Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1952, p. 2

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4paob two the acton free press acton ontario thursday march 13th 15z an expression of faith tho canadian red cross society openoi its campaign for funds this week to allow a con tinuation of tho varied and important services carried onr by this organization in war and peace the red crossis ihesymbolbirolroffor human suffering this years compaign for 5222000 is dedicated in time of peace- to carry on and assist in work for the improvement of health tho prevention of disease and tho mitigation of sufformg throughout the world during the winnipeg floods ft was the rod cross who quickly responded to tho call and need for assistance from hot coffee for the dike workers to blood plasma for the mfured the red cross mot tho need the first red cross organizations were form ed immediately after tho geneva convention of 1863 and jheir original object was to assist the wounded in timo of war later their activities expanded until they covered the present wide field of humanitarian work each national socioty such as the canadian rod cross has a bond of union in the inter national committoe for the relief of the wound ed in war this committee has its headquarters at geneva switzerland for six yoars despite rising costs your red cross has continued to expand its sorvices with out increasing its oboctivo this yoar tho objec tive has been raised from 5000000 to 5200- 000 an amount barely sufficient to compensate for incroased costs of oporotion this is the ab solute operating minimum for your red cross to maintain its works of mercy it must be met and if possible exceeded your contribution helps provide the free blood transfusion service a 24 hour disaster ser vice it helps maintain outpost hospitals and nursing stations aids veterans it helps in crip plod childrens work and guards lives through red cross health and casualty services the red cross campaign is necessary and a contribution towards the maintenance of its ser vices is on expression of faith in humanitarian work no union contract the workweek has come in for some pretty drastic cutting in the last few years the five day week is becoming increasingly common ir canada about two thirds of the plant employees in the manufacturing industries and a slightly higher proportion of office employees are nor mally working five days a week states the de partmenl of labor annual report the average office staff employed full time actually is on the ob 19 per cent of the hours in the year and that does not include time out for coffee illness or ust plain loafing but despite labor reports and statistical ave rages there is still one profession that seems to attract more and more employees with no ap parent thought for work week or union contract vacations with pay are also an unthought of luxury no matter how many years the employee may have been with the company neither is there any seniority rule which sometimes leads o disagreement but seldom to arbitration yes housewives when they graduate to that status from the dreary days in an office take on the task of working an average of 59 per cent of the hours of the year or around 14 hours per day including sundays holidays and christmas especially christmas young women still aspire to the position of housewife despite the tremendous change in the working hours one editorialist contends that during the years the ladies fought for the franchise their leaders promised great things for the nation if the women received the right to vote women have not taken the part in local provincial and federal affairs that they might have he said it seems rather obvious that winning the franchise was one thing but the ladies will evi dently still have to work out a union agree mtnt to allow them time oft from their 14 hour day to pursue political careers perhaps the granting of the franchise was ust one of the bat ties tnat women think they won a truly irish day true irish all over the world will bo getting out thoir best for the wearw o tho green at tho annual celebration known as st patricks day which comes on march 17 this monday tho radio wilpearry a wide variety of irish tunes and folk songs and dvoryono will try to adopt an irish accent st patrick whom tho celebration honors lived between 396 and 469 some behove ho was born near tho site of what is now dumbar ton scotland but others contond that franco was his birthplace at the ago of 16 ho was taken captive to iroland but aftor six years he escaped feeling himself called to abolish paganism from tho land of his captivity ho studied for tho priesthood was consocratod