Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1952, p. 8

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paob bkjht th acton free press acton ontario thursday february 19s2 iqtaimews umu for tma cotvmm may be pmd to 174 or mrnmt to thm trmm prta offlcfe acton th ttlghwjor hbve been re- narubljr clear for february why cant the mailman ever bring bills whose first name u douarf art wednesday the first day of 1ent u week from next wedncaday scvalcntln eishotrd today tui a manner that might surprise ihe kindly old salntr wednesday was the moat pleas ant winter day yet this year with a warni tun sparkling on the drifts the death and funeral of our king will be events to be recalled many years from now as a part of the nations history ur don force is now assoc iated with the sales deportment of force electric products limited and will reside in acton there ore name changes this week now wc hove queeni high ways on her mnjestya service ond her majestys forces a 10ycarold toronto youth georje pentlluck was recaptured in the rockwood district last week by a poaic of guards nfler escap ing from the guclph reformatory esqucsinc reeve george leslie was appointed zone director of the ontario agricultural council when the organisation met in toronto on wednesday and thursday of last week one of the crippled children under the care of the acton rot ary club was reported making good progress at the regular rot ary meeting held in the dominion hotel tuesday evening some atore windows have been very timely in their memorial to king george vl winter xcms to have a lot more weather than summer quite a blizzard last friday and saturday aja engineering of acton ore nsslstlngin the man of certain equipment engineered- by whit co enterprise oljforonto for the new jbeaverlodge plant of eld orado mining and refining the flint singing of our nat ional anthem lince the death of king george vi lurelv seemed strange to everyone certolnly no one could ilng it nhsentmlndedly or without thinking of the- new young queen during the past week we hove read of westminster hall where the body of our lute king is lying in state this holl is not in west minster abbey ns may bethought but in the houses of parlloment closeby mrs john a jewltt who org- nlred the wormns association of the united church in the halton presbytery of the united church died recently at dunnvllle she lived at trafalgar from 1023 until 1927 when her husband wns in chorge of that circuit what a variety of valentines arc in the mall today the cent kind up to the fifty cent kind the straightforward r mine kind and the flowery kind with a sach et the ones for the only true valentine and the others that tell the receivers that the senders wouldnt be their valentines for all the snow in alaska massagaweva ss no 7 wms ladies aid hold regular meet the wms and ladlesald of nofisagaweya presbyterian church held their regular meeting last week mrs s robinson gave the first chapter of the study book mee the south americans using the map to show the locations to be gtudwsir the ladles of nassagaweya pres byterian church congregation are to meet with the ebencicr church la die in the home of mrs h price for the worlds day of prayer the farm forum was entertained by mr and mm t w kcnnedyjn monday evening plans were comp leted for the social evening in the school on review night a lengthy discussion on m commodity groups doing the job was dis cussed by the two groups present the members were very inter ested in the topic told bv mr and mrs f heuel on silk worms the feeding of them and how silk i- made a memorial service for the late king george vi uas held in nai- sagaweva presbvtertan church on sunday mr john wikon had tht hvdro turned on in his home lust week miss n anderson addresses wms the february meeting of the womans missionary society of the acton united church was held in the sunday school room on tues- aay afternoon with miss bennett presiding after the opening and reports of the various committees the wor ship service was conducted by mrs piur binnic the scripture les son was read by mrs