Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1952, p. 2

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pack two the acton free press acton ontario tiiuiuihay may bth 109 mothers day this sunday jvotwbly two of the most significant dayihn the yer other than christmas and easter are mothers day and fathers day this sunday is mothers day a day of respect and gratitude ex pressing all the warm and happy feelings hat are due the countrys mothers w d howells summed up a very sound ob servation when he said a rnan never sees all hat his mother has boon to him till its too late to let her know that he sees it if anyone has played an important part in the advancement of the world it is the least heard of group the mothers who have influenced and in structed the greatest men and the groatost women of theiworld mothers ro seldom heard from as a group yet their place in the way of life to which we are accustomed is beyond all doubt the most important john quincy adams lincoln and napolepn all groat men uttered words which in effect saidy all that i am my mother made me but it fs not just the great men who owe so much to their mother it is the little men the ordinary people who through spiritual and character develop ment gained from their mothers have been able to take and hold their place in the pattern of everyday living sunday is mothers day mothers dont ex pect the biggest and the best of something in- deed most of them expect nothing at all a little extra consideration a little more help aa extra smile just a simple expression of appreciation for what moiher has done for you will satisfy her this sunday on her day no language can express the power and beauty and heroism and majesty of a mothers lev it shrinks not where man cowers and grows stronger where man faints and over the wastes cf worldv fortune sends the radiance of its quenchless fidelity like a star in heaven e h capin money the root the financial post argues that the sensible tng for canadians and americans to do is for vstors to either country to have their money canyed 1v1t0 the proper currency before they cross the border it argues that we do that when ve go to britain france or sweden that paper aiso contends that the simplest solution and the pioper one is for a polite but firm refusal to ac cept us currency that is not legal tender in canada any more than canadian currency is legal tender in the united states most of us canadians have learned from ex perience that canadian currency is not acceptable in business places across the border sometimes the refusal to accept it has not been polite and often it has cheered us when we met the service station man or the other business man who said sure why not we agree with the post that the better way is to make the exchange in currency before visiting any foreign country but some way or the other we have never looked on the united states as a foreign country perhaps that is because we lived there for several years andhave relatives arjd many friendsjn the united states we feel we just dont want to be too proper and when we are offered united states currency we are going to accept it like the fellows who told us sure why not when we were visiting across the border maybe its this free exchange and common visits that have kopt the two great nations living so peaceably side by side for so many years tn contrast to european countries it has been said money is the root of all evil and the exchange on united states and canadian currency is a small price to pay for frendly relationship we might add weve decided to only use american cui- rency when we visit across the border and not flaunt any canadian currency in another country which doesnt seem foreign load of municipal advancement and too often it is left on the shoulders of members of council an interesting recent statement deals with the decentralization policy of a large us manufac turer of electric products wheroby its plants have been located in 20 communities in seven states with an average of slightly more thawlooo em ployees per plant one obect of the sylvanle company is to have an operation that the local manager can handlo on a somewhat personal basis knowing by name most of tho omployoos of the plant with an operation of this size it has been possible in many instances if place tho companys plants in small eommunlfles according to tho troasurer tho company has found that this practico of locating in small com munities has certain advantages for ono thing there is less social discrimination in small places between peoplo of different incomo levels peo ple live closer together when people go to tho same church and their children go to the same school they get to know each other pretty well we feel that when our managers can know their employees and