Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1952, p. 1

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what jbttan ttt btt seventyseventh year no 49 acton ontario thursday june 12lli 1952 ton homo print pages six cents county passes equalization bylaw piano pupils of mrs muriel armstrong arct presented a june concert in rockwood lost friday and saturday evenings in the town hall more than 40 pupils presented the program of varied numbers assisted by sheila paul violinist marie land and piano pupils helen van loon elocutionist and john rockwood baritone chairman forthe friday evening presentation was e h mccannell and saturday evening d d gray conducted the program winning students attend meeting mrs alfred long regent pres ided at the juno meeting of the duke or devonshire chapter i o de which was held at the home of mrs george mason lake aven ue during the business part of the mooting further plans for the ftll bazaar were discussed beverley smith marjorie warm elizabeth jany and frank mason four of the public school students who won prizes donated by the chapter were present at the meet- inn and exhibited their work as well as that of the other prize winners l miss bennett gave a most infarm- titive paper on the requirements t for citizenship in canada hostesses for the evening were mrs grindell mrs van fleet mri moleod and mrs mercer mrs j eilerby heads 24 wo in by mr ii e bmtklh in knox presbyterian church acton the 20 senior branches and four junior branches of the womens institutes in halton met for their 31st district annual on tuesday the church was beautifully decorated with flowers and the picture of mrs adelaide hoodless who founded the womens institutes in 1b07 stood in front of a lovely floral basket mrs w t ferguson welcomed the gathering on behalf of dublin branch and rev h h armstrong gave the address of welcome which was replied to by mrs campbell of georgetown mrs milton brown the district president was in the chair and in troduced the convenors of standing committees mrs f chisholm hornby reported on agriculture and canadian industries mrs max feathcrstone burlington cm citizenship and education mrs e batkin georgetown on homx economics and health mrs g somcrville acton on community activities and public relations and mrs v norns milton on historical research and current events the junior convenor miss vt ra may hornby spoke of the work of the junior homemakers clubs and mrs e sanford reported on the music festival mrs e clarke halton home ect onomift spoke most encouragingly of the homemaker clubs and ex pressed pride in the work which the girls have done this past year under their capable leaders the following resolution was passed tha the word dominion not be deleted from official docu ments that it maintain its full stat us theme for the day was give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you and mrt brown spoke of the near ly 1500 branches in ontario and the great amount of work they do she suggested that at the end of the in stitute year members take stock of themselves and judge efforts and achievements she stressed the point that each individual member was responsible for the success of her branch and that each one in giving her support should show sound thinking sin- c rity saneness steadiness and ef- fieienc each branch should en courage their members to be in terested not only m local eve but that which concerns us all u other pivts of he world mr hmwn sjki that onlv women ui- deivtand women and hc encour aged members to show is much fnondtiniv as possible to those from other emiritnes seeking homes in this countrv ms- audrev spencer the d pjrtti tt sjniker explained the fxtemsion services to the mem- bt rs she also stroke on culture is she prf irtd to call i ht ciiiitar v of life she refined tf think we ire tikuit fvr granted nl ihe n antagis u e hne iri th ejutr new ctadians ar b w v new culture 11 b- it iv ad up of s council authorizes twp deer hunt at the titular meeting of the nassagaweya township council hold june 2 accounts amounting to 3000 00 and road vouchers for 1074 00 were passed for payment the clerk wa instructed to ad- vortlsc the towiihin shed at brookville for sale by tender a resoluinu was pjsred author izing a local deer hunt in nnsaga weya this fall licenses o be umj t ratepayers of the tov nship onlv council granted an n tension of time to the milton bricc co to complete the rebuilding of the road opposite their property subject to the approval of the department it highways the resignation of e p bowmnn of guelph as engineer under the ditches and watercourses act was accepted several matters pertaining to the township wore discussed at long h at this meeting including fire protection community hall at campbellville tax arrears etc president mrs j i eilerby r r 4 acton first vice mrs e a manning r r 1 hornby second vice mrs max feathcrstone r r 1 burlington secretarytreasurer mrs c service r r 3 miltor district delegate mrs t g an 1- erson hamilton alternate mrs h gray hamilton federal represent ative mrs m brown r r 1 nor val representative federation of agriculture mrs r l davidson r r 2 acton convenors of standing commit tees- agriculture and canadian in dustries mrs f chisholm hornb