Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1952, p. 8

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page eight the acton free press acton ontario nnmsday april sni uu town of acton estimates for 1952 x taxfcs lnndhulldlng nd simlnrth wnurworku pnmtn pol tax wurtlliw hnualnk denentujm dfht ittcovulaih waterworks public sehooi hlkh school chants and subsidies l c n o kandh ir police children n aid home for aited dlvlhlnn court pnil sim cnr cmintv ann i im nt lountv count i tint i ink ucfnsis and vv iimits dou tox all otlui u iis n ilk u i all intfrest am othh1 hfvlnur t un hull y im- an nu pirk wnrtlmt hnusiui sundr etini itt 1 olslturvi nu nt 161 mw 41 930 no 300 00 loo oo ir2 031140 482100 426 40 lsam 12 00000 lira on 1 1130 00 44080 2 00318 175 00 j00 00 24 00 7v00 1 ll flflfloo i no oo nooon 200 00 mono 400 00 7100 iii 00 ioo no 102 vauvsnunl 2 3pi ecumuud i irplus ml lit 04 null in 1 in 11 41 142 01 ill 271 72 ill 11111 40 breakdown ol- kvtimt hs nd mill rte gent rnl rot count rati gent ml dttunturt public school int i dili hlch school incl dt li itshith 12 1102 do 21 211 25 42 ww 71 ii 1iu 00 111 101140 nisrirnsfmevts auditors 100 00 salaries clirk truth 1 412 00 assessor t ic 2000 00 stenocrnphn 03200 solicitor 300 00 other election expimt 200 00 intertst on loans 700 00 insurnnct 2 100 00 ltcul iind court coats 200 00 muintt nnnct ol public buildings 1 000 00 printuil and pastnfll compensation 1100 00 250 00 offict expense lino oo untmplnymcnt insurance 250 00 accident insurance 1100 estluuutir taxes 30 00 mlsculuuluuh 1 700 00 uiscfllanfous grants erin kill fair 25 00 county rate 12 002 00 protection p l and p d fire grant 550 00 phont and ilyoro 400 00 coal 100 00 truck maintinanct 150 00 supplies 501100 polict salaries 7 700 00 cruiser 400 00 phone 275 00 duision court 32 00 strht llklltlnj- 4000 00 hvdrnnt rental 3000 00 pudlic works gnvel 5000 00 catch basins 100 00 salt and sand 200 00 salaries 6000 00 snow removal 40000 oil and calcium 1 3 000 00 wik wac mnintonanct 380 00 tile 300 00 mlscellanesnui 200 00 farno truck maintenance 1 000 00 grader maintenance 1000 00 snow blower maintt nanee 100 00 sfdftwalks ni 10000 hi pairs and muinten ince 1 000 00 sanitation garbage wanes 210000 dump 200 00 truek i 000 00 consfhvation of health vital statistics 100 00 insulin 25 00 public welfare he lit r 200 00 lndiuint patient 1 000 oo post san can 1500 00 education public school llluh school 6 46277 rkcheation and community services library park arena band fall uic board planning board deficit debenture debt water mm 1100 00 800 00 700 00 700 00 700 00 2200 00 j 00 00 3000 00 500 00 200 00 200 00 150 jo 243 00 143 00 383 00 41763 370 50 sewerage public school high school wartime housinc 800 00 13 400 00 2500 00 1 000 00 7800 00 14025 10 110 00 3 000 00 20 00 o oho oo 17 717 25 1j00 00 200 00 i 740 00 102 74101 122 80 28 13 mllls ss2 mills 8 00 mills 10 02 mills 3 54 mill 64 rnilu 6 050 00 1 115 00 1730 00 25 00 12 602 00 the m bowl 8375 00 6 400 00 23 337 jl 3 713 00 2415 00 34 344 66 24 tw5 68 k933034 103 41833 hollo hmiwrnuueri uu quite nil fcrt to iervi uppefcuntf jintufylntf meuln on mfutlmjtit day on tht rulrtiji n tfwut deal of ihtfvrttiuv vlxh chtm nd oitg duhf we neeeptod lenun standby in pluea of tfrnvy we tend to think of milk kuucos for fish chwute squftreii uid nmelmtm a thin milk wince mv lw mirprlnlntfly flavored with a very mile ndditlon of your favorite horn or mtuhropnu celery leavejt and mirh pven annoonftd oltart mint jellv mnkph n differ nre nnd then bi n new vnrletv of mint jelly nn tin tnnrkot this month the fnorlte rcclpifl which we tnlucltd thin wet k an from marie fther of the dairy food si rvlcoi citeam sauce 1 rup hat milk 2 thtpj- butter 2 ttuipi hour tsp wilt m upj pepper hi it milk nn lem burner in mother nun pnn