Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1952, p. 2

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aob tw imc atlll rkcc rkeoo iwp jrtrkj tjmurl i so your taxes are high i now that citizens ore over their first shock of the 192 tax rate the matter might be discussed with some calmness no orie likes taxation of any kind you will invariably hear all kinds of argu ments on lis size the method of arriving at the amount and comparisons of the amount paid by other folks its like the weatherwo dont like ii but there isnt much we can do about it or is there a iftherglt ff taxation that riots our loast oboctlon it is tho municipal levy the reason is simple wo see the roadirthe water service the educational facilities the sewers the garbage col lection tho snow cloarlng and the multitude of sorvicos on which our municipal taxes are spent tfhoy aro about us every day and on ovory hand and we have the prlviloge of mooting our follow citizens overy day who servo on municipal bodies and on whom wo can unburdon our troubles the multitudo of taxes that meet us in every other corner do not havo such visible results for the money contributed you buy a new auto mobile and pay moro taxes on the doal than municipally any yoar everything you purchase has an invisible tax included we dont complain because they arent shown as separate itoms and are included as part of the sale price and we cant meet face to face thosewhose responsibility it is to make the levy but in those days of big surpluses in provincial and federal governments the enquiry might well be made of what we are gotting for our tax dol lars municipal taxes are peanuts to the amount paid in other fields we have over the past years accepted thorn as inevitable but these days we might woll considor their need in view of chang ing circumstances a reduction in any field of taxos would undoubtedly moan a lower cost of things which we consider necessary to our stand ards the provincial government has brought down its budget for the yoar and shortly the dominion government will make its forecast on financial matters we are certainly disappointed in the ontario budget in its help to the municipalities whore so much is being done for so little we entertain little hope from the dominion budget but surely soon the municipalities can hope for a few peanut shells from the tax take to ease the burden bird sanctuaries spring has officially begun even though at times tho season seems a little crowded with snowflakos its a cheery thought too as the warmer days can be expected with all the other pleasant things such as the abandoning of over coats and hats again or maybe we should say already the area is welcoming back the birds thatspent the winter south speaking of birds brings out two subjects- first the jack miner foundation and sec ond the building of bird houses the jack miner migratory bird foundation was incorporated in canada by a special act of the on tario legislature there are no salaries paid to the directors who all give their time to administer the activities and purpose for which the foundation was created all the money is used directly for the conservation program begun by jack miner and now carried out by his sons at the jack miner bird sanctuary at kingsville ontario the late irwin s cobb always referred to jack miner as the greatest practical naturalist on the planet it is an undisputed fact that jack minor secured the first complete facts of where a bird was banded and where it was shot there was a time not too long ago when bird house building was quite a hobby and yards were decorated with simple as well as ornate buildings for the birds but lately there seems to have been a decline in the number of bird houses that are built perhaps because we are too caught up in the bigger things to think of such simple tasks in some towns we have noticed bird house contests that have stimulated a certain degree of interest that is certainly good to hear of nothing can be more interesting than a bird house oasily seen from a window the activities of the little birds can keep one watching for some time as they build their nest hatch their young and eventually leave for the south inconvenient conveniences there is trouble with mail deliveries in the cities and the other day we read a lengthy article giving instructions on tho methods to be used to overcome some of these delays of course out in tho small towns we dont encounter these incon veniences and possibly walking to the post office saves us more timo than wo realize somotimos the things wo considor inconveniences aro after all tho most convenient out in tho smaller towns if tho mail comes into town you get it promptly if you want to help yjtonsalf wo learned recontly of a group of cards sent by mail for a meeting in the city which wore post ed four days before the mooting and reached tho addresses the day after the mooting wo often get word from our subscribers that the home paper which is mailed hore ovory thursday night reach es our subscribers on tuesday and some times on wednesday of tho following wook the fault must be largoly in tho city delivery because everyone knowi that the free press is available at the local post office late thursday afternoons some times socalled inconvoniencos that we do not enjoy in the small towns are roally conveniences the good old days may have seemed better back in 1902 taken jrom the issue o the free preeg ttj thursday april 3 1062 youre washing what teat vtrtt on the home front things on the homo front arent the most favourable it seoms in the annual report of the contral mortgage and housing corporation tabled in the house of commons it is revealed that the average canadian worker can no longer afford to build his own home the report states that allowing 23 per cent of the gross income for shelter the wouldbe home owner in 1950 required 2700 a year in order to ruild the simplest type house by the end of 1951 he required 3300 a year but the average in dustrial worker does not make anything close to this his average earnings at the beginning of 1952 were 2624 a year in