Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1952, p. 8

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paox whr the acton rthe press acton ontario tiiuiiflljay majicir 13th usx tncai mrws ittm for xhim coiumn may b photwd to 174 or mt to tht rnm rmm office m acttm the y soed club has mispend- ed kouvltlea until the fall the hurt wek of wntr and wholl be sorry to ae it confer they ay its hilly to throw idsmrf tot girl who isnt sood catch t those erows dont rlly look of sound much llkt hrhlnm ttf tprlng sur crrlr boy from acton attended party in guelph last monday venlntf about 2d attend woodwork na clmgafl in the neu uorluhop at the ymca ch week 1rt f the wk rmlnj and mild weather tilled the cwekii and wuvtpi to very near the over flowing lvl tt xtcutlv of the y satwn club has aihroed the purchase of drinking fountain which will mm be tewulled m the front hall v4 tiw y mnwrtr c mverl lodcc oielph ttnded mondav rxenlnn nieeung walker lodse a f and am in cuvn and conducted th jeer work vrvwvic the larce audience wnicfe heard the sauhn stnnft quartet play in the presto concert wrw in guelph monday ecnina were several from kcton prospect of refund helps th annual bout with income tax a bit this year rdio spot advertise- monts are- urtftntf an early filing of the tax reports for everyone darent waste much umt gat ing up into the blue lty at coy spring cloudsnot with this comb ination of ice mud old know pud dles and what hot underfoot an axe went through rublw t oershoes and two pairs of tnck tn cut the foot of e jennings thin week whin ho was cutting limbs n a buih nino ditches wore re quired a tight tnuk driven by clif ford norruh of r n 1 moffat wns in collision with another veh icle in guelph on tuesday dam age to the truck uiu estimated ot 2s tin re seems to be mon no richt in acton than nny here cuc in the district streets in tor nto guelph and hamilton are ban and even a ihort distance out into the country the inow ibecome hpireer thi cast of henpecked henr nrr going on thr road with per form in cos ehwluled nt rjrookvlllo frin flocks cod and hillsburgh the pla wan presented b knox church choir inst month in acton town hall moffat credit balance on hydro bills continued from pace one meter had been sent to the menu facturer for repairs so that it could be put back into operation when needed superintendent lambert reported that the first blocked lateral in the scuagc system hnd been reported it was on the street side of the property line as no tools have a yefrbeon purchased for cleaning these bloekipcs mr lambert hnd pmcured n set of rocls from buton nnd perrj for the job some hose for flushinj hnd to be borrow id from the fir inick to flush this n rvice it v iy reportid thnt a window in thi sow irl pumping station hnd blin broke n for the fourth tim tlu consideration of securing guari crecns for the windows is in tlu hnnds of the sewnfte committee superintendent lambert ri porti d th it thi transform r w hich con trol the chlorlnntor nt the spring hnd burnt out another one is to be ordered superintendent mjison n ported that thi mnson knitting co power horict has now been installed information is to be secured from thi nrchiticts nt thi school to find ou what lond is anticipated nt the school if nicisnr a larger trnnsformcr ts to bi ordered supenntendmt mason wus jivm pi rmtssion to purehisi a siqulnce m i r for list in installing power lines in v io imp nit ti r j ulso to bi ordeud fot use m d m uid lo ids thi follow mfi iu i ount