thursday junk mh 1032 l the acton free press acton ontario pack term community cleaners ltd 14 dunn straw n oakvtue phone oakulllo 1900 or zorilth 13400 dn the siage midgets mark up win on saturday acton midget opened the 1003 barbil eawm lojt saturday after noon by inflicting a 74 defeat on cfootown here tho game wiw u pitcher- battle nil tho way with iohti cunningham having the rdge on umleck at orortftlown by allowing only al hlls to eight from tlmleck the acton club outbobbled the visitor committing ilx error dawklmi paced lh acton hitting with two hits in four trips to the plate td foolltt made an out standing catch in left field acton auh1ipoa heatloy 2b 4 morton c 3 holme rf 3 lawjonjb 3 cunningham p 8 arblc if 1 emmerson if 1 rootltt if skllllng an coon cf splelvogel cf dawk las 3b aw3iw3etown welwtrr c king 2b ritchie 3b tlmleck jm p fireon lb palmer cf fwwmrtone if so pore rf ilerrington p ss 1 4 1 u o 0 auction sale 12 7 b 37 10 1 arrhpoa e 5 0 0 10 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 i n o o o n n i n i o georgetown acton 32 4 i 24 7 1 110 002 oofl 4 fl 5 120 101 010 7 n 0 spoktooass by bob frank ii yards of phsomurr also the sons of the west formerly with the hank williams show all star western jamboree show and dance sat june 7 brampton arena bnmpton onl time aait 2 3 cm 30 evenings 0 3012 00 admission children 50c adults i 00 125 tax included of dtfrfa calue tractor ftaler tractor implement hay purttuttre el the undent tailed htm received in- structlotim from oocau ouiton to sl by public auction nt lib farm lot 10 conception 4 town ship of trafalgar lhru mlle east of milton on tukhuay junk lib iftss at 10 oclock dst horses 1 buy muru ijpj yeura old 1 brown mure gl ag ed set of double hurneu aol of light double driving humen col- turs bridhuj blankou lutlbi oie cattle 1 ivd ourham cjw calf ut flldtt bred june 3 i roan diirhttm cow calf ut aide nut bred 1 hnbteln cow milking bred hik wueks i ho bit r in cow milking not bred 1 guernsey ho i for hred 3 weelui 1 red durhum heifer bred may 3 hobtein heifer bred in nov 2 hereford hteers 1 14 yeara old i roan durham heifer 1 yeara old brlndle heifer i mi yeuni old houtelnv steer 1 year- old 2 durham heifera ii nwmllu old 2 durham atooru i monthn old maplo unit bulb used in thin herd impmsmknts etc m h tra ctor on rubber no 30 jtiiit nicely hrnken in mh tractorplow 2- furrow no 23a tractor itralghtn- er new holland twine tie biler recently overhauled m ii 13dlsc ferlilier ifrain trill tractor bitch corkshuu double disc itiphit hhiell eultipacker 14 x ii feet tractortrailer cum power mower 7 f i de i eleelrir cream sep- arilor m ii 4 sect inn seed har row m ii 1 1 hoc grain drill fun ning mill sciiles 2000 lbs 211 ft extension ladder tarn miimijv spreader bench sleighs 00gii steel water lank steel water trough 4 cement 0inch culvert tile bench vise anvil quantity of water pipe 4 wagon wheels inl side rake breaking cart juki bah- of timntbv hnv sit ft ruhher water hnse cuttei buggv poultry foun- lalni and feeders nil barrels oak barrels i half barrel motavse cnuwciit saw swede saw double trees nerk yokes chain hoes bars shovels etc ftntnitijnk 1 chesterfield and 2 chairs to match blue velour el ectric cabinet radio chejtt of draw ers with mirror oak rhlffnnler electric washing machine electric rangette cook itove coal or wood 2 kitchen cabinets stone churn arm chair i kltrhen chairs 1 kit chen table store scales linoleum 0x12 ft nnd 10 xf ft other lmotl household effeclh terms cash settlement with clerk day of sale no reserve ils firm ls bold nnd proprietor ls giving up possession immediately hindiev and kimott auctioneers george currie clerk b12 pounding the sports beat with a vwiqw mi me in i somo of our tpacially pricad ilm pratant a prahy enough picture lo frame slop by and look them over v everhing in painting vw 0fcorating t phone j77 w acton oniarlol moffat motors electric electrical contractors phone milton 253r2 wc havo a supply of poles on hand for all our contracts frigidaire appliances clare bros stoves optomktiiikt 58 st georges square guelph formrrly ncruplrcl by mr k i hiaill comllcte eyesight tax notice- 1952 municipality of acton second instalment now due attention i drawn to the payment of litll taxes which are jiow pable in foui iulalmonk taxes are pavable to the municiiml tieauici ai the acton public utilities office 1nstalmknts atle due as kollows second instalment june 16th third instalment august 15th fourth instalment october 15th according to the tax collection blaw a penalty of of 1 per cent per month shall be made to the first