Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1952, p. 4

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pack roub the acton free press acton ontario thursday marcit 13th 1903 county seeks home settlement continued from pag on 4 nt drscnption wai altered in lb- by hi u then would be up to uic villus- council to do what thjr wihcd with ihu strrvl hi bald council cndorl a resolution himn stared by i deputy ttv e onl neoklntf to have the ontario d4uirttmnt of hlahwnyi institute n ueod control prormm nlonk the hiehwavi in the couxty council for rome v ears ban f ii that muni cipal bodien kovcrnmental cknart- menu nn railways nhmild iw innrti to control wood along their mail ay itiatftfiwell aitothor indi vidual b in the countv the purchase of 400 acres of laqd from now jtntton in nauajpwoa for reforestation and conservation pinnom which had been held up until a rlnin right hlid bet n ostih hthid won appro i d tut jun a di pulntion from i hi llnlton con s intion committw hrndrd by corp currii and j f whitrlock urjl tin county to purchase thin 1mri to prevent other individual from moving in 4o establish i cum mercnl summer residence mr curne pointed out that both lh connt and township hid spent considtnblt mom on roads in the district and hi did not like to uo tin m love thi prop rl which housed tin be tver dim is wll mpkinl it t stiutinrv tor ivltd eese ind t limit h iv en lit fur thrr idi id thi district tons k mu i hid siid sit 000 worth of i iml i could hi tiken off without tlinnuinj tin pnjpe rt 1 fu ih i w iu i ci ns i v ition in thi touniv im in in rs tpprovi d n nluti m spf nori d b the con s r iti n c nrmrth to iid in tin t tblishm r dims ind ponds on f irnit r pr px rt alex mclnrtn i t mhi i f thi committee told council i pond hid been creitid on th fisher prop rt in vebontown hip this hnd proved orv satis f ictorv 11 ftimtrs wells in the dis trict hid beiun to fill up again mr mclnre n said the govern nu nt hid promised to spend dollar lor doll it with the countv for this purpose council favoured the pro pnsal agreeing to spend up to 100 on inv one project but set a limit nf 1 000 in anv one ear e m creasman district forest ring r reported the county of hal ton now owned 10 count forests comprising 70 acrs he further stated 33 000 trees would be planted in the countv during 1012 pr jame s m mithcr presented hi innual report to council featur ing the budget for his department for 1052 the financial statement showed the health department be gan the vear 10s1 with a surplus of jomsfll revenue totalled 58 630 gfl including grants from both the countv and prov ince of ontario amounting to 24 348 00 each tot 1 i xj i nditurei amounted to 43811- 85 having a surplus of 9 r27 83 or 178 deficit for the ycir of 1051 dr mather said he based his 1052 ludeit on a 120 per capita basis f population of 43 260 people in halton countv which would create a n v nue of 51 01200 h cstirmted expenditures of v53 r which would mean an an tiripitod deficit of 1 g63 for the e ar increising the per capiti er to 1 25 it would nise the re vi nut to t totil or 54 075 00 ieav ing an anticipited surplus of 500 1iritvt imoimt included in the udk t t for mlnms amounting t 40 2700 o ntimnng the report indicnted dipirtmmt nurses hid mide 7 111 v tits t 1 1s families dur ng 1051 child hrilth clinics were held in ix towns with a totil attendance 2vs twintv four chest clinics wen held in milton and oakv hie with a totil atttndance of 402 then were nine mental health clinus in milton with t total nt t nd utre of 68 