w ere p is eel for p i nu nt hydro act aunts hie gin of cm nispiu u 95 ret gin of cm inspect 10 71 i ton uto bod truck it purs 40 so zuch bros tm rtpiir 10 us h pilnu l cu jnirii offm 17 00 bell tiuphoiu c nntil 1 hi i um r ri i pn siipp tt 14 iton construe turn co materials ind 1 ib u au i- tirr st imps l whithnms gnrili us 2b 0 mi n hunts fin as corp iiusiiriuui m 00 wt llington fin ins nu m m packnrd klei supp hifi it suilu1hi pill supp 70 town of alton tnuk m il m inup on tuol mipp ti u l v n in il mi lis k ki iriu snpi ui ho m iseo llti ci u p t tn lhu it c iblt u mi o r his nut howard upp he pc powtr bill l n m teuon lid i- it i upp 4 tw nor lit rn the supj 14 144 pott i ish fit illt mil t ui ml m 1 u u oft rn orks lit t 4iiinr m instit aniunl diu i 10 iton puc hdri bmp niptuiu mitrsltd supp ti i toth s guran m r d ih thompson s motors si r is 1juti of acton truek ins j7h0 wallace l tiernnn supp ltl0 acton puc hydro wutir works operation 702 84 swu28 all members of the commission were present at this meeting com misskmer c k wood and mayor b d rachltn with bob macarthur piresldlng obituary son of pioneers jos graham dies joseph g mhnm son of pio neers du d on march 4th at th home of his brothi r georgi r if no 1 acton hi wis bom on the old graham homistind lot 2 concession 7 fr imnm in noimber 1881 and hid hed his full 70 enrs within snunn of cton whistles his forefathers wire english nnd scottish border crs violet murdoch his mother enmc from scotlnnd in 184b and j imps grihnm his grandfather nmi from cumbt rlind in 1842 liki hls fithir nnd lnndfnthei joseph gnhim was in expert feeder of horses ind cnttlc he wis mer sun on the toad with i sh ibbv i im he liked nothine bi ttt r for reinition thnn to win di r oer thi incestrnl tens with his ij nfli enrnmg the reputition of in int i crick shot follow inl in the footsteps of his p hints jul w is nlwis lonl n church iffurs after being i mem bi r of hockwod prcsbyternn church since bovhood he withdrew hus rmmbirship when that congreg ntion cntired the united church hi remiimd with the presbternn church until his denth his fill int hinlth nnd that of his brothi r george cnused a retirement fnm thi firm in 1045 since thin thi j hii hid comfortibl on the i dei of fiu lake acton whtre lot continued his interest in i will ktpt gnrdi n almost tverv firm iround iils bovhood home wis rep- n tnted it the funenl conductid h hus pisiiir riv r h armstrong it thi victor b rumle funeral honru on mirch 7th tnstph gnhim wis mer ma i ud mourning hls pissing ire hls i ldi r brother gi orgt hu joungii brothi i ri lm gnhim united chunh mmustir nt powell riwr bc uid hus slstir agm s mrs chirks talor in albi rtn pnllb inrs win ntphtwsgtorg mcnun wm me bain chi stir mc b un murriv mcb un gordon curru ind c impbell curru num t i oils floral tributis bon testimony of the istitm in which tht deitis t d w us hi id auction sale turm gulpmrnt ircd and tumlturr al th frm of hmtoi l iioisos i 1 17 4th i iu sl t h nt hi il i tyiks u t br imp in 1 mil ut uf g uru w n monum mmidl u h ium nuk i hiak iftcii ui i r s l m 1 nr n hb rm w r rf ilrikht for llinvulv in th hnkij lin it iill ius j twn on tht m ii hi n thi in ui top in 1 1 kind of ajxwt w unt in ik htadlins in pur but hi tht muter nls to makt n a htadhnir in our job uf buildini ri pairing or jut fixinu hat ou chocked jour kpnnc ctment needs we will be waiting to hear from you j b mackenzie l sov mrs frman host ladies aid wms nw wmx mtt lkttlm a ii titm i the imrri f mm llh