Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1952, p. 1

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wxt jviclfrtt jfttt ftoss sowenlysovonth year no 39 acton ontario thursday april 3rd 1952 ten home print pages sly cens approve high school building plan ijeague champions in the georgetown industrial league and surprise winners were the bax ter lab entry shown horo in goorgotown after the victory is the team they eliminated smith and stone in the finals baktors now lay claim to the sheeny tost trophy shown are back row loft to right h kinroad a robinson r evordoll m jordan k mcphail coach d timmins w duval d coleman front row bob marshall j zeac j stewart george beatty d coleman v masters e masalos and f somerville k adamson and w fields were absent ontario mission fights communism the march meltink of the bap tist minsion circle was held in the church islington salesman killed at rockwood mm s crlppfl welcomed ihu large congregation which in cluded guests from the loc d churches and from tho gcorgetow i nnd hubrburffh baptist churches j on saturday night when his car went off the rond i milr mil ofhtmkwomlnnd wont sidewards over a sixfoot bank capsiing duncan mackmie of islington was instnnlv kiled report explains towns deficit of 253 council accepted the annual auditors report nt their meeting on tuesday night the report presents u complete financial picture of the towns operations in 1051 the auditor explains the deficit incurred in the year of 25337 21 is a matter of grave concern there are three princi pal items causing this deficit the town failed to put into the 1051 tax mtimates the full road expenditure an called for by the road bylaw and thus failed to levy in 1051 adequate taxes for the current expenditures it has been the custom up toll 1050 to prepare the budget very m piano vocal solos vary aid meeting early and strike the rate before full information on many of th operating costs could be obtained a fire truck nnd snow blower were purchased in the year with only partial provision for financing name thev could have been deb enturcd and paid for over a pciiori of years if the proper bylaws hau been passed al the time and pi- mission ohtolned from the municip al board acton owns in land buildings and equipment w401c2 m which arc listed ns fied assets in 1d71 all the present debentures will be paid off occordinc to the schedule contained in the report the towns debenture debt is 1001183 the report also serves to em phasize why everyone should dc interested in council activities be cause expenditure totalled 10- 544 25 which is a big business sum last years expenditures on ed ucation totalled 22024 05 with 17 372 60 going to the public schoo board and 5 5523 to the north halton high school district board fire protection last vear cost the town sllcfm03 of which 9 018 45 was for the purchase fire truck council authorized the printing of the auditor s report and copies will bo available nt the town office within a month district governor compliments y men the acton vs mens club might stand fintmthe district the dis tnct governor of central ontario wilf rnberts told acton ys men nt their regular meeting last thursdav evening he compliment ed the group on their activities form an law rence v ls elected president of the club garnet mi- kenie vice president russell perrv secretary tom witso i treasurer and doug manning herg eantat imis these officers are to delect committees and will tiki office in mn fyptrituents which proved that leather breathes neompanied n talk and film on the tanning of leather given bv w wolfe and c cook final plans were made for the father and son banquet 1 greer is chairman of the committee the regular monthly meeting of knox ladies aid was held at the home of mrs f anderson on tuesday afternoon march 25 beau tiful spring weather prevailed so there was a largeattendance in the absence of the president mrs j dennis presided and con ducted the business the devot ional period was taken by mrs w walkins reading the lesson and mn h l bcnnie leading in pray er mrs w gowd contributed two delightful piano numbers and mrs john davidson rendered two vocal solos beyond the sunset and back of the cloudi an interesting story wis read bv mr r h armstrong the storv of the months mrs e grmdcll on behalf of the commit tee expressed the thanks to the hostess and to those who had eivt ertulmd with their talents airborne mission subject of film it was missions night at knox yjs regular meeting on tuesdav night in the sundny school room in the absence of the convene isabel ritchie clarence coles sub stituted the meeting began with a lively song service of gospel hymns june watkins deonna gricr nnd craw ford dougmsiksifrtedin the-devot- 10ns and two hymns were sung fenttire of the evening was the fnm wings to the word show ing the work of an airborne mis- sionary in the vast distances of brazil tho meeting divided into two groups for a bible v whih resulted in a very close score of 17lfi bill bell took charge of th- business meeting comprised of the