Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 1, 1952, p. 1

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wht jvjttim sttt ttss seventyseventh year no 43 acton ontario thursday may 1st 1952 ten homo print pages six cen disposal plant goes into operation mr and mrs w h mccuuough celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last saturday when they greeted more than 200 friends and neighbors at the home of their daughter miss charlotte mccullough r r 1 georgetown mr and mrs mc cullough lived for 30 yoars on the fifth line corner and now live near hollonville at r r 2 rockwood stall photo gas blaze claims barn driving shed th ospitlnge starr a barn nnd dm ins shed as uill as stock grain and implements were lost this morning about half n mile north of here in n fin at the farm of bnrry clark who is emplovcd in acton efforts of the itockuood nnd erin brijjadts wire unsuccessful and the blazl could not be hnited a buv telephone lint delaxcd the alarm by precious minutes the fin started about 1 m and b 1030 tht build- jnjjs wire levtiud tht blaze started in tin dnxinp sh d xxhue h ink mulder xx is pir- parmj to work in the fi ids filling tht tnctor with las soirn was spil led on tht hot manifold and burst into f units the shed caught fire as mulder ran to tht hnuse to phone for aid tht ttllphont lint was busx and he dashed to tht road got a ride on the milk truck to ospi intt and summoned aio on rt turning the shed nnd roof of tht barn utrt on fire fifteen minutes after tht alarm tin lnn bngadt uas tin hand but mrs parker host to knox ladies aid tht fin uas out of control atti mpting to pull tht tractor from tht shed it broke in two and die back end was pulled out minus tins hut including the disc that was attachtd to tht tractor most of the implements wen lost in tht fire sonit pigs and cows wert saved but tht sow pigs and calxes as well as i mr rob parktr park xi i was hostuss to knox ladies aid on i thursda afternoon mrs a rob j inson read ht scripture ltsson tbns mr mampnzt kd in pw tr which concludtd xxith thv i lord s praxer m unison dentals were ltist h quipped u tth s0o gallons of vitei tht frin fin truck eould not do much but prtvent tht firt from spreading the well was too deep fur tht fin pumpei in lift watti siiinlit was isiblt from actpn this morning as tht inferno raged instinnct parti ill coxtred tht loss uhith was tstimnttd at bttwetn j0 otw and 25 000 tis weit kept from blocking the lam to itnt iceess for tht firt trucks as m ighbors from miles around eanu to lend aid acton delegates attend hamilton meeting mrs b mow it mrs g m i mr l oungblut and mrs a long itti tided the annual dinner met ting f the proxinuil cn ip t r iodl in ii lmilt in last tunsji tni lulu rtpnsmted the acon 1 uk of i i n hirt chipur cms sp ikt r i dinnt r wis 1 rdjir bile ix in of worn i i mi m ist i unu isit mrs j dennis w is appninitd u rttirx for thi mteting in tht ah st net of mrs c some rv ilk mr f mccutchion pn sidt d an 1 cnruluc t d the btisiiu vs tht group will t ili r for tht mms b impii hi id m honor of thi modtrator v lsi iu t month mi j but h in in chit d tin biimiits part of tht mutiril ui h pr ixt r fif th progr im which foioxx id mrs 1 hm gm in inttiest ink t dk on thurch work in hun mm churehis tht contrast t imr canadian won of fimnnng wt xirx difft rt nt tin go i mint n supports thi ehureh pij tht nun ist r and no of ft ring is taktn i si rx iei s but sun art taxed u tiudin tu oiir unom thi i idit xx nrk i ill thintibli mi c l i hm m nndirtd suit piifttt l ix utompmtid bx mr j birbii ofgiorgetown mr t blow eontnbutid a pi ino so o father and son banquet is addressed by c t sharpe treasurer reports on taxes collected town treasurer j mcgeichle re ported collection of 45160 23 in 1052 taxes up until wednesday ev ening also collected wai 113007 feamh sewerage system goes into action on nga e fl 5 fok double check two fire calls within n week madi i total of four calli for tlv locil brigade within two weeks on of 10m taxes in arrears and wt0fl