Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1952, p. 2

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page two the acton free press acton ontario thursday pebhuakv 2 i8sz not one week only tho weok of march 2nd to 9th will bo known as education week thoro seems little need this yoar to call particular attention to educational mailers in tho brownec since ovory newspaper 15 carryino arliclos and discusslbns regarding the schools tho teachers tho courses of study the report cards and many other things this interest sooms a splendid indication that tho public as a whole havo a realization that education is every bodys business perhaps one of tho reasons for such wide spread public concern may be found in taxes or products or anything that paronts and ratepayers find of their own concern education has a right to recoivo a broader consideration than from a personal point of view it seems to us that the present interest and criticism has some founda tion and the consideration needs to be from with in as well as witnout educational circles there are things which are even above that which is loomed from the prescribed course of study how is our educational program fitting into a way of life thot will make for better cana dians is our program helpful to the thousands of now immigrants who fare settling in our land are the examples and aims something which will- command their respect is education meeting tho needs of the generation these are some of the questions we might consider during education weok t during our many years of association with school boards we have accumulated quite a file of correspondence one letter from a high rank ing official of the department of education re ceived some time ago has always bothered us we quote the sentence of the letter referred to as you are aware it is with the field of instruc tion that this department is concerned and with that field only we considered that field too narrow to make good canadians and perhaps part of the problems of today can be traced back to this attitude education is everybodys business not next weeks alone but every week in the year its power for good is not in fine buildings books and courses of study ethics good example and incentive are of importance also education be longs in the home on the street and in public as well as in the schools the lack of interest shown by canadians was exaggerated and the inevitable suggestion that canada should take over the usa was presont- od tho royal commission howover suggested that timothy p sheehans proposal bo r0octod it is with misgivings we realize that senator sheehan could seriously mako tho suggestion that canada bo annoxed in payment for war debts mr sheehan is not ust an ordinary lay man either he is entrusted with a share in the governmonl of the united states and yet he does not know the capital of canada his country s most important neighbour it is with a thankful realization that we note all americans are not too poorly educated in the facts of canada for the general enlightenment we quote from an encyclopedia the dominion of canada is a uniop of fede ral slates called provinces each of which has authority to legislate upon its own affairs tho federal or dominion government holds power to legislate on all matters pertaining to the country as a whole powers not specifically delegated to the provinces are reserved to the dominion gov ernment the government is based on the british north america act of 1867 and has three de partments executive legislative and udicial americans and indeed a great many cana dians are not fully aware of the history and de velopment of canada as a nation it might be well for us all to brush up on our canadian his tory and be able to meet any suggestions of the brand that come from people like senator timo thy p sheehani 1rriaatiom rorwilo oats future selects the great some place during our weekend reading we noted an article deploring the leadership avail able today and the fact that among canadians there are no comparable leaders as in other days as we look back it seems to us 1hat we never recognize our leaders in the generation in which we live if we were to attempt to name those whom we considered good leaders today it would be said we were biased and many good arguments and points of weakness would be given to refute the selection when men or women die the good they did remains and so often the frailities and weaknes ses are fortunately forgotten it is from this pom of vantage that we raise these individuals to the place of the great it would seem that our great must come from the past and