Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1952, p. 4

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pace four the acton free press acton ontario thursday march sctlh u roys radio 1 axi is pleated lo announce successful arrangement in regard to laundry service now that the erin launderette has ceased operation cloth picked up as usual on mondays will new be returned on thursday of the same week this applta o wet damp or finished wash until further nolico prices remain unchanged thank you r goodwin phone lod acton lftftm60mf f rwe try super jjceml owe at 220 quart the amazing velvetysmooth paint thats entirely now for interior painting treat yourself to walls rich as velvet completely washable dries in one hour one coat covers most surfaces smart new colors and unlimited range apply oyer wall paper paint plaster wood needs no primer or sealer kerntone colors and white 1 69 quart alto good stock of wallpaper symon hardware mill street acton auto biographies -of- acton people and acton places through many years the lot now occupied by elliott bros general store braldas shoe store and hlntons store was orlfilnally bought from the adams estate by mr benzie he built a store on the comer and a warehouse where the hinton store is in theme days the stares kept bath dry rood and wet feeds many s barrel of oldtime whiskey went lata the eelur ef what was in these early days called the glssfow noose tn aem- nany with bsrrels of molasses and vlnarar back in the sixties charles and james symon bourht the benzie property and business in those days sugar came ih ffreat hogsheads holding half a ton or more often when the children were passing the warehouse from school a rood sized lump of thnt muscavndo went to a blue eyed maiden the gift of the stores er rand boy i to be continued 2 1 952 plymouth now 1 2 1951 plymoutht new 1 1 1950 plymouth club 1 coupe i 1 1950 plymouth sedan 2 1942 plymouth coaches 1938 dodge coach 1937 ford coach 1932 chov coupo 1948 indian twin mo torcycle low mileage liko new macswain motors chrysler and plymouth 252 queen st sales and service phone 85 x pteitipiiahette oobmet1c8 magazineh tohcuimonh stationery ureeting caudh ice crealrf maybe youve had trouble when busily preparing din ner with vegetables boiling over one suggested way to prevent this messy situation is to rub a small amount of- butter around the rim of the pot and while getting dinner nothing can be handier than a box of kleenex in the kitchen to take the place of that handkerchief that is hard to find at just the right moment kleenex in the mans size is just 36c or two for 71c the handy pocket pack is ideal for the purse or pocket at just 5c each or 12 for 59c chubby size and the hanky size is 22c or two for 43c with spring in the air and colds still going around why not get a bottle of idaphos a good gene ral pickmeup medication its the ideal spring tonic coop drug store a pleasant place to shop 31 mill st phone 87 mr lcrnaat waat of ktlchanar was home on th wknd mv jore jlbln o aurora was home for ih wekend mr mae symon is tn the dulph hruntlal for twalnwnt this weyk mrs avow visited dtirintf the weekend with mrs otarnw symon mrs hurry robinson pout the weekend with her sister in wlnd- mlss martfitret garvin visited friends in toronto over the week end mrs ijiwrenee ii baxter of ot tawa visiter her mother mrs john h ftlownt 1nit wfijk mr and mrs w kilty and mrs blanche brooks spent sunday with mr and mrs lost holchon mrs h brlgncll of toronto vis ited with her pnrents mr and mrs j h luid during the week mr and mnc cyril knight and douglas of palmcrston spent the weekend with friends hen miss joan waldron and miss joyce greer guelph spent the weekend at the latters home here mr and mrs f anderson attend ed the funeral of their aunt mrs w godfrey in guelph on mtjndoy mrs chas grlsch of woodbrldgc visited with mlsses m and e namshaw peel street during the week mrs w anderson blue springs road has been seriously ill the post week or so in sl josephs hospital guelph mrs w e uamsden and cheryl and mrs sexton of kenmore ny attended the funeral of mr albert mills on wednesday nassagaweya ss no 7 three films shown to forum members the busy bee institute held a social on friday evening in the school progressive euchre crok- inolc and flinch were played with prizes going to mrs wm wallace mrs ed davenport harlan wilson and william wallace for euchre r lindsay and bob thompson for crokinole mrs a allan and n barlow for flinch after the serv ing of refreshmentfl and ffoodbye said another social was brought to a close the final meeting of the winter series of farm forums was ietd in the school on monday evening mr spiers of camnbellville showed three films and there was a short program and some contests the coritests were won by mrs p mc lean in pencil golf the pie eating contest was a tfe between bob coxe and dbn mclean mrs zawlickl held the lucky cup sand wiches cake and coffee wore serv ed the members are looking for ward to the opening meeting noxt fall- quilting bocs have been held in several homes of the district the past