instalment of every tax rale or aement remaining unpaid after the first day of may 195 j this penalln applies to each instalment jn a similar manner the attention of katepairs is directed to the penalties and other cl nues as printed on tin- reverse side of eer tax notice and explained in detail on tver tax btu taxes are now due and payable the penalt applies if the first instalment is inn met on or boforv thursdaj- ma 1st make payment now and take yoitr tax notice with yol when making payment j aacgeachie collector dead stock dead and crippled farm animals removed promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect georgetown 1 t guolph 3334 gordon young ltd on spaedvale ave east at northeast city limits frisat june 67 sugarfoot color ilindotph scott montues june 910 breakthrough divid brian frank lowjoy wedthurs june 1112 double feature gaiety frederick march there goes my heart geork guot ann ayan first shou al uiuk alvai color cartoon and news children s plavcrouno 2 shows nightly vs 0 ai chuarvii under 12 wean f i acton wasnt parilculur about huhebnll thlti hemeater but it uppeuru imihcimiii wuh concerned ubout ac ton lielng without it ttiat wan evident thu wtli whh ute oergtown elub liutgg- ly mad up f atdot playeira an- huirthl thflr inl mom of play- irtfc- half thlir kttmu in amton and raitamlntf thrlr trhm the -aetan- lorguwk1 cainbltwth there wuh a game nlated for thin suturduy at the local ball yard with camphcllvllte hut nlnee dates con- fllctml with thpys enh big auction hale it wiih conhlder- ed ad vi gable to defer the opening game in acton until n later date the club had a practice here srtn- dav on the diamond which hati been the object of no ex- teiihlve renovation program by of ficial und helpers of jhc mlrmi hporti club at the helm or the cnmhjnrn in u former acton imy hob fontltt with lilr hitbordinute that itiveteiate gem etnwn jaekofallpohltlmih scoity ialterkmi 1idteiron in nf the few pluveni who can play any tosltinu widl from all nrcotint it looks like the elub k just beglnnlcit tn nhow smrie mil teat ion of it potential they wte cniintlng on owen masalen to add power tn the lineup but he ha i been advised by his doc tor tn lav off baseball foi a vear mel jordan the inlv pnlv act on pitcher who thrnwi fiom the folk hide nf the plate continued to be the best man on the hill he threw a three bitter in liln first appear ance against amphellvillc but inst in wildliess in the infield keep your mytn open for pouters announrlnj the opening acton liinr incidentally the elub playu in in termed late ii harold towmdey hob bruce lloyd itoblnson nnd ihb tyler are in uniform and its pocslblo the club ls dickering with other acton play- en georgetown hah n good repre sentation too headed by patterson georgetown hernldu elpnor nayn it l the lest georgetown team in many yearn well enlarge on that bv hoping it will be one of the bent teaiuh ac ton hai keen in yearn fiahchall pretty well completer the porting cycle in acton therell lacrosse indies nnd menh roftball tennts minur bakehatl and now intermed- lite bimball to keep the fans enh- tedted uph giiiuted chief ialnlnthe neck wuh be hail and hearlv in- tliiin siluti ileal voti pot big war pirt in this pdefare town that thinks can tike on my hiive in nitmntl indian faint tt lie ugh most vein i able and aged liiik iiilii ti ti tie manv palefaces from hunting fpniinds tn ttie not th south and east jjathei here and hiv the rtn lick your warrioru any old moon provided vou leave youi tomahawks at borne in the tepee snd this scribe with his heart jumping eight to the bar the chief wuh rrfcrrlnjr to thr opening of thr larrowjr ncaaon which 1h being ushrrrd in a week from nuturduy lirrr brant- nor folk mohawks arc uir vltutorv in thr opening game great expectations rxist in tin biiive camp ahoui tin curtain raimi the team is grouped with but hngtnn duudas ilrantnorfnlk i stieetsville and the oshwekeli and caledonia six nation indians all teams are intermediate a and comprise one of the tougtiest group ings in iiitermt diati- licrussi the brtntnnrrolk club plavs its home j games in snncm- j the lacrosse lesson this week nup- i plied thiough the courtesx of marc liferrn r is on the free throw a ftet throw bv a fiee throw it us iindeistoud that all plavcr shall be placed in the positions they oc cupied immedialelv pi lor to the foul a plaei fiom the nun-offend- ing luam shall be gueii the ball at the sinn i of plav from the referee he mluill be allowed to play in nny wa allowed in tin rules of the garni that is to sa tin player au aided a fiee tbiow ml exercise his elioiee