Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1952, p. 1

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wni jvjttm jfctt fflfes sevenlyseventhyear no 34 acton ontario thursday february 28lh 1952 eight home print pages six cents work underway on disposal plant henpecked henry was the feature presentation of knox church choir that attracted capacity audiences on thursday and friday evening of last week shown in the cast are bella ros- zell inez aaclellan clarence coles helen otterbein rachel mul len in the front row are bill mainprize lorraine mullen mrs mann jim greer mrs ted hansen ken mann and mrs a buchanan play director is seated in front stajf phoin two night choir production draws crowds to town hall poplwtly cast and tplandidi played wni one of the many com pliments paid to the members of knox church choir for their por trayal of the three act corned v henpecked hilary in the town hall last thursday and friday ev ening both nights saw i neart filled house and a very apprecia tive audience ench player enacted his role ver creditably jim greer the meek and down trodden husband henr hyde like the proverbial worm at list turned the lables on his liate dominant v fc ui lli portrayed bv mrs a k mann ace bliss kenneth mann i conceited handsome and smug in the knowledge that his brilliint ideas could handle evcr situation was all unsuspecting v cnmpletelv managed by his simple but adoring wife kdna played bv mrs ted hansen uirrnrfii mulhn was ellen the hydes charming daughter who al though cherishing a soft spot in her heart for her longsuffering father almost lost her confidence in him bill mainprize plaed the ardent lover of ellen inez mclcllan as fda the ac tress angry at losing contract demonstrated her ability before the astonished henry and his exas perated wife mrs h otterbein was hi suster with secret longngs to stat in pictures and rat muilin the timid one pioud of hei actress sister and needing hei nldei sisteis protection bella unwell emphased tt ili of lottie tiie gumchew ing mud vv ho ulvh forgot to lemember clauiue lolev as weeping wil- lii tried to cash m pn hi ini hd s uuioi luniu acciden- t d hansen wh chaitnuin and during ml iinumoii the daughtci of knox sold homemade c nui while ciiwfeid duugla- gave pi aim solos at the close of the euneeiinn kuda evening inez mclellan the chou presdent piesented mrs a j buchanan with an evening bag nd coccaku i r of her splendid services as director of the pla evening aux holds february meeting the february mitling uf the alert evening auxiliary of knox chui eh was held at the mmsf on i vednisda evening the presidi nt mr a mclsaac piesided and a period of silent meditation u as ohseived in mem- oi ol the late king geol re vi this ur followed bv a piier bv rex aimstiong for the ro a fnm- il and all who had be n so sadlv beiefi thioughout the ennimoti- wttlth the stiuh chapter on the vv 01 k in south america was piesented b mis russell patterson the leaders wi i e assisted in the woi ship seixiee bv mrs c leish- mwi and miss margaret gai vtn a date was suggested and also a speaker for the easter thankof- fering and fireside hour the details to te arranged bv the president and secretary tin life membeiship convenoi i ad i pioject in lew so a few helpers wen appointed to help m the work a pleasant pail of the evuimj uiv ilu- isit fiom mi- h mum- pt ii ol tin setiioi w m s w ho spokt to the llieminl- oil theiill- fiin i esonsc to ist leu s dloea miljoi guelph fiesbxteiial and uom a tin mew altocaion foj 1 1 i ein i u w til t piavi r ii ulllill sui i il p nod follov d with v- 1 itu 1 u in i eoiiti st tin pi 1 1 w uinei w i- mi s kobei t llllllii tin conmiuit mufd a delicious linn b out i vol nt it auks u as ti luh led them and also to mr and ms aimstiong toi then i unuk hospitalltv acton teachers officers meet mon sunday school teachers and of ficials of the presbyterian angli can baptist nnd united church congregations met in the sunday schooh room of acton united church on monday evening to hear a mclnteri former secretary of acton y mc a sneak on immi grntion mr mclaren pointed out there were 5000000 jobs in great bri tain with no one to fill them be cause of the many immigrants to canada from there the talk was followed by a question and discus sion period misses s ralston j veldhms m burns and l roszell sang s a quartette a sine song and pictures of english cathedrals was also part of the program for which rev e a currey was chairman a lunch and discussion followed when