few weeks ftockwood blackout as fuses blow in village fiiiwtlm saturday fcuriiium three rujuii blew out hi win power utlnii in thd village leaving tha illwim without llht and power for ii whori time 1ji1 wednesday uflenmhn under the aiunlees of the womens instit ute a demonslntlmi in eoimeetloit with wewltik machine was held in the town hall hofrsslinienla were served lo uuiiie who wore preiumt for the oeeamlnn friday evenlmt the ynunu people of the united church held a crok inole social in the sunday school rxrnn which was well attended owlnu to inclement weather sun- clay church servlcei were rathoi poorly attended because of the rid roads for those mtrnfttowrr in the nbsence of archdeacon mackintosh mr george elliott conducted servico at st johns church sunday aflernoon mr nnd mrs neil gordon and doujhter hove returned home from a holiday in florida conrratulations to mr and mrs frank day on the occasion of their 43rd wedding anniversary everton report visitors to from community mrs dan parker spent a few days last week with her son and family mr and mrs dave parker and sharon nt gait mrs n l richardson is visiting with her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs howard gilbank mr archie molloy guelph vis ited on saturday with his slater and brotherinlaw mr and mrs duncan mcallister- mr stanley stainton toronto li i ted over the weekend with r and mrs t d mccutcheon mr bob barbour has sold his cottage at the lower end of the village mr alf boles fergus called on a few in the village on irldny mi hold second folk school in holton knr the jtitithtl yir it tvtlk hihonl itiiti 1mm held lit the hmni nf mr hoy oiuhfcr cambi- vllle from mmeh 10 ut m ttiln yiitr four hoy from 3ry county joined with four tflrlri from ifellon county to pnttlelititt ih un jrtfr- unu prntfimttt lit lhtth of thi kehnnl wiim ttrtrlehltttf ruril lift in lliillm nnd gry chintltmt mid ww under th ladornhlp or cut- for i walle who wiu lumlhtwl by local ipeukerh oijcarinfl auction sale of farm hlnek implemrkla and lumlture rstunel ospringe auction sale of farm implement seed oats motors can and farm equipment the undersfgned have received instructions from frank cii1siiolm to sell by public auction at his farm lot 2 con 2 twp of esques- ing 1 mile north of the town of milton on highway no 25 on wednesday april 0 1952 at 2 oclock the following farm implements etc m h drophead hay loader dump rake 3 mh mowers mh grain binder in good repair mh man ure spreader 3 farm- warons hay rack set of sloop sleighs set of bent sleighs disc wheel cultivator 2 sets of harrows steel land roller mh grain drill 13run 2 walking plows buggy light wagon cutter stock rack wood rack root pulper delaval crenm separator pea har vester pleasure- sleighs harness top collars belts quantity of scrap iron and other small farm equip ment motor cars 1 model a ford coach car in running condition 1 nosh sedan car grain iso bus ajax oats suit a fo seed testing 44 lbs to bus terms cash settlement with clerk day of sale no reserve ns the proprietor has rented his farm and has no further use for these chattels htndley and elliott b3b2 auctioneers cottfryhmity greets wpekend guests miss joan craig of georgetown and mr jerome hunter of toronlu spent the weekend with mr rob ert hunter mr and mrs arnold suntcr and daughters of niagara fails visited on saturday with mrs g sunter and miss e baldic miss alvena winter of oustic visited with mrs w j jackson over the weekend mr and mrs david stewart spent a day recently in toronto while there they visited mr austin mc cutcheon who has not been- so well since going down there for a holiday but all wish him a speedy recovery friends of mrs george d rob ertson are pleased to learn she was able to come to her own home on saurday mrs robertson has been quite ill during the winter and has been will her daughter mrs wm webb since leaving the hospital all wish her continued good health little miss nancy bulloch enter tained several of her playmates at sunday supper on the occasion of her eighth birthday mrs dan winter and mrs r taylor were joint hostesses at the formers home- on wednesday at nti afternoon party in aid of the in stitute funds the understgned has bren in structed by hoy pkhrott lot j2 7th line esqiieslnk nt ashgrovo to nell by auction on tiiimunay arnil 3rd at 130 oclock the following horses tcnm boy murs 7 and 0 years cattle dual purpose short horn cow 5 years calf at foot dual purpose shorthorn heifer caff at foot dunl purpose shorthorn heif er due time of sale the above cows are vaccinated dual purpose shorthorn cow 4 years due time of sale fat cow 2 fnt heavy ctoora 2 fat yearling steers yearling steer yearling heifer pigs and fowl 3 york sows due last of april second litters york sow bred fob 10 third jit ter 2 young york sows bred feb 1 10 york pffis 13 mas 220 niu xls hens implements ferguson tractor in good condition ferguson tractor disc and plow mecormick decrmg 7 ft binder mecormick deering manure spreader cockshutt team scu filer mh drum hoy loader mh mower 5 ft cut mh 13hoc drill 2sectlon drag cultivator steel