Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1952, p. 2

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pack two the acton free press acton ontario thursday maiick 8th 106z three days in ottawa lost wock your editor spent throe days in the nations capital and in view of the fact it is five years since wo visited ottawa perhaps our edi torial columns can bo varied and found of gene ral interest tf we told you of our visit ottawa is always interesting but does not change much its slroet cars are still of the old type and seem to meet regularly in the central point of the cjty we had no occasion to use them but the destinations proved strange to the visitors and we have uncc wondered where the final destination was of the car labelled cham paqnc barn purpose of ourrip wis a meeting of the board of directors of the canadian weekly newspipers association with representatives attending trom nova scotia to british columbn meeting in sessions ior two days and at most neils m tin chateau launer with such a qroup is m itself broadening nnd interesting all the tjik is not shop tlk and the oil of alberta the fxm and moi th disease of saskatchewan the iort ipple crop in nova scotia and the immen s t of british columbia rivalled anything that c jr o er ouebec could tell about petnps we ought to mike just one com e nbout me food which was at all times ex cv ei tuesdi evening vse were faced with 3 t s occen ousters on the half shell we like rs s n sol p or fried but this was our firt m ia with them m the raw others looked at tt w n dubious eye our dinner companion 3 o the were delicious with vinegar and pep per c just applied salt and pepper first two went fast and the last four we masticated and fc nd them alnqhr but don t imagine well order tnem at any time as a matter of choice government contacts at tuesday s dinner meetinq the speaker was hon douglas abbott minister of finance he explained how the budget was made up and that l y the wt ck end the depirtmcnkil estimates v ould be completed ht told us ht wa t concerned about the 5700 million surplus it was a comfortable situa tion to hit more taken m thin had been hand ed out if he hadn t had a surplus he would have needed to borrow and while the money hadn been sptnt the commitments had been made and would have to be met if canadians ate due for any tax cuts mr abbott didn t reveal any such information he 15 a non smoker and non drinker of intoxicants he told the gathering that as long as we are to have a 2 billjpn defence expenditure and a 4 billion budget yearly it is unrealistic to expect any substantial reduction in taxes there will be no significant curtailment in taxes until there is a icduction in defence expenditures the minister saw art unparalleled period of expansion for canada in future years and said that other countries realise this fact there were no budget secrets revealed but his talk was interesting and gave for better understanding of fhis man and his work of oathenng the money listening to delegations readinq briefs and making far reaching decisions canada s finance minister is a fair singer and enjoyed with the group some singing about the piano after the dinner all in all he is a good fellow other contacts with government officials w ere numerous particularly at the luncheon on wednesday we met representatives of many departments informally and interestingly a new governor genera wt stayed in ottawa on thursday for the ex press purpose of witnessing some of the cere mony in connection with the wt icommg of a new governor general and the opening of par liament it was worth while ottawa station is ust across the street from the chateau and ts d fferent from most cit rail way stations there must have been considers tion in its building for such notable tta n arnvils matter of falt the w hofe city seems to u nd itself tc such events wt were on tht street in t me to itt the cuards band and a unit