the 3a teachers and officers exchanged problems and discussed difficulties farmer withdraws kidnapping case a charge of kidnapping laid against mrs juhann dowdydcnko by her soninlaw adam szady- bey who lives on r r 4 rock- wood in eramosa township was withdrawn last weekend sfady- bey charged that mrs dowdydcnko had taken his child oneyearold irene his wife disappeared the mine day january 16 the childs grandmother was also charged with theft of articles of a value exceed in s2a and the mother with des- tro ing documents the two women were picked up b police in windsor last frjv j and brought to guelph szadyb withdrew his charges against them i and they returned to windsor i the child was left sradv bey w ho had said the child was his s7adybey reported brought his wife parents to can- aria from russia but that they e idently resented his being polish and refused to talk to him he also paid his fatherinlaws funeral ex penses several months ago mr and mrs sndybey were married in 1950 with mr previou- only joy that h posttatt in charcoal is presented to mr william mainprize actons oldest citizen by g a dills editor of the acton free press on behalf of the cities service oil co mr mainprize and the free press were featured on a radio broadcast ontario pa triarchs and papers early in january sponsored by the oil com pany the portrait was done by a wellknown canadian artist egbert c reed stass photo two months labor on assault charge pe dm ptrty and pie bud winun were sentenced to tw months hard labor in th county jill when they faced a ehirge f aso nut before magistrate k lang- jon n milton wednola aft- ioon if lu two weie taken into cus tody following a fracas in the b hi restaurant on saturday night when the two allegedly attacked gerald timbers of milton sentencing the tw o magistrate lungdun said this is the most flagrant case of assault that has ever been brought to this courts a tention officers elected by junior farmers the acton junior formers held their annual meeting nt the home of fyfc and bill somcrvillc on thursday february 21 stanley jny of milton nave a tnlk on pit silnge to the boys miss esther taylor of acton nave a very interesting talk on photography at the joint meeting films were shown and nfter the one on new foundland stanley jny addressed the meeting nnd gave a short tnlk on newfoundland having spent considerable time there when he wns in the r c a f following are the election of of ficers for 1952 presiding over the election of the girls were mrs j l ellerby vicepresident of the hnl- ton womens institute pnst pros eleanor mckeown president ruth brown vicepres ann mclaugh lin sectreas hazel everdell dir ectors ann spiuer eleanor m- kewn press reporter hnzcl ever dell presiding over the election of boys was stanley jay past president of the hnlton junior far mers past pres mac sprowl pies donald matthews vice pres calvin sprowl sectreas wesley storey directors fyfc sornerville ralph mckeown charles thomp son fred williamson press report er f f e sornerville intravenous and plasma described the friendly circle held its ngulai meeting at the home of mis fred kentner on wednesday february 20 with the president mrs i loell presiding the secretary mrs j stewart jr read the minutes t the previous meet ing and also the correspondence which was received the plans for the fashion show w ere completed new dishes have been bought and have been sent into the cup- boaids of the new kitchen in the church the tieasurer then gave her report group one under the leadership of mrs r bean conducted the de votional period a poem was read nd the lords praer was repeated unison by the members the scripture was read by mrs l youngblut and a solo entitled sweet hour uf prayer was ren dered b miss dorothv simmons mrs gordon rognvaldson intro duced forman lawrence and ar- mand braula fiom the baxter la- boi atones who gae a very inter- sling talk on their various pro- duets armand braida explained the advmtaues of intiavinous and he had samples of the different ies of bottles and their contents he explained the purpose m the e of intravenous foiman iiwrence told about blood transfusions and how the blood is obtained and about the plasma that comes from the blood mrs hail on thanked the visitors the met ting was spent in a social manner and the group m charge served a ver delicious lunch y auxiliary sponsors first annual mom daughter banquet about j00 mothers and daughter enjoved turkev friendship and a varied program las friday evening in the