the prediction of a big construction and equipment boom in 1952 a report offers hous ing is the one dark spot in this rosy picture of 1952 outlays for new housing construction are expected to decline by about 10 per cent in terms of dollars below the 1951 figure housing indeed seems to bd the dark side of a rosy picture when you take into consideration the fact that construction workers may easily be come unemployed because no one can afford to use their services and materials are out of the price bounds too if wage demands in all fields keep on the up ward trend the prohibitive price of articles will reach into fields other than construction too north east west s outh gleanup time spring brings tq mind something under the heading of spring cleaning that many housewives will start thinking about soon but this year it can well be expanded to the whole town with a cleaning up after streets were put in fair shape last year the upheaval of sewers with an unearthing of ground that left our town in perhaps the dirtiest slate in its history is over true the restoration of the streets and improvements of them is still a municipal ob but if we are going to have some attractive streets the yards of each house should be cleaned up to contribute to a pleasant appear ance of course therell be need for some painting and other improvements that will add to the ap pearance of the town and the impression it creates for the passing motorist tax and howl go sit on o tnic was the order for councils throughout the distnct recently h their lengthy sittinr could hnve lowered the tax ratc any councils would hove been a- happy as other taxpayers george towns rate remained the same as inst year 43 guclphs is 71 mills acton councils news was 63 and miltons 50 cheer up cockney hearing an owl who- ooo whats that canadian its nn owl cockney hi know hits an owl but whnt is it thats owltnj halton prime target noticed last week in a daily paper that were lending in civil defense we being halton count actually most of the credit for the countyh nov commendation goe- south of course for all the county there are the recent arrangement for cooperation between fire bri gades and police forces just lately news reported the suggestion that the oakville council buy a water monijor tq warn of radioactivity in lake water ana evidently the council has earned out the suggestion in oakvill too air raid wardens are all ap pointed and medical supplies ne ordered emergency treatment centres are designated and 11 county doctors will be available for service the progressive industrialisation of the south nelson and trafalgar is resulting in the realization that the southern part of halton is a prime military target oldsters lucky young people should evidently lend a bit of an ear to the nexi oldster v ho starts telling about the good old days an article in th milton canadian champion liit wetk doesn t prove the old das were better days but that those editorial notes american money is still accepted at par in most parts these days but no one is paying a pre mium any more there s a radio broadcast designated as post mark uk perhaps this weeks comment of the editorial column should be postmarked toronto for reasons beyond our control with some prices on the downgrade we hear of the building of floor prices that will be fine if the floor is substantial enough to carry the load for everything we produce and not ust a select few j iusiness and thr only paper ever published in acton founded in 187il tyid published every thursday aft 56 mill st e acton ottt member of the audit bureau of circula tions the c wn a and the ontarioquebec division of the c wn a advertising rate on request subscriptions pay able in advance 2jio id canada 350 in the united states sue months 150 single copies 0c authorized as second class mull post office department ottawa g a dills editor and publuhsr editorial office telephone 174 1 tb board of education took an important ntep at the meeting on monday evening in adopting tho principal of weekly report cards cecil hhodrs dletl at capetown on thursday after a prolonged iu- ncjui the dally mail say that the bulk of his fortune hns been lft to the promotion of his viwt im perial scheme of education the details of this plan wfll be made public in a few days back in 1932 who are still around to tell about them are lucky the death column of n toronto newspaper of 1870 listed the fol lowing ages of those whose death was announced that day 20 six months 75 4 2 54 7 fl one month 80 3 fl fl five weeks 24 17 22 72 and 25 out of 19 who died only three were over 70 there were four deaths in the milton paper last week agej lifted gil 58 87 and 50 yankee backslap almost as possessively friendly as the fabled yankee backslippcr is this column which appropriates any halton resident for the readers of all corners of the county two more of our neighbors more or less were in the news this wcck oak- vjlles joan fairfax has been sum moned to the states by arthur godfrey to appear with him on tv there another from our midst was sea- hired in macleans magazine last week in an article on the toronto dail star charles hindmarsh whoe head bumps the top of the executive of that paper mr hind- marsh is another who commutes to toronto from the south of hal ton round trip there s lots going on in oakville according to the oakville trafajpir journal but one piece of news in the paper that is guaranteed to interest half the married people in the world at least is worth repeat ing statistics show says one co lumnist that the average house wife walks 13 miles daily doin her chores a nice stroll but the scenerys monotonarus mr xc crewson ot crewsshtt corners was tin find to do any spring weeding in this vicinity x sowed a field of oats on march 201 h u d scott of conkstown hnr- purchased the slock of john while and son in ihcwarren block and stocktaking is now in progress the bell- telephone co hnve during the last week installed a jiew system for bcardmorcand co and the acton tanning co in con nection with their private line to toronto and their local ph ones- new metallic wiring