of 100 guardsmon come swinging down to the station the scarlet tunics with medals and gleaming docorations and their heads artd faces enveloped in the big fur busbys were indeed a colorful spectacle the route that the governor general would take was easily ascertained by following along the red carpet which was guarded on either ido by the mountics wo reached the platform land mg in time to secure about the last rail position directly in front of the gate at which the first canadnn governor geneiavwas to make his first of f ici il entry as such to the capital 4 he band assumed its position and the cuardsmen lined up workmen were buy lay mq out the yards pf re d carpet and getting the platform in position prime ministei st laurent arrived at 10 15 and waited beside the platform while c lmera men and broadcasting folk became vt ry active oiic o the guardsmen went down the lines with i big bruli making sure that fur cips were just right to a hair and uniforms were immaculate with shoes well polished the tram backed into the red carpeted plat form with ever so slight a bump the carpets ere swept again and mr st laurent went aboard to welcome hon vincent massey the first canadian to be appointed to the high office of governor general of canada as cameras flashed and the band played the party made its way to the small dais and the flag w as broken out it seemed a very solemn affair if there was cheering we didn t note it the governor gen oral gives the impression of a very serious mind ed man there was no smile as he inspected the guard and occasionally chatted 1o some of the men his walk was precise and his appearance dignified but no one will lean confidently on his shoulder and slap him oviall he will always he enveloped in the dignity of his high office the carpet was rolled up after he passed that way and the dignitaries tnd the limousines mov ed away we reached the street again in time to see the band and guards qo swinnmq lyy in tl e j hues of air force and infantry which seemed to line every street we walked up to parliament hill and took in the pageantry md glory ot sprinj sunshine from the sidewalk we didnt go into the senate chamber to see the ceremony of swearing the governor general rto oftice there were too many obstacles con fronting us a morning suit was the required dress and also an invitation from outside we heard the strains of god save the queen and the booming of the guns later there were photo bulbs flashing in the win dows along the entrance passage under the great aichway and out came the rush of cameramen and the governor general was in the entrance as the band played and the soldiers stood at at tention the party left along the soldier lined route for rideau hall parliament opening at noon we had luncheon with halton s member mr hughes cleaver m the members t dtnmg room and a chance for a chat with this t usy man who has been representing this county for 16 years he is now chairynan of two of the i most import in t parliamentary committees and since his fathers death has found it imper itive j tc relinquish his work in ottawa when hs pre sent term ends his place will be diff cult for any successor mr cleaver arranged for our tickets and in vitations to the opening of parliament our seat was in the senate north gallery owing to the period ot mourning for king george vi the iijually colorful scene was missing the ladies v tre requested to wear mourning dress and hat wt couldn t enthuse over the opening of i arliament the entrance of the various officials is dignified and prec se and w th measured steps the symbols ire maest c and the r tual intoned n the usual colorless voce bt st drtssed ni in v is of courn the gove rnor gene r il n blue ind gold br 1 ded un form nd w tr h qi w hite feithred hat your wife is here mr beemeri a storm is brewing 1 1 ilituril miuiiuimi i mi in win irl to it in l it tlltlltv to mi llw nt tm 1 n it ninwi llnnfiliht ixin