that the great leaders of tins day and generation will be chosen and revered by a generation or two hence ust as we ot the present day are selecting our ex omples of the great best wishes north halton is still in the throes of indeci sion regarding high school matters and after see ing several years of fruitless effort no one is able to predict accurately what the future shall be records show there have been proposals for one school for the whole district there has been suggestion and motion for two schools and also similar consideration of three schools with every proposal exhausted there seems nothing to do now but to start back again over the same route that has been covered and is well worn the fact remains that no one can accurately forecast the future there is no doubt that the vears will find a weakness in whatever course is chosen they will find a weakness too in the present delay and confusion that has character ized the past few years one encouraging pros pect is that the building plans will have one whole night for attention and perhaps get the consideration they deserve there is no doubt that delay of a definite building program has been costly and that present arrangements are neither advantageous to pupils or economically sound for the ratepayers this year taxpayers of the area yv again be called upon for a larger levy and there is no prospect for a lowering of costs under the present set up we hesitate to say more than to offer our best wishes for a prompt settlement of policy that is fair to all we don t hesitate to express the opinion that the ad ministrahon by one board over three schools is rot in the best interests of the taxpayers north e ast west s outh a timely production the cbc often comes tn for criticism but we would like to compliment them on their sunday stage 52 presentation the production was a satire on the annexation of canada by the united states a result of the suggestion by tim othy p sheehan of the u s a written by len peterson the play seemed a fine example of satire from start to finish it isn t customary for us to establish editorial opinions on radio programs but the subect and presenta tion we feel deserve comment in the play a royal commission which con sisted of mr big long stretch mcgat uk luksak as an eskimo and presided over by judge too- good was set up to investigate the suggested annexation highways in towns if through highways are to live up to their name they should avoid cities and towns like the plague advises the financial post where they have not almost invariably they become busi ness streets cluttered with local traffic signal tights parking and pedestrians and a pain to both the man who wishes to drive 200 miles and the one who is going two blocks today there are literally hundreds of miles of provincial highway in central canada where the official speed limit is 30 miles or less and it is impossible to average more than half of that to get relief the only remedy is tremendous ly costly separation of local and through traffic by raising or sinking the highway and walling it off ilesdhnrnr perhaps a kood wi to pick up a nnlttrine of the mmn ittms or news from nil over the county is to hive a look at the heidhnes of all the halton papers last week before koine into any of the most interest inc item the burlinpjton gatttt council sinction first step in starting of new sew fie plant and cub leaders training course held in local scout hill the oikilic record star south wt st tnfalfjir tixpnyers phn as sociation to secure restrictions n industml dt velopments in iren residents proust ford wase di chirge in arci the georgetown henld rudtrs standing bv juveniles pliy delhi tht raiders will pli the wmntrs of an elmin walkerton bout the oikvilu tnfilkir journ il ri veal township isscssnunt meth od dunbirhcddlccl timed grcn dispintvy in the rites of land is sessnu nt in the arei bronli council declines to reduce gange tourist fees abide b act igirigi men ind a tourist resort opentor hid protested foster hewitt plans nr coverige as rocket burst signals arena bht7 start an arena drive has a 60 000 objective the acton free press request for against garage by law the canadian champion milton raise jeirs librar trant to 1992- cuttinr rues if this news column seems is peciill interested in handiwork and classes in the sime its beciuse will its a fact the georgetown arts and crafts orginiation mem bers an being of fired now i most f isciniting sounding course in oiuntal rue m ikine it is to be tiiilbt b i forme r austri in rug designer thirtun ladies ire tn mill d hi s hopi for no unluek tmstikts with thosi