trafalgar township hall though come march uninteresting a part ner as she may sound shes assured of masculine company as she sits out each dance the lady in red is silting out all right outside the hall shes the trafalgar fire truck and shea going to the firemans dance just in cose the bronte fire- truck has decided to stay at home and one of the firemen will stay there to keep her company attention other half the biggest half on record is the other hair of the world as texnns see it in last weeks georgetown paper a card received from a pair holidaying down south was quoted and it was the printed part that was quoted not the writing of the localpair so heres the sentiments of a texas postcard texas boasts the biggrst the bestest and the mostest of everything all toxans know this therefoie tcas boist cards are published to enlightt n the ollu i half of the world what about that other half- crash in italy itici nt nt w s that plain- ith a liiad of holstein heifers had crash ed in itah had i loiil anle km- dcntli the tattle were snme whith had been shipped from has limi ted from the sales anna in tii- falgar size 18 shirt hold on to your shirts if te re size 111 an onkwlle thief robbed home of vernon d nes 1 k and took 20 shirts all size 111 while the size 15s were left un touched with 20 shirts the single- minded thief should last a while but then hell be out again and mi le north this time on thi hunt for more laundered apparel and u he repeats the accompanv- ing pei foi minee lu 11 take w ah the shuts a radio and an wait his ht tun la his hands on ip she fors but liugton claeth subset iptiois go up to jj a mai this wrtk fir those wlu rieiw the papei b the home town papers didnt arrive theyre published on wednesdays there and from now on they wont be m burlington homes until the day after they are published so theres an advantage besides good health to walking to the post office for mail every day farm newi readers might be interested to know that farm news that very local and very topical column about goings on on halton farms is printed in the georgetown herald oakville recordstar burlington gazette milton champion and ac ton free press each week cbc tv ok for august start the good old days may have seemed better back in 1902 prom thfl mur bt thr pre kru of thtinwtmy february lftw loftl kitchener reports id boers killed 0 wounded m2 taken prison er and 4fl surrendered last wek according to the official census re poif ttliaf ollowin ua ro-tho- popu- intionn of the towns nnd villages in the county of halton acton 14114 burlington 11 id georgetown 1313 oakville 1643 milton i37ff during the past ten years acton has distanced both milton and georgetown and now stands second in point of population in thr coun ty acton is the only municipality civic or rural to increase in popu lation during the last ten years ac ton is a growing town and has within her border the elements which go toincreasc business and attract population mr ii h cook was elected by acclamation to the wardens chair at the last meeting of county coun cil which as is very unusual oc cupied two days to complete the business before them at the meeting of olive branch the following officers were instal led by the pcrcr james plant vcr j w husbandj fs and t c c speight r s james lackey sw if bauer j w james cole man sb george ritchie j b john ruddick chaplain h a macpherson pcr thomas gam ble physician h a mckeague on saturday afternoon mnitcr frank havill son of mr george havill had the outer end of his right collar bone fractured while coasting down agnes st near his fathers home mr john brown machinist at the acton tanning works company met with an accident in which he miraculously escaped fatal injury friday he fell when a plank broke and was precipitated into a pit and fell an his back on a pile of broken back in 1932 from the imw hi ik frw rmrf rhurmuy february 4 1mb it looks more like winter tao week anyway georgetown has retired from u local intermediate hockuy grup thftffltftobfcdforboth actotr-ana- georgetown as a contest wu ad- ways relished by th fans betwfcms these two teams there will be no further post ponements in the local hockey group if the home team hamt 1c the game must be played on artifi cial ice surface wilfred g minn of limchoiifc 1 bglng congratulated on his splendid success as first prize essayist in th recent county essay competition at a mveting of the directors of acton fail fair mr v l wright was unanimously chosen as secre tary of acton fall fair my how dublin has grown when these dublin tn all got packed into- the town hall for the annual dance- well it just looked as if ote wall would burst with the crowd it was estimated that a crowd of about four hundred was present too many for comfortable dancing but great to meet so many friends sa readily a pretty wedding took place quietly at rockwood on saturday january 23 when hannah eliza beth only daughter of mr george chevne and the late mm cheyne of orton became the bride of wtr frascr plummir nungest stn of mr and mri john plummer of rockwood i died holmes the home bower avenue monday morning feb ruary i 1932 joseph holmes be loved husband of margaret mc auley king in his 77th year the canadian pacific railway- bricks steam pipes etc mr brown i covers some 17000 miles compared is progressing favourably but it with 13100 for the atcheson top- will be some time before he is able eka and santa fe biggest aatertc- to return to work an carrier postal di hvt i tidimii psial as lu as an new shown until last vy ami ihe mimi- nt duot fin pnt w in i cbc general manager donald manson hxs announced an intensive training course for approximately 60 new television employees has started in toronto and montreal