Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1952, p. 1

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1 jvrtm sttt press seventyseventh year no 36 acton ontario thursday march 13th 1952 eight home print pagessix cents seek approval of new high schools heading 250 junior farmers in halton county is mac sprowl recently elected president of the counlywlde organization mac is a native of the acton district and has been active in junior farmer work since 1947 staff photo i0de secretaries report to group the march meeting of the duke of devonshire chapter iode was held at the home of mrs r h elliott on wednesday march 5 the recent mrs alfred long presided and at y the opening of the meeting two minutes of sil ence were observed in memory of our late king this was followod b the re affirmation of the pledge of loyalty of the members of this chapter to the crown the various secretaries of the chapter gave their reports it was decided to make a contribution to the halton music festival and to send n delegate to meet with the speciol gifts committee of the home and school association one new member mrs william ruddick was received into the chapter e a hansen showed two ed- ucationnl films one dealing with bafety in agriculture and the second a travelogue on newfoundland between films mrs ruddick play ed clair de lune as a piano solo council wrestles with mill rot for 195 taxes acton council spent four and n hilf hours steeped in statistics and estimites list night in on attempt to comt up with j mill rati for lfkij taxation but the end result wis what was thought fantastic mill nte end council idjourncd just btfort midnight to meet agiin it a liter ditt when th auditor f b modems would be abu to present further infor mitton on how to dnl with i deficit thit wis estimited in the 27 000 rani a foui page typewritten comparison of thi losl estimites and expenditures kept council bus ai the considered ncarlv 150 sepirite items in an effort u irnve it i complete report e b hodgins of the levtr indl acton representatives attend inaugural of ught power commission hosk in luditing firm sat in with council and considered with thim the estimates and expenses he pointed out thl town office was understaffed too much was being expected from the employees this was in answer to i stitement made by mayor rachlin at the last mtel ing that the auditors encountered too much work in acton two things not controlled b council education and debenturt debt totalled about 30 mills the total mill ntt arrived it after thi evenings work v a- in the sixties but council agreed it was too high and i second meeting which 161 lows th innumerible fininci committee meetings will be held to igiin revuw the estimites in an effort to pare costs to the minim um thi meeting will bi irrmged w hen further word ls rece ivld from the auditor all councillors were present at tht meeting with the exception of councillor thompson councillor tivlor was excused nrlv mivor richhn presided county seeks settlement from p home with tht opining of hilton count v s new homi for tht aed planned for next month halton count council at its regular session on tuesdiv selected i motl itmj committtt to meet with peel council for tht purport of establishing tht count tqtiit in tht jointl owned norm at brampton wirdm j m wickson informed members ieel coiuicil haei alrcad appointed i committee foi this purpose inti wtrt anxious to meet with halton s committtt to bee if somt satisfactorv igreiniliit coultl be re ichcd tht committet is to consist of w irden wickson for imr wartun k dick iteevt h j h irjrivi dtputv reeve k h mil donald and george currit formu rtet of fsquimiik township stvtril n inns wtre siikktsud foi tht new home but council felt more ttmi should bi pent to eonsidtr it furthtr some jpf tht nimis sujktitetl includetl cinttnnul home mountain vit w home mil ehfc i bt th houm howivtr it w is uft to tht home committee headed b rt t h irjr i i to considt r it furthtr mr ci irk reetntl ippointtd reevt nnd mrs john hnrgravi and deputy reeve and mrs j j stewart nttended the innufurnl ceremonies of the bronte light and power commission held in bronte public school pn mondny march 10th members of the county council and their wives were guests on this occasion at the close the home and