Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1952, p. 6

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corn i cramm sluty the practice of prwutrvlnj teed in tin- succulent mtnife in structure tint ah filial lj not new the de- votopmcnt ol the familiar round upriirht lln in hiruely the rciult of american research nnd oxtenxlon aork performed during the lultet part of thr iiut eentuiy since then the w of tlir aiio him become wldn- tpread not onlv in the us bill nbtn in the corn growing urea of on- tunc during the past two or three eir herc lim been n good deal of fm ndly argument buck and forth n to the rejjpeeuvi iperib of urm and corn iilntfc we have heard mun eils slluue cnthiw- insts -tre-v- the iilli prnleln content of the eras silage it tins beon mainttined b some that it isnt nicivsir to feed but ver little j jirn in and concent rate when drafts iilojt us bemn fed to the rtlklnn herd while we do not pose ufi any nuthorit we cant help but think thm us n good deil nf muundcr- 4 nndinfc on the subject it tins been iitated from tin publil platform by ertnn cnthtimilsls that then i p dniled 17 to 1r protein whit the did not mike clear wjls thit his was on a moutturc frih- luius normal h grmo and leiume silage coniuitus npproxi- mutiu 7j molsturi coiwieqtient- i 17 or lit protein on a moisture tree homls ls the equivalent of mound 4 2 protein in the miiijio ls i u- fed from the silo nint halton firmers brought simplis of their crass or eras nnd legume mijikc to the annual meeting of the mat ton crop improvement asoc latum eirlv list month these samples were taken to the dept of nutrition at the ontario artj- culturi colled when the were flmlvvtl foi crude protein cal ciiim and phivphonis from thi standpoint of crude prntein on a molsturefrec basis thev contained all the w n from to lftr tin lot analyzing q t proti in w t in tht main green oal- with some likiimcs from thi in w siedinc while those iiinlwing 14 o is enntamed a much higher perxentact of alfalfa and ryd clover the nveracl percentage protein on n mousture free basis was 13 05 win n thus us ennwrted to the basus i i- fed from the mio the over- lit pt rtcutaul crude protein of i th nirit samples us 3d0 we were tu n fore in teres ed in comparing i ttufci- figures with those contain in a reteiit release b prof geo f kaihba ihairman of the oac siu committee tlu figure gien i in n i total protein for grus 211 ip lentaininc some legume nnd no fcmt aii e us 2 os and for mfilf ligi and no p- servntn t u t jt polem in tlu mine report 2 total lrot n us the figure given for dent torn vtll matured and 1 fl total lrnti in in dint corn immature the point wt would like to make u that n tht r corn nor grass legume 41ag m bt totusidered protein rich feeds tlie pom or argument which we ttaink thmiul be stressed m fa jr n- i gunu mlage us that it jibli9 ln farm operator to take ult ine o- more meadows m eurl junt whin weather condition are unfivorabit for cunnj the h it lie prihidis a method of duspoiing i making vuse of the lush jjrowth o iras- in pusture held whuh mot o- less jets ahead of the t1j st i ond crop from the mead w caji then bi taken oil a hoy whin weather conditions are m rr fnwrnbli needles to add if the ptauri- are short m ntidsnmmer uih iss s laii would come in vi t uikil us siippli nienar feed i stioui1 howeier li realized tht i in art u win 1 1 mm i an be mic- iis5fiill drawi thus i mi w hi n j prered us m ijt u lds nui i otal illii stimi nutra nls pi r am tfcoi un ohi r crop t iuu qui irl as we s there toukl u bt m muh rimiiit i ilin fie f spec i feeding vnluep t the two tpt or kinds of sikuti tjue us c rainh a pi b m bat w should m ov uvk l fn tht q i e oftt n a i i i o a u nd com iij im istin m1 undi such i i iriin i t the iorn crop could b r mi nwuri u irvp to hold un open nlkht in the mil ton iliuh school when there will he un opportunity to see unmet him of the woi k which hiw been lie- eompilihed some of the committee members ore already talking plant for nevl year ond several new eoiusef have been uildtfeuted jutloinu competition for the junior f firmer nf halton seed fair and tlaeon show halton junior farmers me mak ing- plans for their special section at the annual halton seed fair and flicon show to be held in the milton town hall on march nth and imh as in foi mii ve i s thele nie special cilsscs fot juiiioi fm mere nameh oats tlaie ond whent then interelub educational dis- plns in forrpet ears have been a i nil feature of the show we ore assured b president david pellet- lerio that all live clubs ale making plarus to suipass