there wtre also 1 13 immunization trinoculationi fr previntion of various diseases in rird to school hcilth s r mn 11242 wtrt xamincd or giv in sjhcial chicks bv nursis includ inj v nu t 61 v isits inve stigated ill on plimtv took 4511 sampler of n ilk w iti r i ti for inboratorv in 1 ci iit i 1 1 iisi ussi m irom n u ni thi in i i it of e tints to r n tuns in tin countv de osprinoc county curator is institute speaker tabui ada currle who ls curator for wellinaton county hulorictl tleoceittrch society wail guent speak er at the monthly medmif of the women liwtltute she v u very fine talk on the soclily true awiti prognvu since ibt inception in lftttl to li pn sit being thi wai nuut enlightening h tin nunihtrs as manv wen aware of the work being done tin fuu lolhtiion piicts now in posstssionyof mhi jumshousi name afterr soiu i sims w us m idi of tin gr ijt iiitd for i pi nu nu til building t house the ioliilllou si vil il readings of humornil n ituii given bv mrs iin wnsti i win ilso coiuhutid i qtn7 di ding with iv ril i rrhf itistus of hi lot it iiustttuti which mis l urru won c ish domtions wtu otid ti wellington coijntv c nut r suei nul to tin lot il chuuh for um if tin blsinunt f h i uppe i hi id i i i ntlv no in w ls ivi n of ih tinning lonfitiiice on hi ilth uhit to do till tin doetoi eomis to in hi id th littei put itf tin month it millsburgh comnittt es firih piirhrcmrr ippom ed mis i wmt r and mi ii thnktr fir thi first on ind mr ki n stubbiugton ind mlv o iris i nu thi sitond one tnvnor foi tlu instiss pir t for tin niiintli ir mvs d mti i md mrs r tivlor tin ho is mis w j jickson xsslsti d bv mrs noimm mcken 7ii ind mis dorus fines servtd i di lit mas lunch ind i s ici il timi w is i nj iv id mr v mekfhni v ind wirri n f u w to ottivvi on si urdiv mr mckinnev wnt on business ind v irn n v lsitcd w ith i formt r chum mr r hunttr spent i couple of divs in gt nret tow n w ith his diughter and son in law mr and mrs bert cmg md joan mr john wilson who had been with her niece mrs bron bruce and firmly for i week returned to htr home in orton on fndav mr ind mrs normm mckenzie vlsi id on simdiv with mr and mrs keith burrows it birrie mr stanlev stunton and mlss helen woodhousc of toronto wen weekend gutsts with mlss ada and mr errett currie friends art pleased to learn mrs george cook was iblc to rome to her own home list week and is somewhat better mn cook his been in poor heilth all winter ind hi been with her daughter and son in law mr ind mrs mm sell nelks neir acton miss mirion sinclair ind mr jack hunttr of guelph visited the formers pirents mr and mrs a sinclair on sunday the scrire at the local presbw emn church on sundav wis con ducted bv thi gideons mr booth of fi rgu- brought a timoly mas iei ind i number bv th junior choir wis enjoved innrs at n euchre wlnyau ut nu urteruihiii nhhn ahlihmm a norton hwlil for the wi ilu friday inihuhd mr hon lutimw and mm c jimm with toiuouitlotu uolnif to mr a j snuiltuit and mr ionw norton he winner ut the muruthon hri last wnk wire mr itohei t mitmry und mm it u davidson and mr it k davidson and mr inn jo e with miss fliviiuor i w inning tlu loin hands mil land mrt webb slinllr hhi lilthvd mghti i of pulton win suudnv ylsltnrs with tin truck millirs mr md mrs ualli v and liilmin sv nt tin wnk i nd with in i pinnts nt ir ornngev uk mis sim thin st spi nt tin m i k i nd in toronto mi si s ii irold nu curl ind tlu ir sisti r motond to 1 1 il during the witk ind fitlur n turning inn with for i lslt owinr to eimflnting ivilils th ii ill bom hive t