school association served n delicious buffet supper supt i intt ndtnt of tht htinit wis pr tut ind w is mtiikliiifd to ich nu mbt i ii touneil bv tht irtltn in i tt wotds mi c i irk iprts sii his tppttt ution of tin ippoint mi nl uliiim hi would to opt i itt witl numb i- to tin lulh st i 111 s 1 l sosmoil piowli tit ui oiu of tlu loiikt st foi stviiil months is i inimbtr of dtlt l ilions win pit si n u lilsmvs villous lotiutv miturs m 1 c irlon t prtvsiii ho tli it touneil would aiiii tnnsuiti tihbraluih its nn ttiuuil vi u in to iiptritiun with tht ii tlu u vritiiltuial smah uhuh is iimi plunnnik ttubti tiun for its 100th vtur thl- mimnnr mr t irton hoped tht count would appiot of ismimg i histori cil u ir book which lu would be willing to jsmst with while jumu numbers un luke warm to tht idea it was agreed tht following committet would consider tht mat ttr of ct it bration and make a n port to council thtv jr htevts nornsh leilu hargrove uaudtr and a1u 0 reeve stan luv in his report in connection with tht count build mjs wtsluti touneil tt tonsidei ie lli ition of offitt s m tlu c ourt moilm lit villi it wis pi huh d to h ii tlu ciiurnm t iki tlu it si tu ni t bt it itt d b thi t in t iki i uui tin ip it tint nt not um d iv imi t ultl b plmiud foi iddt tu n il i ffitt span i hi h llli n 1iw sotut h i isk til i i loom in which to tstiblish i l- vi i ilmr uui it is fill tlu of fit now inii b tlu slu riff would bi suitiibh foi this putposi lit w offin with piop x i til t spu it uld hi providtil in tlu pro posid pi miiinjj of offitts on tht i in un floor t however is tum was m ttmj lilt itutmbtrs filt it toultl bi lift ovtr i until tlu april muttm for ton sidtratuui ititvt- r iv and count rnkiiun kov smith vjmud the couru buildings at br intford to vuw tht rtmodtlltd building there tlu applie ition of tht villagt of bronte to hivi i portion of tiafil gar street closed wab hold over on i eeomnu ndation of tht county engineer who explained the pre- fcuritinued on paoc four suggest an appeal in t seynuck case fpllowinc a visit to the depart ment of planning and develop ment concerning the magistrates dismissal in the t seynuck case the acton planning board decided to ask council to petition the may ori and reeves association to have the registration act amended the plinning board passed the motion at their repulor meeting on march 7th this was a result of disrmssil of a chirge inid under the town bylaw governing sub division control prohibiting sale of proper ty without an approved sub divis ion plan chairmin theron jones reported that he ind the sccrctar had mot with t a c tvrrell of the de partment of plinning ond develop ment the attornc generils office r portld the would llkt acton to p peil tht decision since tht migis tritt s dismussil hid fiet i precd ent in ont ino the depirtmtnt offici i stated hi did not sec thit i dismiss il w ls in ordi r ind id vlsi d acton to ippeil siving that the iepirtmcntnxniht bl ablctti islst fin inciill should the ippeil be expensive tin liw hu onl hi n feet two vt irs ind in othe ilar clses f mts wen k u d tin endor it wis pointed out th it th rej istrir wis under no obi tuition t nfust i registntion even though town bv 1 iw prohibited thi regis tration discussions on the w idtning of mill st eiit from mun st to john st vvas left until the solici or could ittcnd a meeting the secrctir f crump w l instructid to inquire from tht dl pirtment of highuis if tht town could llgill deed bick a portion of 1 ind rl uid f i hihwi to mdn idu il oi nti s an itemint of h m di w ir im oumiiik to slo7 ind one of f w crump for cti expenses or 7 00 were ordtrtd p ltd el ig mist mrs r macarthur hostess to wms the march meetinp of the wom en s missionary society of the un- 4ted church was held nt the home of mrs robert macarihur on tuesday the president misr m 2 bennett presided ot the meet ing mrs cleave gave n report on tin community friendship department nnd also the supply mrs hnnnn reported for tht boby band and miss d simmons for he temper ance department plans were made for the nnnunl prtsbyterial meeting of halton be inj held in the church loter this month and alro for the thank of fering meeting in april miss bennett reported that mlss jean scott of the globe and mail will be 4 speaker the worship ond studv