me it butter and wuitl in the hour stir in the hoi milk and inntlnul stirring until smooth and cooked about 3 mini sauce mi b flavored with any of the follow inc celery salt u tsp nutmeg j tsp worche sti rehire sauce 1 tsp minced onion 2 thsps drv pirslev 2 tlisps chopped chivefi curry sauce 1 cup cream h nice 1 tsp minced onion i tap curry powder 1 tsp lemon juice combine onion curry powder and lemon juice into hot cream sauce serve with flsh ccifi or meat croquette sauce 1 cup vegetable stock 3 tbaps butter 13 cup flour m trp salt make as a cream inuce allemande sauce for asparagus or string beans 1 cup potato water 2 ttxtps butter 2 thsps flour 1 cc yolk use wntlr from boiled potatoes make sauce with butter flour and potato witer remove from ntovc and bent in crr volk and when slikhtlv thickened add the lemon juicl serve on cooked aapanffus take a tip 1 although a creim squcc and all its relations ire best mode in a double boilery it requires 10 to 15 mntitei longer cooking and stir ring on nn cli etne jyingc milk mixtures are cooked on low suc cessfully and quickly use third position of clement or medium heat for large quantities 2 use a wooden spoon or a wire whisk to stir a cream sauce t combine an additions to cream siuce khlu mixture is boiling so that it will not became watery 4 for creamed dishes use about half as much sauce as there qre solids hello bou youd never ueu dont let this happen to you see us for goodyear truck tire service a- win qubrition nox mik4 i j tukjt what mm rtepeiw aitmwer caperu are plekim niui- turlum kidji tylm k ii hmuh iji u eheeae miiur or fondm made mierejufully with pmcetwed eheee in place rtf gniliml old cheke anwwe r cream cheetio 1h ok buc- ccwftil tin old chi eet in wane nil etc it mill be necimharv to elite procium id i uti lui it cannot 1m grated isuehly a few gralni of cayonnn m y be aeidi d whc n ere nmed cheetie in utu d mm a d wk what flavoring nn u p xtat other than u mon n improve apple untiei made with apple a that are mealy aiihw e r cook apple s in canned pi tie h item or pint apple julre iivcomi ortai1i f kiik child i it elnn t c xpe i ic ne phv siral discetinftitt is the adult human does yoil li thi m fleecy elrc sh ink gem ns unel fui lined ludionm hlippers vet tin v pre f r to walk bnrcfoote d on freeini linoleum and htnnd in how lint drain hts rnthe r thnn put the w garments on the v can plaster their fingers with an adhesive mixture of concealed marnialnde leaf mould and poster paint and then set about some tisk requiring dtlicocv of touch such as deiline n pack- cards or pla ins the pi mo anthonv llucke ndie on the bbc trapnest first step in breeding pnrhupm tin dhmi intpeiiiiint tool of the poult i v iuihiii h th ttiip tie ml lnvi nte d mid u mi d in the ninnies nth eintury it pnvlded thft himt hu p in lhe wuutlao ttppmueh to poultiv hiiiellng to day chick en ate vrrv ctle lent prodiirort of i uuh and meat compiirm with ihtmt of even 2fi yesm afifo hah much of thlfl improve me nt him rtmutted from the appl lent ion of xound hreerilng prtietle e m r in etinttiiht the dome mtil goojiu hllt lenil l e ii eivi rinoke d by oil poll it l y l ll vi llgateil fiuil lollne epii ntly little imptove ment h ih hi e n inueii in the g o o it e tt e inn ne it rljttii lit i e ci nt yea i ilvr n ttutiji i inr iii gneiki pirtiuon kvh i- s mi 1 1 lit of a nti nl i xpe i line ntnl i arm imiltiy division and the divi ion haa unde i take n n more ronci nti iilci program of tin iluely nnd imjirovi mi nl of tin domcjui g kise th in in thi past the tr ip nrst llthough a nside r id i sdiuullv established tool b pou it i v him stlg ilors and tin ede rs h i in i in r n uu d to tny gre it i xl nt v ilh k t inve sig itora at tin utik isily of minnunta found m lf ih it domestic geese could h li ip nested siieee ssfully ac oirljnjjj