rujs rrcrtlnr canm actualh w in the cold north of halton m lybe shouldn t know ibout this scheme of oakvillts lo tourlst trespassers but we can re- ciproc iti the courtesy and i operate police chief len brown his a stack of little yellow cirds ready which siy that the police there will be very glid to help tourists with information and also mention that the recipient of the gail colored card his been noticed violitmg thi towns traffic regula tions the courtesy tickets will also wish the cir owner a pit is in t stay in town on the air niws thit cim this week i georgetown is th it anm spit7or of limehouse sang over radio st ition cioy in guelph on february 17 a pupil of kenneth hirnson anna spitzcr w is soloist in st andrews pre sb te run church where her voice teacher is orginist and choir le icier when the servicl wis broid cast she sing sindersons green pastures british colonel to design canadian tennis clothes colonel teddy tinjing the british designer who created most of the tennis clothes worn by british and american women starts at the wimbledon x touma- men this eir and last has been asktd to design for canadian and us manufacturers a bl yearly col lection of all types of functional and spectator sportswear the collections will be rcpro- ductd in toronto and new york the annual de ith rate in c in ida ierigis hss thin 10 per 1000 popul ition which is fairly low in comparusun with other countries of thi world j the good old days may have seemed better back in 1902 from thi innuv of tlw hrev vrett n thurnlnv february 271h w2 it lit it inim nlnhln fnet unit tin numhl r of npplluitiont for divorce in cnnndii turn im c n iik n nw d at a rwmt mirprljilng ratu from con- f tli ration down to a f w yiurjogo it won n ran thing for tin si nan to havi to d al with inoti than oni application foi rllvonr in a muiioji iiiiipmi tlnn h ivi in i n i in thai two rio7i n dlvnrci i granted in lhirynvf vi urn hut rfc ntly fin i piili mi in i mi to havi brokr n out in thi matti r of dlvon i anil no kfl than rlivm nppltratlnni for i si vi rnncn of tin marital tli havi in i n made thi yi ar thi isolation ho ptlitl ti nli have ik n taki n down and n on d in n ill i d on tin ileardmon farm thi mattn sjti i i li win burned thr accounts which nccurnul itnd during tlil n i nl nutbrt ik of mallpox amounti d to 707it which wxi pansed by tin boird of hiilth a ipili t but v ry pn tly widdmg w is soli mni7 d it thi hoim of thorn us flliotu isq of tin si eond i im eusing a mill b low acton on wi dm sd iy ifti moon 19th inst it four oilock at th it hour mi losiph m h igar m a pronounci d tin words whit h ci m i nli d the liond of holy widlock intwien miss iv ttl i the twm diughlir of thi norm and john f mcdowill of limi hoasi thi bnd wls attended by hi r listi r mki alice and mr william mcdowell the brother of thi groom ic id ls groomsman the bndi was d uni- il costumed in white satin ind thi bridesmnd won i becoming toan of blue the list of guests w is eonfined to thi immi diatc friends of the contracting parties mr and mrs mcdowell will nsidi it thi toronto lime cos works at dolly varden thts is the second daugh tir mr and mrs flliott have given m wedlock within three months back in 1932 from fiit laatif of thr free pr thurgduv february 2sth 1032 a hotkey game last friday night in twi i n lornerltleji and lime- hoiiji ruiultid in a t 1 dindlork mr 1 flvln oamldf who win horm from toronto nvi r u jek ind awiijitnl it tin ivining rv of tin united hurih f n sunday turin f r n idi nbi of halton snil piil nuriliia hi id thir annual f union in jti gin on wdnfavlay fohrnary 10th ii i moffit u th- pn ildi fit of th ajwi f i itior ap pfixirmiti j ftj aim i jtrdvt wv w ft tjvrnoa r in duli into th- 1 1 rirt i f m rn rif t rd v a i nir oiruilli ia i v alir 11 k l r grvif li n r th it r 1 irrroakrrf hi r i iln r tiu nnl h li 4 urr tiw- i n 1 inw 1 r r jr h oir i r y rr a h i 1 1 ztf m uri i ir f it r j j 4 tun t h j o mr 1 i j it i j- i lirrih t r 1 o 11 a vi rion n h oil- 11 th rr r r li j m n in it jt n r t iij fn nj rr t 1 r s jl a th horn if mr r 1 mr w d li rb r or fnd i iinir th flnjl fijrur s nt hf pop j- inn of c m idt li h njn by th 193 c rwu ir mrijunr i 10 174 1 yi vhirh ls n inri5 o 18 f4 r c nt norv mfrnfk on surdv f briar 20th 1t12 it s jos ph ho pitil gu lph mr ind mrs g rld a m rm djijhr died mcgill at frm on tusda fb ruur 2ird 1012 archi mcgill ak d 82 r b iad hu4and nl ar n uliuhhn professional directory and travellers guide mfdical dr w g c kenney physician and burceon oltice in sjmon block mill st acton orrice phone 7h nldcncc church bt phonr iso dr d a garrett