period was given by mrs r arnold h iroup those taking pnrt were mrs arnold mrs h force mrs b mowat and mrs a symon mrs symon spoke on the work among the chinese in vancouver mrs a t brown and mtss bennett led in proye r special praye rs were for miss ada sand well mis sionory in korea the book shelf convenor miss mainpmc distributed books for the next month s reading and mrs arnold s group served refresh mints your presents will fie appreciated back in lflot a fine new brick four roomed public school was op ened in acton there have been additions and annexes in the years ntervenmg but this year nnothe finer new school will bt opened in acton in late summer or torly all there are many of the little tx- tns that cannot be provided for in the school boqrd budget but which are essential furnshings for the school on march 24th it ls planned to hold a meeting it the school when the new building can bt msjwcted and all representatives of orfin zatinrw business inslitui ions friends or former pupils cji moke suggestions assume obligat ions or help in any way to provide these little extras for the new build everyone knows the dinger of duplication of christmis gifts and tht same danger is present for a new school aacommittee has been in consultation with teachers and school board thev w 11 posiblv have some suggestions for gifts that will be practical but if you re interested in the school gift part for your boyhood or girlhood school or the school of vour ch id ren or the home town vou ii bi welcome to tht meeting or to write in your suggestion then 11 b more information after the m 1 1 ing board seeks approval of two ne schoo gym aftir hearing a vtry comprihennlve report on mw high echool buildings from j d kvu architect of hamilton and the secrttary col g o brown tht north halton high school district board poised the following rt solutions thit tin boird rescind all motions wiilch nre on the books re garding school building in the district carried by a 4 vote that wi build a school in tach of the towns of acton and george town and i gymnisium in milton passed unanimously thit the biutdirif tommittit prepare n brief topn st nt to thi fio north halton municipalities asking their approval for building new high schools at acton mil georgetown and adding a gymnasium to the mtltort schewil the brief to state the elebenturc costs involves n comparison of present costs with future md thi rcasonswhy the building program ir u necessary i thinks were extended jo mr halton juniors elect officers credit balance of 571798 for acton on hydro bills last year lively discussion by young peoples tin i ps of knox acton in id then reful ir met tint in tht sund n school on tiusdi night bill blii conducttd the opening devotions ivsisttd b don divid son and ke armstrong aftti the offennj inti thi second hvnin clan nee colts il the topit what tlu ouru ptopk f ptct of thtir mtnisttr a verv in urtstini and prolonged discussion msutd md wis fmilh tirniiniud to bt lontimicd agun m xt meet int thi sttitt ir s it port w is iun mil 14 numbers mswued tht mlj tilt it was uinouneid thit tht p ps cmiikil would be held lu ation miiih p md thit tlu moth i itoi if thi citiui il asstinbh i uld te in anon mi 2 kt ii il iiiistunik hi bi t n ippoiut i d toii t noi ol tin sund i sihool md i ms in gutlph prisotn iwllii hvmii tlosid tin unit inj followed l thi mipih bun tlution meeting followed by kitchen shower tin timilir met ting of st al bin s guild w ls held in tht pirwh hdl with 36 members prunp tlu nut ting op ned with tht guild priver mr win dubois g i on lent followed bv mrs c 1 nillts tht meeting clo w ith thi mtzpah bint diet ton a shower of irticlts for tht kitchtn of the new parbh h ill was then opened and a aociil hilf hour spent over th ttl tups a reading poem b thi mini il operitine stilt nun piestnttd on tuesd i nitht o aet pu u commismil from thi he pc auditois for th t ton portion in thl ssttm show id omi inti rt uil loeul uems asse s nilludiiil i md building itiuimiut ind dlsributtun svstero imiunt d tu si20 1171h eqtut ml th hfpc lb2 1m invtntone iteounl 1 1 ti iv ible i te brought lot il isse ts o s2i2 cio tj i ui irvis totilhd 177 84 j w il low inj si 7fhi 02 for dt pre ci ition di benture s p ud md opei iti i surplu is 1 11 27 1 lti percent ige of net debt