tndax afternoon a tnctor plowing in 1050 arrears deadline for paxment of thi tint instalment of taxes was to da total of the taxes tn ber7l lected this vear is silicon 40 find sign fence on town property survey of guelph st botween pprl the blw throhonod th vor uo ndmll st showed fv w fit id south of acton on the third i hm might fire and the bla7t i hreatentd a ncarbv bush area should the tractor explode a short tireuil wis blamed as stirling the tnctor fire and the opentor in unable to bring it undtr control it i mis t xtmginshcd b a fire extmg lusher from the acton truck c ill on tuosdi afternoon tot t he brigade to a fire that had brok en out in a compost heap nt xt to a finge on the bowling green the blae threatened thi gll was applied jilst before the brifjadt i nrned the fire wis quicklj eon trolled bx the bngitje a bow that the lange uuddv sign on the south side of guelph st encroaches ipproximnttlv nine feet on town propertv it wis announcid nt tht ltst rcgxilir meeting of the acton j a planning boird on april 25 the- toui1c 001 pioil on jones chiirman was in charge with members f tler wm mat- toclcs j stewart and b itichlin present inorder to uiden the rond it would be necessiry to have hi sign moed back where it would be on pnate propert a fence is also on the roid allowance the secret to wis to write conn cil tint the botrd yecommend tht fence tnd sign be mocd bick to pritte property chtirnnn jones suggesti d a letti be written tq esquesing council asking the send t reprcst ntntivt to the nex muting so the township mi be tpprotched regtrdmg the future planning of esqutsmg im mediitel bordering acton the secrettr pnnk crump lend a letter from the deptrtment f plinnmg and development in ron nection w ith the ton si nurk jimp sned propertv n questing n cop of the decision of the rrng istntt the seen tt hid tlreid i nt a rop to tht dtptrtment mtmbrship in the communiii planning ssocntinn of cnnadn w ts renewed it a cost of s3 ou jzot to m ikt tllownncts for box s m colli go sus a prnft ssor i to hi ip tht wit kh tlioxxtnces v organize society tht ounger members of tht united church gathered togethti j on mondax txining at 8 o clock ti re organize t young peoples sot j it t then wt rt 27 prcstnt and i til expressed thtir desire to si i u orjtni7ition git undtrwax n thi fill km bicktll wts churman with nncttt van fleet elected seen t tt for tht exining a group of three wire nominated to foim i nomimtmg committct to brim back tht nanus of 11 willing of fie i rs next mondax night to pustnti to the group the meeting opened with i hxmn followed bx thi lord pnir in unison and i short h o jonal pi nod film i nt it t d last datt w ls thtn shown wh t i proxtd both xirx inttu sting ind tducttinnil to tht tun iger 11 joint d m i sing song whik tht ki chen tomnuttei prtpir d pincakts with nnpli s rup an roffet the meeting clas- d with hf mipah bi nediction mr g w mckenu was thi n howing hts inures md willingrn xoiingir gi nt ration of tht town weekend fish may be winners i cnsr flint hm j it that flu jnie not n famous ai oli man titer local sfnniim n ill hit in immiiuil m ititnraii to drip on flu op miir r lie tshtna season ami of tht crks n inch hnii in n id llinl soiifanioiitnitr m ji r rollltif rtloilf u itfiotjf a trirt ti ill be jolfed to dn too for nuiiii lints it ill he fhtnu in and lki li mam ftli u ill pulli d out on flir fitit iietl nd of ttu fishing season this jmju r is of cniifi a frre ytars suhst rtjtt ion to llit lotal miii rlnon ti to land flie liiorjef troul teifltni a 2 mtje radius of the ton n a plione call to this office on mon day ill clteck each fishs place in tin nut in no- ivurjhr anil ttnutu of flie ftsi kill he rr ttnred and don t 1 at it too tiuuklji the staff pltofoarnpli r n ants a picture don t bother phoiunn aliouf in ont t that not anat a fish in flip itnnd and pliofofjrnjih it u orth tn o still m ole man rit r ant daji and remember its i roiil tliaf are ehpible and nof suckers or anp other inr itf onurm nt il for it of tht xstt m if acton