Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1952, p. 3

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twhibbday uarv 2s 1s52 the acton free press acton ontario page thujoe the mix- fflau hello homemnkcra remember you con eookfljih without frying it in true that mnny klhds- of alleti mnd itteakjt can be cooked in 8 to 12 minutes in a hot frying pan mowcver the aroma pernvcatej the boune on the other hand futh with n anucc on it baked for 25 to 35 minutes in the electric oven seemji to keep the flavor in the food pish fried broiled ponehoj or baked is our favorite lenten dish throughout the coming weeks ws ahall endenvor to keep you posted en various methods while thln woek wt publluh recipes for baked fish duihea using the less expensive cod and haddock fillets any mild- flavored ash fillet such tut flounder eole perch or halibut may be sub stituted in the following recipes fillets florentine 3 uu 2 packages nrcen nplnach 4 tbsps butter 1 v tbspi flour vt tap salt h tjp pepper is cups milk r flail fl jftamdtom optometri8t 72 st georges square guelph complete eyesight service tc on see so much travelling by bus is a won- derful way to see qur country the busy larms that border the highways the rivers and lakes thegrandeurofqur hills and lorests fascinating close- ups ol every town and city along your route on your next trip go by bus youll enjoy he ol i n seeing so muck fares are low round trip vancouver 9460 chicago 2265 washington 2560 st iouis 2865 r surcharge included tickets and information at harold wiles phone 207 cup grated cheosc 2 lbs flsh fillets wash spinach thoroughly and cook until borely tender about 8 mlnutei chop coarsely and place in bakina dish make a white sauce of buttor flour seajsonlntfjj and of milk add cheese and pour over spinnch place the fillets on top cover the casserole with a piece of wet butter paper bake in oven of 375 drgs for 30 minutes servos 7 fish roll biscuit dough using 2 cups flour 1 c finnan haddle 1 small onion chopped 1 tbiip minced parsley milk roll biscuit dough to thlcn- ncss on a floured board combine finked fish onion parsley and moisten slightly with milk spread mixture on dough and roll as for jelly roll cut into 1 slices and bnke in n greased baking dish usj i prchented oven of 400 degs for about 20 minutes serve with a cheese sauce bakjed pish fillets 1 lb flsh allots 1 cup milk 1 tbsp salt dry bread crumbs 1 tbsp salad oil cut fillets into- serving pieces combine milk and salt then dip fish into the milk then into crumbs ploce the wellconted flsh in a greased baking dish- sprinkle with salad oil nnd bake in oven of 450 dees for about 15 minutes do not add water serve with lemon or almond butter sauce codfish casserole 4 fresh cut flsh steaks 1 small onion chopped w tin mushrooms c tbsps boiling water 3 tbsps butter 3 tbsps flour 2 cups milk salt pepper and paprika place cut flsh in oiled baking pan cook onions and mushrooms in water for three minutes then ndj butter and- flour mix together gradually stir in the milk and stir for about 5 minutes pour snuce over the flllettf and bake in oven of 350 dcgrces for about 30 min utes serves 4 take a tip 1 let froen fillets thaw just be fore cooking 2 a piece of iih large or small freed from skin and bones called a allot 3 if ash is purchased as cleaned il may be cooked as ls afier thor ough wxshing in eold salty water 4 although ash may be cooked with heuis iiiln and tails on lpesc itv never served bone should be x ireful i removed frpm flsh which in tn he served to children r a iish luif inimiire may be bak- tl m eustml eujvs which will re- mune half a hiking ptiotl eom- jmivi to a loaf pan u spi inkle a little lemon juiee over baked lih to add to piquant lluoi increase rotes of medical service at the annual meeting of the halton co operative medical ser vices held in milton on february lgth the members assembled in structed the incoming board of directors by resolution to increase the premium rotes of both plans 4o assure adequate financing and pro vide sound operation of the service mr paul meehon toronto field- man and auditor for the ontario cooperative medical services fe deration presented the financial statement and auditors report for the past year which closed on no vember 30th he also addressed the gathering mentioning many of the improvements and conditions an he found therein the province in conr nectlon with his work with all co operative medical services both rural and urban he congratulated the halton members on the work done by the halton services point ing out that work carried out by the holton office had been done in a most efficient manner the speaker felt however that the rising costs as shown during the last part of the years opera tions justified some action now in order to avoid a passible set ious problem proper action now he said would keep the hnlton co operative in n healthy condition and permit the carrying on of the good work and service for the peo ple of halton county mr macfarlane director of the wcntworth medical cooperative and chairman of zone 3 district spoke to the group and discussed the proposed surgical plan as hod hcen recommended by the board of directors following his address a motion was passed instructing the board to study the plan further and when deemed advisable pro ceed to offer it the president mr m j brown in opening the meeting referred to the loss of our