to touil ussi ts is 2 7 riltipls ineludt d domcstit ser vices j1 11717 cunimcrcial jich si 1202 5 eommeiliil powtr 61 741 lilt munitipil pown ucj stud hh si tlh 1 4 musctll in oil ml jio tot d uttipls 11 1 ml7t i pi n wi u s1070j2 whuh mcludtd pow t i purch lsi d 02 771 hi opt i itinj piiisi 4 ih 07 nu tis slhol promotion s i 14 strut hht m nntmnnce 321 20 billing and eolltctnu 1 5otl 09 of filc s175uh1 undimnbutid e pt nse 1 001 07 truck opi r ition s4j1 42 in i rest 5 25 dt preci ition 2 752 00 surplus 11238 47 thl 1 1 port ilso showed tht rt win 771 domestic services j lil coinniticiil light st rv m ind 2 pown strvices alio hit lcttei from tht hepc of out ino tout nned tht thirteenth pow i r bill foi thi pist viir a 5iidi biliiin for the alton com minion u f 717 9a w is included j in tlu st lunu nt this b ihinn whilt not ls 1 irjt ls 1 lst vi ir s ht imount thi lot il commission h id ov t rp uri tht hepc durin tht p ust tir on tht intirun r itt for powt put eh lst d on i ah kt i an u count ton for si1 trii fi th v fiom r o st ipl for re ne w uil tht lsh luim at lhe xl the halton county junior farm- rs held thtir annual meeting at tht agricultural office on monday march 3rd j e wtwilock agri cultural represi ntative of halton presided over tht t lection eif of fictrb the following ait the ie suits past preside nt dav id pcllcueno palermo president mac sprowl alton first vitt president harold tjnll palermo second vice presi dtnt lorm lawn nee palumo scire t ti n mai joru set sworlh pa leimei trcisunr ini 7 chapman milton prov inci il diuctor divid i pe lltttiriti pikrmo press rtportir stuart mcfiddm milton auditor chirks h coulbtck milton ex ecutive teimmittie d ivid pellet ttno m ic spiowl ii uold tviell lrn i iiwitnte marjnne si ls l w e rth ine ch ipm in foi vc offld w ls 1 me nt a litter from be irdmoii ind co rtltrdini the ch ingi f mi ti i reading di i for thtir pi ml w ls net iv id the pre iou iirmm mint w is foi the meters to be rt id on the 2hth of tht month tht ie idiril turn his now bun mov t cl to tht end of tht month ajiothi r h ttt i w ls rt id fron bi irdmore ind co in at hich thev isked sunn conside r ition be givei thim un sirwtt ch irce for thi r me ti is 2 inch w i it r me ttr h i jus rtttnt btin instilled btsid the i inch miter which supplies w it r te thi ir drinking fount ur thi cnmmiision din tied tht sit ret ii i mcgi n hit o write b iidmort end co to find out de f miti 1 whit imnunt of w it would bi tonsumtd throuf h thi nit h lint whin the imount ls i tibllshed tin mittt r i f s rv n th rji will bi t iki n up vih h propi r luthontit s m i or k ichlin broiilht uji for ten idtrition thi m itte r of allow mil the plumbi r i tommlssion of s10 00 on he sih of a hvdro flu r itt w nte r he ite r for insall it o i m iioums on the s dt b them to hi tr cilsto in rs thls allow aiict vt on id hi paid bv the commission thi mitttr wis dlscussed at eon sidi r iblt kngth ind thtn lift ov t for i fu uri mittmg to b de il w uh supt rmtt ntlt nt i- imbt rt n por i d th it thi pump houst inti nor h id bt t n bnthtt m d with t coat of p unt h ilsi ttjjor d thd i 2 mi h fconhnued on page eight altar society officers elected mrs c dark president hi ulls of th toi the altir so c hurch w hich d iv iftt r mass t it etion of oftit i n tv of st jose ph a u hi id 1 ust su rttle is follows president mrs ch irk birr vice president mrs h arblc sec n t u v mrs f colts treasurer mr p kinni j convenors mrs d gordon mrs w marchmi nt mls dtljine gibbons sr mrs e m irl mr f htltcrnin mrs a pipillon mrs c maccoli mri u de vt ui mis i lis mls m papillon vieh md anniversary day average age 83 on s itmd v m irh 1 mr and m willi im g mi 1 md c 1 tie nee t iti rtaim d at h ir alton horn i mis mtlissi juhrutjn mr and mrs r l john ton md mr and mrs james h heed when a verv tnjov iblt time w ts sp n sptt ullv bv mr and mrs rt ed pi it w us tht r r wedding anniver arv d iv lovtlv supper wus in ividid bv hi ho ttss which was cirtunlv enjovid md i spe t nl ev t nu l was spent it w u rttnaiktd and thouijt ri in i unitpii tt have tht olde s mimuii f tht farnilv togi her thi r icimbintd m s to alltd sflt vt irs neluding the si v n persons ibovt ininti ltd and avtragtd 83 approv il w u r fiom p ndt i in itimiutr on tin w irnil i jiiti u i tht s w ik dus pa