vice versa our industrial rolations will be on a bettor plane also in small communities our plants be come important factors in the local employment situation somotimes the most important factor not only do our employees depend on us for their livelihood but tho whole economy of tho community is wrapped up in our wellbeing we do not want tho responsibility of running any town in which we operate that belongs to the people who live there on the other hand we feel that our people who work there have to do their sharo in making the place a good one in which to live i the good old days may have seemed j better back in 1902 krow th o th yne vrhu t1 thuimhav mng i0ti2 our local hucihivh if ixak wal ton huvc nrtfnnlid with mmnii orticlnry unit memherahip and are luylnu plans for olumdunt fulurn port thu nftlrnnt for hip current year on- hon pre a o lli-urd- mor iriutidnt dr thou limy vlrc pre ii ii wordmi kit trnuiil j mrnnbb mnnrtlnjj urn w ktiirlt thiw onmnm mid c spciuht tim hub huu al- riiifly inrolltfi wiiih thlily nirm hfih it ih thi- inirpohi to iwivt- imp nriil lirkit mutrhijt mid irninif mentis an- heinu mudu to mciii i- vuiry i iik for u trim at yciru 1 htimk it with liiv nut pick til pilliripul moon- will wuid up uvi j iinlkliith to hi- kuitini k liriiuutliniit iiixl immlh ll j i v back in 1932 from the immu- th frm thuritttiv may 5h itfu how many rutt did you catch m motiduy a rronl in if to the akwumiru flfc- urva the population of acum in thi ycur uiviii tut 1110ft a new met ii i known tut aoltm- tuni l tin lutijjt uddtthm to thi wviiul rcrtru d rmluu now pro- din fd hi hindu hilenluru finds 1u hhlrf jjiirkrt iii the ulusu in- diutli y itiv ruth r millrii t acton liu- ii ii ijjjhiiiili d hujilutn tin tin lln ilium imutuu to the ictuu- iiimh iitmi iii til hr im id id dlili- ilti liiluiid in jum knijx iliyiia w-ii- ii td will my houi i1 iljht wh i hivinn thin i iiia in ivtii lfiil p i itt v iun1 uh if lin- h- i diy riiiuini ikiiit ih h iiiojiiiiju id i llv y i it i iuh th lo th koti ill h a community need an active chamber of commerce is a need in every community and we regret that the organi zations of business men under various headings in town are not the active and flourishing type that should characterize acton white they were active they did much good work in building up the town it is not the sole duty of those whom we elect to municipal positions to carry the full whanah its mrs a mrs kiiu aitken dnmd up groriitlnwn iwii workw oifo mi fxeurpl from th herald bhnw the impreshion hhv mide mrs aitken us practlciilly a human dynamo mannillnc to crowd more nctlvities into a aintlle day than maul puopie could into two wr throe day she wan hnlf an hour late and totd us she hod just arrived hark from nova scotia that morn inn done her mornlnr broadcast and then trantt crlbed her uvenlnjj broadcast be fore settlnjj out tor georgetown becaiwo she was nutalina at an evening function in guelph after- wards she impressed us as beinu com pletely charminu and unultected mn ah spejikmji voice was quiet er more subdued than we have been aeeumomed to hearing nvii the radio one feilure common to iveiy country mrs a vimled wti sen city of food mrs ailkens tl ip emphas ized the fact that canada and th- pounds shillings and pence a friend of the editor gave us a copy of the newspaper from fredonia ny the other day in which the tax rate for the town had been set the first attention compelling thing was that the mill rate was not mentioned the heading said it was proposed to have a 21 tax rile and a public states are lamb of plumy hearing was scheduled to be held on the propos- appinnlv mrs a just j vivteious and ihtnnuik olistake ed budget these were two innovations we ml im vw mnm t i favent heard about in ontario lidy npuii hainj lts of fui r i i i i 1 j r i and a wmulii fui lime oui 1 frankly we liked the wording of the tax rate t m wo believe it would be more readily understood trron ftnnf sprrml if we discarded the old term of mills in our tax item mhei an aitirl- m tin- jx iirvs about p ruinrii a dlii 1l tnhuted b baxter lab- whit h w successfiilly used lo tieat poln the cjforketimn ii raid tuuud 11 south where llieie wen- budi at the north of the county karnieis are all out uvery where jthoufih itu hard lo tell if their bumneh1 is ahead r behind the fellow a few miles to the mouth the liurliruitnn gazette says tornr locol broweri have started cutlinu asparaifiut because of the excopt- lonttllyne weather trajalqar jail farm humour that property north of the ford plant in trafalflor will be iiwd as a provincial jail farm were termed at leost well in advance offactby h t jones of the de partment of uiahwnyti this de lht animations fui thin b in id in a ton tin- y folly ilidlrlit viu moyft the law say- ll trout you it h uikii