physician and burceon corner of willcru and ritr sl- entrance river strict acton ontario pbone 2m dental rfi fstte and inslravflc wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wright 20 wilbur st c3 macdonneu 6t cton ont guelph ont phone 05 phone 4d15w aluatom rraltors insurers mtmber appraisal institute of canada mtmbers guelph and dirstlct rial es ate board mimbirs quelph and district insurace actnts asociatlaa il should always be borne in mind that the best fire protection is fire prevention look about the home for causes for fire after a winter s heating perhaps the pipes and heating system need cleaning out thr onlu paprr tvtr publuhrd in acton founded in 1673 and published every thursday at 34 hill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions the c wn a and the ontarioquebec division of the c w n a advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance j2s0 in canada t3su in the united states six months 1 so sinsle copies 8c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa g a dills editor and publisher business and editorial office telephone 174 t9sf at th6 muttfu tjrjurrli af eittada aetan ontsurla a friendly church iuv e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone so mlas o h lunpr atam organist and choir leaner sunday march 2nd 1952 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 7 00 p m evening worship thought for the wetk that ls not thi best sermon vhich makes the hearers go away talking to one another and prais ing the spesker but which makes them go away thoughtful and ser ious and hastening to be alone burnet ftt albaua tfliiirrrj aaurllsmal supply minister archdeacon mcintosh of hamilton 1052 and sunday march 2nd 10 00 am sundsy school 1100 am holv communion beginners class 7 00 pm evening prayer lenten sevlce every wednesday at 730 pm a welcome awaits you lrrbbitrrtari etjurrti lit csattalia knox cnuatcn acton kev robert ii armhtroni ma bd minister 1052 sunday march 2nd 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am divine worship 12 15 pmblble class 7 00 pm evening worship they thai tuait upon the i ord shall rrnew their strength a warm welcome awaits you dr a j buchanan dental surgeon odice lcishmin block mill st oitlce houib 9 am to 0 pm xra telephone hfl dr george a sirrs llrntat surgron mill st cornt r fruknik i m oitlci hour 9 00 im to 10 pin telelhone 11 thunar b d young b v sc c l young d v m veterinary burgeons oitlct brookvillt ontaljo phone milton 14r4 we urgm ly require listing of fnrii propirtv fnm 50 to 300 acres also mill holding from 1 to h iins contact 1 c h dyment j realtor i 23 hntaortli st s himuton phon 80t5 or andy frank s i sin in i c impb ihiiu ihonr mlllon 125r2 wm r bracken ural r state clnlilvl insurance phoiu 20 acton f g oakes vs b v sc veterinary tiurgeon office and resldmcc knox ave acton phone 130 traveiubs ouioe legal c p ieatherland barrisur a oausltsr netary public office 2s phone res 151 acton harjttaa etjurrlj acton douglas b shuter pastor sunday march 2nd 1052 10 30 am sunday school and bible class 1130 am drawing the line be tween can and cannot 7 00 p m how frustrating is life communion following the morning worship fndsy 2j0 p m women s world day of prayer 8pm b y p u visitation of guelph assoc iation executive every thursday church night boo pm prayer meeting 8 30 gm bible study 0 10 p m iscussion group welcome to all lever hoskin chartsrea aeeautaats successors to jenkins and haatdy 1308 uatropolitan bldg 44 victoria sc toronto xlf fill miscellankoub the victor b rumley funeral home paswral afaew ateam asabnuusee phon 30 night or day serving the community for 48 yean eye cabe by appointment wax c milligan r o optaaaelrlsl 1st snd 3rd wednesdsya of the month 3pm to0pmat mill st residence of a t bbown quay coach lines standard time ioc him leave acton eaatbonnd 638 am 838 am 1123 ajrau 208 pm 303 pm 833 pm im pm bloss pm westbeabd 10 17 sm 1233 pm 2 97 pan 3 27 pm 727 pm 0 12 p m llsa p m 112am sun to jdtcheaer only s dally except sunday and holi days b saturday sundsy and holi days canadian natronal baiiwayj standarp time easibobsul dally 6 40 a m daily excent sun- 7 10 pan avsoday days 8 43 am ly 8 18 pm dally except dsy flyer st qeorgalown 803 sun- only 8 18 pm doll day flyer at qeorg daily flyer at ooorgalown mu1 waaskaastj daily except sunday and afoa- day 2 04 ajn sunday and aloodsty only ltj8 am dally nxeept sosi- day 848 am 8o pm fsu stop 7 44 pro dally except satl and sun 810 pjni salurdsry essty 3 38 pm sunday only 843 nan inagstopi sunday only flyss at i oualph 7 6 pm

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