citizenship and education mrs g chester r r 1 norval home ec onomic and health mrs m read- head r r 2 milton community activities and public relations ms g somerville r r 2 acton hist orical research and current events mrs w t sinclair georgetown out revolutions mrs f rinehart r it 1 campbellville junior con venor muss vera may hornbv auditors mrs bailee and mrs jarvis mumc festival mrs e san ford limehouse mrs ellerbv spoke a few w m fieceptme office as the new pr ident mrs manning welconunc hr ind ihev presented the jewel or scrvtv o the retiring prcmlt- ms brown mlv m e iunau and mr ru co fuihfd on pay- five the largest drydock in the british empire is at saint john n b candles lightning county is at it again hours illumination while the worst thunderstorm to far this year rumbled over acton sunday evening with a sonking downpour of rain and jagged bolts of lightning electric power went off in acton and district one of the zigzagging bolts had struck an air break switch on the fergus- ac ton feeder lino about ii 30 pm although this line was not repaired until 310 am acton had electric power again in one hour and two minutes by tying hi with a line from kipling near toronto the hourlong blackness of the town made the seasons first storm an aweinspiring one with the un- ly illumination from sputtering candles and brilliant flashes of lightning y annual meeting receives report 708 deficit on year reports were received on the progress of the acton ymca at the annual meeting on monday ev ening when a report was submitted showing that during the past year gym classes handicraft activities nursery school swimming holiday programs arts and crafts badmin ton bridge chess and social een- ings had been part of the y oafs activities as well as various club- sponsored activities such as the halloween party mother and daughter banquet arts and crafts exhibition community auction new years eve dance parents night and a camp at terra cotta active at tendance at the y during the year was 7637 with a total service at tendance of 10320 the financial report contained in the printed report showed a deficit on the years operations of 700 72 which has since been reduced ap proximately 300 by donation c wood of the finance committee an nounced chairman for the evening was honorary president a mason and a short business session was con ducted by board chairman e foot lit the meeting approved the ntnes recommonded to act on the y board for the next three years e auctioneers sold heard 800900 times at club auction about 1500 items and the contin ual bark of the three assisting i auctioneers were feature- of the second annual community auction sponsored by the acton ys mens 1 club on saturday acton arena 1 was crowded with items slated fo- the auction block cotributed by the citizens of acton a number of smaller articles were grouped but in all abolt i eight or nine hundred sales were made b the auctioneer r hind- lev r amos and w gibson the local club netted approximately sjs00 u an iqiies firewood cloth nj- furnture preserves picklis skr- e- sk lawn mower- gran i e fiw i rabbits and pup- vi as hi mk hnes a id electric mn es a w i l a- a multuhle a tummake salt hrid i small iten i iui tl thing the eood crowd to no the aon ther he through old books testing furnit ure and discussing the relative value of itoms for sale chairman of the sale committee j greer expressed his appreciation for the splendid support the club received through the contribution of sale items and financial contrib utions sale activities were not complet ed in the afternoon and sell mi continued into the saturday even ing as buyers continued to eath for bargains at the conclusion of the event all hems- had been sold with the ex ception of a even fool sail boat con ributed bv f wright that jus couldn t find a bidder the cmt was valued at around s100 rabbits and dos attrat ted the fund attention of the chilin whle the adults followed the nuct- oner from one kioiip of goods o the other or paused at the rc- freshmen booth billon j hurst m nellis and c sutton wore appointed y pins were presented to n number of volunteer workers who hnd con tributed to the varied pi ogram during the last year notice of a motion was given by r bean to be voted on at the next annual meeting that the president of the ladies auxiliary and the phalanx club bo represented on tho y board and that tho incoming board consider inviting representat ives of the service clubs to board meetings members of the ladies auxiliary catered for a banquet preceding the meeting cliff schell of the national council staff addressed the ijmup on canada he also pointed out that 6 per cent of the population belonged to the acton y while in canada onlv 1 8 per cent oelonged to ymcas mr schell explained that this was canadas century the crux of canadas importance is in pop ulation he declared he suggested that every generation had to find its own way taking into account the experiences of the past he said he feft that the increase in y membership was due to tho fact that people were finding in the y a plnce for the development of the future the y is where people get together for a common pur pose he explained following the conclusion of the board meeting guests were