innllnl tlu ir i ut im nnd elmte md tlu w m s patpomd tin ir nuitnig out witk wi unlv hvi in i iulsv in uh boi hood k irn mont tin ir tin u auction sale in till- twp ol- iiiams of registered lull crrrdltrd jersey c attle tractor threshtnr machine implements lliv cintin household i- ffects etc hu ruihin obituary former actonian dies in toronto mmv f rands in thls home town nud with rigrxt of the sudden liath of hubert bcrt sm th at iils home 146 fulton avi toron to on sunday febnnrv 24 h wis m hl 68th ear bona iri acton hi sp nt hls irlv vnrs here and it irned th tlovt cutting tride with the stor ey glove co leaving acton 15 i irs aio hi his n sided n kit h n r for a short tinu md n toronto w hi re fir mip vcar hi w i imploid hv th ii b rt simp n t hus w if i who was before in rr i mls pi irl st w irt pre th i uilhti r 1 t tin i p 1 sh innon ind 1 i y iv lht cl si si rutin v it 11 i u in i if paring w i i t sh mb ii w r mis win t bi i n ii in bv x i in im t mi i ttt i t n 1 ir h1 men is nk s u v kwint t thi r r h t ns in pror irn to s oik i l i k i nt 1 it this him mrs i tin its il edvun i s i ofi xtmf i m i iv- i r t i 1 r list iv 1 t in n n mr smith w e nu it on ir iti ius of i 1 w t i m rnlu r i f th th reh tus in tor ri r h d i i hureh i i i r mr t th fun tl rvt ii n t r n i t r f 1 i t w iv it w l in ftivaw ct m in p i it ir rs w si i i r iti 1 untv hi n i n it th irs in i 1 rolnssintj i i ti i i ro lurine rmnt k k l w i i i i k t h h i i 1 i f 1 iu i r i i n i g imbl rli i il in i f in r 1 t i unit i kiv i ii i si fr m thi ctt n 1 n u 11 ii i r ur int it 00 v i ih ii w n t uncil mi in f it tl r i 1 mnitil t ianls in tin i m iiaia itut tin v wrel wi x fin m i thituxlvi without s yine ciuintv avststantt tin v ilso thought that if thev m uh i kiant to one thi would also have to mike it to others there would thin be a strong pouibllity of it science and war st tiki mi thing th wtip ii m iv i xtt nd thi rttld of c in il t mi t xixvse us to new risks but warfire ui h ts horrors and b istlmts springs from the pas sions and prejudices of us all letting out of bonds one member professor k mather fiis spesk- sald ing on the bbc tin undi isieru d in truttioib from i john 1 lmitolrm- to st ii bv luclion it the f rm i lot con 4 lriintsi townshp situitid on the 4th lint 2 miles west of jlockwooel on 1 tw sia m r ii 18th i commencing at 12 o clock shirp i thi follow ing reg jersey cows doll biddy born april 18 49 milkmj i well bred jan 25 baol lindi 1 bom sept 10 40 milking well bred dtc 20 peace haven lily born jan 1 50 fresh dtc 25 with cilf at foot basil idi born stpt 22 49 milking well bred dec 31 rosebpj s tulip 2nd born march 20 40 milking well bnd stpt 5 miple terrace tolerince born oct 20 48 milking well bred oct 13 royal ladv born may 1 48 milking well tired sept 13 lucy maj borr nov 1 48 milking well bred nov 18 zenia queenie born miy 1 48 due about time of sile rose boy s tulip born jin 25 47 fresh march 1 with cilf at foot silver dora born jan 10 47 fresh one month with cilf at foot blond lass born oct 27 47 due mirch 25 lucy edm born julv 2 45 milking well bred jin 21 jtrstv heiter eligible for regis t rat ion 2 crosj bred cilves ibout 300 lbs eich 4 voung calves reg ab- irdeen angus bull born jin i so bred bv w l him fergus pigs and poultry i thnftv shoils 135 hybrid rhode island red and leghorn yeirling hens in full production tractori threshing mach- inf implements mccormicc deenng farmil h fully equipped ind in perfect condition chiins itc mccormick deermji 1 furrow td tnetor plow mccormick