bishop of iroland and began his missionary work there in 432 it is said that he founded 300 churches in the island and baptized moro than 12000 converts legend says he drove the snakes out of ireland and that he worked miracles the shamrock as the national emblem of iroland is said to have been used by st patrick for its three leaves to teach the doctrine of tho trinity tho wellloved tunes of danny boy wear- in o the green kathleen mavourneen the rose of tralee and others will predominate for a day and everyone will be out in green with perhaps a shamrock when the irish mark the 1 7th of march in honor of st patrick is it worth it this years ratepayers in town will be com pelled to dig down deep for the municipal taxes to operate the town but figures last year show ed that people of ontario spent 210 million on liquor municipal taxes will as ever come in for loud criticism on behalf of the taxpayers but last year without too much squawking ontario residents on the basis of four and a half million people spent an average of 46 per person or in a family of four 184 there are many thousands of children and adults in ontario who do not spend money on liquor and that means that thousands must have spent more than their 46 figuring on acton s population of 3 000 and the average spent by the residents of ontario approximately 138 000 was spent on liquor by the people of acton that amount of money would have paid this years taxes for every ac ton ratepayer if the mill rate had been 60 mills liquor is not important enough to warrant an expenditure of 210 million the total value of field crops grown in ontario last year every thing from wheat to potatoes was about 450 millon yet we spent almost half as much for liquor as was paid to farmers for all the crops they produced it is useless to point out how many schools could be built with 210 million or how many pairs of shoes that money could buy or how many homes could be built or how many pupils might have been sent to university instead of stopping school it is ust as useless to point out how much good work can be done by the province with the 40 million which it collects in taxes the 210 million amount will not be reduced until the people themselves realize that 210 million dollars worth of liquor in a year is not worth it that they are getting poor value for the 210 million and that they could get better value more happiness and greater satisfaction by spending the money in other ways editorial notes our congratulations to our neighbouring con temporary the georgetown herald on acquir ing fine new larger promises in georgetown we understand that with the move to newquarters several new pieces of equipment have been ad ded including a new newspaper press which is to go into operation this week tho herald has been in the same stand since our 6arliest recollec tion having first been located upstairs in the present building and moving downstairs after a fne about 34 years ago jf north jf e ast west t s outh s business and ti only paper eur pulluhtci in acton roundid in 1875 und publilud tvtry thursd i at r mill st t at tin ont mimbtr of thr audit buituu of cirtul i tuns tin w a und llu onurut qutbtt dimmoii of ttu l u n advirtimiit rutts on n quest subscriptions pay ablt in adaiki w m in cantdu j r in ttu untud stilts si month 1 r miillt topui ct aulhoruid u sttond t hinb muil l office dipartnunl ottawa t a dilu t litlor and pubhslit r editorial office telephone 174 county clxmaxe big climax m the county is th hockey of course the hockey scries ls tied hetwee georgetown and elmin who each hive two games in n best of seven series last finmc was saturday with the haltonites top men they an plnyinfi intermediate b and are on the way to o h a playdowns burlincton ls plnyinr off with dundxs for ihe senior b play- downs oakmllc and milton are tinglinc this week and the winner ls sfiol into the intermediate a phydowns oikilles junior b tcim was put out of commission b himiltou aer oi x acton well then s i rlou lshlng minor sports tlub llu u pi i lod nt n boost 1s gloii i m n nit nhmn h i i di cidid ls ihi miiihuiis did hii t oij mit thi i tup huh tiis b in piopnsid b tin gtoij tou n iu t nl mi rch mis avoi i i fin t ik tht ch imbt i of com nitrit thi ch imb r will h iw i uidii siop ih in ju t i mi ri h ml oi l mi itton t iknil m fuimis in this iiilisls mil tfirnktmm propasid projt cls for gtoic jon boos i r in i communiu recn ition centre dielopnunt of in w mdusli ind ttu riruril pni motion of the towns wilfin eh c lion of officirs w is hi hi this wllk joki iilh cm ilw ts count on tin oik ville record star for somt sort of a joki i ich thur d i bi i mhic or