has been put n the acton tanning co has had the latest improved time recorder installed in their works here the system is very ingenious it records automatically on the ticket check of each employee when inserted in the recorder the exact time nt which the employee enters and leaves the works the death last week of mr john burns of toronto severed one of the links connecting the present with actons early history it was mr burns sr who took the first steps toward the organization of the presbyterian congregation here in the winter of 1845 from thr iuu of the tree pr of thurmdav march 3tt im 0ttnfcall practice has started int the park quite a record for march the shoe factory and glove fact ory hockey teams played a fesnv- last thursday at the areaa whicu re suited in a 15 victory for tht- whoern over the glovers therf- were some rough peruwli in the af fair quite a number from campbell- ville vjiage had a sleighing party to the home ot mr- hubert lnglff nst tuesday evening where thry had a very enjoyable time mr james dobie wlio has been an operator at the local c nb slat- ion for ihe past twelve years ha been transferred to kltchencr fricnds regret the removal of mr anil mrs dobie rind master jaiyip from acton a very pretty wedding wast quietly solemnized on saturday at the homo of mr and mrs c w mason when their only daughter eleanor was united in marriage to william ramsdcn second son of mr and mrs john banisden acton the beautiful shade trees about town are graduallv diminishing and no effort ls made for replace ment by those who so ruthlessly remove these monarch that have- taken years to develop married mck aycole at knox manse acton on wednesday march 30 1032 by rev ii l bcnnie ma agnes j cole daughter of will iam cole and the late mrs cole of acton to alexander mckav son pf the late mr and mrs domtldmckav of georgetown following the massacre of gen eral custer and his cavalry chief sitting bull nnd his sioux warriors spent mx ean in refuge in can ada at ths onl 1 14th of the area of the dominion has been improved by man or used is pasture professional directory and travellers guide dr w g c kenney rhyslcian nnd surgeon office in symon block mill st aclon office phone 18 residence church st phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner ot willow ond river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone 218 dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours 0 am to 0 p m xray telephone 148 veterinary b d young b vsc c l young dvmt veterinary surgeons office brookville ontjno phone milton lsr s united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 20 bower avenue phone bo mlea o u umwrl atjcxm organist and choir lmder palm sunday april 6th 1052 10 00 am sundav school a school for christian nurture 1100 am morning worship in stallation of elders recedion service holy comminion new church furnishings i 00 pm evening worship hymni illustration and color on the screen sound m ilion picture beyond our owr thpuoht or the week fled now the sullen murmurs of the north the splendid raiment of the spring peeps forth bloomficld st albans church langueam supply minister archdeacon mackintosh of hamilton sunday april th 1052 palm sundmy 1000 a m sunday school 1100 asn holy communion and beguuwrs class 7 00 pm evening prayer good rriday april ii service at looo am a welcome awaits you presbyterian church in canada knox church a6ton rev robert ii armstroni ma bd btaalaur thursday april 3 8 pm prepar atory service sunday april 8th 10s2 10 00 am sunday school 1 1 00 u m communion service 12 15 pmblbc class 7 00 p m divine worship they ttiat wait upon the i ord shall renen flieir strennlh a warm welcome awuiu you baptist church aton doukit b shuter plor sunday april 6th 1052 10 30 a m sunday school 1130 am death be my dcsun 7 00 p m when men become a mob 8 15 pmbyju thursday church nitfhi camel led thij veek friday 4 p m missiun bami pm jrhigh fellowship the budii of canadas balsam poplar are sticky and produce a wax used by wild bees to aeul cracks in their hives f g oakes vs b v sc veterinary surgeon office and residence knox ave acton phone 130 real estate and insurance wright real estate and insurance f l wright n a wright 20 wilbur st 00 macdonnell st acton ont guelph ont phone 05 phone 4015w valuators realtors insurers member appraisal institute of canada members guelph and dirstict real estate board members guelph and district insuracc agcnta association we urgently require listings of farm property from 50 to 300 acres also small holdincs from 1 to 25 acres contact c h dyment realtor 123 wcntworlh st s hamilton phone 78005 or andy frank salesman at compbeljville phone milton 325 r 2 wm r bracken ural estate general insurance phone 20 actok chiropractor legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary public office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto elg 0131 a j crandell bartered accountant mnn street georgetown t lepjinni- 6m d j armstrong doctor of chlropraxtle 15 frederick st n acton phone 550 miscellaneous the victor b rumley funeral home funeral home heated ambulance phone 30 night or day serving the community for 45 years eve care by appointment wm c milligan po opuaaelrui lit and srd wednesday of the i month 1 pnt- to p- iclu st residence of a t brown travellers guide gray coach lines standard time cociiek leave acton east bound 0 3ft am 838 am 1133 a jo 208 pm 503 pm 33 pro 833 pm b058 pm wrstbaund 10 17 am 12 52 pm 2t7 pfn 5 27 pm 27 pm 0 12 pm 1112 pm 1 12 am tsun to kitchener only u dally rxtept sunday and holi day s b saturday sunday and holi- d is canadian national railways standard time east bound dally 8 40 a m dally except sun days 0 45 am 7 10 pin sunday only 8 18 pm dally except sun day fiver at georgetown om am dally flyer at georgetown 1011 p m westlxusj daily except sunday and man day 2 04 am sunday and mondat only 12 m am dally except sun day 141 sm pm npf stop 744 pm dally except sat and sun 6 10 p m saturday oaly jsd pm sunday only 4j ua inagstop sunday only riyer guelph 7 05 pm

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