Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1952, p. 7

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thursday webruahv m 1052 the acton free press acton ontario paoaazvbn what sets farm prices is lively discussion at forums the duciuslbn on tho topic what met vurm prices was evldcntlv veiy timely and judging hy repm ts received hv cminlv sec retary mri kllcntnn mivit ind-r- rjitiru to nil kuril rn groups the ural fiiicjillfin wiui ai follows ih it iwuwible for farmeis to con trol llu- prices they receive for their produce give mutoni five ruporti agreed it viih pnw mble for farmer to root ml pi in to i eertnln extent if tlie mmket trnnt tlrwd wt wtt h i lib eetl w product a good miiikeling uebeinc imd till fiirmeni rnipcriitlnn i iwiek tip thin tfrkunl7fltlon could keep prices mmtnttlcd toticcrlnin cxteiit controlled production help the farmer to brick up this orgunl ntlon and keep pi ices eoiitinlted in a certain extent controlled production hoi pit the funnel to enn- trol price- farmer ran rout ml prlrew if organized properly jit the hwlmonorvj association western furmpffl through the pool have iitn- blllved the price of wheat iu has the milk control hoard anothei grnilp maid faimer run control price hv udvet lining and bvfinm- lllg cenlnil welling agendo foi tin mnikhing of farm product- in opposition to this 1w1w1 mv forum groups muted faimcis cini not control faini pure nod reoiore jmivi ill too many ficlors mich a w dhei condition iirl pmdili tmri iiihtitiites ililci in intu ihr pit hui to mike it fen ltd ll i dont lat troublm plagu you tuka am all in stride titer alwayt it an antwir to be found in clcmlfied zz2 get a softer safer ride with goodvear theres no daub about it toftcx mootherrunnun snpcrcuihiont mnkc mny cn ride better youi find theyre reu milenccbuilden tool see us 10m for yours t thompson motors phone 69 f tithe plihiii to in ike it fen hill j j if infii feionoe a packet- mi making tnonev nut o the farim-i- who wtii k hard to grow the product fii the impoi t nml rxpoil miukels wavei with chaug ini vim id conditions- and fui liter the fanners are in o whole not well enough organ i7ed 4 nppl uud demand con trot price farmer- cannot control oxporbi and hecotwe the pindiict in perishable and there fore hie to he matketcd the farm er iw forced to take price that are offerel 5 two report- emphas ized the neciijiltv of farmers hark ing up their com mod it v groups organ led through the federation of agriculture and giving thern then whole hearted support the kcctmcl question who should he niponjjible for market ing the mirplus farm produce six group felt thai this should ty the rchpontiihilitv of the government to iniv up the surplus and ucll it to countries who are in need at a prlre they art- willing to pa a han should tie placed on bringing food into this country from othet count rirs as it helps to create a hurpllls four groups stated thiy thought fanners should handle the surplus through their commodity groups while two groups thought surpluses should he handled through market ing noiird the third pi est ion if you cotild choose would you prefer to form over a long period of ups- and dfewns in pricis or in a similar period in which prices wen- stabil ized the mnjorltv felt the pit- ferred the stabilized priceg al though one group stated on the w hole they favored the upv nnd duwils ils controlled prices are seldom fnvornble to the producer if we git all downs we can still look forward u the future old age pension former ballerina instructs dancers look km 1hh nmui won op quality alention nation d tiullet comp- m and the ballet ttllsse ballet theatre and siidleis wells if voun looking for young hopefub to join tin ranks of bjllenriis actons the plac at the first ballet iils held hire weeks ago ill the v m a thei e were 2ct bovs and gu ls ranging from four eirs of age to h tak ing first instruction fiom mrs rav canham of georgetown the next sattirdn there were m wtmldbe dancers nt even more li t satin div the mstt ilctress a formei lidlel dincet ls fi nm rngland onginallv like ceha franca who just enme fiom fngland ncentu to oiganie canada s national hallet compnnx mrs anhamv i ballet comp- am is sponsoied b the acton ai n un crafls gump tliet ai e a few nunc bn stndmmk ballet is wl ll gu is tin ilnldien up to e n ha half nn lnuii of insi uetum ud then thivi nei seven an lotir secretart gives annual report of devonshire chapter iode uian hi tiik ulknhfim is a fmii loom ed hmua- cousisting of a full base- merit combination living and din ette bid h loom living room two bedrooms and six insets oabinels are arrangid tm opposite walls of the kiuhen leaving adlu etti- in tine end with a small mark bar tin lefngeralnr and sink an