Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1952, p. 7

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thursday february 28 1833 the acton free press acton ontario paoe sbvbn higher transportation costs are concern of haltons forums the effect at high trunspmu- tjo coiti was the discussion topic tat halton fami forum igroups re- nuy ho group of people in canada l knorc vitally intereided in fi eight atc and general trunhportntion problem than the farmera wild the canadian federation of agriculture in iu firlef to the loyal commls- ion fm transportation in hmd changed in trannportation charg es cause greater proportional change in price paid by commmer for food products most farm pro ducts nm produced ut greater dis tance from the cowaimer for such product freight coats arc a hen v charge between the consumer and the producer the price of farm products for the mont part are es tablished at central market and the farmer receives- these prices lea the cost of transportation to these markets when freight rat en an- increased the immediate effect is a reduction in the fni merit price by the amount of the inercaite the increase in freight ralen is not handed on to the consume of farm products ai ji consumer the farmer is also vitally affected bv changes in the freight rates prices for industrial producui are usually set at the fac tory and transportation and ser vice costs are added in arriving at retail prices they are paused on to the consumer thus thefoi mer is in the poiliipn of having im mediately to asuume the full cost of an increase in freight ratei both as producer and consumer the first question- to open the discussion period read how have fi eight rates af fitted the farmers in your forums freight rates af fect our farmers in the following ways purchase of implement n trucking milk build log mnterjals and practically eveiythlng n faimei buys and sells as well as making the price of western grain practi cally out of reach of the purse higher freight lates encourage trucking which entails higher taxes i on the public fui mm rib nance of j roads the m eond question can mi suggest an changes in ttanspnitn- tion facilities and nriangementr that would help lowei tiansportn- ttnttcnsts fur farm produce foium members one glollp sug gested subsidizing of freight lates to balanee shoit hauls and epmbe kast and went shoi t truck hauls anotliei group thought if then- weie t wet milk and in end wagons on the same htieet it would help ti towei costs iliindling produce on a nun e cooperative basis farm- lrs should not have to pay tinns- porlit inn ostn both wnjs and manufacturers should bear some of the costs if more grain could come in by boat fiom foil william and pent aithtu it might help fi eight rates acton high school news acton to produce a p greens first light fire brick in canada poets corner old hiiofs how much a mnnts like old shoes for instance both a soul may lose both have been tanned both made light by cobblers both got left and right both need a mate to be compieti and both ore made to go on feet they both need heeling oft ore soiled and both in time turn old to mould with shoes the last is first with men the first shall be the last andwhuii the shoes weai out the re mended new when men wear out thc re men dead too they both ore trod upon and both will tread on others nothing loth both have their ties and both in cline when pollshed in the world to phlne and both peg out so would you choose to be a man or be his shoes education theories inspectors topic membership was reported 100 per cnt at the last regular meeting of the ys mens club held thurs day february 14 the guest apeaker was mr l sluice inspect or of public schools his topic was the conflicting theories of ed ucation and proved piirticularl timely and interesting right new memben were wel comed into the club with a round of applause and a tough fines master the chairman of the su imming program reported that the swim ming classes to guelph were now ver popular with the children o acton n matter what youre of a tout or an antiqu ahvayi turn to clattlflad and find tfcar what you seat cechacarr optometrist ouivh dugua w 1091 mark anniversary double wedding the nlih anniversor of a double wedding w as cclebrntidoiv salur da evening february ifith at the home of mr and mr donald tli ov n n nr erin w rth mr and mrs clayton t of hamilton and mi and mrs donald mclean of h r 2 acton as guests of hon or mrs brown is mrs m leans dunhter thrtwncnnplps were m vau mines dav of 1017 in rock- wood the tuo bndes were ms- er about 10 relatives joined in con ri tula ling the two couples satin day euchre wis plaved with firt prizes going to donald mclean and mrs wen allen the- daughter of each couple mrs broun of enn and mrs wil- liam du k of toronto presented each couple wth an electric tea kettle and a heart bowl in the corn flower pattern each of tile couples who part tcipnteo in the wedding ceremon f 35 ears ago congratulated tb othei couple the mcleans giving the besw icks n pair of corn fnwer vases and the beswicks gi ing the mcleans an electric ir on a wedding cake was a focal point of interest while lunch was b oiroti oaket j last tuesday grades ii 12 and 11 girls plaved a volleyball game in the double pt period the grade 13 team won the game to i tore of 5732 then next night giade in gn n heat