bert mowat and prayeb by mrs hanna miss bennett introduced the speaker miss nellie anderson who ls on furlough from nrfissionury work in british guiana miss and erson gave in inspiring address on her work there and took as her text ye shall be witnesses unto me miss mainpnze moved a vote of thanks to the speaker after the closing hjmn and prayer by miss anderson a social time wns spent when mrs binnic group served refreshments erin road estimate totals 54700 a blaw providing or exptnd- itures on township rtvul bndgts and culverts for i95j totilling m 700 u as parsed b erin town ship council at its meeting in hills burgh on febnnrv 4th designat id for road construction was 20- 000 for bridges and cukerts w- 000 for maintenance 20 000 for new machinerv and repairs 3 000 and for mbcvllinious 7 700 as charles l mckinnon could not accept the appointment of bo- icitor for thi township r b hungerford wa appointed to tht position the reeve and clerk were in structed to petition the m nlster of highu ays for the utuior grant on road expenditures of 51028 87 the total amount spent on rojds in the township during 1051 the collector was instructed to return the tax roll for 1051 to gether with all former rolls with unpaid taxes to the treasurer prt or before march 1st gold win burt w as appointed delegate to represent erin tow n- ship at meetings ot the grand valley conservation authority albert wheeler is the delegate from erin township to attend the next credit valle conservation authority meeting to be hi id m georgetown a donation of 10 wa given to the western ontario district of the st john ambulance and 25 to the canadian red crubs society at guelph weather permitting we will snon moi outdoors to do our i hurts around tht iwum so li t s catch up on thoe little f mlts wt found indoors ou c tn cht ck thom draughts around thi w indou s w ith a 1 ttli caulking compound and i small invistnunt in filling m between those ceiling joints ith ioom insulation w ill pa fur ilstlf m om miit tr it a mj manv others havi and reap the benefits se ou around town j m mckenzje and son stop and see us for- pontiacs buicks vauxhalls gmc trucks parts and accessories tires and batteries good selection of used cars complete service and repairs lome garner motors aetoit out main st tel 452 dancing acton f own hail every saturday night music by the deb0nnaires check room prizes refreshment counter admlslon soe births marriages deaths etc born couunm mr eind mm ceoric collin k ft 1 acton r pleased to announce the blrih of their daughter margtunl jean- nue at milton private hospital tuesday february tt 103 11 ala- ter for frederick for good movienferfainment look to your home town theatre 6 mill si acton ph n0 continuous show mon thru fri from 7 pm matinees saturdays ft holiday at 2 p m saturday and holidays from 6 45 recorded intermission music courtesy manning s visit our candy bar in the foyer frisat feb 1516 i advn7ur smiimsommismi jhihhhmnflkflhswb extra mardi gras fagins freshmen montues feb 1819 added short subject entertainment knife thrower big house rodeo out of scale wedthurs feb 2021 double feature program second big feature w nl noons jtsmm ad ann blyth mark stevens plot latest events in woud news dont forget i bring your sweetheart to the movies on valentines day coming soon desert fox ihii kknnkdy at p i memorial lloapltal on 1 hunuluy ft brunry 7 102 cnthcrme ikte ki n- nedy daughter f thi late alex jind jane kennedy in mimoram sc iuvkn in lovirir nunmry of fnmk jntl diuihti r ci rtrudt who paimml away ft brunt y hh 1017 and itbniary 21st 11m0 gone but not torifoll n alvays reinimblrtd b tin family ahnydhll in ioviiik m mory of jamis flwanl snydir died iibrury 14 10ifl hus wif who died novcmbtr 17 104h their son william fulwartl who died march 17 1020 and lh ir dnuin ur alice m lawn who died march 1 1030 iivinijly remembered by irene and fred mncartnur and fitmly wantads llatrkt timk fob inbektion 4 m wednesday kates no chargf for announcemrnu of birth marriage deaths and en bkmi nu in mimoriam vic nltu 10c prr hm for versen article for side itmt tc 