on the oulide wall and the stove on the inside wall ooscb include wardrobi tvpi cloels in the bi-d- iium t in the bull with mat i ium t in the finnt and side entrances olhei ft iitutes include a pit tin window shi if scieen foi the fionl door excellent tirculatioii between the moms simple llooi fianiiug anil i leiessed tub the extelior bush of the hlen- heim consils of siding and asphalt shingles overall dimension ale 34 feet hv ln1 fet flooi area is 1u14 mpine feel while the i llbage t pinls 17 jiu linen i inset and general ubic feet un study of farm forums for world begins in halton its grable time again and bem leads the entertainment par ade in twentieth century foxs technicolor musical romance meet me after the show earning monday and tuesday to the roxy acton its the nicest invitation you ever got so cmon down for showtime pleasure laughjime fun in the bigdate rnusical of the year at the general council meeting if unesco in paris france rec ently repi csentalives of 10 nations approved a giant for studying can adian farm forums to become models for torums in countries ill over the world and that slud according lo a recent report is to begin in ilalton countv this development promises to in ing the forum the worlds largest listen iriggroup program of its kind to the attention of adult educationists in nuuiv additional pails of the world for one thing the united nations educational scientific and cultural oiganlsat- ion ha begun an intensive studv of the foilim oi gani7aiion with ii view to xteudiug it lo other lands fui anothei the forum terh- uiipii as developt d in canada is being puhlit ied in cevlon and nwiv soon he uied in southea t asia as a means of implementing iehalilitatinn plan in that area canada w u- givi n thi unusual tionor teieiith at the last gem i al council meeting nf ifntscc ir lai ls w hen 1 1 ptesentaix es of 111 naliotu appiovid a giant loi studv ing farm foi um it is their hope that through this pnnad th cm- adiin oiganuatinn mav hi ome modi i for eduiational u ot k eai lied opt with the blip of radio in nianv rounnes vi ittns from 21 iauopeaii and asiatu countrus have lonn tn canada itcentlv ti oketv tin foium and the unps co s tid u ill i v utu lh piov ule detuleil information about it to mien ted peoph i i i w lit n tin stiulv is p ull tat i l month it will hi d mil with tilt help of out t ilidlli m ia sioilists ii canada nd tin unite 1 v it v ho alt lllli ntlv br me sihittd foi tin piojtt chminiu of tin nlv i o 1 1 slllii uhlit i 1 itiou n tm t i the dairv finn i of caiiaii who h lour b n as ot lated with radio mil f n in movt nens viu 1 iti d w tli him ai w w inummoptl md um m llu h ft h out ino giuultuial tj j gordon hiown jitn g f n c i 1 wil hams 1 h swoid nid 1 ale suns t f hi umvi isitv f tm on o flwaid g 1 mi i of the ul iwtmtv of wstin ontaiio laoii td llaiman of hi c mid an f 1 ei itton of xitruultuti k moi low of ih gbc and 1 it kdd of the can uiiati ss m for du idtu hion tile v w 11 tnius st f a 1 tabd ev iluatioi of faun forums reconls for 10 ear is wil a- fi id v oik i tnanv irts of cn- ad i fi st in te w ill b m in t isvi i- a studv bt gmntn h re in ilalton countv and c ffidiu- i iter to other region to detenu in the form s impact on the iliuimiwiu its it i oil oh or org intmtums m the lommun- itv us contribution to the devmop- ment of leadership in the com munis action projects result ing from the forum everything from thei forming of cooperati ci and countv hospital plans to the jom liiv ing of machinery and the nlaionship between the forum and these result ng activ ities md bevwsen the forum and the poheus of local farm organizations there will be a si paratc soci- historual stud of farm forun curried out m all parls vif cnnd i tn determine natoiiil and rcglonn itlfluertces and the relationship bv- tvecn the forum and its ponr- ing orgatiuations through the year national farm radio forum u a joint project of the cnnudlan fed eration of agriculture the canad ian aiisoc latin n for adult educat ion and the canadian broadcasting cortmirotion and its tools are summarized thus radio broadcasts printed study material distributed in conjunction with them group disciuulon nnd nporta and group action motto of the forum u head listen discuss ac in ceylon this month farm for um will get international attention at the colombo plan exhibition wind hils been arranged bv is countries including canada the canadian display will illustrate the wavs in which canada might help the asiatic countries it will fchotv certain features of canadian ajrfu- ullure farm cooperatives hyro- electric powei development road const rut lion engineering projects health and welfue services and the national farm radio forum the need for ediuatton