then pn vioius ef forts tin annual judginc competition open to all halton junior farmers undei 2u ears of age is scheduled for saturday morning march 15th this oi s program provides the following thiee different divisions namch i n j unions iu ears nnd under 2 juniors 17 to 20 voon and h those 21 to 2s ears inchus- l e a got don hennett associate di rector of extension for the vtano depiu tmeiit of agriculture has promised to be in attendance and lssust with the junior program nf enttlund chnmpioruihjp plowing match at cornwall whore kurfene won the under 31 yemr ciojui while normim won the trophy for the best overheiui other than the nrit- ish isle at the irish match the hoyji found the competitions extia htlff became over there all thfllr competitors ujed the hlh cut plow the bny felt thnt the plowing mat chew overseas a re- oh popular ax they are here in canada at the international in ireland over 10 000 attended in one day in on inter view with a lepresentntive of the family herald and weekly star norman is quoted as stating their international match hi more like a large count v match in ontario mavbe halton take a bon halton iletuirung fiom a trip of o hfe- tinn cinadas rssn overseas trip winners norman tvndall rich mond hill and eugene timbers milliken arrived home b trans canada anwn last week from a six weeks tour of britain and the continent the had won the right to the overseas trip b winning th imperial oil co clashes for tractor and horse plow ing at the 1051 international plowing match near woodstock eugene wo the horse champion and norman the tractor champion while overseas thev competed at two plowing matches one the wist clearing auction sale ilorseh jersr cattle iord tractor 1 arm implement iia grain cloer seed and turniturr riceuisd tin undersigned h iv isti uctioiut from i uevii ahv 1u sell b public outtion at his faini lot 11 nn b twp of nil son r 6 j nuki s w of m lion on miltonlow ville koad on sutkdtl a1vkcii 1st comnn ruing at 1 jo o clouk ilu jollow mg hoitsks and hajlnkbs 1 watk gelding agid 1 hoaii g-id- 1uk aiid rood worktis and quiet ib ml lt00 ibs 1 m hia ban- s kid liillir iialtuis bridles bub i tc c attle j jcrse cows trsh no brid 1 jerie cow frch time of sah 1 jersey cow induing brid lo frcitun in ma u jersey hi ill r 2 tars old opui 1 jersey heifer 1 car old open j jersey hiiftrs 14 an old open ii veal i ilui 1 jericj heifer calf oats hay straw and clo- veh seed 150 bus oals quantitj of ioom stiaw ju toiib baled al falfa and timothy hay 8 bus re- c leaned timothy eed 2 bus re- i leaned ail a if a seed tiiactoh fajim 1 m llem- ems etc tord iracor on rub ber lires loaded lighfj runi and looks liki new ferguson furrow tractor plow floury tractor due ijplate b ft grain binder m h i it icntly o erhauled 5 ft mower mh w hit 1 cultuator alh grain dt ill uhac diit aetd harrow dump rake low truck wagon al- auust u w flat hay rack jet of sloop sieiglu walkmg plow cui- u t si uf fier ruot pulper t lecrrtc fiiinr j chick brooders coal m 11 no 11 t lectnc cream separator baiksinin blow rfir forte chick- iii fountaius f eders poultry orks hot a shoib chatiu bat i u ib igh ki ho v na s un 1 v t w ole ihar- i v ouim are r p- ts i i v t to iu nt of 4i9 di ti n i able roid cond tlox5 imi sfxii r jh- tho isoi h trnge afi ndance to dab hi tn o- jpuomuju b0 thi claasej i ancludc on march 4th tut w e tmdersiand from mr woodlcy- that plarus are under way hlvnitlllt- tew ng machne m w t u ul tto i i t ius m tablt ml 1- tn 4 diing loom chant w i nut ikkstou roi k r drop leaf ibli sitretar mt il tables bct fts trn w uier antique ihk rut otlit r antigui articles 1 mlii lri p oil iamis lautenis cja b v jh- aiiux could bi ued l i twiir coal or w ovhi j icket vt h iti r pon el im s ik cus- alv ni k stra u stiv ind- u ii 1 uldi i i i- a sit-ftch- l o i igi ilcji n wash f i in r h or snl bed i j mi i i s i irpct w kimif du u ries j is k i v n i h i s meat i i if d hi s n lud- x s u b i s uil cup i s i- 1 iie d n- s j e ii iuuse- ttkms civ mle hi un with 1 som il m p- i t g g up n ng innhuy avi kliiott auct oncers phone lori rink wood and 177j milton geo cume clerk bm2 practical hints on conservation of budget thev ie alike in manv ways budgets and rivers some time thevie full and i un smoothlv at other times they just drv up verv often as w ith 1 1 vers its a sets onal problem main dank of montreal cu tomeis have come across it some havi found that chrktmos expenses make januoiv n thin month otheis have expei lenced a shortap of i ed eosh lifter pa ing msur- nnn piemiunus or mortgage inter- i 1 and theve worked