2c a word minimum cash usc if not paid until ftr imw rtlnn vk ilox no to thin office 15c additional com in vvi ntn ilk m r it hint lint ilk minimum cards of i hnnk 50c for sale avon products mrs phone 40ij ijarr nojj jtjil sauk for vtil on in lllw chnli i builtlmu lot 1 si 10x111 iminnr fxjlt saik llnilm s4 1km rnim ttuirh rut turn m tt nils irrinitet ptmoi 4ttl 11 chess coiin salve forsure rt lii f uniurliiti u 11 cn ihip- lon snlv winr slyllshshoii noon ns tt foh saik mixli rn li irlr sin lir stiilnji in ithint ioik1 intidlt mil ri lmiii ilili ilox r ali out a want cakdk of tiiankr mr and mrs leo close wush t thank frit nils and ni ijhbors for kind inquiries and cardls s nt to tommj durinjt hts nitnl illness mr lawrence willnms u lnhna to thank sincerely her relatives noinhbors and friends for the kills carets and kind enquiries re ceived durins her illness in acton and st josephs hospital guelph foit saik 1010 mod 1 a in kimmi condition tint man s blrycli apply clifford ashh y phnni aatv a foit salk toulnusi ind afric an kandi rs trios afric in and tou lnusi g nld mit l- d hon ljl2 acton h foit sauk 1030 mod i a h ilf ton ford truck n built motor ill m rooil working onli r hi it of for phont 0flw4 a foit sale 1140 chivrulet special deluxe 4 door din in fint class condition toth s gnr- ake acton phone 320r a 1tslp wanted5 days wt k v huurc a tla- apply ji wl will pay from 10 to 15 for dead or d i tabled cattle nd horafw 24 hour rervlce telephone collect 23rll ijclwooil geortfe gibson dead x3ii disabled anim als wanted cowl horse ihirs we nay cash at your farm phone guelph 3134 rollect for lm- mcvh iti nirvicf wm lalns op- rating for gordon young u livtjstock owners an you gfltini the top price fir your dfin and dlsibh il animabi for top ah prlci and belli r m rvic call i filltt l the ontario hi nd tine irnip my aclon h5 g orij thwn 1172 or cudph 2114j n- livestock wanted ilol st in flprlnpi ri pure bt d mo trade fir t xporl due lat of feb- nnry or march and april alv inform ition on opt n hlfr- yir llnjf cilvt i and h rl nir inform ition nt fdntl intrntfliit ly onttait jack iiolmi atton x t coming events thti office cannot be rerpomtble for coniicttno dafes of ettenti sell mail box markers if you itinlact f irmi here bi m at- trnt livt line with good commu- sion it flectlvr rustproof ensi aluminum mill imix hwn and cot tirt mnrkrrs openlnrs in thb dlstriet apply box h new hm- burr ont a311 sl albin s guild spnnr bnznar april 26th j binco lerion hall wcdncriny february 20lh a fireside of the bible society united church sunday february 24 830 pm a child health centre will not be held on fridi next clinic will ary 20th a valentine tea and balcnr sale auspices y ladies auxiliary sat urday february 16th in the y m ca s scout and guide mothers as sociation have postponed their euchre from this friday to febru- bc fndav march 7th a euchre lcrion hall thursday february 21 8 30 pm auspices lerion ladies auxili iry prizes lunch 36c a notice owinr to the kinfis funeral beinfi held on friday feb- ruarv 15 the dance in brookville hall will be postponed b the social evening of st josephs church on february 14th has been postponed to tuesday february 10th cards and lunch 35c a fashion show acton town hall tuesday and wednesday februory 2027 8 30 p m sponsored by friendly circle of the united church a313 halton jirsev club euchre and dance stewarttown hall wedncs- dav february 20 dons hulls orchestra lunch provided ad mission soc cards at 8 30 a dance brookville hall febru- ar 22 1952 sponsored by brook- illt junior farmers remember he diti give your junior- a hind jiowu s orchestra admission s0c a 303 i a 3 ct puv appli siuci w ill bt pnsntid in ballimfad hill wedntsdav februar 20 al 8 30 p m b the mirned couples group of finn united church gait undf r h luspicc of churchill wa i for sale qroomid brick- btuaco himse on miin stn 1 1 n ir centre of town rnrare oil hint all conveniencts mrs mnr gowd i for sale tender to take down frame huildinr at campbell- ville also tenders on price of th same building applv n j early cnmpbellville b for sale