uilli un flint hiiil lif hi tin ill who m n it tin ilium ill lln mi ti tin n ni mj of tin spt 1 i h fiom tin ilin no tin cm 1 1 nni ot in 1 itl 1 1 id lml in i ni iish ini tlun in lunch this lc nmh i linn nl u hie h fon isls the let im itn n th it will l i if n 1 title r ti 11 11i1 1 it ion all u tin ui it in the ninth gilurv find thost j 11 mi lilht s rnp ithii d itti lluim u ho n m un ir full in mi hit pollilht h is it un comfort ibli nioint tits md 1 r dt 111 inds n uiost uhn m i t tht public in llw h v ttnr ifl 1 tin ci 1 1 mnn it hend nm nrfiri il hittt rh piod limine hi it tin order to turn crf tin liijit dunnl tlu n idinf of tht thrum sputh hid bun com pit ti 1 ilnort d wt him t told of tht tt t of tin thiont sp ch ind v t didnt 1 ik noti s n tin dt t ids of pirliimtnt opt nini wi nti mw thi offici d piofrim md its suipiisme how hltk m is to in found m tht oil iu 1 i tpi 1 s pr ior to tin mnt it w is in eppnitunit ut hid torn ciisiud to fulhl aid ont u hit h irn c in idi 111 would njm wi hm njo d pnssini on tur inpiissi n nd i 1 ii 11 t f tin t il i t ntt w 1 tlu s than it thi hiti in i 101 ii 1 11 1 i milt h it upon th it il 1 1 ii 1 1 vi 1 il 1 in 1 t j innr il ut ii ikinj thi m up ont to ops mkm ciom n mil u fi nini th it in li s th ni m houi it 1 with dif fit ilu th it v n tht lo it hi 1 s dl fol tins inn safe highs low in grain drying of th a nl ibli tp s of criui tli iiijj t ipnpint nt m c dudd li p irtriii n of airttultun lpi r un nl il s ition su ifl currtnt n t nniniuuk 1 unit th it con isls of 1 iiiinfui il fm to supply thi rt tiiind pusmiri md olunu tf nr 1 prtsmin ipi ml burner whic 1 it nds il 1 if lo nitum 1 it- rontr 1 nd 1 imr in idt up of 1 s sit m of m rla 1 1 mm s th it di 1im r drj lu iti d ur to tht jjnin md r m ivi f10111 it tht cool muht ur autom tin burnt r cuiilrol ih im p r ut in u v of ihl in c s itv tf h i 1111 t oj t 1 it th drinl pro the good old days may have seemed better back in t932 ivrtirt ihr ihmuc or thi vrrc lrw of hiuimiluy march srti 1032 mrch ttitjilnly inn in iy inmhlikf wluit p t iidlv tlid ou iictomp h h in tin t xlii tlnv of inti lilt pill lldk folllll llluillt s hm still vi ry ton pimnas m the linmn nlinut town clurlis aunistti iiiwuiiiih ji i inonihs old 11111 of tin tlvinu olont i whs kidniippttl on 1 111 id iy nlf lit fnmi liu nurnrry in u10 lnd- btrlli countm liomt m 11 moh wt ii n i i lu ouniliiii of tin fix hig t n till nioininj v is onl to untioiintc tin vi it to a tonof tht iji un dttwntii i irispittti foi jin 111 pit inn of attnn- fin fij htmj ttpilp mint lln o lu v ill pulic thi tii uon tin round l 7 j ititl so at ton 11 1 inn in iti d if tin in c in in put into tt nditltiii lht rt 1 tht lunioi j nni 1 i tin in it 1 smith tinphy to hi pi in 1 1 inuon acton mil t 1 m tov n 1 11 sun nt w f miihl i nsl vit 1 itsidtnt i m mt hon dd i i nd stjntir i i wnjht ittintl 1 tl tin ii iikjut t of pn suit nt nnd tcittiius of lln c m id in 1 kmn t it ch tlit ilun ut 7jj j4 1 funis in writ 1 mordrnj to tin off mil tinsu t km m luni 1011 111 amph1 i i at tin htmt hit k lont ismuii 1 nwi iui 1 tvp 1 n m ndi ti b y 1hj 1 nsiv arm smith itlo t f tin i it fhifli nnpbt ii in in 1 1st i ii jtticlalkin 1 of piisl yi ihh wt ntd tin ir uny to thi pint nf wiiihii whleh thty lovttl ho will hint suil- dnv lo pm tu ipatu in lhtvm itlb innlvtihiiry of uit t pi nliik of ttm pi 1 hint tlmith nnd tlu 17th slncr- oriiinl7ntion mr w a hhs 1 ii ulm wnu u nit inhi 1 of tin north w i mount t tl ioiim in tin yukon or honu- tinu intl wjiu t im itnmi it thi- th nth of hm mother ji year oho r- tininil on momliiy to ihe i md of 1old lit hi tmi bititiir in uir fold fu ids iiul u ill jinn tin in m nit 11111 j in pu fi ri nei in it juinmi tin mount d ioliti luisdiv mm inul lohn itusu ii of i nkt avitiui iiiiiuki rt h tit r from histo son john and itohtit kiiu in mimiii on tht if nwn tl urn ill thi n ukon lln it t- tt 1 ontiitiifl 1 htlh btiikskin hiti 