drum roller mh hay rake hoy tedder 3scction harrows steel truck wagon hay rack 3 hp gas engine 2- wheel trailer ncuf- fler now 24 ft extension ladder 100 ft snow fence loading chute pig crate feed box 4 oak barrels root pulper small tank sprayer hand corn plnnter poultry feeders and fountains 2 coal broodcr de laval cream separator seed feed and harness 5 bus rcclcaned red clover a few bushels wheat a few bushels oats set heavy team harness 3 horse collars forks shovels whfffletrccs and other small arttclps furniture marshal nnd wei- del piano in good condition large roll top desk easy tank vacuum cleaner used 2 months oak bod- room suite large renfrew kitchen range with reservoir nnd warming oven set bedroom dishes quan tity of sealers no reserve as the farm is sold terms cash frank petch auctioneer wilfrid bird clerk b clearing auction sale in the twp of pusunch livestock tractor implement ilay grain dairy equipment etc staff members honor mr mrs dills on his 25th anniversary as editor your eyes deserve the rest consult r m bell r0iturd optomvthtt phone 22r12 erin members of the free press and canadian champion staff and friends gathered at hawthorne lodge in milton saturday evening to honor mr and mrs g a dills at the close of mr dills 25 years as publisher and editor of the ac ton free press following a lovely dinner mrs dills was presented with a bouquet of red roses and mr dills received a silver engraved rose bowl the gifts of the staff mackmfyim aeuu we were very pleased to hear that our local baxter hockey team are the champions for this years industrial league you will be very glad to hear that most plywoods have drop ped in price and wi are feat uring 516 sheeting grade ply wood at 12sc per sq ft this week we also received a quantity of cement so he sure and call on us for youi spring building supply pont forjyt the easter seal campaign j b mackenzie son phone 4a the undersigned has received in structions from john e tuuneit to sell by public auction at his farm lot 24 con 10 2 miles wes of moffat on saturday march 29th commencing at 130 oclock the following cows and young cattle- 3- guernsey cows due time of sale with second calf 1 guernsey heit- er fresh 2 guernsey cows carry ing second calf due in aug 2 guernsey cows due in sept 2 guernsey cows milking well 2 heifers 15 mhs old 1 heifer 12 mos old 5 young calves all rattle vaccinated and area tb tested hogs 1 york sow with 12 pigs sired bv english boar- 1 york sow due miiv 0 2 york sows due mar m nnd 20 hay and grain 15 tons of timothy and alfalfa hay 50 bus wheat 15 bus rye 10 bus timothy i seed cleaned 1 ton fertilizer about 7 ft ensilage implements dairy equip ment frost and wood binder 7 ft cut on rubber john deere m tractor plow used 3 yearn frost and wood mower 5 ft cut massey harris seed drill 11hoe wetmore hammer mill dump rake massey harris cultivator 13tooth massey harris cultivator 0 rt drag massey harris hay loader potato plow massey harris disc plow hay rack rubber tired wagon steel tired wagon set harrows 0 ft set har rows 12 ft walking scuffler sloop sleighs about ton scrap iron cockshutt riding plow single fur row milk house 10x12 with 6 can cement vat woods 4can milk cooler milk cart international milking machine universal pahs in good condition 2 brooder houses 10x12 and 0x10 140 ft of ik pipe 12x20 ft silo 15 galvanized water troughs various other articles terms cash settlement with clerk day of sale no reserve as the lease has ex pired articles to be removed promotly wm a gtbson auctioneer bert gibson clerk b moore rocher painting and decorating contractors phone 299w qr 27sj acton notice acton hydro conucnra pwaia take nolle that a of april lit 19s2 only hydra ebctrk powor com- tnlatlon approved hoi wator hoatora will bo eonnoctod on a flat rato acton uc industrial pipe fabricating and welding steam hot water warni air heating plumbing pumping systems specialists in county work sheet metal work of all kinds industrial forced air duct systems air conditioning systems v large stock of eavestroughing boilers furnaces plumbing fixtures pipe etc carried in stock for your convenience our yoart of experience are your guarantee of satisfaction call bilt0n and perry limited acton phone days 464 nights 269w or 341 w spring fabrics a widetelsction of wool rayons cottons to choose from smart patterns plain shades come in and see the assortment nylon hose by weldrest spring shades fancy heels range of qualities from 129 to 175 pr gloves chamoisette rayon nylon white and colors 100 to 150 pr sockees white and colors sizes 4j to 10i cottons lisle nylon ac to 79c pr slips celasuede rayons crepei nylons lace trim straight cut from 139 to 495 blindcraft aprons new prints new styles 59c to 198 mens wear cambridge clothes smartly styled to your individual measure 2 pc suit from 4950 up shirts by took white stripes plain colors 395 to 650 nylon sockees smart pattern 150 pr sweaters cardigan and pullover styles see these broadcloth shorts 30to4316spr jockey shorts shirt 89 to 123 elliott bros

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