is it aitnli s siwtrne svsttm is m tipiritinn totors b gan tn hum lumps bi j m in ork w im hi l in to flow md i ngim i rs w ilthitl ni th hwi f limn ss wis pullid t ttmf in optrition i 1 h mm svsti m tli it b is bt i i mou tb in two m tts in tin building tin ri win no bands im li mil i ud no t tht s m 1 1 rn ittt i in insti 1 1 t i ision w is nothing outst inding but th snndit nm or tin nt t ision 1 1 if ti ink xi us of in t j ir ilnui instruct inn md toiuplt tit dtsiitud b it v and rvon i ti im r t sirxt tht fnu i ntltinut s tn m til1 t s uln imii strt ts tit nib t i t ms w t itbt r d i i mug ind mehts of im t titles ui rt t nth d it it ist for j tin t iki s n t i its t isk to st rxt i progrissixe communitx supi unti ndt nt or tin s stt m willi- b jtk i mibtit who lies bien m f w itt rw orks supi rx isor for ome pcoj lint his will bt tht tlsk of sue siddltcl with tht nspnnshilitx useful and iffuitit opt r it on of f rilepaycrs interests in the xstim hi is lrti f mill a- with building of tht svstt m havi bet n through w iithng nnt uttitn andf toljntciblduring actual cor of pi in th thi constnictin party ends year of nursery school udihsdt ifliiiioon in tht at ton mca mothers g ithi rt d with i gioup of ixcitttl oiiu thildito to mirk tht closing of th fust si son of nurst r sihool th i t acton assessment commissioner frank crump resigns this week motheis xxiit sponsoring tht i p u tx md pt t si n id tht 1 idle s who dirtctid the t- u tups md s met rs the pre sehnoli rs gixt i tonti r of songs ind gimes tnd ri frt h im nts wt re strxed the nurst rx sihool ls spoiminn bx tht y ladus uxllr tht i tii fi mrollid for the school woikmg undtr mrs d prut win mrs fitd hunter mrs fltlliiid prict mr g f wilds mis aubnx gi rx us mis j mi glidnx mis i hurst and mr k gi ih im onstttit tudx of emirs thirt is slll riding ind omt 1 ilirlsc ipuig to bt elont but tht il ml ls nou opt rating toal tos of tht ssiin in dt b nliin s isstit d ls 4u0m thi in tludts tin tost of miles of siibf r i i im m pissigts that follow on streels tht pumping st ition it g ni s md mam struts and the di piisil plant at tht third inn sue lit i pi st m in holt in tht svste a is in itt d it thi cornt r of kiia antl m un st wi h the lint burn d it i dtp h of 22 ftt t thi sxstim h ls bun 1 1 f ri i d to bx tjudifiid txptrts ls tht bt s disposil sxstiin in out inn if at inx timi i block agi or brt ik should oiiur in ont stction of th dispiks stm th it iitinn cm b ux pissed md tin conditioning ton tiniu d h v lidi i son toiisulting irii met i md hi emploxeis haxi tl sigm d the ss im md sujum i i nstnution throughout it h bun t tremtndous task boh fc t l leslie honored by fellow directors of insurance company th aelon tntinul in spitil stssion tuesdix txinnik ittitid the rt sijn ition of vsmsmiunt commis siotui hi ink ciuni ind deeidtd to idxniisi foi ipplicitions tt be m biloit tht mt ttiuneil muting mi c i amp xis hit tti tx tht loxx n in mix lu to nt is ssissnunt com m ism ont i ind issistjnt cltrk it xi is dmdid t thi loutuil nuit inf in hm i full turn ississor inti iilornmod itt him in the tuu n ball i tin i thin in thi mumtipd offin c oitiii il ilso ft it it w is ruiissii x to situi p it t time sti nolr ipht i foi th immit iji il otfite and in strut tt d tht iliik to idxirtist mr citiflips it sil1i itiou is tffiuiw on m ix j maxoi ltiuhlm i tjioi ti d th it ln b ui i t tf mi crump to n consider hiv i silii itn n but th it his mind xx i m ali up in h irsiuittoi tht vi s m nt unii si un i s ud it is with muih tlit th it 1 mi ornd t th s unit in i k uniih itti ti n i ti n 111 ruin i in m 1 im lour m tx t 1 t i to h ink ai n 1 h ix f fjix mx t 1 s bist ion gning ji of plox of lo i llle 1 h tl i i h 1 in 1 ftil i hvixi dunt all n powti to s i l in town to th ib lux md tt l xx i h h it i tfft r mx n ign ii i o is for n n il n ituu and an n n x ix count t tt d x ith idminist atu 1iffivutns in inj fiom mx offm coiliuil pomtid out thit i lot ississnunt hid bt t n unnrth d dm ink mi ci ump s off it t lhit hid n x i bun