king and mentioned the several sovereigns we had liv ed under and declored allegiance to the new queen the board of directors for 1052 will be mrs ellerby acton mrs king hornby mrs j wlckson and george atkins bronte ross segs- worth and miss florence meares frecmon rr 2 m j brown nor- val p a fisher burlington geo robertson acton h e batkin of georgetown wm dales and wm hume of milton with r s heath- erington continuing as sectreas chronicles w of ginger form written specialty for the acion frm prmti by gwendoline p curfce t if a ueain ibdi sauce t too thin uld a feu dry crumbi the qttestion box mi- w w asks should we com- tmie ash with cheese in a casserole dislr aibttii add canned salmon to a weuh larebit and ou have a per fect nuiritious and taity dish the eheese lacking in iron is enriched in both iron and iodine content by the addition of ash mts c d asks how do you pre sent a salnum miultle from falling aiisu er corral the family around t he table befoi e removing the souttle from the oven mi- j k usks what is a plaice and hnu should tt be cooked a iisu ei plane ls a saltwater tlsh u hull ls compatible to the flounder or sole sold in this country mau knglish people poach or bake the tlllels of maunder and plaice siuv these tlllels fall apart eusily ls ad lsible to cook in aluminum oi w el piivhineiit paper gerald candler accountant manager at baxter laboratories tht neu afiic nimiger mid ehef acrtiuntatit of baxter l-tbor- aon s 0 canada ltd herald candler will start hus nw position on march lt mr candler lavs fnn in hannlton u here he u u th chu f accountant during the he uxs a member of the rco c mkuij m the accounting wffee- mr candler i married mi has tu o etrldren the familv u il 1 ve in the house vacated bv gord on miiehell a former baxter em- ploviv who left recently on mil st 888 telephones in acton exchange while total revcnues of the bell telephone company of canada were substantially higher during 1051 so wore taxes wages and other expenses according to the companys 72nd annual report is sued february 14 revenues totalled 160 781058 ol which nearly half 70066254 wa- paid out in wages the totol taxes levied on the company amounted the 1032 royal winter fair is many months away and yet there is every reason for us to be think ing about itright now at least if we can rely on the subjecumotter of an editorial in the farmers advocate and canadian countryman- february 23 this editorial states quite openly that a movement is on foot to have the royal open for business on sunday that in the sunday that comes mldwoy during the time the fair ls on the editorial is quite obviously against it and wonders whift attitude farmers will toko in the matter what indeed this is a motter that should be discussed by farm groups and agri cultural organisations from one end of theprovlnce to the other the royal li our fair it was or ganized primarily in the interest of agriculture do we wont it cheapened and used as one more means of creating on open sundoy we know there are quite a num ber of farmers mostly- fruit and market gardeners who seem to think it necessary to work on the snbboth but the majority of for mers still regard sunday as a doy of rest insofar as it can be where winter chores arc almost an allday job i have spoken to several people about this subject ond not one has been in favour of having the royal open for business on sun day the nearest to it was one man who said he would like to see the fair open but not for business that ls- to say an admlssion fee could be charged ond people al lowed to go through the bams the horse palace and the flower show but no judging or show ring events should be allowed and definitely no commercial side shows which after all are merqly an attraction to people who are not in the least in terested in farm animals or farming operations there is also another way of looking at it suppose the royal were to open on sundays it would just be the thin edge of the wedge if the royal stayed open then there would be a clam oring from some quarters to have the canadian exhibition stay open on sundays which heaven forbid and if the exhibition stayed open there would be other places of amusement that would think they should do likewise very soon there would be more commercialized amusement on sunday than on any day of the week fashion hint march winds will hove a good time with thls seasons skirts here ls o typical one that nils top glamor rating in the spring of 52 lists this crisp rayon taffelo model is sprigged all over in a any print it has a molded midriff ond pleats accent the very full skirt beneath of course theres the starched petticoat or crinoline department of agriculture lists seed fair display dates dates of seed fairs and dis plays have been lssued by the crops seeds and weeds bronch of the ontario deportment of ag riculture parliament bldgs toron to among them are the follow ing haldimond rural youth centre kohler march 3 seed show farmers week middlesex western fairgrounds london march 3g seed bacon and food show sjmcoc south creemore march market bldg 6 seed and woter- bacon morch 11 woterloo loo morch show wcntworth binbrook and 12 seed show oxford woodstock fairgrounds march 12 and 11 seed and prov- incal hay show holton milton morch 14 ond 15 seed ond bacon show peel brompton march 14 and 15 seed show perth llstowel march 20 seed show wellington arthur march 21 and 22 seed