11 nt unini hi ititiful sptcimcnv of hum tt iml hi tin l mr hus it is m plolltl of lils pt i lllli ili of pun mild a h t tun t 11 a worn in s torn m i 1 ii 11 i isl mi nd in riinj t it v a i sndir ma of trillion in j tin i l 1 ni 1 mi tin dist church n iss ij vit v is ti pronniinrtu siitu s h 1 is ji thi ii cture j 117 limit back in 1902 0ir the ruspiprrs lust 1 t nt hifln 1 in pi ssi n fnm ott iu 1 it cm hi nun in ti 1 tint in tin clnti nu t iiirn r to t in thi rotunrh ind u itch tht u i 1 id r o h mil 1 i 1 silr 1 p ni tin nirsihon ilun in in otht 1 li ti 1 t i niiu ibont cut 1 moinnii 01 e nini pnpt r ind m tth flow n it hind it to litin whih um n id nd tin p ipt r ofti n loit s intt ri st ont will hi ir 1 croup of st n 1 tins sptculitinu ahithtr tin s s ion will ht short or lone ib ut the cost of liinc in ott iu 1 of hi tht r tht u ifc cimp or stint d homi md just n miniscinc but t- dom nnv t nthusnsm of whit wlll t thi ir tusk durinc tht session otfmn his plmt of hifh of 1 ficnls ind colorful uniforms tht st johns ambul inci tnt on thursdiv niuht h id 1 nrit t of uniforms which ut nttr rtnliztd txistid in tht ordt r om cin ht ir of bie dt ils md ert it propnsitn ns i from min cornt rs tht n tin rt w is tht t idt 1 1 mm w ho c irm nlone ind ut lont 1 md just w intt d to tt 11 ibnut his husint ss ind his hfi hi u is pirftctl sol i 1 ind pit kid 1 pur oppositt us to n htt his st r ht would hit n told 11 tt us 1 it rt idt rlius th imprtssirn if n 1 w inline to l di turl d i ith n 1 11 11 10 i li ni 1 r dur im i t 1 iim un dr inj 1 ffi li ii v i 1 iii h uld nf c ur b l it 1 iii u hi h it in pi r iturc 11 1 if h p hh th t i tmi p 1 ituli lln il ht ii 1 itl t 1 low ci 1 11 id f 1 d nj p irpo 1 ill k t mi in itmi p wi r i h i d t t ti in 1 itur il t 110 from the insuf of the i rcr prrvi of thursdav march gth i00i riw it iili iiu n t r k n 11 n him h with ft iluiks nl i 1 ititdd in cod s et ntimn d jot ln s und w hh h ilhmi d 1111 inoijt s lit 1 1 nu tin 1 1 1 1 1 iln t im in 1 h iv i n in p 1111 t iv 11 b ir iti 1 i 11 in f r i sum i r 1 irn uik sh iv m rs v rdt n md k t 1 im 1 ot 1 11 utu d ui i ut tl it tin 11 sin s will 11 m un 1 1 1 1 11 s m 1 tii n u in r dl ill i ju 1 c 1 iti tin th ti i mm ition md will tin ill in tl 11 p iwi r t i tut tin i it tr i km h is hi it his chin 1 undi in s ii w st to ioiij t hmi 11 1 i h n d till of miss nnn mil 11 in in in hit 1 in r d ho pitil t s ii 11 i 1 i k bn 111 h lorrov iti in m in 11 s m t ti n m 1 vicin it sh is t k r r t it ill with h n t oublt us i iln v nni lik v ith 1 of 1 i m k i is i 11 n 1 i d 1 it f 11 i it in r ilim d i 1 1 whil ti un mttiukd f m 11 ii pui t t w ill 1 1 1 il t f it iliilhii tpi il t if ht ittd to 1 t mp r itui t ib mt d jn o i- 1 h njh mr i dds mi mminil in flu dr i lu tl 1 i 1 n n th di ir j iw 1 1 r th b itch cirvir ht n ht 1 d itir is fort 1 d ii o 1 t 1 1 i il chunb 1 fr ni vhith it pi 11 hroiieh 1 c iumn of rr un on t ithtr side grim drv inj 1 1 low proci it tikts timt to h tt tht rnin to thi ti nipt r iturt it which it will mi up 1 s intt mil molstun tin iml opt n im in urnn drunc s tht coohnr pron s whin cool 1 r is fort id through thi cnin to rt duct tht ttmptritun for saft stor iri high speed helicopters untlsh dt sirtii rs m pi inning a- nnthint which will tombint the htucnnr hi 1 ci pti r ind the hitfh spt 1 d fltd whir tirtnft tht um t pn dun in i rtrift with n spiid r met frc m trti to ibr u 200 nitl n hour or nion w h ci c in tik f tt frcn 1 ct roof nnd vtt m ik sp t d fl eht b twt in be professional directory and travellers guide ml dm l dr w g c kenney plnslcun and surcton oliilt in sjmun uhnk mill bl acton offirp rhonc 7h rtsldpnrr hurrh st phonr 150 dr d a garrett rlikiran ftnd surepon corntr of willow ind hivir s entrance rinr stritt acton ontino ihonp i3h rt mi ini ilsce wright real estate amd insurance i i wtuht v u wiucirr j willm s l m r1 nni 11 st- it n or cui iph ont ih