in south- a- 1 a ia xplains the presence o the foi tun in the display ovr three fourths of the people in ind- ia cevlon and other countries m the ngion t annul read or writ a wav has to be found to teai h them nianv things piickly officials point out and the farm forum tiihiucpie mav hold the key eve i j when people ran t read they co i 1 meet tn listtn to a broadcast and studv tht ii mil ual problems in tin suite or hcimbav in india hi im um mi thod has jilreadv li i iimii with some uccesv the ind in dt u ration which attended 1 tin lmo i leifen rue in gin iph ontario r thi int i national f d i i it ion of ajm n ill uial 1iodm i r look tin id i homie with them afti r hiirinc about canada s pin giain and i f w months later i w i i pfi d n i rn w d sp tr n lllii i- m ionim i i ntres han b n t up in ilomb iv the gov- imiuiint ha- supplied iieiving es foi oiiimunitx lr ti nm to h ii furth i the proji ct australia i alo i pi rum ntui with a mtus of is own mod- lied after the can i at in p- i1i im i i s noh ng new for nation il i f u ii it idio fitum to bt reiogni- i il in ii in i i ountrii s is a protolv i for jloup iitivitv to help th f irmi i with his pnibl nb now in its 12th mason the fomm hi c lined fame nght around th win id and in umiii uip i rupur ies about it have bt en received fiom india sweden new zealand usti 1 a south africa d nrnark fi nut argentina hong kong and sw i r i d m sntne cases resul mk in similar piojiits b m 1 uiiuhed abroad false stomachs london industry the 1wc nntlh indilstrns fair hed m london and birmingham england in miv will is usual put m displ iv thousands of exhibits ranging from false stomachs fo i tors to he iv v machinery th fibe stomach- art- made bv a lon don f rm mn are designed to gi lender actors east m heav roles a reahtn middle- igi d bpn id agidget of more im v irsil ap peal ls a new tpe cuffe or ua maker for roadside ils- it works from an ordmarv car bntt rv and plugs into th- lighter outlet within a few minutts it is capable of mak ing 1 and onehalf pints of coffee or lea i her to submit the following ai the thittv fifth annual- itipmt of tin duke of devon hlte cluiplei i 1 f th n- an- sivlv three nimbi i i of nm chapter mid bn mi im- wim held 111 the homes of im mlii i w ith tin xteptliin of ai hi ii wa in id at the cutbn i icll golf club giietph i in tm t tint w ie pn i tied in mod hv utive mi i i ii thi v i if allend im i ro tin vear w is thn t hn i v lint of 1 diicatinil im ti mm 7tnme7it-wtirr- tint sliph tnninul mi dniialdion mi moj-j- a c fivi i of the rom 1 and mi skin e and a film shown on ihe im iv ti if cnnada papi is win nad by members of mn chipprnn tin- im anmg of our ordi i the feitival of hi ibiln and wiiihratfmr some members attended the prn- v uii ia1 annual meeting in llamfl- ton bunging back valuable ln- fnimation and inspli atlon and two of out membi rs attended the s mi annual frovlnclal meeting held in niagaia falls ontaiio a eorn- mi inoiat ion iivici of the order w as held in fobinarv at the un ited chinch lu town hooks wi re piesenled to hie ptie winnirjr essays at the kmplre ibiv ohseivanee held in the town hall a tea was served by iur chaptei to the graduates of the knglish das- held iji our high school and presented each one id tending thise classes with n canadian cit izenship certificate for now can adians a si hnlarship was presented at the high school commencoment lo one of the stlldetiu at the conclusion of our march meeting the officers wen the hoklesiais and servo d toa to tht- members and our thirtyfifth an niversary of the chapter wu ob served at a dinner ha id at the cullen fields- oolf club the chapter sponsored n tag dav m may for the can ail i an nat ional itimlliile of the blind and nndurted a tag dav at actnn fall fair the proceeds of which were foi wartbd to provincial headquarters for the purchase of food parcels for hi llaln and to as- ist with the shipping fund during the ear a shower of canned meals fats and sugar wa nci ived for the cldeilv people of hritain uul kurope mo to rials wen- purchilsed for making night ies and diapers for save the childnn fund um d lothing for thi childnn aid md overseas was githt red and a childs crlti tjiiilt w as made wool was pur chased for an afghon and magazines wen ollectd for canadian i a- ith n all oleic tiiit i nils wen- reci iv- id packed and shipped to hrltain thnuiih provincial lit adqtiarteis w hit h was our contribution to the 1nsuwar si rvue work of the oidr l tin chapter was eriabb rl to on- j ige in the veailv progr mi of the drdir hv funds raised at a baking s ih and waistline ti a and a cook ing s honl w hicb augmented the runds in the treasury dm tj the iffois rf thi mi m bi r i r oin ch ii r the folluvaini rm