show apparently the idea of keeping 22093000 equivalent to 201 the royal open on sundays has j body share of mock or 12 69 per i been tentatively suggested as a aircraft to per telephone commenting on thts aspect of th report r cm dillane bell manager for this region said that 71 tele phones were added in acton during lllal bringing the total to bfl8 the company expended 72600- 000 m 1051 for nvk construction tn improve and extend lli facilities throughout ontario and quebec which increased ils total invest ment in plant to s5h2048747 in all 113421 telephones were added durinj the year bringing the total number in service to t 839750 but leaving 76000 unfilled orders at the yearend due to lack of facil- pilots lie down to fly aircraft a specially adopted ueid and sigrlst desford trainer aircraft flown by a pilot lying down full length in the fuselage is being tested at the royal aircraft estab- i lishments faruboroujih airfield primary reason for testing the prone piloted aircraft is a medical one- theoretically the effects of centrifugal force on the pilot should be less severe in manoeuvres if lies along theaxls of the the pi one position also the means of making more money ac- educes the sie- of the aircraft cording to the editorial it might nwlage ru down it- frontal area mean the difference between sur- a mikes possible a slimmer fuse- plus and deficit and does the i reducing drag the redesigned management think any good would j ntrol s sternstick rudders etc come of a new venture which del- i tt be closely watched during the nd pubhclv flouts thejtrials which will also reveal mendmenp dear knows j vhether the prune position is spec- ln iilly fatiguing fitot th co nrm of us are guilty enough that respect but at least it remains a personal matter if the royal ls not paying its wav whv not have it stay open the whole two weeks sundas excep ted or raise the admlsstrnfee people who are really anxious to go would probably pay an extra 25c as easily as not rather hard on a big family of course but then children could be taught that f thev want to go to the big fair they must save their pocket money and pay their own way too often with easy i indolence we farm people sit back and let whenever traffic piles up in streets changes take place to which we are that should have bee w long actuallv opposed too late we real- ano whenever some xm muni- ie we could have stopped any i motorists third is taxward bound whenever a little extra snow falls eipal revenue ls needed or officials think it ls needed somebody al- w a s comes forward with the sug gestion of a new tax on the car to listen to these p timciil post one w w ninn and driving hide w u virgin t ople says th uild think the of i motor rrror so far i- tte art- concerned 1 list t id t i- one of the greatest contributors a least a third of eerv dollar ent t the motor it ehs to the i collector for that he is surel ntitli d o mitels and highways reasonahl clear of traffic and now but all too ofin he isnt setting them its ib ut time some nf thee poplr who tau gillv about n c es on the car and truck owner we- askd and askd plain uu uu r doirij with the m 11 on tes ilreadv ling contrbued given change had we really tried in reward to the rovd winti r fair we have been kivi n plentv of time to think about it i hope farm folk 11 over the province will make their oie heard to maku thls prvvihle the mater should be dn- cused b ill farm or mirations a their letfular meetings if the mijoril of mi a unst an open sund il then i nsolut propir 1 draw n up eiowi ii eeonder deit md mcretarv ution directors of nd i f a t e t i k nb ho at the should headquarters for complete goodvear tire sales and service 1 of rjl iirir mippts of pork mith n ni to iil chuii- in mippl- of bf oid niurtoti iro ioctrd in 10s2 wrh hih wiiis likily to contmut tlion tihoujd tio tioihi domohtlc u thv rinadiin hlrth rate is m0 mind for rmils whwo nn incriasrd jvr 1 ikk pirsori the death rate coniimiptuin of pork ls likely as 1 us 0 2 result of lower prices h n r i f v hr i hi m mil whi 1 mi mmi too lite h i on i in t oo miiih nij thit much tin inon or imilit think i to reirh iron deposits in i western ontario a like at i nock had to be drained north- steep thompson motors phone 69 kennedys bookstore 125 wyndham st guelph ontario lc sale wallpapers buy two rolli wtllpapsr for fhs price of one roll plu 1 cnr sunworthy sunte9ted waterfast f washable february 2tmarch 1 paints special viiluftf in varnishes enamels lmlfa9foh6ut peanut butter 370 large prunes 24c honeybutter m 39e cobips- 2- 27c z mm 25c beans bcvfuin potms soup mix ohlckon ft bice ohiekonhoodle cream of ohleken belmae bpeoial offee 3 pkob sic niaoaha ki8t red raspberry j am with peotin 24oz jab 37c if u s h u s rowxters pkob 29c pudding applesauce rowdem pirnn burrtff 3 pkob x9c brlghts tm 15oz fancy i tins 25c paramount red sookeye salmon 43c sardines br 3 zht chicken haddle 82276 kipper snacks 0o bave money on healtho dog food 3 t 23c kenlratiows 31c r m dog midgets p 16e new i quaker sweetened cereal sugar puffs 2 iz 29c schneiders crispy flake shortening 25c iii ok ma khs oranges nisr in i s i celery stalks grapes i viii tnsi lettuce doz 29c 2 for 21c 2 ib 27c 2 heads 21c irish mushrooms aulillouer tirern itraits sfiliirh llrussvl pruut imnaloes 1mih imi piik k- want ad page where old friends meet

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