Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1952, p. 1

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t sevenfysowenlh year no 32 acton ontario thursday february 14th 1952 eight home print pagessix cents plan service honor late king jl- baxters puc council agree to property exchange for puc in opebation 15 this 12 foot high boiler serving the three school buildings the old public school the high school and the new public school addition this is the first part of the new school addition to gd into use tyorkmen are busily applying rough plaster to the inside walls all the cement floors except a small section at the main entrance have been poured and the plumbing connections are all buried in the cement floor staff photo heating system operates work goes on at school 1 work is progressing on the inside at the new addition to the acton public school completely closed in and heated the building is receiving the inside construction cement floor hns been poured throughout the buildinc except for a small section at the main entrance this cement buries the plumbing connections and protects them from damage the heating system is in operation and serving the old public school building the high school and the public school addition workmen are applying the rough plaster to walls and the most of it has been completed let take a quick trip through the buildinc and see just whats j there first there is the auditor- j ium a stage will go along one i end with two doors opening into the corridor windows are located high and small in this room for ventilation but not too much light making i suitable for movies the exact seating capacity ls of course not known but 500 chairs have been trdered for its equipment these will be stored on trucks beneath the ittagc a small kitchen i next and i then n wurn planned for the use of teachers the remainder of i that side of the building the south side is taken up by u double kindergarten room which is to have a movable partition for division or use as one big room almost full length windows allow plenty of outside light in this room on the north side of the build ing from the front ls the main entrance and foyer a room for the school nurse is located here and leading to the old section are the principals office and adjoining it a classroom for grade viii lava tone for boys and girls are located on each side of the boiler room and next to the old section is storage room containing a vault lor school records and document going towards the back of the building then are the remainder of the classrooms which makes a total of six class rooms auditor ium kitchen stage principal of fice nurses room lavatories teachers room storage room vault big windows along outside wall allow plenty of light and all rooms have separate outside entrances in case of fire wide corridors con nect the rooms and air condition ing insures fresh air recessed al cove serve as cloak rooms in the rooms and there are turo coxered layporcheathst prot the-ehlld- ren from inclement weather while atill keeping them outside a pas sageway connects the new addition to the old section contractor for the construction job ls the firm of j b mackenzie and son plumbing ls being done by sanitary plumbing of fergus and electrical work is contracted by mucknrt of georgetown furn ishings and equipment haw been purchased in many instances and use of the building will commence with the fall term an agreement for a transfer of property was reached by council public utilities and baxter labor atories at a special meeting on friday evening of last week box- ter laboratories proposed an ex change of property they asked a piece of land which now holds the tin puc building and a strip that borders the school crock in exchange for this piece of property they would give a block of land approximately ofi by 200 which fronts on alice st and is much larger than the present loc ation it was agreed that cost of the property transfer and survey costs would bo divided equally between baxters the town and the puc the following resolution was passed by council that council ap prove the transfer of property with baxter laboratories of canada ltd this transfer to consist of that portion of lot 12fi currently held by the town also to consist of tha portion held by the town and vest ed with the acton puc but ex cluding that portion at present be ing occupied by the hydro electric power commission for a control building and transformers in ex change for a parcel of land front ing alice st and further describ ed in appendix a attached hereto missions night for knox yps it was missions night at knox pyps on tuesday n isabel rit chie the convenor was in charge and gave the call to worship af ter the opening hymn ken mann read the scripture lesson and bill bell led in prayer dennna gricr dedicated the offering and all joined in singing another hymn isabel ritchie introduced the guest speaker miss n e anderson en furlough from british guiana miss anderson told of her work and the people of british guiana and of the great joy she finds in her chosen field of service she closed with a plea for more work ers for the lords great harvest fields doug davidson the president took charge for the business and began with the minutes and the roll call his suggestion to write letters of appreciation to the lad ies aid and billet hostesses was approved by motion and he voiced his personal gratitude to kae han sen inez mclellan shirley wil son isabel ritchie and bill bell for their untiring help during the weekend while knox toronto wen here the meeting closed with a song ervico of favorite hymns the mizpah benediction and a social hour of lunch and tea all costs including survey of this transfer ore to be equally divided between baxters puc and the town acton puc passed a resolution authorizing the transfer commis sion chairman j r mncarthur pointed out the present tin build ing could not be moved satisfact orily and a new building would be erected acton planning board also mm with council on the question of the property line on mill st mayir rachlin vacated the chair since he had an interest in the matter it was pointed out that the wtdh of mill st varied on different plans and the decision was to be what width would be accepted it preparing the new town plan th width of approximately 49 feet would toke the street through some stcre fronts the board pointed out that its a mistake that start ed 50 years ago and with the comp iling of a new plan it should be corrected the thought was expressed that perhaps the street width