and doriiiin wire made f r ductionil a irk a jiholir hip pn nt rl to -h- liirbst t md- i iid 1iadu itmr i holar of tin i 1 ii lll srhonl who v eon- nil ii h tuiln s nmls wer- prsentid as prii fur frnpin dv ini- m the virions jt idi of tin public school i o i f i 1 c ml ir u re pun h e d nnd dist ribul d to h end of tin adnn hool and the m ighborlng rural i h conli ibiitions weie glvi n lo th artoti hov si mils mid acton n li v llnaid and a lual chi i t ma lurid rioi mbiaik e d iv wi obu i vel hv oui ch iptei and n w i ealh wu pun based and plan l on the i enn t nili don lion i w made to the aiiadi m legion a ton miao h oul tin si amen n v v i iiiie au aiinu il gtinl wai mad- to ih uppii can ulii tiail and llnnk n iv iti ihia v inadi to untie ap- tln nf vi tr ial kuml id he oil follow shippim fund ilnluh and fur u int natlntid film itoinl l hi nil in si lies i garden f i and laxv mniiion and wll- in 1mm goidou mennn lal funds vimn ihe flowei and gift fund willi h lliemhi is of the chaptei eoiilllbllte to at eaeb meeting gift in remeliibiaiii e md appn i talhri wi n- givi n mid many i at its m nt la t us pay titbub- to nm reg cut mi iilig who very iipahlv caiiied on the duties nf her posit ion to the offlters and executive m mhei mid we acknowledge the inviltv of tin memtwrt of the or- el to all those who opened their homes for ur meetings and to those who brought us pleisure and inspiration in song music or spoken winds to the general public for support on our tag iiivh and to all who omsted us in the work of our chapter we wish tn express our iiuuil sincere appreciation the kivnoleuf the order u set vice uiul mil molto onw rw one ytmme one fmpin- this was hmiiuht home toabv her roval highness pi line uu- ab h ami hei luubaiul the duke of fillnbiiiili win n tluv reaehed the hi d oui vast dominion nml the mother land this slngyfbiilv ivpnssel our lovd1 to ih tliiiuie finphs and flag whlih jiiini to w the trnwt taltglble a 1 in the vvoilil io ilav nm nil i 11 th i m then l wink and luon work in in dune to m iiulaiii oin diiiiimiaiv md w hat ii ttii w av in i vpn ih inn i iv hut thnniih ihe wink of nb i mav w tilve to attain ih- fulfillm ill nf mil inuiv foi imitv mil iii bl wide peace huns gtahaim hi outing setretaiy e phead optometrist eyi emmtitid stunllfkally classes fitted guelph phone ia hutauubd u yhn i unionville wi sent tablecloth d lung nt n tihl lii n u lv im nib- i of the hw rsb v womin in t tuti- hiinpshin kig ti i e s t o ir l w biaruh i i onvll i lt all i xpression iliuib fur fukl parti l bent i t n h w r 1 in ord i irv hl loth for i latin 1 limn bis- i- wnrki d an i mli- ml n jniirn sv rnlxiltsinc hi ttoid of friendhip bitwitn thi w in tutes which ixgan dur ig in wr s th rsiiltuf a visit of a w oian nupih r nf the ev rsl v i i- i to unionville two minr tn i pus d the design exi cut d in jm s so that individual uid groups ctuld work simultaneously n thwii own homes embroidery and lsm mblv of the panels took a the i loth ls of natural lm r wnrmd u njva blue silk the tude js of nuiplc leaves with the himjishin nis in i jch corner or nf th two main pjnels depicts the inn of unionville and th nth i is deigned upon the broom hi engksh cuuntrvside shrub which appears in the badge of the hoilse of bramshill u jacjb un mnnsmn standing tn thv eiorslev pai h announcing opening harold mike coxe plumbing heating eavestroughing sheet metal work etc phone 3700 acton io job loo large or small wa i i d a dcb h a uecki allr artk of wallpapers to choom from in wattarn ontario p i a some of ida mora popular brand of a i n i j nationally advarlitad paint carrlad in lock books toys stationery supplies kennedys book store 25 wyndham st guelph angui kennedy prop something important you should know about your husband y voi kn lllii m i tini tfn i mui unyntir dir in the wofld lii uts ii an ontm 1 la- i si p oit iiity itdvt i xd yi you ki a hutin dn mi i ih many i tli i latins hi tl i lt t do mith tu tin in y bcatm th f irmly in tn ii nly v bit and you loi tl t t in r nhly kiii tmnry lnly i iilit a ll nlt for yom fitjf liut hi llloll t ki t ilifly la iit riiiilr tm nry t jjivr you ll iruli lion h im iiuikf tri may tun i hi loan that minium r during ln mn hft t it that mi t whhy hr omtib il th- ial iiv11 aati h- found in his rtmifid ft your aiii do ywu id ifatf uith hi iflirii to nmvidrfor ytiu in thn uninant way afr yu riuiiyirk hi hahit jf thrift kiglit in t nirr iinpurtmit tlmn vr to avr menry hn rvny dollar put lid fur ihr luturr h 1 lo ilink iiimution hrlom to piotn t ihr valur af your moaty sj rhk uvrr your tuidicrt s wtxmt limw vuvoitf yun tan make 1 the life insurance companies in canada lid thilr ripiisirullvit

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