deer ing 14 tooth heivy duty tnetor cultiv itor mount fori t grim stpintor 24 high elevitor chiff blower 100 f endless dnvt belt 200 ft steel cible md pullev circulir sivv mccormick deenng 12 cutting box new just filled 2 sit is distributor pipes mccorn ick deenng corn binder mccorm- n k dei ring binder 6 cut mc cormick dt ering ii ran ft rtilizt r nnd grim dnll mccormick dur ing mower 6 cut deenng mower i cut frost ind wood side diliv- t r tedder ind rikt mccormick dt ering hav loidt r dump rike lind roller ihc horse cullivitor mis ev hi iris minure sprtider massi hirrls corn scuffltr mc cormick det ring single scuffltr turnip sower rubbt r tired farm u igon flat hiv nek w igon box krivtl box 4 stction hirrows with ind 12 dnw hir wheilbirrow 2 pig crates fittenmg critt 60 rod if 12 hog ft nee 2 rolls of chicken ur elcttric ft nccr 2000 1b seih 2 broodt r housi s 10x12 ind 10x10 nnt shilttr on whiels broo r iv t fitdtr- ind fountains wilk mg pi w s pulpi r finning null t lstt ni pump dt t p will pump 75 dir ft nci po ts turn is him i riv r 1 iddi rs 15 cord of drv mixtd v ool 18 tord of d ir kind i nu 2 wht i truu r s t f br is in mi i br t ch iik h inu ss nt trl n v i 11 irs hi ink ls i i inti f lumb r pi m t ir g ir i n ml v r ill ni ill irti 1 u i ill mm i n i wi 11 i tt pi tl f inn dir rql d i t 1 n ik t k m i hn w ith pum v j i hilf hp i r m t r d i iv i i trier im inn r 1 i pi h it r m ik il t h i i ni t t h i i m i v it h t h p ii ii r h lt m t nu i j i k 1 h u i irt ii i m n iw v h 4 h i i m k in h 1 1 h n nd g iv 1 n h v t if f i i i m v f t i f wh ton i c i i ind hir v f t f r 1 hoismoi n roons k ik r rik ni r km i ch nr ti n n t ihl irlr b s 1 bni- 1 mu m f on ip i i is is n r i pm i ih s chun crocks bi 1 i t r u wi u t n r s n th i r i ml xti hi nt ff r ilk thi ws ir vi ung all vi cm it d w ii r 1 fir md in full production ih i npl in ns in m irlv ill in w r i n i 1 i n w pi i c im n mm wklv thutly vuiimi luwt wit u in ctv ihiui mr john kmiy of gut iph vbilltd in alton ihu wen k mr und mm arnold murliul1 p nt munduy ut tht honu of mr und mm m k hum mi nnd mr john cordon ami ann pnl si am npi nillntf thi ir holidav at snrimola klorlilu mi ih rt mason was u pnlli nt tin p est wnm in gin iph gi m nil ho pita md ih pmgn ihil fiiwinbly miss donmi kimbdl mid mi ink mainptii of i unliln j pi nl tin wnk i ml with mi mil mm ii m ilnprii and family mi di in md o it ki i i put nt in ih piiv lb i it nl ji pav th ti loionlo fn in i il lln pluil all wish him a pixtmpt niovtrv i- in nds n trt t to it irn that mi i- ii in is a patn nl it tlu pi i i pitiints pivihon romnto t in i il hospit il all wi h for in i i prompt rctovi r vi it us in thi hoim of mr ind mi i m fr ink 1 isl wn it wt n mr allan lolui on ih impton mr out mrs tiirnld ilrnrv oeorrr tow ii md mr i hi nrv winiliimi mi aim 1 ishm in inw and al m i it ft at ton sund iv for lliinlsv illi w hi re tin v will m iki tin ir hnnii mi i i i hm in is st il ioiitd with thi provininl politi tlu re mj md mrs will mi n ibb or gut iph mil mi win pi mor roikwood itteiidttl tin fiim nl of mr josi ph gr ihim md usited with mr md mrs mi ivin burns on j rid i miss robi n i ci irki mrs ah x mclsnc mr- r ohin mrs n ii armstrong mrs ii miinprirt ind mrs r m mncdonald at tended tht executive meeting of thl gut iph prisbytcml women s mls sion irv socittv of the presbyternn church in gut iph on tucsdiy electric shavers british centurion tmks of the 5th royil iunlskilling dragon guirds now in korei are being fit ted with electric shivers idaptcd to run off dry