r mx iik tutt in 1 mr saioilil ke saull sir vjalle oot molitlus atfo aiiji liolil for j few days he hiterehhnu lepoils of tli and develoilileut of th new ontario embryo city there have tx ih ihu wild ducks on kauy idi week freipielt duililk tui h 11k ml throw ha- k i willi i ar uth j ho w nl io olilde j ui monrt liinii in iirotfr mi- k v a tik forli pav llsh nir of rhilm iu uiui n yutuni 1 aoi of krox idjj i lit i- i iid moljtor of sjk1 of kujatin ia toronto ii i tin ssjo vhti the i i r iv tilut li i hi -toi- not th pioofa at- not iv ltfi d i 111- ohe- i ii thi- kuioc tddi ia hoa llie partmenlh purchasinu department jtafrui have im the week the point haa been reai hd n the history of the municipal ele trie lltfhtjnk tyjfem of acton when a uniformity in the adoption of i meter- mtlm he seriiel or the j uicr1 will be likely to a back u tho flat tate od tlu m usyou acquirer the land forall provincial u current o iinrl inatitutimu and to date we have j wltn mvt l wh h tux had no rtpiehb to purchase anv the conlracti an- tract for mich uie j xpirm nd if the conn ll orfo- and nonagenarians j desires to ail fairly with the met iimuii j it aua in duylitfhl list wtik that a fire of unknown oiikui tailed in n is marshall tore at kdn mill it waa con trolled jujky and damage was vm hto on mondy niht acton citjens hand hm their lirst prjctlrt ainc- ihey had no place to go it was held in th- jijj room of the cur ling hlllk us taken fiom the p th meter aui jar journal xmt pibl rlructure and called it dollars that is the term we use every day and that is the term the average fepayer understands fredonia ny has a tax rate of 21 mills but they call it 21 we would have liked to knowhow the public hearing on the proposed budget works out in practice here it is now customary to publish the budget rind the public are fully aware of every item of proposed expenditure but we often won der how many make a close study qf the munici pal budget you may ask as we did how a smalt town in a state bordenngontanocouldget a 21 rate when ours is several times that amount we did too of course we dont know anything about the assessment values in new york state but the total valuation of property m the village was mrs iui spers of lironte was m lny u ni itt years old last week and for i r a1x likiil her and other district iionnjp-nar- nu h t u tans we add tlns taken fiom the i the rnt oikvilhtrifalk chicko hotel lioasls one of lls bell- bos is ki year- old theres on- ipetnjertanan who hlsnl lost hls oi nvotie ises lip jironk crops kidi ii nui ihe cmmlv ov r h- weknd karlv lepolu- se m t- indn ite there were no whopper hi i fiom hahldinr loook- w i have to wnt and si e the o p-ii-ei- ill ham- the m-v- in the columii- mdav r today uui thi uhiiin uill have it next anv ihiko ami norhwialcrn liy i iland miiuid the luxuri- evdy tiin from chicago ontrael- tlifornia vw niiind trip the mat tjut raion ar and compartment at on i ahh tehphoni uulfet lib i io lie rrj r aith barber electric i d tiro oliou professional directory and travellers guide mkdicai llfai suiy last week explaining 1 content and use of the di uk w i the incidental pine for industr acton the need to travel i l sjmt light on juniors the junior farmers have made all the hal ton newspapers this week several have pictures of dave pelletteno of ash and all have mentioned the honor to the county in his beinj elected presi dent of- the ontario juniors the first ever from hilton thiimumcurainnilyrpori lmmtnrxprrjpncr thrrrlsnjnur ed to well many from this- dstrut ni or n s lf a jourth t ronj attended of course their annual church service was dt v fu hw of held sunday in milton journey in us and the most movinp nd profound symbol wm of our much of niy life has been spen j in tiavi of mmi kind the travel i hts no alaays bi en jojrru ys of mv ov n choosing but whither l travi lied by compulsion or by ex- enjse of my own socalled free will the more i have travelled and the old r i have prown the more convinced i have become that right at the in kinninj of animal of or w g c kenney ihkirijn and surcruri office m symon iili k mill st aeton offlrr fjianr 7k rrfcldrnrr church st ihunt iso or d a garrett phblrlan and surxron corner of willow and itvr st- entrance river stre t acton ontario ihonr z2h dental trrck and- asjxiraous editorial notes many citizens who are conversant with muni cipal ahairs regret to learn of the resignation of mi frank cromp as assessor for acton he is a oung man who has taken a keen interest in the new assessment work and it appeared that acton would have the benefit of many years of service his position will be a difficult one to fill and the interruption in the work by any new appointee will be a distinct loss to the municipality oily arton ifitvv irps the only paprr evrr pufcufci in