Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 10, 1952, p. 6

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l- taoe six the acton free press acton ontario thursday april 10th equity in au county taxes is aim of assessors organization throuflh the effort of the mm- r of the various munldpelltiej of halton county an association wm formed on january 31 im1 known an the hal ton cou n ty atffuort association all aseasora in the countv be came member and procdur wu act up for conducting a monthly mevtlntf th knetlnfji wv w arrmnfd that vach month a dlf- ivrrnt min4nlily tlayd ht to the ailiaciatinn and in this ui ikscssnr of all municipalities werr able to kr first hand information concerning th problems fafttl hv the individual assessors b conduct- iwl tour throuchout the municipal- itlcc at the first mating j gib bons asssmnit commisftjonpr if gcorcctown was hwtwl chairman uth w johnston vswumjini com- miionrr of burllncton olrued as voarv minute and records of dikrnjwirmji vniv kept in lwi2 p l spurc on ati c ment commissioner of oauillc u as t lcctd chairman and f w crump asrmcnt commuisioni of cton s orrtar a hcsc mwtmes mo rd from ofi nnnicipalitx in mo h r a grst d i wis loarncd about the ind idua problems of tou ru and of township in relation x 1 hcr mm tci pilule and much ilunbu mfor- im ion uatrhinc 1 m the ib kqiien1 divujstian the conant aim of the asssoci- tnn c- o pvi ice t m ti ui fotn aid cfif jen acseiecmi nt policvulth in the countv and will co fi to- irfc binjrmc abiu atifac n and eqaitabu count equahaiion with he help of the halon cm- ajmeaaon asaeasment aystems in all munulpalltla anp now well on the way to a uniform procedure in all phweut of assesiment this u important stop tn the right din tton for anal equity throughout the county now that all municipalities have been visited and tours conducted uirou about the municipalities the association have turned to another procedure for hilure meetlntfs a liuest kpeaker v ill be in attendance to dlmiss axseument difficulties u ith a view to broadening the knowledge alreadv available to the amutor the department of mun icipal affairs have alreadv supplied a capable speaker mr cade who presented n er interesting papei on the uniform prepiration of tin roll the iwociitum i- endi nonnr to improvi avs tmenl thil villi in mm retleft on the tav bills a iqutt is the theme of the ns s nwn and with quit in assess ment the ulunnte n suit is rotiit m he amoun f tiv the w i r l required to pi h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st gueiph john calder plumbing heating eavestroughing tinsmithing prompt courteous service free estimates church street phone 319w wright real estate and insurance siprasors realtors insurors r l writlil offuc t wubnr st artan pbuu m v r whthl offl o u4wuu st garlpb pbau s1sw v ve have others as wel as small holdings and building lots pteauptiatelte right no i a good t mt to vvorfc ti tfioie iticty draw ers wh le te wood has been dr ed from nter honne baling e wd ng down tie runnen a b t now and apply ng a coat o vnelac you can rrlre lure f w t no i cfc nei lummcf duf ng the hot hum deaon when uncatod wood jvf 1 fron abortcd mo ssc and ght new i a good e o drop n and f i p those eatrr g ft chocolaiei make ar ida hoi da wwlena treat chooie from our neiltont and 5m lr n chlciei auut mevits alio on hand ae yard ley eiiabeth arden and twt colognes drop n now and look around at ou wide select on seven room dwelling priced for quick sale 0e leaving town imnedaely rhi fine house must be told cijh i- hb garden of acton well decorated in good ie c epa r our bedrooms adaptable for other uses ice incjde e floor coverings large oil spactf heater ccot scve w h c bjrrers near to most factories yet in e ioc ry among ood neighbours good terms only 55cz 0c needec or w i sel for cash see s e exc us e sing b appointment only too mantf cmcki ontario poultry leader an very much concerned about canada lop heavv hiirplu of eggji and t loultrv that wan verv evident at the recent mi etlug of the poultry indtulrv committee of ontario thls committer wblrh over the rnrs hau glvin iftiod leadership h ontailoh piiultrv tnriimtrv u mad up of hatrhcrvmen poultry ortlrlftbi of both the dominion nivd ontario 1o eminent feet manufacturers pioiessori and the tneft genernllv appjiientlv nil memtverw of t onmulli e i r i greed that firm ers had pirn hwed toi min chi ui i i lll fgg production up to tin no if marh is ft high r thin ihi wmi peri ml in mvu1 uul 20 ov i r th sitne thre mouths in 10m ciording to s t uiinv ilm f thi fidtral puiltrv md i i s xu k nrinrh kgs