and other run with the ball shoot at goal or pass it to an other plaer a free throw is given is a penalt for minor infractions of the rules such as touching the bnll with the hand unless other- 1 wise provided for stepping into the centre zone beion the referee signals draw etc i plan resurfacing of streets in june continued rorrt imcr on ment would requlro u chango in prcjicmt loguleitlon and could not he dehlt with ut thu time ho auld tho letter knd correapondenee would be tiled knd referred to later fce teaelerri tteeelvel tendera were rcflvi for coating he curling rink roof nnd turned over to tho committee for uivemtlk- idlon the tender of one company for miiterialit nnd labor waa jiat7s0 while tho other company tendered ymm for materiwii only clerk mcqcachle rvt ported that mm hollowny- rdfelved 1s7 for dnmngeji during aawer inatallatlon from tho insurance company of tha sparlun contracting co acton baptljit church aaked per- mliulnn for the fluelph aaaocutlon of nnpthrt young people to hold picnic in actop park on july 10 council fiuggestpd july 2fl since tho park had already been granted to the acton cilleiih band for a band tattoo on july 10 pennlhslon was granted the tfn- ited church flundny school to hold their annual picnic in the park on june 20 the following accounts were ap proved for payment the telogram adv t 2 iw h g harlow office nupp n 10 thompson motors neet 11 10 sherhlan kfpilpment co scarifier teeth 142 20 out prov police nret ft0040 lfl 0 the following sewer account wiu approved g tt muekart nert 75 10 council reaffirmed their decision fin the location of the swings for the park contributed hv local org anizations kd jennlngi asked adjustment on his buslnev tax on the aron nnwungaiiiy nlncc the hiulnerw was chined in the nummer months the asseflkmcnt act wns reviewed and action delayed until n full court of revlsion could convene nrve hargrnve quentlnned the authority of the hell telephone co to locate o telephone booth on what appeared to be town property without flecking council approval the matter was to be investigated pantor john jonc asked permln- alon on behnlf of the bmhel bap tist jmiflsion in conduct outdoor service during thr hummer the matter wn held over for consider athin until a definite place and time was suggested the monthly police report wu re ceived showing collection of 230 00 in fines lacrosse in acton s buv your program ticket now and show your support for our club s sat7june14 9 pm acton arena 5 acton b hives s vs s norfolkbrant mohowks looking for a home here is another of our personally sflprled hornpj in ac- ion consists of five rooms with ijalh on fine residantlal slrool close to hie two through highways flntl lo tho business district this houso was huilt only a tow years ago when fjoocl malirials were plontiful by n expert builder for his own well insulnled and very easy on fuel if you are look- inq for omelhinfi good easily operated well oquippod make an appointment to sea this at once confidential ex- i lusive limmf wellbuilt seven roomed house on an exclusive residential street convenient to business and industrial centres new furnace sun porch hardwood floors bathroom downstairs also bedroom downstairs md throe upstairs large ball could be used as an ollice nice silling room and dining room well equipped modern kitchen hot and cold water oood garden double garage also n stable always kept in good stale of repair wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors v i wrlrhl oki t wilbur bl atb fbaua m n b wrlfhl offlff b mumufill hi ourlpk irkmi 4fuw yes wc havr othcrs as wfil as small holdings and building lots want ad page where old friends meet ad meat market fl i mill street telephone 541 outstanding values 8eef mkioin steak wieners lb 33c lb 79c lb 39c i risii hlk fl side pork- lb 31c lb 35c margarine lb 29c sikki side bacon sivbiiitk pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 wttsr st north gait telephone sou h s h0lden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph acton ys mens club community auction sale saturday june 7th in the acton arena 130 pm antiques kikewood flotiiing kitchkn cabinet ice boxes flaik tables and stands kitchen stoes iieateicj tj vteks ihonb easy cliaiki lamps dav couches hadios ciondeatheit clock beds diibsseiis books sottball and bats skates and skjs laciiosse stick iawn moweiis illeseuves and pickles grain muhllltooms live fowl ckubmed stone kittn and pups tht- followini have small reserve bid washing machines heavy duty nectklc stoves imngettes iilmidieier terms cash hindley auctioneers amos no refunds gibson