secretarys report roll call and an nouncements fourteen answered yes or no if they had been able to answer a question in the qui or not after a closing hymn rev r h armstrong pronounced the ben ediction mrs lome garner led the dev otions and introduced the speaker miss mae brooks of the rural life mission mis brooks showed colored slides of her work among the new canadians in northern ontario and told of many interest ing experiences she impressed hei udiencc with her wonderful iie of humor and with her real she node special reference to the com munist mfijtnition in northorn ontario and totd of the efforts made by the mlssion and the i hurches to counteract it muss ethel franklin and miss salome bowman sang two lovely duets mrs cripps expressed the ap preciation of the group to miss brooks and following the bened iction refreshments were served and a time of fellowship enjoyed ability impaired by alcohol driver fined court costs jailed convicted of driving while his ability was irnpaircd by alcohol thomas ferryman of r r 1 llmo- housc was fined court costs of 32 50 and given 10 days in jail he was driving saturday morn ing on no 7 highway east of ac- ton when his cor went off the road and broke a hydro pole no oher vehicles were involved two witne es who saw the car travelling east from guelph where mr mackc-n- ie is believed to have been visit ing friends told mvestigatirg pol ice that the driver npparentl did not slc the curve in the roij and the car went straight over the bank on no 7 highway the vehicle careened through guard rails crumbled a checkered warning sign and a stop sign and overturned in the gully the cuivo is quite sharp and neor th junction of four roads the car came to rent almost in a 1 clump of small trees the accident occurred about i 10 45 p m and guelph provmcial police investigated dr k walle- rockwood the district coroner was also summoned mr mackon7ie who was alone in the car suffered various fatal injuries including cuts to the head the bodv was taken to the victor b rumley funeral home in ac ton and the funeral service was held in islington a salesman of the astral rcfrig- emion co toronto mr mnckcn- 7ie leaves a sister mrs gordon bcnnie toronto and a brother and sister in the united states the car a 1051 model was almost completely wrecked estimated damage was 1000 schools garage bylaw topics at 6 hour session actt n toimtil in legulai scmon ttilsdnv night that liislid until 1 30 a m with nil councillor piestnt appnued the luilding program mig- gstd bv lepiestntativt s of the n6rih holtim high school jiislnct bouid that tails foi tlu t itction of i new school at acton ond georgetown with iht addition ol a c moanum at the milton school count il also passed tho gnagt closing inlaw petiluimd foi in 7 p i tmt of llu gavige operu- tois a spicial nu ting v as ilsn anangt d to cnnsidci tht pt tition pie-senl- td sonn timt ago b bowei ave residents asking removal if the nuisance alhgedlv caused bvthe wolfe turkev farm it was i htisv st ssitui tiusdoy night that ran pist the midnight cur few l an houi and a half as council was plagued all evening b tt chni- cahtus in tlu earlv part of the meeting nenrl 20 i itizens were present sjme us number- of delegations u considering the ptoposal of the painting lighting at school progress chairman oakes presided at the tegular meeting of the publu school board tuesday evening all trustees were present i mr forrester of guelph sub contractor who has the painting i contract was in attendance and i advised that he would start paint- j me on april 2 tlu property committee reported thnt the lighting fixtures had been selected and also that mr kent of llu kent tile co had left plans and designs for the mastic floor ing a further meeting was ar rangi d to make tht final choice of u sign and color for the various ruonvs ti nilit- lor tlu sale and removal of tlu old boiler and fill for th- od pit were opened and the high est bid of 100 frvm j harrls wils atcepted sitbjeit to removal dui mg the eamer tudidavs trte board approvtsd requisition for biuik and supplies and was ad- v lsed that the typewriter hnd been leaned and made useable the supplv caipimittee was dir ected to list supplies needed ond for presentation silence observed for mrs h denny silence w as observed at the meeting of the woman i associat ion of the united church hel 1 nn tuesdav for the late mrs h dennv who was a member of the sneietv for some icars one verse was sung blest be the tie that bind mrs h burns the president was m charge the devotional was taken bv mrs d drvsdale and muss e hawthorne boll call was mswtred bv neighbor cards art being sent to the sick and shutms during the easter season an invitation w as extended to members to attend the cgi t ev ent the wa indies are serving dinner to the preabterv meeting the nueting closed with he mi7pah bendiction lunch was served bv mrs g simpson mrs d lindiov mre l agar and mrs b veldhuls and a social time was spent together police recover mementos taken in toronto robbery of mr and mrs harrison ten members w iii