Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1952, p. 6

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pack sdc the acton free press acton ontario thursday mallcir j7lh iso rini vrar feuwr oat c1b htua ah oral flwhn bandolier o mahten imh brrd by i cox- milton don joyc miltnn dr wm v jamrt of maiden fartti gordon baraos norval nelson near hornby was tint in his clan lawrence sheridan clifford nnr- aiul grand champion of vhe ansus r moffut da at the recent beef bull thow gcd vrar heaver oat clab and aate in toronto fitted and 1 john w picket hornby earl shows by james kkay manager at i wilson norval john c willmott maiden farm this young herd aire j milton frank wjlson georuelown brouckt tl000 at the kale following the chow beta purchased by har vey blackburn of uxbridge bando- lwo mamai4i-a-brandson-of-nam- doluv of maple grove 13th a for mer holed herd sire owned by lloyd mack this great bull sired five rand champion annus steers at previous royals two of which were champion steers over all breeds we extend heartiest congratulations to both dr jamesand his manager januw mckay on their outstanding achievement atitaakix tirawth by maple unit the uaplc cattle breeders as sociation organized in 1s45 to serve the holstcin breeders in york coun ty al the outset had 83 members at the close of 1a51 its membership had crown to 42fi7 and provides service for the counties of duf ferin grey halton ontario peel peler- bornuch suncoe viclona and york in addition to districts in northern ontario in 1945 itslnud of holstcin health education progress described mr klwood johnston wa ho- ujoj for the march mo tin if of greonoclc women institute when 0i topic for thi program wjm home economic and health with mr krvd johnston and mrs wm hill as convenors the prsidtnt mr tho jlems- donald johnson milton holwrt ly charge of the meotlnj and the scripture was road by mrs hutlh held th roll cull was answervd with kitchen dos and parlor dont a social evening was planned for late in march to b htld at green ock school during the business a donation was approved to the canadian red cttwatvtppeal the district service short course vhat to do tnrtk5d5cto comc harold grain noral floyd nruj- den georcolown ttb lft jwcmiellorkfcilitnl boys and girla club work has al ways played an important part in the agricultural extension program of halton county plans are now underway to organize three calf clubs two grain clubs a tractor maintenance club and a swine club during the next few weeks initial plans called for the organization of a forestry club but unfortunately the demand for trees this spring from the forestry department evceocu the supply and consoquently organi zation of this club will have to be held over for another year in order to stimulate interest in this phase of extension work and also to provide additional reader ship a group of agricultural leaders from all sections of the county met in the farmers building milton on thursday of last week it cjordon bennett associate director of ex- ension for the ontario denartmcn bulla artificially bred 768 cows at the doee of 1951 there were 36 bulls j of agriculuire who is in charge of in the cludig being holsteins 4 jyf and girls club work tn the jersey 4 ayrshire 3 guernseys 4 hereford and 5 shorthorns the total number of cows inseminated during the 12 months ending de cember 31 1051 was 36024 this was the amazing story revealed by g w keffer manager of the maple tjnit at the wellattended annual meeting of the halton ranch held in the court house milton last friday during the halton meeting a fit ting and well deserved tribute was paid to hal tons popular inseminator jack hamilton jack hamilton staled one of the maple officials is the most conscientious inseminator on our staff frank g stark and edwin har- rop halton representatives on the maple unit board of directors we re unnn imously reelected djilv annual the annual meeting of haltons three dairy herd improvement groups was held in conjunction with the above meeting dr h i- patterson director of the farm eco nomics branch of the ontario de partment of agriculture was the special speaker in this section as puns for fracture treatment has usual dr patterson presented a been developed the material is fund of information which any made of glass and cellulose acetate dairyman whether in d h ia work and unlike plaster it will not dis- to be held at hulsburgh with miss j grace hamilton rw from the department as speaker was dis cussed in april the president and sec retary will attend the provincial conference at guelph as delegates from greenock mrs hugh reid district director gave a splendid report of the dir ectors meeting at guelph when all the arrangements were made for the baking sewing and musical eon pet ions for the district annual at mimosa in june the program was presented with mrs fred johnston presiding a most interesting paper on health by