in stongi ir niw ir3 00i1 i im s tonipirrd with 0 000 nsn i vu igo ii esti nntid thit i gs nittuebd tbrouch ik n i ting i it ions b th did f tin v u will tolil t 120 000 iisi thiv upn sints in iv t rage of 1w 000 ilmv i ik for tht 10 vveel s ls tuiinst m iv lonsiimption n 1 1 of u2 000 r lm i ui i k in joultrv mi u mi h trr nob d tj two 000 pounds m stor iki in mirch is ignnm hotwooo pounds n lsi v wiggins millknown iiilhont m the tndi it i ted thit julc iik b tht nti of consnimp tuin to dite then is jioultrv n songi to list till some time next i- he ctimitid that the hold- i rs of the thirtv odd million pounds in stongi u ould take a loss of seven cmls i pound or 2 000 000 in view of this picture it wis a surprise to lcirn that propects point to more chicks ind turkev s being hatched in 1052 according to f a curran ontario has jus equalled the ct of last vcar up to march 1 all other provinces how ever reported substantiall v more chicks than last vear w ith heavv increases in the prairie prov inces apparentlv prospects point to a oarticularl heavv increase in tur kev production which ccrtalnlv looks all wrong in v lew of the amount in storage and other fact ors in the meat industry needless to add the embargo against our cattle going to the united states the increase fn marketings of hogs all have a verv direct influence on the demand for poultrv and eggs al ogether the outlook is erv gloomv manv folk are inquiring when the embargo is likelv to be lifted we do know thit there is a law on the united states statutes which prohibits an import from i countrv where there is an out- biak of anv contagious animal dis i iso for one v ear after such a i oufbreik his been cleaned up under normil condi ions one n cht inticipate t modiflcition b v id spates iu hontiis but with t p dmtial ohcion in the oftini r iino hllp but quemn tht riih ki of ii chingi in th t nb ig si i iii n un il if i r hit ivnt t iv t pi ic howivir thrr t j ii old s i ng thi h ngs ilw i s ik diki s bi f rt th djw n to prhip5 th piw th it b tniv mid i uion n thi fom of oh r mik ts for some cf our surilusts in h m intimi it unid ipp ir i b a sdom no to put ill vour i gci in oni bisk it them im lhlr reptlve farnw it will iw recalled that lliu ih an tmpltmtiil whlih rvueiivbbm u verv heuv y ntllt liwtthisl eiiltlvulai more than anything eue and whlth itiin neived mik h piihlli ity u a iiult of th wrtllnum ttnl hdihixmyi of irftllbi hiomtlild it u or iniittii us vit uhi mwiii to deliimliii if tin linpli ment hint phut in llulltut i iiuntv ngrli iillure m it lettnl nttettug of tht lloltou imp ltnpiiivt nil nt avsot hit ion il w i it i oiuin nib il tlmt t u iu i i il mow u on mmiii fmins in ttu inulilv whiifbv thi uoik uf hie li ill mi plow timihl ih i in i kid it mis th it ot tin woiililhn tul plow siu h list would nf nthisth l iv i to hi minim i il fm pi nod t it h ist tl us im f mi lin t ill dnili 1 it i nll im nut i ni ip it th it i t ui in 1 in i munition witl bi m i m t f il i if it tu it i i ih t i d i know th it i tin pi mil i ill b follow it with i kii1 ii il of nib nst tit in hi hilton fiiiiuis titni opt i iloi i ii iltoti in ill iu iliti n still but il sit 111 to ni ut w hit i pi n ijiul i 11 ill oi i uul out soil i niiditioiis houtain sola has 281 avaragas tlu llitiiliil hftnl nf iiuri ltr1 lllli mwnl lv w ivuui mirfl4tfvll oltl wmm iuimn1 ht llf oauvlllo u annt with ut hfkil liilngllli idiu for k kmofd ii w drlnuwlr jarvu or i inlil ttu- liii irlrk nt ixn tut jlriwlnl llxif arl irmo mi h- volar nlil niw mr drhikwur kl- w pulit lit urninl ltliht trl if fur u t yinr ilil und hr hidtv mu tih i17i fltfurn wua himi vm hl mi hi iilil nf hhin y mr clnr wik wilrl u 1 vtir nlil liilfor ii llnwmhi moil kfibt luihuht h 7 viur nll niw itt itfa 3 ii illin rrrn mi iwxiklii fnir liruil fur a intal nf tl iss twrnv fur mllklnu frinulrdi hv- i niuxl 1i4 oik linil in lfr t2tt n iin lulfim 2111 un i 1 lulfrr mlm im ii kim ititrlonlmu in null iii- ini riiiuil nf lirilrrji on hunit rir iiiih vi nl ihr siiiji arfnu m nit iiiwilnf nnil itnndlnu room nl i ln tntiitii tllilit ninir from nil lili jiihi tin 10 hrm nffrrnl wfiil in li ux dim 211 tllflvrrnt hiivc m vhir mony will work km- vi whmn invmti in ih ntr smhu of province of ontario guaranteed llydroklectrlc kkwer immlloii 4 bond i lur anl i mh 10lt p dfiioiiiinitiniih imki nlil tl 000 rrlcdl 99 und lntereit to yield 4m win li un ill r m iriiii tp ilu i i li llfmmi itifit niiiriih in ujiriii il in fun ol 10 in i p win nt if tint in iint in i t it ii in iu him illlllll ill imi irimii i nt hi i l i 111 lit tit llim j iihiiii il in it urit