invited to attend tho induction of officers of the newlyorganized phalanx club with k adamson as presid ent a number of guests wore present for this induction conduct ed by a guelph group r km c ni i 1 avi u m- 1 fi n n a uvv 1 h d u- v id of 1 p old mem be- ii i riti nlv the ai pov and as vur women of fre imter have prei1 to i m it e r oitr she pok br e f the chvrshas gis ef the wonenj iiste i bindh at the roal winer fair ani i the twrdismnr competitions the greek tractor fund reached almojtt 7 300 and was used not on ly for the tractor sent there but for equipment sed oil and soin food mrs guild spoke of the memorial peace garden on the caiudianamrricajti border and regretted the withdrawal of gov- ernment aid for the ahare of the upkeep sh urged all branches to prolaat thl withdrawal in a letter to their mp and uk that mono be put into the budget for this pur- j pot next year mr guild conducted the election of officers honorary president -llri- jimon brown r r i norv cgit meet with wms on tuesday the canadian girls in training of the acton united church held an affiliation meeting with the wo mens missionary society on tue day evcnlnc in the sunday school room after a short business sctsion mlvs dennett called on the c g i t president en i jennings who look charge of the affiliation ceremony ind program after discussio of the work and study of the group by the leaders miss muriel rums and mrs velma west the girls- tok pirt in the following program martaret dennis read nn intn-i- uctorv poem after which juanita iforest read the scripture and k i n praer two indian stum s were read from the groups sludv iook h fna jennings and georj- uja pleter after w hich kna ji nnni c ive some indian interpret- two towns opposed to 52 equ bylaw that perennial thorn in the side of municipal officials eiualized assessment saw charges nnd countercharges hurled across the table at the regjiilar meeting of county council tuesday nflernoon it all enmn about when the annual bylaw was rend nnii approved to set the equaliz ed assessment fiom the ll revised nssessmenrtolls ttt ait municipalities in the county for the 1053 levy a the representatives of all municipalities approved of the bylaw except those from oakville and burlington who voted in block against it they urged and hoped the bylnw could be delayed so some kind of mutual agreement on figures could be arranged as council had done in the it the to in previous years over two and a half hours discussion look place before blaw was finally approved was the longest discussion in memory of this correspondent take place over any subject county council oakville representatives reeve e r lauder and deputyreeve l mcarthur while not objecting es pecially to figures as presented by the county assessor did object in principles and the 15 pr cent ih- solusence clause which giv thus outside of oakville and burlington that amount of reduction of as sessment i fool that all munic ipalities should be assessed the same i would further suggest the assessment committee along with the assessors in the county and thj court of revision again meet to revise these figures reeve lauder urged reeve c l s palmer chairman of the assessment committee felt mr lauders remarks- wore argu ment- which should bo presented during an appeal hearing he also pointed out the expense involved should an appeal be heard by the county judge he further stated the equalized assessment proiiran as set up several years ago involved considerable expense to the county and i dont think it should be scrapped now he declared deputyreeve mcarthur argued a subdivision east of oakville was enjoying a 25 per cent absolesence on their assessment he wanted to know who was responsible for this ruling ford rogers county assess or stated all rulings had been de cided by either the manual or by consent of all municipal assessors at their regular monthly meeting an amendment to the bylaw catling for a meeting of the assess ment committee assessors and the court of revision to go over the figures and report back to council sponsored by burlington and oak ville members was lost at this point roevc george leslie pointed out there hod been a change in the original figures which would affect burlington he said this could bo attributed to a ruling of the court of revision in tho case of two appeals it reduced burl- n hun limbrr nu i jnu a hi i mi h mr a hurt ik- uf m irch wurk t iinn ilnnr imiiii civ c iniriivi in vinriuvi u i mi 1n ki v aniln c1 iin ltt if id n im ni arl nc c tlnn rti 1 ihi nnriitli t ull cm id 1 f iii lin rhu iii-m- tirl a a n mi v hi pn sini l sr- 11 h thr w till frunilshlp hid ihl i d hv huv miv imi bcrt aflr j rln inn hnu nnv lftinn vi os prmiiminrrii h mrs wt ingtons figures somewhat he felt these new figures should be incor porated in tho bylaw council approved of this sug gestion and when tho now schedule of figures was rend into the by law deputyreeve bob shannon jumped to his feet charging all those who arc voting in favor of this bylaw are voting for an ap peal those who vote against it are in favor of conciliation he further argued it was unparliamentary to give a bylaw three readings in ont day reeve palmer chuckled adding tho municipalities had been paying largo sums each