mrs albert mckcown outlined the advancement in health educa tion in canada during the last cen tury- mrs bill johnston sang two tolas with guitar accompaniment it is no secret and little eddy mrs john near read the story of the institute ode by defining each line and explaining its meaning an irish contest was conducted by toronto office was in attendance some excellent suggestions wen re ceived and some of these will be put into effect in the current years pro- r i k mm mrs ralph mckcown with mrs gram it was the recommendation elliott patterson and mrs robert allan winners farm ponds for of those present that a permanent committee be orcanizod the committee appointed for lqw lasfollous chairman a t wood- ley viocchairman v e mcarthur sectreas ray cvcrdell com- i irilfrttl rianfar mittce memben esquesinc r l naltoil vjounty davidson kenneth ella f o hun- ter h cram reid and mac sprawl another step in water conscrvat- nassarawcya t c amos robert lon flre prevention for the lakinc and duncan moffat nelson i p of halton is the asml- ross seesworth arthur spencer i ncv now available to farmers f nd ceoree pcllctteno trafalear coumv thc enstrucon of m c beaty jack marchment w r toxell walter royle and c ii law- be refreshed 7 dead stock hoksks cattle hocs oboatokiowm u gordon young nons men- hv ptarl s buck gods men is mwt certainly a immuc worth reading and worth is what it has for iflowlnif through a most inlerestlnc stry of travel success and romance is a thesis that will surely touch everyone who reads the book and even those who hlsacree as did the majority of characters in the book from pearl buck of course readers expect a book about china nut this story just starts thre and with the dramatic background of tlic dover rebellion mn ephead optometrist eys exnmnd scintifcilly glasses fitted guelph t sl gerr 8q phone 1525 ctttmblkitd m tcu ir not could ill afford v 1 reviewing and interpretinc the tigure of two of haltons three groups dr patterson stated the average production and efficiency in th- halton herds is somewhat higher than the provincial average g w kefrer manager of the maple unit iiim commented as follows on thi qtuihty of halton herds the iv trug ualit of the dairy herds in this countv is better than in most cuuuucf- i ha vi visited others vvh speke on this excel lent prkram were as follows dr d c mackav maple chief tchnicun who deult with sterility dr wm mitchell of the halton health unit on haltons mastitis control pro gram jiue darlington retiring president of the maple unit and a k snule seeretaiv treasurer at maph ponds on their farm details of this work are given in another column i and may be secured from the afin- j cultural representative mr white j lock the primary purposes of such ponds are jiven as a supply of i water for livestock or domestic purposes provide water for fire t protection provide water for spray- a new plastic to replace plaster of mfi or imcation and to aus in control of soil erosion the need foi all of these purposes is evident j to every farmer naturally it is a program that will take some ears to accompll rence younc people tetveen the aces of 12 and 20 years inclusive who are interested should contact one of the above or the agricultural office in milton plastic replaces plasteb solve in water or crumble when did you last think about a loan for farm improvement donald johnson mod john v picket top raln cluh achievement day halton s two rain clubs held th r ivhvuvr achievement da3 in on iiiiltuiii with the annual hal lo i s if1 pair and baoon show lxit u k tft aw aids which are boused on 1 its nt the tram cuib pro- jt s follows dunns the past few vears thou-s- ands of farmers acros canada have made rood use of farm improve- mien loans thev hav e increaed both the valu- of the r farms and their own incomes pnbably there h e bten tims when ou thought about applvms for mich a kin varelf ilit w hen did ou lxst eh v k tn the dea coidltons and v uir pricpecls maj hive changed snee then th- majori of kami lmroe- nien loans hav o been mide to hlp rimies bin machmerv of oneknd o another hut there are manv oher ijood puroes for a loan muh ls the mprovement tf farm- hoilses and outbaimmgs or the m- taliaton f elect neitv drama- nd w iter sslini again thi m loan can cover the purchase of livestock and the planting of fnn trees the coot of a farm improvement lan is reasonable too five per cent a year and it is rvpavable in instalments especially suited to the seasonal nature of our income as a farmer why not think the idea over again now then if ou feel there is something m the fil plan for ou drop ino the acton branch of the bank of montreal and have i w ord with gordon oder the manager you 11 find hnn very helpful poets corner its funny i fur i thi- h lb qr i i i thi hu h ki- i i p w lp tv it i 1 i i w i i i m rjo k i i- i ki- f 1 wv 1 1 iv iil 1- 1 vh v of i 11 ih v- driver jack doheftty omha ontario