opt a sol ution along conversation lines thus is the wav thev dam the i ivi i thi open a special pur poses account each pav div thev deposit a flxetl perct ntage of their majoi commitments and then when the timi toi hea pavmenls comes lound thev cm make them without undue strain if this appeols to ou w hv not come in and talk it over with ontii hunt the accountant at your local branch of the b of m hell be glad to help von open vour own sncial purpases account in the vear 1051 canada counted more than 2500 000 automobiles on the road including coo 000 trucks the donald ills exterior lines bioken b a projecting living room and dining room the entrance vestibule is faced with brick the mcnabb and sons purchase herd sire from bristol rhod island m t mcnabb a sons george town lepmt the purchase of a junioi herd sue fiom north farm riustal hhod6 island thus coif is not thei n comrades may king an august calf sired b reigeldole eirioivs com id b heigeldale mel- t i s emorv and out of dougliston chailotte is 42dm74bf he is theufoie a palei nal brn- ihei to a bull imported by r e sutton agmcourt nnd to comrads iidv ciact twice grand champion it tlu jiwf thus calf ls out of horseshoejpfttm maybclle a daugh ter of foicmom hermes canada still ls one of the greit natural fur preserves of theworld nnd each year about 7 000 000 pelts are taken balance of the exterior is finished with wide siding and the front gable with veitical siding the dnnnld s dining iyd living i minis ii e connected b a large opening which provides loih room willi a pleasant feeling of apnclous- ness us w ell as cross light ond entilation all of the dnnnlds tonnis lead into the hall fiom which the sloirn leading to ti atht akoopenthis makes passible the tun future second llooi looms plans tall for fiime eonsti uctlon insulated walls and el ling and i fult basement 0 im all dimension of the donald ate 11 feet hv 7 feet the mam bndv of the house u 2fi feet b i2i fe t clound ilea of the don ild is 1042 sqiiate fet with volume of 21147 cubic feel vowing a neighbors new cor la not too b id if oi do something about it woik and save to get one vourself more refined zinc for canadas sale h s holden oplotnatritl eves cxamineo glasses fitteo 7 bouglas st oueiph a yne refinery in eastern can ada- long a white hop of the can adian mining industry bi schedul ed foi the green light shortly re ports the financial imjh it will lie kome where along the at tual location u one of the laul ihngs to iwdchded cnjit of init ial install at ions plaeel mt 12 ft millions this will mean that canada will have more refined rlne for nolo probably 71 million lbs a vear it will spell a large reduction in ex penditures for freight eonccntrotes inn about ff waste and n big saving in us dollars to canadiiin mining for use of foreign ine smelting and refining facilities pollock and campbell umiiufftlulrvm of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north oait tkikpiionk ml harold mike coxe plumbing and heating cavlstroughing sheft metal work phones 370r 451w dead stock horses cattle hogs geougbtown 11 gideuh us4 gordon young laundry just cau zenith 13600 direct line no charge laundry services j guardians of peace the leading infantrymen canadian soldiers are playing a world role to discourage aggression to help guard peace at home and ocrseas our soldiers stand as guardians of peace the canadian infantry soldier is the toughest the hest equipped fighting soldier in the world today recently a new specialty with extra pay and prestige was created for the infantry soldier this is the leading infantryman he isthc trained infantry soldier he has learnt to handle expertly the many weapons of modern infantry he has been trained to take care of himself anywhere any time in any kind of situation the leading infantryman is the most thoroughly trained fighting soldier in the army play your part in canadas most important business today defence you are eligible if you are 17 to w years of age tradesmtu to 45 physically fit and ready to serve anywhere apply fo tk nearest reruffg depot no 13 ponsniul depot wolll kuuw tituau t charlotte u ottawa oat no 5 poruaml doof artillory parii oot ttfoot mm oat canadian amy rocnimaa h to blifcainj it w taroa oal no 7 portenitol dopot wlnliy tarrada iwialnhi ttraat imaon oai army rotnimaa cwmr iso mala strut wait norta say oat army racrajtlaa caatra jaraat st anaawry 300 juwi slnarta horalhoa oat liifan fo voc of th army tuesday and thursday evenings dominion network joinfhe canadian army active force how

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