ahen foundrd in b75 and published cwy tbunday at u mill l x- acton ont utmht ot the audit burrau of circula- lni the cwna and the ontarioquebec dtvulon of the rwna advertuing rats on rqueit subscriptions pay- able in advance s2js0 in canada wm in the united state sx months 10 srnsle copua 8c authorized as second clan tluu post office department otuwa c a dilu editor and pubusher business and editorial office telephone 17 4 je5 the quite foliafit down with more howe surprising to se aiven as 6293472 the expenditures did not ceptible difference include any educational costs to the municipality acl and mlllon ind and there were no debenture charges the vil lage indebtedness was given as 3405558 which provided for retirement of various notes and bonds apparently the village pays nothing tcwards maintenance of the county and receives 521285 as state assistance we found the tax structure very interesting and under such conditions most any ratepayer could easily have a 21 rate here the one point c change that can be made without any incon venience is the discarding of the old term mill its as obsolete in canada as pounds shillings and pence per- mmds and of the finest and greatest literature of ill races and j the ws are rooted in it colonel trees are out a bit more all the way laurens van der post explorer and in the writer j 1 dr a j buchanan drntal surgeon office 1 is hm an block mul st office hours 0 am to 6 p m xray telephone ms veterinary c r ifathfrland lurrlnttr a soilwlt noury iuldle om ij pho- it s levcr hoskin flurtrrrd at ruunutnu suo e- ors lo jinkinh am iiardv iv mnnhditjn uldg aa viror st toronto eit aiai- a j crandell charterrd arrountant id j hone cm fiiirorttator united church of canada b p young bvsc c l young d v m veterinary surgeon office uroonvlle onjin hone- milton 144 arton ontario a friendly church rev t a currey ba bd minister parsonafii 29 bower avenue phone flo ml o m ldviinartl atcjw organ 1m and choir leader sunday may 1 1 th 1952 10 00 u m sunday school a school for good citizenship i 00 a m morning worship moth ers djy christenings 7 00 p m evenng worship from the bible something about gideons band sermonette father said i could thought for the werk small serice is true service whilf it ia5t5 of humblest friend bright creat ures scorn not one the daisy by the ihadow that it casts protects the hngennb dewdrdp from the un st alaams chutch fmfchaaa rev ralph e price ba bd rector presbyterian church in canada knox hirrctl acton kkv koltkrt ii akmmtuos mji rd mlnuter sitcijay may 11th i0i2 1100 immotpita dj soricr mondav mjv 2 the mxl-rtu- fito pin mens dinner b 30 p m divine worship they tuit watt upon the lord shall renew their jtrnoh a wirm welcome awjiji you f g oakes vs b v 5c ot rt trrlnar nuriron ind ciiicr k ador ihnrr lio x a travellers guide gray coach lines baptist church doujjlas b shiuer pajtor daylight saiing t roaciis irv acton eatlbound fl ui a t hsh n t 2ih p rr 5 ih p n 6 i3 p d2 uel boond 10 u m 12 52 p rr 2 7 p m mt p rr 7 27 p m y n i 1 p n i 12 a m s j ii ktr honcr j da iv rxirji su i ar- hth oav t- siurd srda 11 h il das d j armstrong oorur of chlraptaeue krd- nek st n arton phone j0 rfai statk avd inhtranctk wright real estate and insurance f i whisht n i wrigift 20 wdhjr st j macdonnell st atur ont juflph onl phorr j phone 4diw luator rrltor laafcirara m rrii- appru jji irutltuu of canada mnit luiti and dtntict it rj ale hoard mmt cjj iph nd dutrtcl i rm ag- aciatin ww p bpacken rraj tle gknkjtai insljlancr prior- 26 actfio mlh tijweol w sunday may llth 1052 motherj day 1030 am sunday school wordsworth m special mother d y 6ervice the grcxteat carer canadian national railways standard time on earth j da swim daily excrpt sun- 700 pm like as a mother- j day 054 am 7 10 pm sunday 815 pjn bypu 1 only is pm daily rxcept sun- rriday may p bypu visits the victor b rumley funedal home foaarai haaae lleauj aaabvuaa phone 30 niatht or day seric the community for 45 year sunday may llth 10s2 fourth sunday after easter 9 00 am holy communion 10 00 am surtday school u 00 am jjcginnen clou 7 00 pm vensoji a welcome awaits you cearjetovn 1 45 pm at the church y monday may church annual meeting nd election of offic- ers cojfireitational uppt t the canadian pacific i the lrf- i wft privately owned railroad in the world day nyer at georgetown 9 03 m daily jhyer at georfetrn 10 p n wetbbd daily rxcept sunday and mon day 204 am sunday and mandi only 12 06 a m daily except sun day 8 48 am 7 44 pm daily ex cept sat and sun 5 4 pm sat urday only 1 m p m sundisr only 8 43 am flattop sunday only hyer a guelph 70s pm eye cake by apointinenl wm c aaiuigan ro optiwrlrui lit asd 3rd wednesday of the month i pm lo 9 pre il mill st raudoc of a t atwn

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