thiilid bi fort xxhien xls of much bmtfi to tht town l i of tht acton fire trutk mit of thi town cam in foi muih di iu i m ind it w ls ktntrillx fr th it mimt mitim agriitmnt should bi m idi xx th tin townships pi nd nj ii i umint on thi t st ibhsh mt i t i fin ui i v 1 1 nim m nt wt ti it ft wi h th fm immitttg it n- t ilu rtbill di mi mt i iu d bx i 1 t il i irk tiuii w n k ft iinth i tin stipiixtun tf i uiu tlot irxxin mi nit ti x st w ti t t h urn i th i in c nmiittit r iot tt i h i thi ow n f 1 1 wit bi in put n sh j md th io i is w him i il i i n is p siblt m x it i him is tn nix tgitt t i u i u lu la toionto reception is held at parental home mini d oi gt ore ow ll mi cullough in x t dding pril 24 100j it mr md mrs w ii ilibrited thttr nm innixirs irx it thi bint tors md officers of th j i ton union h irmt rs mutu d fin insiirinct coinpmx honored t l ltsht on mond iv whin ht wxs prtstnttd vxith an tliclric raar md i tnmplimt nt irx addn ss d bx d initl gr ix mr leslie has btti a director of compmx for nnnx xtar md is i p lst prtsidmt ht rt tir d from the boird llm xt ir the ap prtiiatitm of his sirxict x as gixtn it the- flo ird meiting hi id in c- on on mond iv if ti moon mr ltslu xx ls in rt mi mt i xx ht n i bi iiitiful bouqm t of flux i r xx is pnsintid to ht r b the dincors of tht companx ftnir stniction ind completion ts will as many o hers that precedi d tht m in silking approval of the rdepax i rs and preliminary work spartan construction co hos in stalk d the trunk and main lints of the system under the direction of d mcdonald town inspector for the instillation of the lines w os a cnpps jones and van gils con tructcd tht dlsposnl plant it tht third line site tht first and m ijor de benturt i sm of w10 000 xvas for 20 years nnd was issued it t p r ci nt it will now bi possibit for ill in alton o connt rt tti tht ssttrn withtiut mx dt 1 i the tnrinttr ti is siiggt s t d th it tht mein con nt i tions m ith tht bt tter th sx i in xiiill opi r itt tht si w r iu system in at ton touchi d off i st ru s of improxi mints th it h ivt iddid to the pro grt ssixt nt s- of tht town compli ion of tht dispiks tl ilant follows tin ins il ition of the w itt i sv- t m bx 3d xeirs a sptciil tnbuti houw be pud lo th council njimbirs xolunticr worktrs xx ho letnl in he inter ts of tht toxin to m ikt pi irus to ip rx tst tht uiu it installation ind fin illx m ikt sl tth mints which ure not xtt mmpltttd council mi t- nils btcami a wteklv event in iio md part of 19 as council wis burdt ne d with dt cisitms on con struction md polity man even ing cn p into tht m xt morning bi fun eoum il idjourntd ift r eh iring tip us minx difficultu s ai 1 lsmbu spt ti il it gi si it ion through bv 1 iws xv is mci o irx to insim tht sunt s of tht wu0o0 svsttm a plumbing bx i iu th it claimed minx hours of studv ind inxtstlg ition is xxi 11 ls 1 s oris in plumbing pr icti ts x u just orjt of thi nee t s irx ittms in ruiint ctlon with the inst ilh ton of i s w rage ssam in acton homt of thtir d itightt r mlss ch ir lot mccullough v illt brooki r urn rt it 1 giorgittmp lest silurdix mi ind mrs mccul lniikh hxtd for 10 xt irs on thi fifth ime torner and now lixe near htliimillt on hockwood h r 2 tht fiftit h xxiddmg innixtrsarx etltbiatiiin xx as htld at thi horn xx ht n mr meculloueh s f ithi r xx as bom in 1111 md w in re tht it d iulhti r nuxx lixt s mm iil tin iftiinoon mdixin i in li mt jim f thtir frunds t ill i tl 1 i i pu ss tin ii i nr it ul i ion md tl w i in s unfit him hum xx is trd bx tin it t uitld uightt is tht thru 1 ix t w titling i ikt xx is m idi bv th i d iiojiw i mis h ir ld whi f cu 1 h nti tl i i td tix h t 1 uh i hx ln mi itl m mcc nil mh i i i 1 m wix 1 ix ix gift md f w i rs tnii fru nds md ulitixs no decision is given on closing of bower lane tin no tit t ision of list wttk i it bilk til i nu di usioii until in it i nm both j i tu v sill to hli v i i bx his honor judet w n itobinson on fri lomlusion of the irbitritum hi iring rtirdinjt if uttwit xt hinibi s jihil1 