could be established at about 41 feet and the property owned by the town on which store fronts are built could be deeded back to the mer chants if this plan was followed the group was reminded that the light standard located on the northeast corner of mill and main sts would be located on the property of b d rachlin the thought was express ed that a satisfactory arrangement could be worked out if this were the case a formal recommendation was to be forwarded by the planning board to acton council for action at their next meeting so the plan could proceed sybil bennett was chosen pro gressive conservative candidate for halton at a convention held in aaijton town hall on tuesday evening miss bennett will carry the progressive conservative banner in the next federal elec tion day of prayer observed this month throughout canada n ass ag aweya asks meeting in acton for rural fire protection i th- municipal council of the i township of nassagaweya met on i saturday feb p 1952 with the members ull present and the reeve j j s norrish presiding the following resolution signed by ull members of the council was passed that we the nassagaweya i township council in meeting as- 1 sembled hereby express our s ulcere sympathy to the members of the i royal family m their bereavement the death of our beloved king brings a note of sadness to all our hearts and we suggest to the citi- i zens of nassagaweya township that they observe friday feb 15 1952 as a day of mourning long live our new queen elizabeth 11 a resolution was passed suggest- tng that acton town council arrange for a meeting with neighbouring 1 municipalities and the fire mar- shall s department regarding ade- i quale rural fire protection the reeve and clerk were auth orized to sign an agreement with the bickleseagrove co for the i purchase of fire equipment for mil ton rural area no 2 the reeve was also instructed to write to mr mcconachie request ing a meeting to discuss the work ing agreement further at an early the resignation of clarence wil son was accepted as fence viewer and mr charles lasby appointed the road supt was instructed to call for tenders for supplying 8000 cu yds of gravel on township roads in 1952 the road supts vouchers no 2 23040 arlfc no 3 si 663 47 were ordered paid the bylaw was passed providing for the expenditure on roads and bridges for 1952 delegates were appointed to at tend the ontario good roads con- ention and the ontario rural municipalities to be held in toron to this month general accounts amounting to 300 were ordered paid halton buyers at sales in scotland grant campbell of moffat who s among the canadian cattle buy ers at present in scotland paid 7900 guineas approximately 37- 500 for the third prize winner in the january bull class at the perth shorthorn sales stewart bennett of georgetown paid 6 j 00 guineas approximately 30500 for th sup- leme champion calrossie prefect the population of newfound land is estimated at 355000- toronto members visit acton yps on saturday afternoon 17 mem ber from knox pyps toronto crrived in acton to join with knox acton for a weekend of fellowship after registration they were shown to their billets and introduced to their hostesses then they all returned to the church and became acquainted with the acton members after which the two societies sat down to a delightful turkey supper pre pared by knox ladies aid the menu consisted of mashed potatoes turkey and dressing vegetables and all the trimminps after the banquet there was a short pro gram consisting of a few sing songs solos by bill bell and crawford douglas the two groups then all went down to the bowling alleys where they formed six teams of seven each in a tournament after three frames they all went bick to the church for a lunch then the groups all retired to their homes in sunday morning some of the toronto young peoples assisted in the sunday school by leading in several action choruses all of them attended church with their hostesses and stayed for bible class afterwards at 5 p m the guests gathered again for a short song service be fore tea was served for the even ing service at 7 pm which began with a hearty song service knox toronto took complete charge of the senice several members led m the devotions while the rest formed a choir to lead in praise oneof those in theehoir rendered a beautiful solo his eye is on the sparrow another girl gave her christian testimony and one of the boys preached an evangelical soulsearching sermon after church these young people conducted a fireside to which all young people of the community had been invited this too began with a song service of gospel hymns and the crowded room of young people and not so young en joyed the hearty singing and fel- lowship another solo holy is the song the angels sing wa given a trip through several countries of south america was shown on slides fireside closed with a hymn and the expressed hope of the guests that their visit had been a real blessing afttr tea had been served again by the yps rev r h arm strong pronounced benediction february is the month in which the world day of prayer ls ob served it is the womens inter- church council that sponsors this service in canada some weeks ago the council had its annual meeting and again the reports showed splendid work be ing done by these people partic ularly through christian literature for the first time the womens interchurch council of canada has its own headquarters and office at 97 st george st toronto and from there all the services are sent out across canada the theme for 1d52 is christ our hope and the day will be observed on friday february 29 the first friday of lent when women the world around are call ed to observe a day of prayer for a better world for all people civic service planned to honor king geo vi arrangements are completed in acton for fitting tribute to be giv en the memory or king george vi a proclamation issued by mayor rachlin is in accord with the dominion proclamation of a day of mount ing on friday february lith and observance of such by nil citizens the request is made that places of business be closed from 10 am until 12 oclock the town offices will be closed from 10 nm until 1 pm the majority of actons industries while not closing are censing operations for a brief silence at 11 oclock the whistle on the reirclmore plant will be sounded at this time schools will be closed all day and a service fcthetd on thursday mark mourning with armbands there will be visible evidence here of the period of mourning for his majesty king george vi which