tl pi in this i u rut hid bin u bv tin c i mniu ion t n h ild b un in h eontrut will bt pud ls in u tin nbl i um mtid m i hi floor mr d diw km w i ii i iv i wid md promised to eompliti tht itist illition siku tht ipprov il u rtifu iti hf bt i rtltivtd from hi hvdro insputwr a 1 tt r w l no hid from rti hfpc whuh driw attention to tht ir policv in ri girds to convirt ing ippli met of consumers whi niovt from i 2s evek am to a 60 ivck iri i in tht southi rn ontirio sv sit m no ullow met ls m idt when loiimumr mov is from a co halton juniott fattmebs at thoir annual banquat in trafalgar evek ina to a 25 cck ana ha p welcomed ontario president eleanor saracue as lttter from arnwtrong king- aker here agrcultural representative j e whitelock ston md hansen consulting eng ha president aaac sprowl and aass saracuse ds nu rs offind their services to the j 7 m u ncn commion n building a workshop cuss one of the trophes competed for annuilly by some 250 or other project und rakon b the farmers representing five organizations in helton county cominllun tlic lctu r was order miss saracuse is wearing an orchid the gift of halton juniors ct filed p kjle for his very thorough report and the information he had pre nted to the boird a vlsit to the department of education rev ale d thit they were not n favor of building one jichool in the county to serve the acton and georgetown school it wn pointed out thit when hoth towns grew to need srpirite school buildings the building in the country would be iweh 11 here ls a brief summary of thi points on vinous building propon considt ration in f iv or of tw i schools children ire close r home n eise of ulncs or need of a dot tor school stnff will live in town children will hive more pi id in their own town school hi school will be more of i centn for icivitits rhildren will u the k founds more tow n group ill use gvmn lsiuni mein less tniu i port ition e as is cire t iking md m tinte n met w ill be cudcr w ite r 1 lie w if fitsposil ls iv illlble use r lllitllc for inti rmrnlntc gr ide s t e ttt r stude nt te ichor re lation in minllir school more children will 1 1 home for lunch pupil can st iv if er injure for school icti jiiis loc il groups interest fire md police prote ctmn ivailible iti ms ignnst building two sthools heavier original cost and ere ite r annti il cost create r idmm istntion cast art and agricultur il cl ivrooms not included item in fivor of one school in thi county original and mainten ance cast much lower larger gym- n lsium and shoproom ftwtr tea chers items tgnnst one school no point or fire protection hitfhe r insunnci no loc d pridfc in flchool in ibihtv for pupils to tay ift r hours field and auditorium not iv ul iblt for use after houji sov 1 r md w ite r supply not ivall lb ind mast be eneted at iddltionnl cost mr kyle w u tht architect in ch irgc of building a new high school in onngtvillc which miny of the board hjid vuilted he ls nei v in chirge of building two new pub he schools in that town it w ls lsttm ittd one school for 400 pupils with gimnasium of h0 70 honn economics hop mil seven clusroonu would cost 501 qj0 to thu would not be addt d the cost of securing adequate wut tr supplies and sewage d lb pas il cejm of site architect fits on i tjuipmtnt would run the cost up to 502 wd on this amount th dtpartmtnt would pay a grant of 4 jo 000 leaving 172 040 to be met bv the municipalities each school in acon and george town with accommodation for 200 pupils was estimated at 3fl0000 each and with etiuipme nt bring the total com to 416 200 un which tht dipirtmtnt would p iy a grant of 300 000 having j11b200 to be met by the munitipah its total annual cast of opt ration wii t timaud at 6 140 thise are hurriedly jotted down figure and mun complete touts and information w ill be ovailabh when the brief is presented to the five municipalise s for their con side ration it is istimated the costs of t new gymnasium at milton school would bti 80 000 on which the dr partment would pay a grant on 30000 those present at he meeting in milton last thursday night werr trustees coon di1u wood carb- rt pickett martin iliehn beou mont and brown and chairman j bell presided the first turnpike- toll road- was established in cans -is- in 1803

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