ymca thks first annual banquet for acton mothers and daughters was sponsored by the v ladies auxiliary with members of the ys men s club duing their best as waiters the guest speaker mrs den wilson of guelph spoke of the ideal mother and daughter mrs wilson lb one of four daughters herself nnd ha four more of her own she is the director of a girls camp in the muskoka distrct good housekeeping loyalty kindntvss helpfulness and beauty of speech y described by mrs wilion as attributes of an ideal wunian she added the importance of religion in the home mrs wilson was introduced b mrs p wilds und thanked by mrs j jany the y ladies auxiliary treasurer mrs e jennings acted as choir- lady during the banquet an ad- diess of welcome from the spom sons was given by mrs f hunter the presaden of the v ladles auxiliarv and mrs cliff sutton introduced the head table mrs w 1 beatv onlv woman on the ys bolrd uf directors extended a welcome from the y both moth ers and daughters were toasted the mothers by misj frances oakes and the daughters by mra g paul a singsong wa led by miis ruth mary hattin the program director of the guelph ywca with mrs f oakes at the piano a fashion show with four y members from guelph modelling and another commentating was another highlight of the banque program a bouquet of flowers was pre- t ned to the speaker mrs wilson by miss mary hunter waiters and kitchen help were torn watson g w mckenzie t robbiru g oder e footitt c rognvaldson e smith j mcgea- chle v bristow and cliff sutton the secretary of the acton y knox pyps hold meeting tuesday the regulnr meeting of knox pyps was held in the school room on tuusdny night with shy bell the vliepr ildent ji charge he opened wih the call to wor ship and all joined in hinging the script ue icison war rrnd by clnience coles and jfrf vvalkin led in pra er the oiferini was received nnd another hymn wns the topc i the iwering wns god choaies n people and was tiven by bi i bell a good dis cussion followed- and ih worship service closed with the singmg of another hymn the business meeting opened with the secretarys report follow ed by the roll call to which 17 answered several announcements were mnde the meeting closed with the benediction lamp given superintendents of halton home for aged major and mrs e w clnrk lecently engaged as superintend ents of the hilton county horn for the aged nt milton were guests of honor at a surprise dinner par ty at the eventide home in guelph on thursday evening feb ruary 21 major and mrs clark are leaving the home there to be come the first superintendents of hal tons modern home for the aged a beautiful table lamp accomp nnied sincere words of appreciation which indicated the high esteem in vhih the couple were held in their lai position there was one advantage to the old style wall telephones the gals had to stop talking when their legs gave out t contractors are at work on completion of disposal plant mayor rarhllti announced this morning that work on th he we rare dlrpfvul riant on the third line rant of acton began thu week after weather eodulon had tart tally cleared no etttlmaur f thr length of time required o complete the plant wai releaiwd la a perronal inspection of the plant on wednesday mr rachlln found that work had rcrammmcedon monday or tuesday of this wk weather condltlonn have delayed operations at the plant for totnc time mayor rarhlln alw announced that the council would prob ably strike the mill rate for 1952 shortly they were awaiting a financial statement from the auditor mr rachlln explained halt move to organize conserv au a move to establish a credit valley conservation authority was piashed at a meeting of 10 municipalities in georgetown n wednesday of this week this is the third such meeting that has been held on the t n the itlltshienttmhauuiority received its third setback yesterday representing acton wns r r parker who explained that if the authontyj established the town might be asked to pay a shaie of the cost ofllrcdging and draining the flats in toronto town ship where there is a flwid condition acton along with caledon erin flsquesing trafalgar georgetown and chinguacousy opposed the forma tion of the authority to form the organization i is necissnry to have two thirds of the municipalities in a certain water shed represented at a meeting and a vote of two thirds of those pres ent must favor the formation be fore it can be proceeded with a the wednesday meeting ev en opposed the formation while nirx supported it a