kiviuu with h iruv1 ullonlmiii hluly hnnk wu irlvatt liv mw w a frr l timiftcmttcr kv mt o mortin mbuted uuth hiut luflmfh kte man ihvhhi or jtcollnit wlll ilm ti hwifm kmrvva n itnlnly i in h kl tit iiim vr iii liinetllu imltrallllialliitil lo mr kin m v latlll011 iii nrrlvol of h n miiiiiiv th mnfftl lhmy lin i1 nil lewflll iluix frlluv vvii littt mim liin minm if illn wh wm mi lurby wi- ifl irl iii lvii hint un kikil ilkiin wiui won tiv miirjiirv flllou himi tllllll trrttmb mm miuaul1 yllt vi i il- vulll reiilw willi lir klalr mix 1 cirri of wiuutawll albert j crandell b com ca- announces iho ojiening of hit practice in gorgotown undor the name of a j crandell chabtereo accountant norton building main street georgetown phone 654 mill st acton conhnueot show mon thru ifri from 7pm matinees saturday t holiday llpn saturday and holiday from 6 45 rocorded intermission music courtesy manning s visit our candy bar in the foyer frisat march 1415 the gunblazing story of the last great outlaw raids imarr0n murphy wnuljibiibjj ukh extra night owls a uurel and hardy comedy world of kids droopys good deed montues march 1718 j an imsm nam and for your added pleature carribean romance bee on guard wedthurs march 1920 hes all man in the ring or anywhere ironjwi i starring wmmmmmvla added entertainment shorts blunderful time gerald mcboing doing in the news winter olympics in oslo norway see our canadian team battle for olympic ce hockey champ onship title against sweden coming soon the royal journey a close up of bur new queen elizabeth ii and the duke of edinburgh in thq first complete pictorial story of their tour of canada i births marriages deaths fete mm iihatlv i- ml li i mm iimiiiii itoblty i ml flnl imlfllll h min john wiily ml imnitu wiulirn ii1u11iui mi willlnutny mint li b ium lllll mi uttil mm iimi iiii1 ii ii i at um mr vi ty inimiy in miiiini 4liii i1i1ii1 ill ttulr ilmlhrtltil pr iniilliri jtliwliiy miinli ii iuu ml un niimlnu ilitivli ai inn mntlii r mini linliv dnlnu wi ii ni vlhltnih iiikit ihihwic at tin- family rililni ii it i alton m miuiiliiy man li hi i0k1 marifuml imihu wlitnu t tin lull nullum dr ilui in imr h7th yi nr micuiv 1iwn al hi liunphu lliuiiltlll lllilph nn lilmilliy i morch ii i02 klliiliitli miiin wlilnw nf the into dnvlll mitll 1 lirnn ifnr motllf r nf wilfrid nf tnmnln hintlna nt till vlrlnr kl ilulnli y pilllirnl llnnlf artnll until v rldliy whiri flint ml xprvlii will hi in ih nt i10 iillnck inti mil nt evi hnn c mi ti ry synnott at tin fnmlly rmlcl- ontp h h 4 llm itwnihl nn widnmilny mnrrh 12 1015 el mnnil s synnolt liuhnnd nf thr inti- ellinoclll gllbnn ill nr fntllrr nf mnriiui rlto mm i mccnnn guciph jim frln tnwrmlilp crlln imni chnrlrn hnlwrtjinn hnckwnn1 nnd f dli nt hnmr in lilt mnl yc nr ilmtlng nl th fnmlly rmldi net from thunulny nnnn until snlur dny mnmlnk then lo st pptrr i church oiwtlc fnr urqulrm mn- nt 10 00 am inlrrmtnt outlc cnmotory wantads iatkmt timk ro inhkrtion 4 m wkdmvsdav hati mo ihuiu ftr hhiiinihlomnu tf lllrih tanrriou denthj ntl kriksbontnhu in mthinrluni ruh iiih uk r llrii hir vvtu article for brnlm uuil tli it u wnrtl minliriiini cash 3flc if hot paid until bitar ihw rllrm vu i ux no in tills hffk le additional coin in vvuu uu mi mini urn lh nilnlnitim curds of thanks b6c for soli cardh of t1iankh the fnmlly of the lntr jnnnph graham would llko to thank every nno for their kindnrw at the time of their recent berenvoment thli thourhtfulneis will nlwayn b re mi mbered the fnmlly of the lnte