bitteries i boon in korein winters 1 in t 1 i m wo are showing a wide selec tion of yard goods in print broadcloths poplins rayons and many other linos for making your spring ward- robo come in and look them over nylon hosiery by weldrest 51 g fancy heels 1 75 pr 54 g sheer 1 75 pr 45 g service sheer 1 29 to 1 50 pr spring shades ladies slips our stock is well assorted with popular lines celasuedes rayon crepes suede taffeta etc to 2 98 one lot nylon slip sizes 34 36 only 3 29 nylon sockees 9 to 101 white nivy 79c pr ladies panties briefs si i tl qu il t t 49c to 1 15 men i trllms cwh s is ti thi firm li wld u nrticli s mil t ih mnvod b mirch m ilpfri shment booth on bround wm a gitisov auctlonixr phone cilhlph 7tu j diinbir ci rk a cambridge clothes tailored to measure always a quality line at re isonable prices stt the selection of cloths offered 2 pc suit 49 50 and up hv t iirojii oauv ihivld miviy lunii d the thlivl 1 i tt tut v sim it ly prtiitium ovi r to hud lont i halt miiu f if the diutn ut lot uioup vliil on tin program wuh impi munatloiu of tin ti in li tin try vimuhw mtudi nbi ihu wuji ftillitwid by linpi rouiitiufia ut populiii hiiiiti u i in n providi d hit i or i iuidi1 li mudi iiih jiiid it ii ih i i nl mt iii till pmlljmllll w li i 1n up otthoyji miliiuum l fiiui i and lilt oi hi itri cm m tuln i of tin mi h tii at r don diwkin li sir ii th in li fin i ti h ud ma on i di idiritio q iii t l tiiillt latk diviiltm i dondh vv r divt mi v v a g oiji htilt and hod tun ius spiki loin th on hi ri m it i tion win i mm h traum and illirk miiuk phllllirrli hill tkini vi ittil thi i mi ind suit hi i virslnn of thi rhlnif an iiuiouum rm nt wili m idi th it tin il ruithvti mi won in nnlf um mil ix jirl in rutbv uuifor n u ilk d mi t ii i r tin i 1 1t fft rrt in mndilhd smni i it lit hit sh ii k mi vt v orn ar hi n in i h wi ir md lot i in u uetd th l nl eh it tht v lonki i nl ni i timit ilu 1 in it th piojr mi i i i wi ilru mi i th ih i1 bu t ik ill id nf jil it i md pt rt it or to i hoe ki v i inn in milto art n i ii unsl th milton hijh htitkiv li mi a full busln id turn d tint o cht i r for tht home tram hut tin till muldn t 1 it tht mil tun pi ivi rs iist fridny jim hliutl chn uunb mt riyii mi llor p iui lav ii john crlist tikonfto vlsil rnon by jim dilbw they irrivcd ibout 1 30 ind wrc wclcomid it tht iuc lstr ir s nryici and shown throurh thi pood administration section the boys vlsitcd the coursts of drifting ind m ichine shops and the elris went throurh homemik ing joumalum and- thi radio building u sti thi studio ind tht site for i new tt it vision studio thu opportunity v ts riven to students who m i be itttndin rtrson mr georfii mison ittlndtd a thursdiy morning issembly to speak on the knittinr industn ind mr alf long spoke list week about the newer plastics industry this ls in connection with the voc ational guidince courses both speakers mentioned the dvntae ind disidvintires of positions avulible in their plints this fridiy i boys bisketbill team and two if iris votlt vbill teims junior and senior on fioing to leave at 6 10 p m to pliy rimes in onnjjeville agnnst the oranfitville studi nu alreidy i bilsloid his signed up with the in ttntioas of going rockwood skifs films on friday program lxst p ritliv evening i conci rt w us ht id in tht town hill with m i lorn guild ind mr fran ktlso in ch rgt of i group if oung folk- a number of short plis wtrt min followed b ound films contributed by m- fnnk o nnder one of thtm dealing with indun customs and wiys ot living an interttlnri film