thursday may th 1092 the acton free press acton ontario paqesatvaw youg so much travelling by bus is a won derful way to see our country the busy farms that border the highways the rivers and lakes thegrandeurof our hills and forests fascinating close- ups of every town and city along your sv route on j yournexttrip go by bus youll enjoy the thrill of seeing so much fares are low round trip vancouver chicago washington st louis 9460 2265 2560 2865 surcharge included ticket and information at harold wiles phone 207 eromosa district sorm fcubie following is the eromosa district toftball league schedule for 1ds2 the last mentioned team u tho home team acton team 1 thu year spon sored by sid elsen may 22 aggieshaymakers ac- toneverton roekwoodeden mill- may tt7ieverton aggie hay- make mnock wood eden mills- acton june s aggieseden mi1u nock- woodacton evehonhaymttkers juno aggles acton eden mil lahay makers everton rock- wood june 15 haymakers- aggies kv- ertonacton eden mil isrock wood june 12 aggleseverton rock- wood haymakers acton eden mills june 17 agglesrockwood evi ertoneden mills aoton-iiaymak- era june 10 eden millsaudits ac- tanrockwood haymakcrseverton june m actonatfges haymak erseden mills rock woodevert on june 2fl a ante haymakers ac toneverton rockwoodeden mills june 30 everton angles hoy- makers rock wood eden mllls-ar- ton july 3 rock wood a be i as eden millievcrton haymakersacton july 10 aggieseden mills rock- woodaeton evrtonhaymakers review july 12aggles acton jmnjjj nylng and more thnn somc- ml lis hoy makers everton -rock- wood july 17 haymakersaggies ev- ertonacton eden miiis-rock- wood july h aggies everton rock- wood hoymokors acton eden mills concentrate on welfare work retiring directors advice dr jo men m mnther head of the hit hon county health unit since its inception in 1047 has stated on lea vina its been n unique ex perience and ive never worked with more cooperative people his ndvice was to concenlrntc on welfare work hiii resignation becomes effective on july lhe will hood the univer sity of brltirh columbias health department he declnred thot the health organization in holton county is functioning well now and that the emphasis for the next few years should be on welfare problems he added that his work in halton had been a pleasure runyon fjrst and last damon runyon him been repres ented in more anthologies by more different short storied vthun any other american writer alnce o henry and while o henrys day litnt so terribly long past 81111 thats n remarkable figure runyoneae in a delightful type of writing that many people likely havent discovered yet heres the opportunity to read the breezy stories of manhattan night flying guys and dolls it was runyon who wrote the original story of guys and dolls the current broadway hit runyon wrote his most popnlnr stories from about 1007 to 1045 a couple of the outstanding stor ies in thin collection which is pre ceded by a very comprehensive forward dont skip it arc blond mlnk the rollicking yarn of fo fallon the riotous halloween spirits and two men nnmed collins signs erf himyanese ore the eter nal present tensest and i says to him kind of thing the amusing juxtaposition of slang with formal words and his often repented ex pressions such as which is a way vhaf tomon runyon will particularly appeal to men members of acton library his rending public it of course unlimited obituary shnrptalled grouse were killed by u train near missa noble only authenticated occurence of the bird since 1031 i i your eyes deserve the best consult r m bell ratfitoivd optometrlh phone 22rl2 erin i ii i i furnaces cleaned coal space heaters oil experienced workmanship phone ordsr in early 6 pm to 8 pm 393r5 milton just 22 years old dies at limehouse miss margaret spltzcr who had been ill with rheumatic fever for three yeors passed away at her home near limehouse on may 14 at the age of 22 she was the daughter of mr and mrs paul spltzer and woh born ut clnybank saskatche wan twelve years ago the family mov ed to ontario nnd margaret who had received her early schooting in the west attended school at mory- hlll and later at breslnu she hod worked in toronto for three years before her illness as an apprentice for mr and mrs ool- brook then took on interior deco rating course while working with thornton smith she hod worked for two months in a yonge street draper store when she took sick mr and mrs pitzer moved to the limehouse district three years ngo and live on the old sutherland form between no 7 highwuy and lime house village she is survived by her parents two brothers ben no nnd herbert nnd a sister annnmorie rev father diemert of mnryhill officiated at requiem mass in hy cross church georgetown on saturday morning with interment following in greenwood cemetery georgetown pallbearers were wilbert nnd jerome reinhnrdt of breslnu lino nnd nino brnuloi of acton paul beeney nnd george spityer only l14th of the land area of the dominion hai been improved by man or used as pasture poets corner m kkiknoiy we cannot of course till be hand some and its hard far us all to be good we are sure now and then to be lonely and we dont always do oh we should to be putlent is not ulwaygeusy to 1m cheerful is much harder still but at least we can always be plen- simt if we make up our minds that we will and it pays every time to be kindly although you feel worried and blue if you smile all the world will be cheerful the world will smile right bock nt you so try to brace up and look pleasant no mutter how long you arc down good humour is always contagious but you banish your friends when you frown w o brownridgc niagara suicides wind up stuffed strong and majestic are the nia gara falls ntrong and majestic and tragic the seemingly placid waters above the falls attract countless wildfowl at night like most living things they fall asleep the pull of the water drags at their motionless bodies nearer and nearer the brink they are drnwn they go over and downtown into the maelstrom churned up by forces sufficient to generate hundreds of thousand of electrical horsepower light sleepers moy waken in time to fly out from the threat of sure death of those carried into the turmoil of waters below few sur vive conservation officer r mumo ontario department of lands and forests in whose territory the cata- roet is located has for years been interested in retrieving