year in order that a sawoff agreement could be made in order to settle equalized assessment nelson council feels that if this should now come to a showdown an appeal would be fi nal he observed nelson is forcing an appeal be tween nelson and burlington i hope some agreement could be fin alized as the cost of an appeal might be as much as 75000 that would be a iol of money to b- paid by the different municipalities deputyreeve shannon argued on a recorded vote tho equalized assessment bylaw was approved with 15 yeas and 7 nays oakville and burlington were the only two municipalities voting against by recorded vote of 10 to fi council approved a resolution to have tho county judge hear an equalized assessment appeal should any municipality lodge an nppeal they have 20 days in which to file an appeal it was announced the following is the adopted schedule for equalized assessment total x oakville 10eofl274 10m4r burlington dwdom 177331 milton 2230223 4 0378 georgetown 3872030 88058 acton 2uvki723 42803 bronte whj00 13238 trafalgar 10s08423 10 0830 nelson 0478347 1334 07 rsquesink 4701040 0 8011 nassagaweya 1803680 33880 arts graduate from the uni- vtfvty of toronto is lorraine pnhijnt of aclon who graduated i hi the pais arts course gradua non cereiionies were held 00 monday june 7 climaxing the season of junior farmer and junior institute work in halton was the achieve ment day dance and trophy presentation held m aaiiton on saturday evening of last week norval captured all but one of the trophies and shown here are the winners gord graham c ne high novice shield john pickett high aggregate score in seed fair and livestock udgmg and winner of the hamilton spectator trip to chicago- barbara cunningham bank of toronto trophy for the three high girls m club work fraser mcnabb htgh judge of dairy cattle howion ruddell coach of the high team leader of the six high on aggregate score m norval club and one of three high in township competition in the front row are gord bird high swine judge joan wrigglesworth win ner of the halton wi trip and one of three high in club work jean bird of the three high team and barry archer high judge in beef cattle for complete results see farm newt column 5ta photo bridesmaid holds pantry shower with preston kitchener guests i about 20 bursts from p kitchener and acton brought gifts 1 to joan dowsett kitchener and 1 jim mosi preston when n pmntry ihower was held on saturday rv- j ening at the home of ubu pat terry acton the coupltare to b j married on july 9 with mil terry ai bridesmaid euchre wu played and refresh ment served to conclude the even- mi mr mou u the nephew of mr and mr frank terry acton i volunteer workers guests at supper st aluin pirih lldll wu tn scene of a pleasant iie together 1j1 friday evening for the men who htd contributed voluntary labor towards the building over 30 men sat down to the bountiful supper supplied in tribute to their labors by the contributions of the whole congregation this event fulfilled the earnest wishes of the late rector rev lux ton the present rector ilev price presided and the gueat speaker was dr bran ion of guelph following his address oardj were played the meal wu prepared and served by the mem ben 6t the parish guild with mrs c nelle convenor 51so055o 00 dow following the pamiing of the as sessment bylnw deputyreeve shannon asked hls oblectlorw be noted in the minute v they are sji follows i request that my object ion to all procedure of the moetinn be recorded in the minutes of thl meeting the principal objection being the reading for a third time and parsing of the bylaw on equal ized nsspmmrnt when a third reading wax not unanimous and that the ajutcutment roln wer not perused nt the meeting in the m in ner and spirit outlined in the act signed it ii shannon when a bill for some jlou w 1 presented by najuagaweyj council for payment on road work at thi beaver dim ieputyrervi shannon objected wishing to know how lonj- hii u iv going to continue he said the council has spent 3 000 in the j llst 10 month on this nid mem bers infiu rntd him count 11 had ag reed to avutt in keeping the road in repair in thiv approved uf kerpmj thi beaver there reeve 1 pilmer sud in thing the county ttiild do to consere water at the sourer vk 1 benefit to uiiniripallttet sever- 1 winner in mhuul rwt t contest were present i tn reoive their priej they wrote j m esav on their villi tn countv council last month winner- re i 1 fuibeth clirkson port cndlt 2 jom mack cimpbellvllv 3 ilarbin glcistm milton i doro thy cook mrcurdvs school s shirlrv whlmy milton council uppnwrd a resolution tn increase the per diem rati to 91 28 pv day for wards of the children aid society this is a three cent a day rate increase over last year the county engineers salary was increased to mjo0 per year with a two cent increase in his mileafe the salary increase wu woo mem bers were informed- tha increase wu retroactive to january 1m1 the following accounts were ap proved and authorized paid as sessment 139110 home for the aged 9h7s7a3 flnanea ttkmm printing 13133- county roads iis 44 county building 9373 hos pital account 91jm0o- agricultur al and reforestation ill iuhrrn the prbllc

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