follow otl on thf oiter fn dustry which wis enjoyed by all present fnd i ivening prt communio i son ici wis held in the pn sbvter i in church re p red williamson i nndurti d th st r in servkt s sund iv morning vvert lirr lv it tmdtd with i ft w fnm edm mills prsbttr in churth improv m ml irt tikini plnr in th int nr f th pd n mills church md i l rlotd fir th tim b inn simdiv rvinmg it tht umtid c h ir h f d uine th u voti in i i r 1 it v i w u d mr oi v moffat man jest showman at royal lli a till hound fthowmbn lit thi illri itnyul hflii kt uu- ontario ii i i w ii i mr i 11 i tri i tiir i h im i rinr h r mih k i h ui u r n r n i 1 i p u i r i h i 1 ik kr n ii t r f f n i p wt engagements m u i m u ii i jt h u h v i i hu pv m th ik i ii nt t h n ml i hi st d uu hr p t j m v irn t t rr uu guild m if mr ind mrs guild h ukwood tht mirriin tt takt pljci on mav 17 1952 it hockwood agricultural college in ouolph luit week wbi john garnet nonruh of tt it i moffat a third year jitudent at thr oac mr norrb won the ailver tray donated by canada pockern to the best all- round fthowman in the is division nf the studrnt iihow anintion hog producers hear charles mclnnis praildaht of ontario hofl ftoduft atwxinllom brookville hau thursday march 20th 0 30 p rh i airpin n kjiw i ff fit r a t lor i of arnr jltur evfryonr weirome w r kcnneoy pn 5itji nt a p service virmuy seven room dwelling priced for quick sale owner leaving town imrncdntcl this fmr liou mull b sold right in the garden of acton well drcorited in good stale of repiir four bedrooms adiptabfr for other use price includes new floor coverings large oil sp icf heater cook stove wilb oil burners near to most facton yet in healthy locality among good neighbours good terms oni 2500 00 needed or will sell for cash see this new exclusive listing by appointment only contact wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors f l wrlzht office 20 wilbur sl acub pbmu k v b wrlzht office s9 macdannell st gutlpb phone tlljw yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots auto biographies of acton people and acton places through many years procoi dink up mill strict tht oth r div i a ii rt minded of in incidi nt ttt tti it thnruutjhf in nl nt irlv r w irb ain in thouc div hit hicjl doctt rs utrt tlu dmtists jnr tht community as far is tht uhnik nuil irs tun liinurnid tht only irt itmt nt bjvtn is to tti itt thtm on tin ocnshin in eiutstion a 1 ul who was later tint of tht- prtinunt nl tint ns t f act n nllidupon dr mc cirwn il his drui slon lo imi tii tchim tt ith out it wn i dull tilt moon inti dr took tht lid to tht optn door the bilur to sit inch tooth lw forttps t t rt pi ict d ind uith a mighty ink tin b suinilmk thin v is rtluvtil if ttit molir inti an korut d sill siniull uu iu 1 t hri i or fun lids icruss the strut lookini i n did in di is is iid is i nrii tortlkn to be onmnurd 2 1952 plymouth new 2 1951 plymouth new 1 19s0 plymouth sedan 2 1942 plymouth coiches 1 1938 dodge coech 1 1937 ford coech 1 1932 chev coupe 1 1948 indian twin mo torcycle low mileage like new macswain motors chrysler and plymouth sales and service 252 queen st phone 85 coming monday evening march 24th st albans parish hall acton a very fasunaiing and instructive fvlnin dfofstkatln the fine art of interior decorating it i urthg d prbminent toronto color stylist i i cl v y i wmlipaplr draperies and rugs this showing is direct from toronto auspicei of st alban s church choir watch this paper for detail next week

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