socety for cnppled chiuien anbulnce service delivers two patients to the toronto junior lejgue celebral pals nursery school tins is osl another of the i many services provided through the support of your contribution in the toster seal campaign the campaign continues until april 13 with an obective of 400000 locally organized by the rotary club they ask that contributions be left at the bank of nova scotia in ac ton i- th- iii f lif- tir- -tri- im tikt invthr k out ant so trn iprxir to lw- funn aul luir th- hitiitj of mortal tx-low- thouch fortune arc won in th- tmcbli- down hrn th-vr- left on the itav that we ko when the battle is fought we take what we brought and we lose what we win in the bout for flod never meant in the leasoiu ite uuht that man ahould take anythlnf out the next time i eo to sea undo ed im going to go on the bus last week grandma and t had a long bus trip and the drivers were really swell when we changed buses the driver helped grandma and j me to pick out our new bus and he told her not to worry about anything the new driver was swell too and ha told me he had a little girhike g me at home i rpp sure like going v7 on the bus fares are low round trip boston 2610 los angeles 9660 st louis 2865 washington 2560 tsurhjrcjo included tickets and information af harold wiles phone 207 wallpapersttza from in waatam ontario pa hi wf soma of tho mora popular brands of ain i nationally advartiaed paint carrwd in uocfc books toys stationary suppliaa kennedys book store 35 wyndhwri st goelph akigu kwmttxfy prtyp moves closer home to now york and who isnt interested in the story of millionaire and how they got that way but thc plot is by no mcans romantically mihonjiw- minded as so many action booki are as well as very living char acters there are in the book cas ually mentioned other name which brina the plot to reality thus enhancing the thcsls- sun yat sen f d roosevelt chiang kai shek madame chlanr and harry truman bring actuality onto thi pages so too does the refer ence to the war in korea the book ends its thesis the focal point in 1dw the story without the idea would be bald although one must admit interesting enough but gods men vibrates with more than fiction for a book whoso plot interest is never subordinated to its mes sage for a book that will give readers characters as well as an idea to remember try nobel prize winner pearl bucks latest god j men chart price rise during seven years average prices received by farm ers m ontario on february 15tti 1d52 with comparisons have just been released by the ontario de partment of agriculture while comparison of prices at november 15 1951 december 15 1051 and january 15 1952 which were shown on the chart can be estimated b farmers in the dus- t ict those of seven years ago how distinct changes the average price of wheat from 1935 to 1939 was 8fl 1 cents a bushel and in february 15 1952 2187 following are some of the prices listed after the commodity is- the price at february 15 1952 and m bracket- is the average price be tween 1935 and 1039 oats per bus 912 44 g barley per bus 1 315 583 rye per bus- si 65 3 104 9 flaxseed per bus 4 23 1481 buckwheat per bu- 135 9 55 9 potatoes per cwt s4 73 2 981 turnips per cwt 121 1 hay and clover per ton loose 15 59 i9 08 alfalfa per ton loose 15 59 9 0fl honey per lb 204 i9fl horses per headj 85 33 i 112571 milk cows per head 217 81 44 37- beef cattle i per cwt live weight 28 78 fisi cilvrs per cwt live weight 3151 s7 lfi sheep per cwt live weight si4 99 328 iambs per cwt live weight 2803 5713 hogs j per cwt dressed 25 82 butterfit pe rib 68 2 25 9 butter per lb 657 257 chick en per lb live weight 304 14 b chickens per lb dressed 44 5 i turkeys per lbs live weight 445 turkeys per lb dressed 58 7 pucks per lb live weight 35 8 ducks per lb dressed 47 5 gcosp per lb live weight 37 1 geese per lb dressed 47 7 eggs per doxen 34 9 21 3 wool per lb unwashed th 3 13 11 tost prove 20 protein bmi omwwud oa mam chick starter i hf fclatek growth ifcataaiim by abac today youd j a kerr acton ont that mature earlier whatever your crop it can be irriprtned with r a complete plant food swifts vrgoro fpr commercial grower ii a complete plant food tested by scientific research proved by experience vigoro commercial grower goes to work immediately you introduce it to your sod it gives to your soil every vllal nutrient essentia to crop growth and development 1 he results appear in your harsest early maturity higher ields toptiuality jw in your profits so plan for a bumper crop this year qrler vigoro for commercial growers from your authorized swift dealer today swift canadian co limited plant food division po 39 maw trnlb ont get your vigoro cg at acton flour mills harold mike coxe plu heating phone 370r acton phone j51w now is ihe time for your eavest roughing jobs we have a large stock on hand to serve you

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