attend th district conference for vs mens ere prices clubs in kitchener it was teportid that the average attendance during te winter was i out fee wus reported by the set 03 per cent with ther members retary the next meeting receipt of fifl march nan-resld- luivtng prrftct attendance there re 38 members in the club alto gether don wlaeins o former member was a eufrrt at the meeting a finance statement of 13l2fl w as presented and approvcvt und the secrtary was directed o as sess the nhftsjd board 4m80 for cost of march plant operatfon acton frunds will be glad to learn that police recovered for mr c 11 harrison the watch present- id him and which had been taken w hen his torono home was bur glinid other items recovered bv police and returned were the watch presented mrs harrison when thev h id left the farm home at rock- mile the movie camera a radio and rive rings the items were in flvt different pawn shops in the citv the thief who was apprehended w as a man w ho had escaepd from the hospital for the criminally in- sane at penetang mr and mrs harrison were particularly glad to receive the two watches which had been presented them bv friends and which represented friendships hev enjoved obituary funeral service is held in church funeral service was held on tuesday in acton united church following a private service for mrs j h denny a resident of acton for 44 years rev e a currey conducted the service following a private funeral ser vice in the victor b rumley fun eral home acton on tuesdav af ternoon a second service was con ducted in acton united church for mrs j h denny by rev e a currtv mrs dcnrfv died in s joseph s hospital guelph on sat- urdtv march 20 church officials attended funeral as mrs dennv was a faith ful member of the united congreg ation pallbearers were j harrls c mason f cleave b veldhurs h elliott and o johnston interment followed in fairview cemetery acton the former margaret moore was married on christmas dav lflfld in acton to j h dennv and tht couple lived on the farm of hls father robert denny they moved to queen st acton 44 vears ago at christmas 140 mr and mrs dennv celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary mr denny dud several years ago the late mrs denny hod been living with mrs a t mann at the beginning of 10m invest ments in canada by nonratldents totalled 7 077 million compared to 0 013 million in 1030 plan first countywide tb surv for th year officials of the hdlton countv tuberculosis and health associntion hope to have tb chest xias of 25 000 in halton when the first county- wide survey is carried on for six wetkb in novtmber und december of this vear dr mather of the halton countv health unit reporud in a rect nt interview that ontario had the lowest tb rate of unv other place in the woild he point d with pride to tht extumelv low rait in the countv but warmd that with the t xpansion and industrialization of the countv txtra precautions would be mctssarv suict pt roni would be moving m from tb urt is dr mather rt ported that i j 00 dust xras had bun rnadt in tht tount high schools last vear and all sihool imploveti from bus drivers to tt tithets had also bt t n rt nun i d jo tak tht t xainination outlining the plan for the macj totmtvw ulc survtv near tin end of tht vtar dr ma her explained that the mobile xrav unit would pnobablv be mt up in all the mun icipalities of the count and when i factorv tmploved more thin v nun the unit would set up at the plant to handle the men there would be an at empt to group th smjllt r plants he pointed out much of thii work li carried on through the contributions from chrittmas seals at the met ting of the county association on monday of this week at hawthorne lodge milton it was reported that collections totalled w292 m or an increase of 01 7 per cent over lust yeor dr s a holling and mr russell thi o tht id th nn t mplovtmnl dipirtintnt of health sp ke representatives on the p-op- mirve and explained a survey which district high school- board it was 1 ointed out that the present baslf on w inch the shai es w ere to b paid bv municipalities was e-tih- lishcd bj the municipal board in a ruling that is valid w ith ex ceptions for five vears the till ing was demanded by georgetown and is favorable to acton uul georgetown dining jht discussion such quest tons as when s the moncv golni to come fretm are ou satis fied to pay two mills to o school in mother town are you sntlsfed to go without a high school in town were tossed back nnd forth in an effort to airivc at a decision maoi rachlln tpposed the building plan and contended lhat if this tow n usnl run more ef fie- ientlj than in the pam people wiui ihv council ae leaving ttvn because of econ omical conditions and the school w ill be adequate it was pointed out that acton did not own a high school build ing the public school boar i controlled the present build ing and tht igreement rui out this vear council alio rt viewed tht point lhat charges ft r such a budding program would not hkelv begin until lfl4 and the program mght still be upset