i pnliminuy invlhtigil i in of the fe asibtlllv of the trap- in st w is much it th ci ntral fx pe rimental kami in loil with en cour iglng re suits about fortylive females were trap nested in spec nlly designed nests the gcesi wen handled with cme and illowcdto become fam hi ir with lhe ncsublforc the lire eding u won le ss thin 5 per cent of the cjgs laid were clou fled is floor eggs that is egga laid outside the nests with in enlarged project during 1m2 it is thought thil much valuable information will be obtained to serve as back ground for recommendation on the breeding of geese thus the goose breeder will be able to arrange his breeding pro gram on i sound economic and genetic basis study of the goose his long been neglected and the project of the central experimental farm should help to bring it up to date buses are the real thing when your school or club is play ing a game 6r having a social evening out of town theyre handy for shows and other events too if your crowd is large enough you can make your own schedule witii chartered buses our m tire impactions will bdp you fet man mum mileage at lowest possible coat for fast oomput good- yer service bring all your tire prob lems to us look rot tmu ww uoh o quality thompson fares abe low round trip montreal toronto hamilton detroit 16 45 230 2 70 ii 20 tickets and information t harold wiles phone 207 average weekly wagus in mam fncturing in canada feise from 45 75 al no 1 1050 to 51 c2 at nov 1 1051 while average hours worked dropped from 43 to 41 g cecil a carr optometrist guelph 8 douglas si tal 1091 bungalow designed for easy living duo rooms all convonloncos on nico quiol rotldenllal itroot buttifootyi good colur good garden dwolllng modorri and not long built good terms ideal for a couplo or more owner leaving town to go into buslnots for appointment to view contact wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors vlwtlthlrotllfit wllburulaclim fhnn m- ii tyrliht orrieit 01 mardanhrlt 8t ourlrjh lhorl 4bibw ycs wt have others as well as small holdings and building lots what you want is a coke tomr9e when 70a take midmorning break mee1t a real break with delicious icecold cocacola the orangeville bottling works orangeville ont phone 137w notice to ontario producers of eggs and poultry the ontario farm products marketing board has received a petition for the approval of a proposed marketing scheme for eggs under the provisions of the ontario farm products marketing act a vote- by ballot has been arranged so that the board can determine the opinion of producers on this proposal if you are 21 years of age or over and have produced and sold eggs during 1951 and or are producing and selling eggs in 1952 you are eligible to vote any member of a family engaged in the production and sale of eggs is eligible if over 21 years of age but only one member of such a family is entitled to vote a copy of the proposed scheme may be obtained from the officors of your county or district federation of agriculture or from the office of your agricultural representative producers will have the opportunity of voting by ballot on the marketing scheme for eggs on april 17 18apdl9 1952 polling stations will be established at strategic centres in each county or district due notice of tho location and the time of voting will appear in this paper next week each producer of eggs and poultry who w shes to vote will be required to declare his eligibility and to regisler with the returning officer before receiving a ballot your agricultural representative is the ch ef returning officer for your county or district deputy rotuymng officers will be appointed for each polling division vote as you like but vote ontario farm products marketing board parliament buildings toronto ont

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