in phunc loiiw alu3lont rrallom inxurorm mimbir apprjisnl iiustltutt of canada miinb rs guilph and dirstict id il hs iti board m nibi rs gu lph ind distnrt irimirm akints aisoclatian dfvtal at the s lnitn crjurrh nf caiuifb arton nthn a friendlv cirurcii rrv e a t urrr b a it d muilstt r pjrionai 1 bnnir avenue phone 00 mba o m iiiiimrd atom orinlm and choir ldpr i arimt 3xvt prpfifi ttn onlv paper t r puhluhrd in anon foundtd m 1b75 and pubhihed tvrrv thursda at jb mill st e aclon ont mimbir of the audit burtau of circula lions tht cwna and the ontario quibc diwmon of tin c u a dwrlisini raits on request subscriptions pa able in adsanit 2 so in canada 3 m in the unittd statt s six monthi 1 ml sitiilt cupu s flc authonzeti as stcund clas mull iost offict dtjiurtintnt ottaua ills business and g a dills editor and publuhrr editorial office telephone 1 7 4 si vdw m i ii 1 i l 0ihi li sil in sh 11 00 i m m rn i r hii j 1 1 c i m r i il ni hul 1 111 i la 1 v j i ii 1 j st ml ii thouuli or hi hi tlu tin it h n i i i t t i tt us uhi i n 1 i u i b cjnii i 1 mm r a in i bu l pit i j 1 nu in at albano tjljurrl i anxlicii sjpplt m nlsti r rthdi irn milno h f ii milt in scnday march th j- 10 01 ni iaundit sth ioi 11 00 i ni holt c mmu i i i id b u nm rs c71 kss 00 pm eicnine pram r ltnen s ice iun widntaday ot 730 pm a wticome awjiti iuu prrnlnilrrtim tburrl tit canada kn llliu il atton ltr hllltutt ii altmsriuin ma br minister siri maitch olh i j 10 00 imsundiv schiil 11 00 i m dun wnr ui is in ii lil cus hi j m r ti i k v r h i ht i ouil i i u uikhi i r i si i 1 rifu ii fhflr slrt ytf a w ir n 1 mi tt lii dr a j buchanan dental surceon ortict li ishmin lilock mill st oitict hours 0 im to d p in xray tei eimionf ho dr george a sirrs liental surrron mill st curni r frtdtritk i m oitici hour uoo alll to i jo p in teujhortr 10 vrtrrivauy b d young b v sc c l young dvm rterlnsry surgeons oftiri lsnuktilli ontjni inionc milton m m f g oakes v s b v sc v eterlnar surcron offici ind hi md n kn ix at acton ihnni 1 10 wi urcin ly require hstini of firm pniiw rt fnun so to j00 icres alo mill holdnijp from 1 to is it n s contact c h dyment realtor 1j1 w iitttirth st s ii mi 1 xi ihoiii 7uog5 or andy frank si i iii in 1 cmipb ut li ihitir mlllon 32ar2 vjm r bracken t ural rulr iimiui insihancr ih in 2fi acton uc1 c f leatherland itirrhttrr a sullrltnr nour iuhllr ot i ih ii it 1 attos ever 8 hoskifj harterrd rrountsnts s icr vi rs t jrnkiss m ii kiiy 1 iis mtnipi ii ii travellers guide gray coach lines sfaliurd time ollllsllltl aiton i ahthounif i h in h vi an 1 1 1 am oh i iii 03 p 111 li ij p in 8 xi 111 tilosh p iii l rttmunri li n i r in 17 im j i n i ij p in 1 1 12 ii ii s ii kiti in nir lit i s ii fiv ami holi s il s li rl it il 1 h ilc m saiilial liljurth atton i i ii is ii shutr iuvir sumai march 0th 19 10 10 a in sundat school an 1 b blc ci uvs j 1 1 10 i in a mm who is uu sotmthins 7 00 pm what vni g out o laic 1150 pm it y p u cunf r no r port bt h llsburth irrtiiijv dram it 7d thursdat schurth nijlht 0 p m pnter mibnj 8 jo p m study p nod 9 10 pm dls i ilssmn group- r ndat a p m mission bund to all ti r fib 9111 mis iiumoi s the victor b rumley funeral home runrral llomr llrslrd amhulsnrr phonr o nieht or d it sfrtinn the communit 1 i- 4i ars i canadian national railways stumtird time lstbound ml i 111 da y ixopt sun wei cone to r if rr bv appo ntmi n wm c milltgan r o optometrist lat and 3rd wednesdats of th mini h 2pmlodpm at mill st residence ot i a t bbown ms i rn 7 10 pm vindsy ii mi p in ii it i xiept sun lit ht r i ri tost n 002 s in hi i hi i l g oruetuwil 10 11 h rstbaand daily xcept sunday and mon day 2 ot a m sundu and mondsiy inly 2js am daily t sccpt sun day hl im aao pm flag stopl 7 44 p m dally excep sal and sun fl 10 pm saturday only 2 38 p nt sunday only 9 43 ajiv l ftagslopl sunday only kyer al guelph tm pm

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