ju t x hi so in rt it is moth i immune tht pt or butttu rs butuier ti thtse re lives bi uns w h it 1 mil of br uns did u think tht win custom i at tin pnet i th uicht mibt thi win fcinsti in s btitz from walton in every province in canada the red crovi will this yenr be stnfiinft blitz campaigns one niffht drives to obtain funcls and it waflin oakvillc that the- idea for this kind of a swift sizzling campaign orig mated both bronte and palermo arc now incorporated in the o ikvlllc red crass almost human almas t human ls the title of in amusing series in the o ikville record stir the pipers photo- gnphcr interviews oikviuc pets md records then smirtes tricks thi pictuies ire ilw lys entertain ing ilthouch oiu usn t iltogtthcr toiuincid the t its dojs tte are ilmust hum in a luiii th it wouldnt puticulir 1 ippi 1 to hum ins oi pi rhiis it would in thildun conn to think of il l is in iliti d 1 l t wait to i pur of pi rimming ptls tht dor s mpl idon s to uif llu c it all uoimd the hmist and the cat idt nth idun it loo milton i t yat y an rut lom he will of the lite p h robtrlson of milton h ids unto tin i in pur i ion of the town tf milt m i sum of not u ss thin llfttin thoiismd doll us md not lnliiding twin y tivi thoilsmd doll us j to pro ide foi thi erection quipping and furryshiril of i public building to con pi in for thl convenience of thi piopk of the joun of milton both nun md women idequitc sopiri t toikts w ushrooms ind nu rooms iciordnil to pi ms md with i ctn till locition within i pi nod of two m us from thi diti of mv di ith then thls iijjicj shuj lip sin h i buildine would tt rt imly b w ondi rful f r shoppi rs t sp i iilh from out of town thi ix- ci rpt fr tin llu will w es r id it tin 1 l c huh il im i ting at tmc lit urn bhurrh of ffanniu acton ontario a fripndly church rv e a carrey ba bd mlnlitcr parsonage 20 bower avenue phone 60 mtm o m lanmanl a tc3t organlit and choir leader sunday march 10th 1052 to 00 am sunday school brnik thi children and itiy for church 1100 am momlnu worship spi i ktr tht hi ur c l k nny of giulph too p m eatnink worship hmiu- on ttu screen an in urctini film slnp tht mai vrdi cliff dulltr thought for llu w k mv ihirf tjuirrtl with tht drujs th it iiuouxi li that tht do not tiislivt th tht t iki in frndnt of diiiik s th it thi mm u ho boconws in iddiit nn uikm umi ill foncr thi miimibli pn lt of b ini in i u r of him if i i3i h nn smith will im i ilrrnbtjtrrlati eljurrh l canada knox church acton kbv honkrt ii ailmhtroni m a bjj mlnuter sunday march 16th 10s2 10 00 a m sunday school 1100 i m dlvmi worship 12 15 pm libit class 7 00 pm evtmng worship tht tuit uatt upon thr i ont aluill rrnew thrlr strtttglh a w irm wuumii awill you buijltul lti rtli acton uouki ls h shut r v lstor ftt albotto elqrrb anjclic s ii pl mm l r nhih ic n mi ntosh i f 11 mult n slsdy march lfllli ill tid sund i in l nt 10 00 i m sund iv s hoot 11 00 i m ii c mn inn n i id hi i urn r c 1 l 00 p in twniiik pr iy r i n i n si v in iii widntsdny at 730 pm a wiliumi awuils sou sundw tnri loth lo ii iii i in sund it sih nil and tlibli ci is ii iii i in ih kind oi li pi wi n ik pill m il c i h ii 1111 if h ii p m in v u i liur d it 0 00 p in in it m mi b jo p m ilibl stu it 0 10 ii 111 11 u l in or mi i i d it 4 00 p in mis i n h md in d iv m u h hi tt ihi pm mi n cuil wiki mi to all in lovi t in nil ins pint 1 70 000 1011 in font tons of whim 4100 000 km vt l spun in ihun st iii s the good old days may have seemed better back in 1901 taken from the iau of th free prsm of thurdav march 13 1902 lost friday night n burglar or burglars visited a couple of our citlzeiui the homo of mr john plctcjj mnln street was entered and hli bcit null of clothe and a pnitvof flood ahocji wore tnken thl butcher nhop of mr nell patterson corner of mill and mnln streets wiu enterthl tho burtflnn breaking bne of the front windows to effect an entrance here they rilled the cash retfiiitcr necuring 00 cents in coppers they also selected a cholcl roast of beef rev o a gillette who minis tered to the dbiciplci conflrekntion here the past three or four monthi left ytsterdny mominfl for michi- flan rev h a mncpherson vwitcj rock wood nnd eden mills on mon day and held congregational meet- ingt to find if the people were ready to proceed in the call to a mlniiler the result of the meet ing wor that rev j t hill of bonj head was called the guarantee of stipend was 000 a year nnd manse mr w i dick who is a member of the milton public school board was in town on monday examining the new sttam heitlng apparatus nt the public school chairman kenncy and officers grnham gave him all tho information desired milton boird