the remains of the many species of ducks and other waterfowl thot hove been carried over the fnlls during thepost winter up to and including january 31st last he has collected 0 american scoter 21 whitcwlngod scoter 70 american goldcneycs 70 canvasbocks jtfi greater scaup 4 lesser scaup 3 mallards 3 buldpote 0 old squaw 6 black 1 redhead and 4 ruddy ducks und 1g american nnd 10 red breosed mergansers other water fowl included three common and one redthroated loon 10 homed 1 holbeius and 0 piedbilled greb es 1 ringbilled 16 herring and 1 greater blnckbncked gulls ond 1 coot officer mumo never ceases being surprised at the number of gulls that for some reason go over the falls but points out that many of the gulls ducks and other water fowl retrieved were sick or injured before being swept over the crest many were greasy or oilsoaked xi t hers emaciated ond not o few wounded by hunters casualties are heaviest during migration periods all birds recovered arc shipped to the wildlife reseurch laboratory of the lands and forests research division where ofter autopsy the bejt preserved are made into study skins more and more wives open savings accounts for better budgeting you cant take protection for granted t a ii i if ffl aim mamffcers of the bank of montral all over canada are finding house wives strongly m favour of house hold savings accounts this i how one customer put it every week my husband gives me so much for the household expcnses and that makes budgeting easier yet theres always the new hat or summer dress or shms i need and whats left over from the allowance isnt enough by itself with n savings oc- count of my own i can build up a fund each week to buy these extras such o household savings ac count ls a real help to many family budgets if deposits are made regu larly its remarkable how quickly it wilkgrow into a sizeable sum if you feel that you would like to try out your own household sav- ings account drop into the bank of montreal branch in acton orme hijrvt the accountant or any mem ber of the staff will be very happy to help you open it your initial tleposit need be no more than one dollar ladies softball league schedule thursday moy 20 new toronto vs brampton dixie vs oakvllle monday june 2 new toronto vs acton dixie vs streetsvllle wednesday june 4 oakvlllc v dixie brampton vs new toronto thursday june 5 streetsvllle vh brampton acton vs oakvllle monday june0 dixie vs acton new toronto vs streetsvllle wednesday june 11 r brampton vs dixie oakvllle vs new tor onto thursday june 12- acton vs brampton streetsvllle vs oakvllle monday june 16 streetsvllle v acton wednesday june ib dixie v new toronto thursday june 10 oakvllle vs brampton monday june 23 acton vs streelsville wednesday june 25 streetsvllle vs dixie acton vs new toronto thursduy june 20 bramptovi vs oakvllle without any postponed games if this schedule was played again as a second round the last game would be august 7th gernldton ont reported recently capture of a starnosed mote sel dom leported that far north ond a it idea 1 1 district conservation officer reported seeing a groundhog sitting i on a snowbank haroh mike i coxe plumbing and heating eavestroughing sheet metal work phones 370r 451 w iv fin clearing auction sale farm implements furniture eie the undersigned have received instructions from the executor of the estate of the late james turnbull to sell by public auction ot his late home lot fl con 7 nds township of nelson on saturday may slsv commencing at 130 oclock ds t the following furniture chesterfield suite hall seat large cherry set tee 2 hall mirrors 2 large chejry chairs to match settee cherry hau chair 2 odd couches 5 cane bottom choirs 3 wilton rugs 3 high back chairs couch to match 2 walnut drop leaf tablet 2 singer sewing machines large extension table china cabinet nigh sideboard wal nut swing mirror 4 bedroom suit es oak with dressers and wash stands to match single spool bed rope bed childs spool bed 4 toilet sets several large bedroom eay choirs sick bed tray and rest trunks large chest of draw ers pine chests fireplace tong 2 bags of down several feather ticks 3 clocks bnrroom nnn choir 4 kitchen choirs cook stove victrola nnd records glass pine cupboard empty scolent quontity of canned fruit and pickles dinner horn cnndle moulds old musket copper boilers brass kettles grid dle flower pots spinning whem dishes bedding silverware and other numerous small articles implements m h manure spreader 2 discs dane hay loader int side rokc m h grain binder walking plow dc laval cream separator lond roller wooden high wngon single furrow riding plow wheel cultivator cutter low farm wngon in excellent shape scales 2000 lbs 2 set drog harrow rub ber tired buggy single scuffler mh disc drill 11 disc oil barrel sleighs fanning mill forks chains etc terms cash settlement with clerk day of sale no reserve as farm is sold htndley and elliott auctioneers phone 10r3 rock wood and 173 j milton george currie clerk b512 the international limited has maintained dependable daily service between montreal toronto and chicago for more than so years complete comfort is- yours on this famous canadian national train with its modern coaches sleepers duplex roomette and luxurious bedroom buftetlounge cars wonderful meals in bright uptotheminute dining cars if s the roilabu allweather way to travel between montreal cornwall brockvillc kingston belleville port hope oshawa toronto hamilton bra nt ford london sarnia windsor detroit and chicago peel mivi mantrml tereato enly travel gift ctnrmcate canadian national now offers an ohroctlw 0h carf jfleat covorjna train travel anywnoro fo any roll cosffnaflon for any amount you with on safo at all canadian national ffdiof offices easy to buy easy fo uu a gill ffcaf urm io pjsaso anycnlt agonl will bo ptoatod to aititt you in planning your trip canadian national th only tauway hiving all tin movihcii nm b m r- iv er acton branch gordon oder manager j robert taylor guiding a covered wagon train of women across the country prepares denise darcel and others of the feminine contingent for possible indian d hacks with a thorough lesson m the handling of firearms the scene is from mgm i big outdoor drama westward the women which boasts an unusual cust pf 200 girls the new picture opens at the roxy aaonday june 2nd rfcnktot montreal workino with canadians in eveitwaik of till since 1117