itobinst n xxithtld id xuxx tht i ttu ind mitixi inort x nttt n ixi dtnit fiombothi ti tit s tht miltti oi ilhi iti tl w in n w wolft i ktdthu ti n to s ii to him ill i r j nt of tin i lilt un t tn tl i i mt th i ss s tht itlt tfhishiwii x bom c oum il tot k ntimtotl s th 1 tin on u i hiinii n i ti n f tin i 1 nti hl it h 1 m tin t slit nj o pi hum from th it ul nts it iiiid hx th i un i ht t wn snt tin in itt i ti iribtn tu n il tin h i it ii mi iti u i ii nit 1 ji tin tow ri w is c b i a uu r i md in u in x t i i iu i uid ft r tin isul ns 1 i m i f lu i i i bx md s tton t uitiu m n s c b pn it 1 i 1 i i rtn li th v w lu h w i i t dk i nnd b th nj x i m h f x l h ui m u i b id i idd r 1 i vx ls on r i f 1 du kn 1 x m fill 1 i i hi it bodx li n lis i huis i- hlj x ilu md nund kni turui x iu h ill tin trimmings m b un i it i m rxini xx l st rx d bx tin i ui s aumii irx of thi mns club it wis trx s itisfx n md di hghtfutlx s rxtd rrxsuiiir g mil t mikiiiu wi in h tt st of tht piikrim ind prsidinl of th l bond id too itt imitutid i xxltonit tv all lntroduetion of thi hi id tubl was r kit bx wis wolft md thi toast to hi sotto xx l bx j uk cn ilhtun xwjth bob nutr n respond nj mr dh innaraj m c a st ret irx of nucpur india ulso spokt brn fix gut 1 speaker wasc t shar ntirtsd dtrntor of bos cuiiipini in cjv iwiu o th undid n h h f bx b t m m 1 ixx ii tj h ill f i if w h p ou i l i d ii i n x f i p ik t xx ls i f tht ithi r u rd th t uiu i as mi b r uik ik s i i i h 1 1 lots of fun un s un h irmonx tht fines p nod hit i p irt o il s mns m t imls risii tid in souii stiff kxus th s mens club pres nls th f ituri t ith x ir no as a mono rising xtntun but rathi r i lommunitv s rx let jiuit how hi x i tn gixt two turkt x dmnt rs at 1 a tor tht pair hai alwjx binn a b puuling tt us imniirv rex t alt d that actuallv thii xear a dtficit of about s30 wa taken care of bx fundi from the club treasury u i i t t h 1 t id r v h hi bi ik poi il 1 tl n 1 l l 111k p n ul n 1 th nlid i 1 i in i old landmark is being torn down enjoying the annual at home of the halton junior farmers avo members of the executive and committee in the foyer of the brant inn burlington shown from thy left are dorothy ingram harold tyrrll first vice president joanne julun mac sprawl president jean peterson dave pel letterio past president of the halton club and provincial pres dent lorna lawrence second vice president about 150 couples enjoyed the seventh annual event highlight of the uniors activi ties it photo k i i th to xn n h i t r i i d e u i 1 i ixt ti 1 h fut f 1 1 ih x t p d t t ip up in nt n itut i d put it i n ipp fi i i until in i i mli 10 h bx 1 ixx t lit 1 xx is jl 11 t x uiu md ltf oxi for aci n f th 1j t tint il in i b w xx l p ls i r fi ri i ik tht m itti i i tin t unt judt f r irbitritt tn ih txplimd tbt h had b n ristructid bx c itu 1 not to tiki tit s m hi irbitr i i m mr d tit tontindtd th it sum nt npur xxitrk hid bi n tlon tn th iiux m some so x the tovx n had not assu mul owmrship an 1 xvas thertfore not tiitilltd to ciils th ilhx man u k il aspicts crt it into th i lu irmtf and little progress was xisihh to the wi mjwsts and ttroup priseul the judje ls to view thi allev and will jpvc a decision alter i rt diving more evidence i 1 i in n mi n tl in th ok in i oi i f r h 1 i f lb lo he i trlx 1 is t th it k ak ls ipiltl i of emu t ii ttlt 1 u thi build n xv ls d us as ii ii hi tl d met 1 s i f bankrupt it w u ht ti m irx of tmpuix ii f ii il t ii at ih n shi n it w is oiiniz d in uigq tht xt ir of th fiiii m it iid it wti hire undtr c ip ml in that thi bittalion o- m bl 1 t i fo tn tht idjoinlnj i m tu ni f r tht tr drill m tht t xen mi tht soldu rs wtin nd coots in tho l davs and it was tpitte a t olorful sptctaele tht old buildinji hai bet n used for x iriomj purptlst s sinct hotel stiblts btcamranunneii sarv part of hotel prinmix it was i kar ajji a jtori holie and the lat oe cupant was acton woodcrafts bt fore moving to thtir new premises

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