li about to discard their old stoves in the school r b scott merchant of cooks- town has kosed for three yenr the store in the warren block re cently occupied by gurney nnd co nnd nt present by white nnd son mr scott intends to open nn en tirely new stock of dry goods boots nnd shoes groceries clothing nnd millinery about the first of april the robins nre hero in consider nble numbers the teamsters in hiving n well pirned rst now thev hive ind i busy v inter back in 1932 from the luuf of the frem pre of thundav march imh 1du the snow shovels had to com out of retirement again the anow fences did have a little duty to perform this year after nut- owing to the severe snowstorm tho funeral of the late thomas smythc of pcnetang which wju to have been held on tuesday to acton could not be herd until the- storm abated word has been received of tho death in new york on tuesday of bishop f w wnrne a retired mis sionary to indln bishop wane was born near ballinafad the remains have been placed in a vault in new york nnd will lajer be interred in the family plot in ballinafad cemetery halton county council acecpud tho resignation of county treas urer hutcheon who has held th position for nineteen years the bylaw was also passed appointing mr h m petlk for the combine office of county clerk and tr- urer at a salary of 2 200 in the first gome for the peter smith trophy for juniors george town won from acton by 30 oak- ville art sntlingilona easy in the- oh a they ore into the third round with only three garnet the meeting of the literary- society of the acton continuation school wxt held in the parish hall died mason suddenly it acton on thursdoy morch 3rd 1032 hn7ol l mason beloved daughter of the iati willnm nnd isnbt 1 mxson gibbons at the home of hui dmnhter mrs w d frlck tor onto early mondny morch 7th 1932 robert s gibbons formerly if ac on in his 02nd year gibbons at tht homo lot 21 third lint esqucsink township on siturdiv mirch r 1032 john gibbons ix lovt 1 htmhnnd of sirth kinmd m hi- 77 tb i u professional directory and travellers guide mi li al dr w g c kenney imirlun and surgeon oitice in symon bloik mill fat acton office ihnnr 7 iltbldencr hurcll bt phonr dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow jnd uivi r entnnce uiver strict actop onttno ihnnr 23h drvtai dr a j buchanan drnlal surcron oftlct ldihrmn block mill st oftlci ilourd 9 t m to tl pin xray telephonf 14b dr george a sirrs denial surgeon mill st comir rrtdinck alton ofticc houn 0 00 am to i jo p in telephone ib vftfrinary b d young bvsc c i young d v m veterinary surgeonj office brookvllll ontjlio phoncmilton 14r4 f g oakes v s b v sc veterinary burgeon ofticc and hcsldt nci knox avi acton ihnni 130 lfgai itl i istti m inslranck wright real estate and insurance t i whight n b wright jo wilbur fat i9 micdonncll st atton ont guclph ont phone 05 phone 401 aiuatont realtors ituurors miniln r appnual institute of canada mtmbirs guclph and dlratlct ri il es ate board mi mbi r- gui iph and district insur ici aktnta assoctntlin wc f irm also u ri s urhintly rt quire lutings of property from so to j00 aorei sin ill holding from 1 to z5 contntrt c h dyment rojltor vntirth st s ii mult n phoni 711065 or andy frank ih sm in il cimpbi ih ihi thoiir milton 32ir2 wm r bracken real rule geneiwl insurance phone 20 actaa c f leatherland itarrlntrr a solicitor nolar iuhllr oftue 22 phom his 111 acton lever hoskin f hartered rrountanu succvon to jf skins am iiarkv i krt mtrop 44 vutini elk oiu in hiiii si ti i n i di31 mist h i nmi s travellers guide gray coach lines standard time l s 1iavi atov arthound hi i m ii sb a in 1 1 23 am 2 os ii in 5 03 p in 0 jj p ra i tt p m blo ml p m wmttiound 11117 im 1jsj pm 27 pm 1 ri p in 7 j7 p in ii 1 p in 1 1 ii pii i 1- i in sun to kltelunenr iilvi i diilv xipt suiuliy jnd holi li si unt suniliv and hull il im the victor b rumley funeral home tutieral llouir healed tuliulancr ih nu n niklit or il i sirvinj tti tinnuiunilv f r 45 ljr ill f lt by app iiiitui wm c milligan nt r o i optomrtrlitt lit jnd 3rd weilnsil is of mon h 2 i m to 1 p iiv mill st hi suit m a t illtowv l ilk at canadian national railways muntiiril tlmi lifttliound liil mil nn di ly t xti pi sun d im fl 45 i in 7 10 pm sunday nil l hi i in dull mi pt sun in hv r t c r loun u iu 1 m 1 i h hw r it gi il t in 10 ii i in writtiuund dull ivcpt siiiuin in i m in i in sunil iv mil r niiuy lilv 12 hi im i iii v except stin- 1 l ii 411 i iii li 50 p m nog tool 7 44 pm dulv ixupi sut ind sun 0 10 p m siturdiv only il p m sund n only 0 43 ajn hiilipi sunil i only h at gin iph 7 05 p in lv

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