apples mac rreeninas delicious wealthy elc also irish cobbler potatoes from the truck in acton saturday fcb- ruiry igth in afternoon bring containers filsingcr orchards burlington ontario a for sale 4h plymouth sedan 48 chevrolet deluxe sedan 47 dodre i passenger coupe i ford coach 41 ford sedan trucks 48 chevrolet st dan delivery 50 chevrolet half ton pickup 40 chevrolet 3 ton stake 50 chevrolet thn e quarter ton pickup 48 chevrolet 3 ton chassis and cab 37 chevrolet half tftn pickup all tehiclrs recondmonef rtint guaranteed arthur scott motors ltd georgetown phone 101 b for sale 1 l170 0 yd dump truck 1 1050 3ton gmc 5 yd dump dp axle 1 l100 stake body truck very low milcarc 1 1048 mercury pickup 1 1040 mercurv pickup 1 1052 hudson hornet se dan new i 1052 austin sedan ni w 1 1952 pontiac sedan new 1 1050 mercury coach 1 i0v studebiker sedan 1 1047 5 possenger ford coupe 1 1040 chcv conch 1 1042 cadillac special sedan i 1047 ford i coach 1 ferguson tractor qcw 1 masse v tractor new 1 mccorm- lickdierinr farmal m new 1 mc- cormickdeerlng farm a i h used 1 mnssey 102 twin power t e hewson phone 332 w georgetown b personal skinny men women gain 5 to 11 lbs ni w pt p too tr firmms ostrex tonic tablets for double rt milts m m htalthy fl sh mw vigor nt w ret arqualnteil sizt only 60c all drucrtsts farms wanted alio small hotdinqt tarms in to kl acres in acton iistnct also smnll holdinrs in d iiiitid conl iet w f hunter rlror iu7 main st n brampton phont 1132 miscellaneous piano tuning and repairs c w trlckey 58 john st brampton phone i576w a-sl- washer repairs rolls rarts complete overhault ernie adio and electric georgetown phone 405 roxy theatre bldf u sewing machines sales and service repairs to all mmkee- ernles radio and electric phone 405 roxy theatre bldt qeorge- town tl a bookkeeping course is pract ical in any business why not be practuil and enrol nt an early datt in div or tvtnlng classes at the robinson busint is college mil ton b373 kitchener upholstery have your chwrtcrtield suite re-up- holsti red for as little as 00 rie- finishing and slip cover work for prompt and efficient service eel 103 acton one weeks service a your guelph and district booking agent for the best in travel on land sea air world wide travel byatem guelph travel bureau 110 mardonnrll sl 3 doors eist palace theatre phono 631 call or writ poem with cr or truck e sirvt vour mid wi deliver vour parcil es indeed i i wc pick up our laundrv aid get it vashid i and rt turn it in bundles thit dont get squashed with bobbv billie rov or jack you can go downtown and rit right back to milton georgetown or mont real our curb art at vour beck and call so whin vou hvt an important tnp i or want to go and see the show don t walk on ice and mavbe slip we 11 despatch a car bv radio town of acton proclamation roys radio taxi phone o0 acton fornworth memorials himwiii at muurmte prues cemetny lettening elera bd al cemetery gltltu ont day of mourng whtrcas tht gowrnnunt of canada has b proclamation an pointed and mt opart fndu tht nth day of februarv 10s2 al a public hohda to bo obstrvtd as a da of itmral mourmnk for hih lite majisty kmk gtorki vi and whertas the council of tin corporation of the town of acton has thoukht it fit and propi r that a mtmonal service be hi id in num or of our late mojl gracious bovlriln these are therefore to reauest thi cltinns ot the town of acton to obsirvt the said day as a dav of general mourning a mfcmobial hekv1ce is to be held tn knox prmbtrun chare acton at u a m on jr1uay febbvaby 15th ibs it is requested that places of buiimss close to observe a pjod of mournmil from the hours of 10 o clock in the forenoon lz oclock noon february 15 1b5i in tollman v hereof i have at the request of council of the town of acton sinned this proclamation and caused the same to be made publit this 12th day of jebruary b i iiaciiuin mavor i god save the queen you should know thai our placa it the best placa la chaosa building tupplias drop by ami wall tkow you why our mar- iali fill th bill iht shi in

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