mm mn hi 1 williams would like to thnnk fnendi nnd nelrhbora for the flor al trlbutei enrdt nnd kindnruji hown them diirlnr thr ir rerent lirrrnvement mrs c l poole wlshts to thank her nnny fricnds and neighbors for their kind enquiries for fruit flowers carets ind ither kit is s nt lo her during her rcci nt illripsi th st nets of kimliuss wre duply ipprcci iti d wo wish to xpress our sinti n ippn ci ilion to our neighbor nnd friends for their wonele rful kind ness to ils elunrik our nemt s id hill ivenunt ind for ucvtrlcj diirim lit r stn it thi sick child lens hi niche ind uyi n hruci coming events this office cannot be rerponaible for ronflirhng dates of eients fuchie nnd dnncc lornl slhool r ndn mnrch 21 lunch prtivid td door prize admission voc i fuchrc nnd dnnce nuspices ac ton girls softbnll tnm scwnrt- town ilnll wcdnesdn m irch 20 h10 admllsion 10c b fuchre legion llnll thursdn mnrch 20 fl 30 pm auspicis uti ion ladies auxilinr lunch pnis admlshion 35c i euchre nt ymca snturda march 22 8 30 pm auspices y liclus anxihnr lunch admis sion 3tc home mndc bnkinr table a tuchri nt the scout hnll fruln mnrch 14 bio pm shnrp aus picts scout nnd guide mothers as ocmtion lunch admission jsl home m ide bnking tnbki a rinumb r tht st pitnck bin m it st jasiphs church hill tue dn mnrch irth grind prize spi mn door prize procun titkt ls niht of binro it hill i bokknpinr course is prnrt ic il in nn bu u e u h not be pricticnl nnd enrol nt in e nrw ri ite in dn or umn cl lss s it tht robinson basmesh colli go mil ton b 37 3 a three net comtd henpecked hinr presented b knox choi- acton in brookville hnll udm dn mnrch 19 at a is p m procetds for nnssngnwe a pupils nn url science project t wm ualk ttj ilfli r u mtmi m w plioiu mw a will halk llnuldln hull ulf i hiuihliy pliom u1u it it i ai ton a will saijk iru bovt poroliiln flnijfh full h nutli floor uood ion dltlon i in up ftttf muln ht nnith i lllkkhoun halvk for min n lli f your uruuulhl w iu f ru wart it mnvi r u avut no jitmi it 1 if fou half itoimtlnu fhlikeiu capoiui from to h ilui re ndy for thi ovi n i d j nnlntfji pliom iww u i oh hall oial hi at r furnn ci hi auui box wmnl uv con u men at urtip uchnol or phoni 107j3 11 2 for hall half inch h ivy duty h ctrle dr ii joeob n rhuck nlmoiil n w sei a c puttrrjioii i hompiton molorn a fok salf hon trnhr 111 hot nnd e old water nhowi r toll et 1 v0 apply 1 w scott limthouji phone 300m2 gf nrtfo town n wanted for sale oil took rnna aho 2 i gallon tankfl fio with it ap ply i flln st from 0pm to b p m or rail jttw in daytime or wrl i a lelflhman box 0 acton n for sale home jrown nlfalf ii ed kr ide no 1 and 2 rd clovi r timothy krade no i nnd 2 phnm victorli 5 4 or write mr w g grrlley ii r 1 ind woenl ont h 41 1 for salf 10 ncrrs hoiwe and bnrn wnter prowure syitm t4 v0 3iprini district larue anel nmntl f irmn tor snh roy hindley ev i rton phoni roe kwnod ltrl as hocinte brndliy5 red entnte doiikiv st guilph n for salf ontnrio v irn r i d alfnlf i cnnnelinn grimm alfnlf pi i 1 brnnd pistun mix ffir h iy pniturc r grus silnri ci rtlfiid indinn brome gr lis all clnv rs nnd cms i g jvi mm nt gr id no 1 c rtifn d wisconsin grown h bnel cc in writi or ph hie f r price willnm c on uid soiui ltd s r lsmmi ont phon 1 t ind 114 h 34 hoi sf for sm r r r m l slon n tin nt bl m fin h 1 f m un r um i xtr i n t r i fni lot 1 u i wt el pth h u furrnci ill ron i nn tic built in cuph irds full 1l mint il ubi i j ir i fruit tr i r lspb r cm striwberm b ds is mill s from toronto