the group is composed of pro gram and technical personnel who will be charged with the direct pro duction of programs employees in other categones start their training in about three monlh selection of nff his been made from applicants outside and within the cbc according to a statement made bv chairman a davidson dun ton the cbc ls aiming at a starting date for television some time in august providing further shortages of building materials do not arise b that time cbc expects to have between lfio and 10o trained tele- lsion eniploees divided about equally beween montreal and tor onto the training course covers a six month period due to the complexi ties of a television operation much of the course is given iver to the ictuil production of experimental programs in order to provide the lff w ith ts much on camera wmk as passible the main course is oruiucted bv cbc personnel who ha e bet n engaged in television s ud planning and ex pi rimental programming flor wirru time i sjh i iillsts m a few fields a brought m for letttirth professional directory and travellers guide medical rfl fstvte and insluancc dr w g c kenney phvslcian and surjjcon office m symon block mill st acton office phone 7k residence church st thonr 150 wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wright 20 wilbur st 9 macdonnell st acton ont guelph ont phone o phone 4015w dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and huer st entrance river street acton ontario phone 23h member apprausal institute of canada members guelph and dirstict real estate board members guelph and district iiimirace agents association dental we urgently require listing of farm property from 0 to 300 acre also small holdings from 1 to xs dr a j buchanau drntal surgron n ofticf lelshman block mill st olllie hour am tu t pni xkay tfxephonk hi dr george a sirrs ilrntal surgeon mill st cornir frrdrruk a on oltno hour- i 00 i in to 111 i m teleimione 111 editorial notes the piles of snow which looketi so form id at thc vltfr1nkv ahe in eariy lanuar and t outmebome i ptillllsl winter have not been adjed to by t is hoped february will not be loo groundhog predictions are at least the af a banu nportance vwn the orinijevihe council at its m voted a ofini of 350 to the band of it is desoilhd is n ad to tllldll land in iaise funds m the summer es in il session hat town untl thi nonths ijhe artun ijtrpf jrbh 7 onlu fufwr erer pumuhrd in acton rmjruhd in hits ami publifchrri rwr thursdj at 8 mill st e ackn out mnibr nf thr aviiiil bureau ot circula- luins tlu t w n a and the ontarloqiicboc dliuuin of jhr i w n a ailwrlisinil rate on rriiuist stiuicrtpllom pay- atik- in advance 2 so in canada 3 ml in tin unitid statrs m month si ill kinli- copir fie authorized ai scond lavs mall 1om offirt darlnunt ottawa business and editorial a dilli fiiltor and publuhrr office telephone 1 7 4 bnllrii eihrrb af conniii arton ontario a kiuendty riiuncij rrv e a currey ba ii l vinisur par-oniui- i hourr avenue photil- till muu o 4 ijuiinard a tcjw organist ami hoir leader miv kvmumiy 10h liuhl i in suihi n s hool 1 t niliu 1 ltsund iv l 11 ml a in muinti wiill m ititiiuni thr ro -s- v inl h p s rmon i flu i mo iv kor oiv in 7 ml p ni eviiini wttrship hl ikioils svmhou uustrottvl iirt ii thoiiuht or tin- w rk 1 rvsolvtd that hke tin mill o lonn u mv d i 1 itd i wmii look on thf hnuhl sid- of i-vt- thmi ithomas ilotkli jlrrohiitrrtau dburrb in an n ha knox f lllkiii aiton kkv iiohrrt ii armtron ma nil mlnutcr b d young b v sc c l young d v m vrtrrlnao surkons ottin- nrookiil on n ihoin- milton hlrl f g oakes v s b v st vrlrrlnar hurerun oiri anil hi di m kl artim 1hoi o 1 10 contact c h dyment realtor v iitvvorth st s ii iniifc holio tbiki or andy frank i t sin in a c impbv 1 1 v 1 1 f ihunr milton h5ri wm r bracken krai rtalr 1 nkum insitkance jh at ok travellers guide gray coach lines mu uliiril c f leatherianl t ills 1 r v tov lalhouiid it to ii ll in i1z1 in p in i 11 p in u 3j lo m msllav 111 110 a 111 1 1 h a 111 1 pill 7 ihi p lu iii 111 tin olll knox chi ilvt in th dint tlw v 1 id hi ki a warm wi i kejihtahy sunilav si in limn wor- jlltllf- c1lv yo mi i op fll mil lllth 1 hp llarrlvtrr a oil ii lj nlli itor noun ruhlh ih n 11 1 acixin i so i h toronto will sunily si hikil i levtr hoskin hartrrrd i roununti suix vori t jfcskins axi1 ii kih i tlrt mtropoli ii 1111 wrvttiouml 1j r p in 7 ii 1 i s in phi ii a kilih nt i s n l mil 1u- s v iid noli 44 v 11131 to mici iiavkoi s canadian national railways smlir li- lo uniitlb ixhurrh ac7ton uituv h shut r 1l l albatia ccliurrb lancllmvbl an hduo hamilton slippll mliilvtli milntoh of sunday feblluahy 10th i9u 0 01 am holv communion 11 00 a m simdav school 1100 am- ikginncm clavi 7mflm evonmii prnvcv sunday faruary 10th 13j j 10 30 a m sunday school 1 1 30 a m th c 1 r c v m a n 1 church 1 7 00 p m somithini anvonc i in thurvdav ii pm lravr mitnn i lito pm studv ciroup u 10 p j m iilvi uaiion prod ihltilav 4 pin llon h nd 7 o i in jr llyiul pm sr 11 y 1 v welcome to ab ihe victor b ruwtey funeral home funrral llomr llratrd ambulance jht or dav mm lin 1 1 v for ir phone srv ini th- 45 ll i hi ilv appoiutm n wm c milligan ro oplotprtruit lt and 3rd wednevdavs of i monh 2 p m to i pm at mill st heidence of t hruwn iraklbauiul l 40 ml dt i fxtfllt sun 1 1 1 4 u 7 iii p in smulay olll 1 lu mh iail v cxiiit sun 1 h i li r n 9 02 au h kl r ul c- rifiltn n 10 11 hvk t bound d nlv xirpt suu lav and ll-n- 04 i in sun1 v iml m nitay um am dai t xt un sui- iv 11411 a ni tl so i m 0 i 7 44 p m ha ixlp sat anil sun ft 10 i m saturday only w p it suruiav inly u 41 aj t1aiitiu sinulay only ky r t vol iph ca i in

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