the grade 0 girls to a score of 4b30 the girls played in the v tfter sitppei under the super vision of miss hairhn willi a little more practice the lower grade w ill be beating grade 10 if thrv keep up the good work iisl tuesday nlghf the grade 13 class iinw the plav i inhfte kitehr wnt co iate auditorium the pr m nlntlnn was rv well done and we all thorough i v enjoyed it last week the second edition of tin r opt ner went on sale at 10c per copy the p ijn i omnul lei deserves ciedit for this idition the reason for the i im in prii was due to the laige sie of tin edition icquiring more paper it was nice to see so mnnv stud ents tuin ot to join in the parade before the memorial mi k e on frldnv ii just shows that th students an be counted on to do their pirt to make p rep rem nta ion the aliiui plant of the a v green firo brick co will produce that i ompany h tint light w eight inhiilalnrv file brick eei made in canada when thev go into piodiu- tuui tion this type of fne buck u i aluayi unpotlid fiom the paitnt company at mexico usa pilot to this local development fvplaintng the plant opeiation 0 barbenu pointed out that they are 1 esponsible for the pi nduction of special items we an more of a custom plnnt he explained three kilns have in n toin out to niftkc lomn for inateriul slouige anct the i i v tlevelopineilt addeil two mi tl ti tin compan s pa toll total enipln mi nt now is about l the laigt nii jot it of win tin ai i hual liien a riptiss t bt en ittlesiiil d foi tin m w pi oc i ss it has been former acton boy praised for work the following rtrmwrom thrtn onto stat will be of inb i st to mnnv free press readers in u w of the fact that eugt ne macphi r- son was boi n in acton n son of the late k j i bub and mis mac- pherson and sp nt bis bo hood days heie attending at toil sebools among the firnib w ho absimed the toionto general hospital fund eanipaighbijiiakjju fulltune i m- plovees available fcn1iridrtiarteis work at no cost to the fund is can ada life assurance co fuge ne mncpherson of that fum served fin twoandahalf months m rvccutive asiistanl to george jtnnison chair man of the special nuns commit cemveitid to wink on a di v pits plini iple wi seouied the eotifi ttv looking feu one- wi could eon 1 1 anil fmillv iih itt d one in me oiiii mi uii bem said a pidi t pe mixer hits alo been installed fot the new pioces the file in h k will be packed l piece s to a box and will be used wheie the bent i anges up to 2 mm degieis tin piouss x all leady to to now it wak pninb d tint since the h sin bave alt been mmle km h nil boil to be- tested fot shl lllkagt- ie vti bt it k would tome out ex aitlv the same size in thelnleks piodiji e i dm inn the experinu nts then was as mm h as to inch vari ation no tstimale- has been iiaeheel em the- possibb pi in i ne tlnn but mi ttnihemi savs he thinks the plant call pieidllie the file bt ii k ftenn imiw lintel hooniscliiv ml not havi loo mnnv am hi i of tin main pnuiuel of ibis i ompain is a mold m e iislinj- el milium dulb a pa united pio- e ss it was e mki b the a p liimii co inn anolbi i manufii liit i du mold is a 111 at ad viueimiut m tin pi tieftii tioii of diooonel dulls in a lettet te cmada life mi jennison slid mi macpluisim si i up a svstem of re ouls it potted to tie the mo- 1 effii u nt um d in an sue h appeal greenock wi hold grandmas meet the annual grandmothers pro gram of greenock womens insti tute was the special feature of the febiuar meeting held at the home of mi s william hill ow ing to weather and road conditions the t tendance was small resulting m in tin absent numbers planned foi the program the president mrs thus hem- su presided and opened the meeting b reading a tribute to the me nior w our late king geoi g vi tw o minutes silence was observed follow ect with the singing of god save- the queen the roll tall was answered with y o u r grandmother s maiden name during the business a social ev ening was planned for the latter part of februorj with each mem ber donating an article for a ba- zonr sale to bv held the same een- ing us the social final arrange ments for tbe social will be- com pleted at the next meeting mrs albert mckeou n presented the motto it mutters not how old vou are but how ou arc aged mrs j e pcuren gave two read ings grandmother s st les and my granny a contest grandmothers flower garden was won by mrs hetnsley and conducted by mrs penren j refreshments were servepd by the hostess and lunch committer there was one advantage to the old stle wall telephones the gals had to stop talking whin their legs gave out in review from acton public library silence observed at wi meeting wht n the- membi is of acton wumi n s institute met at the- honu of mrs dav id drysdnle rowe r avi for tin ii fobruaiv nui ting till pi esident mrs davidson paid lllbllte te the- life of tin- late- king i he n members bowed in silence tlnn allegiance to the in wquee n was ming the toll eillw is tesponded ie b wi i would like gtantcd helpful hints weie gien bv mrs g biei on lepaitlllg floor ceiver- ing w itb melted cravon to match the color of the- floor the motto of the month w a what each c an do to help make oiii institute lietter mrs v and urson introduced the motto and several members gave their own idea mrs w hamilton read what vou and i can do and mi heion what the faithful few can do mrs maddox read