in thi tmn of mil o priced for quick n sfl 000 hill i ensh phone milton 12 or 408r b i for sale 1 1040 mercurv 1 ton truck 1 1049 ford trnctor 1 194fl ford trnctor 1 194fl ford trnc or eqmpp d vith shcrmnn step up trnn mission 1 u cri hend ron i rnd r sniitnble for instnllnton on frmal cub or m h pony tractor thompson motors phone 69 found hindkirchut bo t i ir hiil lirht bobbv p ix hnr n 1 finind ind brought to frt pr offic riinll applv j n c pr s uflnr mill b a your eyes deserve the best consult r m bell raglltered optometrut i phona j2rl2 erin farnworth memorials monamrnu at madcrmtc prle cemetery lettering flam bd at ometery guelph ont our policy of offering the mott- 1 et of he beilett for the laaifatf i it making a great hit with our customers see u today for your building needs j l phone 1j the bft in lum8eh 1 building malelllb wantktilnujkwrk wo hay i wk wrlu- wk ho vrjprmt u want1ij urtfuitty tulnl iiiujii or itltitfi with tttardn rnuioniililir ri nuil wrlti luix to vrt n irmm aw n wtlx pay from 110 to iis tar ilrml nr dlaublrd rattln and hon 24 hmir mrvlf tf lephona fcout 21rl i llplwmid art8 libaon woiikst tfllf fq in orf3ri7 for di od dlflnblid rnttlft nnd hon ufmlllvfly luailanttku call ontnrio ll ndi rlna comtiany cot ijwc r ai ion hn oforkitown wit or fu ijjii 21 j mtr ufjm on iianlki ahim- ais wanted own horw hk we nay cmh at your rnrj phone fiiiflph 11j4 collrt fof im tmdlnlc aftrvlrv wm lalruj op- rntlnu for gordon youn a if inspectors tor npftion srvfppb ii pnrtmnt of national 1 f n for guns t carriages artillery ammunition mechanical engineering electrical i electronics clothing textiles leather footwear rubber hardware it v irlolis n ntri- a hrnad knnwlrilgr of bwuiufacluv ng mrtlindn in qnr ef ihrme field in rmirntlal halary will vary e rordtnc lo iiiallflratlon dutlr and varanrlrn lrtatl and appllratlon ttmam availalilr at vour nrareflt clvlr srrvlrr c omlrilhlon office na tinnal lmploymrnt office and lot flfflee alll lo civil ber lrr ammmnn ottaua quatlnc nmprtlllon numher 52 110 not i tht thn marc ii 27 isil a 3fl for rent i- oh 111- st thrt r i nnrd ap trtnun crurll loc it d apply b x r7 art n p r prtss u miscellaneous noticf anni aith iddnw of acton sjlditr ovt r is pbnx ph jrii mrs w coli s 25 pia0 tuning and repairs c w tnckty m john sc brnmpton phone 1576w a 31 ft washer repairs rolu parts complete overhauls ernie a radio and electric georgetown phone 405 roxy theatre bldfl atl sewing machines sales and service repairs to all makes ernie s radio and electric phon 4ij5 roxy theatre bldg gtorge town li kitchtnfk lphoiste1y hie our th s c rtn id suite re-up- hon r ti f r i hltlf ls 09 ro finhri nd slip covir vnrk for pr rn t nn 1 it i nt srri cnll 103 on ont atiks n rvic a personal skinny mfn women gain s o is lbs p too try fimoui o r x time tubuls for doubl r ults nt a hrulth fl sh n w enr n k i icfinintd rz nls goc all drujiklsli notice to creditors an ii othhts in thr utr of thomas herbert ook ml r n h i ni tlaim ajin i 1- t i of th in ls h rt r c tt u f th t ah hp if ksiju ink h un f ii ilton r irm r d r i t cl hi i 1 n or ah u th nt third clu of ottob 111 i i 1 t iii pr if ii i 1 h in i r il i 1 s il r 1 f h ta n n ntn t m i 10 if r ahici h i i u 11 i i nbi d 1 krirl is h ii m 1 i i i on ii t i s s i h 1 s f mnh i2 1- im th ill i n on si r f hi 1xicutr i ll i acton taxi phone 260r 24 hour prompt mwtecmm radio ditpalched cart- tali you anywhar al just phono 260r

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