y i j2t hii i llir 1 1 i li il ntiin v ik ui mv w lj i wmmi tiiiiidy at i oimpiiiiy ml- hi jll l ht llllltll n iii llll- mi hi- ih ii ui notice- dead stock horses cattle hogs geokoetowni 11 gokllrh mu gordon young l i m i t eo krrn interest in fatn pond polin o i fnd i i nirii last w hi n w t airi wr tin thus kilumn twtntv t iht a p icati iti h id bi i n rt rnvid f ii- thi suhsidv on farri pond provided jointlv b thi jfil i c iutiv council and thi ontari i pa- mi nt of agriculture while s2 000 ii availabl for thiv prr c pnvrtd t thi haibn c rutation committi e nirth li f i ach of thii jpprovrd n rr v hr lunimuin grant it 100 then- ib ifilv auftlrirnt mraw to ubti 1 20 ix mi a i j ru as rrenvrd in th f in it itrq jij f r farm pint sunn iff tti rn fnnard hr iirpartrnt r t if agrli ul ural f c nrfrtne at th ontario ajn i i ura c rw then lt th mitiit t thai rnr f the hr n iy n it b- jiuitbtf and auo thai r f thr- pr jrrta mi ccut li nn 1300 in he lattrr rr in aj m jf h h hr gri t ui tr nrr so tht- tfit thi masimum ifrun f ii i t tx- paid htch would r- thn trntv halt n firrt m rmfi fit anrial amim j r uf irr thr p ihr in n- n rantlrt r if ihefr f thrrt mho arr tfitrm rd wr wo jld t ggr that thry makr their in all in if rrm to thr ai i it rl oftlrr in vtiltnn trf cjraluim jolmr ilou i kllowlnx thr bua trip to ohln ponofrj by th halton crop im provement aaaocutlun in 1000 atfversl iblton farm purehaad graham plow and have utlllird to ontario producers of eggs and poultry the onlrtrio farm producls aaflrteting boflrd ha tfrf fj a pt rr or f- approval of a proposed marketing scheme for eg urdr rire jr rj tke ontario farm products marketing act a vote by ballot has been arranged so trat the bord can detcrm re tt opinion pf producers on this proposal if you are 21 years of age or oer and have produced and sold eggs during 1951 andor are producing and selling eggs in 1952 you are eligible to vote any member of a family engaged in the production and sale of eggs is eligible if 21 years of age or over but only one member of such a family is entitled to vole each producer of eggs and poultry who wishes to vote will be required to declare his eligibility and to register with the returning officer at hn polling station boforo receiving a ballot your agricultural representative is the chief return ing officer for your county or district voting will take place on april 17 18 and 19 1952 between the hours of 10 a m and 9p m in the county of halton polling stations will b located at fol lows home of c lawranc ball at nahon lowvilu school nation townthip home of alfred brigdan hornby horn of wm r norton foot of silvercreeli hill no 7 highway etquaalng twp stewarttown townthip hill nattagaweya townthip hall danfs store trafalgar agricultural office milton vote as you like bujt vote ontario farm products marketing board parliamont buildings toronto ont with living costs h hljti om his to be careful of tipetum vm when taking a trip thats why un low bus ftm appeal to ma i have a little extra to spend on enter tainment or for tome of my shop- plni while im away and travel- tine by bus these days la really enioyable fares are low round trip boston pittsburgh detroit new york 26 ib 11 33 surcharge included twitah and information at harold wiles phone 307 10 05 m 35 what does your farm need most y a tkactok comb1ni truck or other mcch anital njuipmtni y livistockt hrctdm mod or a new bull to build up the iuj1ii of your herd y a ntw housi earn shid or other ui- buildings or the alteration and repair of your present buildings v a mating or watir svstimt i his includes furnaces and boilers water heaters built in sinks and tubs or repair and modernization of your prestnt system v tni clear i no and ercakino op niw ground t or anv of the following fencing drainage road work tiling pumping and diking installations v a parm ilictrical systimt instauiation of a new or used system or modernization ol your present one- v ilictrical iquipmintt a milking machine cream separator refrigerator or pump v fruit trust to replace faulty ones to increase or vary your fruit harvest or to start an orchard if you re other than fruit farmer bank of montreal my bank ft mttta omutljt mjnj 0cuj whuh improvements win help vou mot in operating your farm anj tall over a farm improve ment loan with our nearest dofm manager i arm improvement loans are helping nuny thousands of c anajian inn en to gee the belt out uf their farms msm acton branch gordon oder manager woikimg with canadians ih ivlry waik op iip si mci mfeaaaaaaaaaaawaaaib itir

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