a poem if i were you what i could do and mrs davidson concluded with what results when all work together mrs george lant gave a mor on canadas newest piovince new foundland mts f hunter re id en aitiele entitled thankful thought a donation was voted to a fund to insist a man who had lost iils home bv fire mrs lant7 conducted n contcsi a dinner table romance and abide w ith me was sung in closing the usual ocial period was enjoed over the tea cups wms honors memory of king 1 he fe biuaiv mi titfe nf knuh wumi ii s mission ii v soe n ly was id i tin bum of miss itubv i uk on tlurrsdav afternoon ihe pn sidi nt miss miinptli npi in d the met ting with a memo lial seimce in inemoi v of exit be loved militate h lh late king geotge vi mrs iloht h aimstieing gave a r tnleiesting talk on the- m w tud book taking as he i tin mh thi gum hi 7fcluue liquid stale in south amii ii a mis fied anderson amsid b mis 1 allison bad barge of the de- otionil pe t iod 1 ins was followed b a lengthy business ses sion planning for ne w wen k anil mrs malnprizc stressi cl all try to attend the national win id dav of pi aver service aflei the closing exeicises lunch was sctveet b the committee mts v anile tson mis ii ii armbtrong mis j allison and mis e f harr milton hornby given cattle honors in canadian competition mi vi man joyce- if mllloii plat ed hi si with hi omti at the- ladles division of the tueriise all can adian e ompelltlon foi lirl sii eilid win mi f i walh of hrlelge town ns with point t mrs v w chishohn of llnrnhv mis 1 wpod ef m man i ami mrs john meinnbb tied fen tliml place an llononible mi ntlon was aw- auhd to ftasridale mel t v admlliil owmd audi yhlbiteel bv lovte dros of milton in the juniot man s class the i bnmplnnshlp hi i e we nl to oiiltlawn eitoth t tliltfiinn bud ami exhibition alu numv and son it it pin nntatlo e phead optometrist eye exktnlnad seuhllllcall glasses fitted gueiph 111 hi aarka 84 rironk i8 kubllhkl t w half of all cmadas dentists grad uate fiom the ijnjvi isit of tor onto i saiada bilt0n and perry limited plumbers staamfllun tlntmllhi we cirry a complote slock of furnace pipes stool pipes eivestrouqlilng toilet outfits bnsins slnkt boths furnacei oil burnors etc gar wood air conditioning oh firod furnacat w sail dlnkt office showroom and plant 136 main slraat north phona 464 acton immigration john calder plumbing heating eavestroughing tinsmithing pcoaapt courteous service free estimates church stftkt hionc 319w island light hi aleinndi r kej one of thivse sloi ie- of t scape thls book us loaded with a w nes if e wnts that the oung confedciate linds whin he retnrns to the plate ne once called home and the pi tuple who were onte bus friends mavimihin ewing n confederate sea kaidt r during the amei nan 1 1 il w ar escapes f 1 om thi lonel prison fortiiss on the dr tortwgas the tlight ls hnrdk dealt vitn other than in highlights probably j that ls what makes the mlspenx of the book so compelling exeiils in the opening chapter usnp ahead and serve merelv to es tablish n background and s the put tern for the events that follow with a desire for rev enge and a burning hatred max returns to the area where he was raised and there he finds old friends dead or under the rule of the bureau his long- thouahtof sweetheart married 10 another and things generally unser to what he dreamed of behind the fortress walls of fort jefferson indeed almost every character in the book is faced with disappoint ment at almost every turn and as one nears the end it seems impos sible that all the minor and major plots can be summed up in the few remaining page the bareness of the island light house the crmxed condition of the held searcher the brutality of the lomirrectianlst and the monotony of the days at tort jefferson as a prisoner have all been admirably portrayed it isnt just another ad venture story its the kind that keeps you reading well past mid night rsther than stop before the end there is an authoritative quality about the island ljghf that takes you back to the dangerous days that followed the revolution when white men from the north of the states led the slaves in quite an other way to gain power for those who had hitherto never experienc ed it a successful immigration policv sfitis the financial past us not one that can be turned oft and on like a lap gushtng one minute and dry the next in thls time of induitrial- iation we canjt absorb millions quuklv ns we could earlier when there were vast spaces of rich land merely watting for thcpiow nut neither can we afford to hold back until there are a certain num ber of vacant jobs before ordering more workers from abroad a steadv and substantial flow of im- migiaiion should be our objective just arrived 19s2 wallpaper samples latast dotigns and colon for all thota room that will naad radacoraiing this spring see us now and avoid the spring rush free estimates moore rocher painting and decorating contractors phona 275w or 299w acton for rent yon can rant this ipae tar 111 la carrjr jraar trlllnr meaaifa u ra4- in la actan and dlatrtet waa aha in aetaa the actan fra rraaa will real yaa lala apace u talk te lam rearfera la aetaa and auatrlat aaaa waafc prafreaalva vaareaaata cant aflanl u auaa advartlalas in aetaa oajr the aetaa free praaa carara tma aetaa aurkcl

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