unless four of the five municipalities ir tht district support the pi n a letter from r w mccaulev solicitor ftir tht garage operators warned that unless council took act- petit- upeintors had assurance their low- vt r would support the bylaw in he supreme court without cost the bylow is printed in full elij- where in this issue mayor rachlin asked if it would not be better to hold o speciil meeting on the matter of the tur key farm about which a petition had been presented and on which n delegation was present b h elliott reminded council lhat n petition had been presented some time ago regarding the nuis ance we wont rome type of act ion he declared tills is a prob lem for council to solve thais what they are elected for h concluded seveial members of the delegat ion said they had no quarrel with mr wolfe but wanted action from thf ton and passed the b law loned for bv the operators the necessary proceedings w ould b rted forcing the town to pass the blaw deputvreeve stewart council lors bognvaldson and irwii oppos- d the passing of the bviaw fraved tempers were in evid ence as the discussion dragged on review ing manv of tht often re peated arguments solicitor leatherland pointed ou that f council continued to fail to pass the bv law the operators could applv for a mandamus and councillors might be personally responsible for the costs maor rachlin explained that ho had instructed the solicitor to pre pare a bylaw along the unci of what he felt council wanted mr matswtnn emphasized the foe that he for one operator would not ae- pt a substituted bviaw a res olution calling for the first reid- ing of the substituted bylaw was defeated mr macswnln told council the in ght i v ntuallv be insituted bi thi tountv undt r the preemployment sur- vtv plan a chest xray would be necessary for every employee be fore he could itart work in a plant a ttrtificate would acknowledir- the test and be valid for one year the phm is now operating in pet erborough loual organizations will be estab lished under the halton county tuberculosii und health aunelat ion to coordinate the activities of the mobile unit while in the mun- icivility nine and a half decades of life were celebrated on monday by william aaainpnze of acton mr mainprise who wa 95 on the last day of march lives on mill st and enjoys good health for a man of his years ho was recently featured on a radio broadcast as acton s oldest resi dent mayor rachlin added that he would not be a party to consid ering a thing concerning two par ties without hearing bath sidei a pecial meeting was irraiiget i tli all petitioners and interested pai ties to be notified it was also decided that council request tho presence of dr mather of tho halton county health unit and an official from the depsrtment of municipal affairs a it solution was passed that council would not supply tile for pnvite driveways but would keep it for sale at cast price plus freight to property owners it was ex plained that when the tile had bee n supplied by the town a great deal of damage had baen done to it in some cases the planning board advtoed council that the light standard at the corner of mill and main st was not encroaching on private property and ls on the proport purchased in lft20 by the town thev suggested that no furtlie- action be taken the board also asked that coun cil open sevt ral feet as roadwav on mill st the property for which was purchnsed in 1010 and which would allow the establishment of i straight line on the plan now being prepared they advfted againil deeding the property back to own ers since it might be required at some future date for the develop ment of the town mivor rachlin attempted to ex plain the situation that some years ago there was considerable land in front of the storta from elliott brts down and the town boeipht that land to widen the street subr sequent to that there was a plan made showing the street line at ip- proximutely the face of the mora apparently the town bought 10 ft but used b because it onlv nok 8 the planning board suggests that the additional two fed be retained and opened the chairman and vicechairman of the planning board were tt be invited to the nt xt meeting to clarify tht situation council accept t d the auditors report for 1001 and dlst ussed the advisability of having it prttited it was pointed out that statutes re quire reproduction of 200 coplcu che aper methods wtrt discussed but council agrt si to h ive the re port printed in the usual manner they also aiithorit d the publicat ion of the 19s2 estimate in the frt t prt s a motion to purchase three new chairs for the council chambt n one has a leg offi was defeat ad mayor rachlin inquired how much the library board had at the end of 1051 the report showed a balance of 110 adding to this art ft80 grant coming from the govern ment mayor rachlin concluded they hod 91100 before rece iving this years grant from the town the mayor pointed out that very little had been provided for relief r continued on pag four

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