is being observed in canada for the same length of time as in britain the headquarters of the i ode has advised local groups that a purple ribbon ls to be worn be neath the orders pin for the of ficial mourning period boy scouts girl guides cubs ahd brownies arc to wear black bands on their uniforms certain members of the armed senices arp also wearing the black bands on the arms of their unif orms mrs ritchie host daughters of knox newly bought car has 275 damage no one was injured saturday night about 7 pm when two cars collided on no 7 highway half i mile east of georgetown although total damage to both cars was csti- i mated at 575 donald smith of i kitchener was the driver of the 1947 nash sedan which was trav elling west he had just bought the car and the headlights went out travelling east was a 1939 olds- mobile driven by clarence coles of r r 2 acton there were no other passengers in either car damage to the nash was estimated at 275 and to the oldsmobile 300 the regular monthly meeting of daughters of knox was held at the home of mrs ida ritchie on feb ruary 4th the devotions wer led by olive musselle and assisted by dorothy dawkins joan chis- holm and evelyn dolmer as a prelude to the evenings lesson a skit entitled the flight leaving for british guiana was well presented by betty sinclair elizabeth jany and marilyn sigs- worth on completion of the play mrs buchanan took the topic its like walking in a summer wonder land which was a continuation of the study concerning british gui ana in preparation for- the world day of prayer senice to be held at knox church invitations have ben sent to other girls churcn groups to worship on this occasion following the business unusual valentine games were played such as jumbled words heart hunt and legend of st valentine lunch was sened a community service has been arranged for friday morning weo- ther permitting organizations will incut at the town hall and parade to knox church leaving the hull at 10co am wm mattocks legion president will be in charge of the parade if weather is unsuitable the various groups will proceed from the town hall to knox church where seats will be reserv ed for the members of participat ing organizations an order of sepvice has been prepared for use at this senice which will be opened by mayor b d rachlin the protestant clergy will take various parts with the address given by venerable arch deacon a c mackintosh on sunday special son ices were held in all churches in acton which took various forms and had special features a memorial service in memory of the late king george vo and in honor of queen elizabeth ii was held in st josephs church last sunday similar services were conducted throughout the diocese as instructed by bishop ryan of hamilton the pastor rev v j morgan preached the special sermon he chose as his text honor all men love the brotherhood fear god honor the king special music was provided by the choir and at the end of tho service the con gregation stood nt attention whiu the national anthem was played tomorrow the day of tho funer al a special mass will be celebrat ed in st josephs church land transfer receives sanction salaries adjusted from jan 1st owing to tho drcumttancot tho big boottor night of lit acton minor sports club it boing hold tonight thursday intjoad of to morrow at provioutly announc ed tho old timort will moot two 39 champ in tho ovonlngt highlight acton public utilities commis sion meeting in regular session on tuesday evening confirmed a mo tion passed at a joint meeting with council on friday whereby the commission will trade part of a lot on willow street now occupied for a garage and workshop to baxter laboratories of canada ltd for a parcel of land owned by the comp any and fronting on alice street a letter from the he pc of ontario notified the local commis sion that they were entitled to collect 7c per bill under 1500 for a accounts collected for the rur al division of the hepc another letter was read and fil ed from chairman robert saundcr extending congratulations to the local commission on their appoint ment to office and wishing them success an account of 9500 was auth orized paid to r o stapleton for moving the toilet in the puc of fice to the basement when the work is completed to the satisfact ion of the clerk supt mason was instructed to have the body of the hydro truck repaired where it has rusted through the estimated cost of this work was 4050 one of the snow tires on the truck had blown out and it was decided to have it vul canized if possible the acquiring of hose to flush the sewers was discussed very fully but no definite action wa taken it was decided to use 4pln arms on queen street east when chang ing over to the hepc pole some of the line has been changed over but the arms are loo short to allow the hepc workmen to service their high tension wires on the top of the pole hence the change to longer arms supt mason reported that so el- ectric meters were ready for in- 1 spection and others which required inspection this year would be made ready as soon as possible he also reported that the lights had been installed on the east end of peel st the light fixtures takendown on mill street last year when the new standards were erected are to be installed from john street cast an mill a letter from the electrical em ployees association notified the commission of a supper meeting t be held in conjunction with the o mea convention the end of feb ruary representatives of the ac ton commission are to attend this convention it was decided that the p u c office would not open on friday until 1 pm in order that the ataff could attend the memorial service for our late king george vi the matter of salaries of various officials of the commission were discussed and by motion the follow ing salaries were authorized to be paid effective january 1 1053 w d mason 3100 per year j lambert 3100 j mcgeochle 2a0 k mcphail 2850 a duby 2300 mrs a urquhort 32 per week the following accounts were passed for payment hydro packard electric aupp 47024 addresxograph stipp 54 macdonald elec supp m j as r kearney supp 11309 bell telephone serv 2989 ellis howard supp 144 petty cash express 0s0 can line materials supp 3434 ie pc of ont supp 17883 highway garage gas oil 1029 receiver gen inspection 2 jo t terry stamps 8100 line i cable ace supp 40 83 fed wire l cable supp 14j89 northern hec supp 8410 11157 50 water puc service 0078 neptune meter supp 30 83 thompson motors supp 81 puc hydro ops rat ions 40420 83488

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