total of 1 1 votes was necessary tn est iblih the authority mr parker pointed out thit dis advantages of the setting upof the authority as far as actnn was concerned was that conservation projects were indefinite the ca t accent is on navy as local models present fashion show the accent is on navy navy with stripes checks and just plain navy short jacket suits are in style thih spring and the round ed hiplinc from a pearl grey taffeta after noon drexs with huge wing sleeves and voluminous skirt to glamoralls a fancy new kind of jeans acton lades saw the works of latest fishlon at the fashion show spon sored by the friendly circle of the umed church two how- were held on tuesday and wediiesdiv ivvnngs february 2fi and 27 n the town hall over 400 fashionminded acn ladies and some gentlemen tovi took in latest fashion advice on the clothes from fred cotton fashion commentator from brills of georgetown which supplied the clothes and mrs kdna johnston of acton background music for the mod els who entered the stage which w as attractively furnished as a room and strolled down a runway into the audience was played bv mrs g w mckenzie the clothing furs jewellry run- wjv flowers furniture and a gift of makeup at the door for each lady were all donated for the tva evenings the audience was welcomed on tuesday evening by miss ci i beltv grindlev and on wednesday ing by mrs laura lovcll models m the show were king and eleanor spitzer of georgetown mrs bradbury of the womens department of brills in georgetown mr elsie kinreid mrs edna hufnagel mrs joyce buchanan mrs charles mason mrs pauline syroon mrs marguer he taylor mrs joan hollinger mrs louise baxter mrs bunny stewait mrs helen blttorf virena johnston barbara baxter jean hams elaine hufnagel and maur- en kinread all of acton out fi li modelled included after noon dresses sweaters skrts blouses plivsuits shortie coats spi ing ioits fur coats fur neck piecis md everv up to date practical bu the glamoralb for the teenagers were jeans wjth plaid jnm on the waustband and cuffs the latest materials were dlspluv ed as vv ell as the late st vies during intermission homemade candv was sold bv members of th endlv cntle in charge of the makeup wis mr c matthews after the program on wednes- di tvtmng a boikjuel of roses was presented to mra edna john ston the chairlady of the commit tee n charge of the fashn shove and h iw th- ost wull o- rri t were als ensettled until i com mission would be formed evideniv whn the authority u formed ich municipality must pa a rei tine share of all pro jects aton i- involved in he sitiation i ie fairy lake ini r- ectly flow s into the credit river toronto township and pi rt credit petitioned the minister rf 11 inning and development for the formation oj the authonv and tho meeting in georgetown was th outcome tit that request thoe municipalities conaidcd as being in the water shed wre garafraxa deat amaranth mono caledon erin twp chinguacouiy rsfjucsinr trafalgar toronto twp orange ville erin village georga- town acton brampton strcev- villc and port credit toronta township had two votes bee ansa its population exceeded hoooo amaranth was the only municip ality not represented appoint officials halton company at the annual meeting recently of halton union farmers mutual fire insurance co mr daniel gray of hillshurgh was reelected prei- d nt for the er and t j brown- ridge wai chosen vicepresident mr leslie resigned from the board and directors for the vear ir messrs daniel grt maltolm t mcnabb leslie kerns e f ford j h ivann victor hall chav readhead cameron kitching and t j brown ridge secretary -trelsu- iei is mr a t moore the annual report presented to the meeting showed 19067870 in surance in force at the year end which h quite an increase ovtr that earned a year ago direct luvteji during the pntt year amounted to j19li97 and re insurance losses were 23201 total losses were 23a surplus at the end of the war amounted to 130250 half of all canadas dentists grad uate from the university of tor- ontp mothers and daughters enjoyed their first annual banquet put on oy the ladiet auxiliary of theymca on friday evening of last week a good crowd of mother and daughters gather ed for the fine turkey supper served by members of the ys mens club cbmplete from cran- bei chan rry sauce to after dinner mints guest speaker of the evening was mrs don wilson of guelph lairlady for the evenings program was mrs e jennings staff phoi

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