Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1952, p. 2

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paoc two the acton free press acton ontario thursday june 131h 1952 read all about it i this week the 1951 auditors report for acton became available to ratepayers its a book of over 40 pages and mighty interesting for those who want the facts about their townsomotimes there is a lor of loose talkabout town affairs that is not beneficial to tho town and repoating it often gos it stamped as aulhontic well tho facts arc available to any ratepayers who will go to tho municipal office and just ask for a copy the number printed is limited so dont send junior for your report but get it yourself wo could go over it and analyze it with some interest becauso it tells all about your money spent in municipal governments in the utilities commission school boards library board ceme tery board planning board and citizens band you can get the figures straight in the copy of acton auditors report and not depend on rumor sowsral years ago tho list of those in arrears for taxes was published in tho report but that is not the custom now if is rather interesting to note that last year there was 328403 in taxes receivable of this amount 297132 was for the year 1951 and 260 was owing from 1950 with small amounts from the two years previous penalties and interest on overdue amounts were 15221 we mus cease if you want to read all about i go your copy of tho auditors report for 1951 at the municipal office they are available with out cost and its your business statement the cars that stop there was a day when a municipality would hold an indignation meeting and voice strong protest if a highway was constructed that did not pass right through the centre of the town but that was the day when automobiles and trucks were not so common recently we learned that brampton council has requested the department cf highways to reroute no 7 to bypass the town and help relieve the congested traffic conditions it is stated that hon george doucett has told tte brampton conservator that bypassing buit- lp areas s tne coming thing the department of h 5sas a tide has been to divert traffic away fc cs ard ci es wherever possible with a c ee gsav drcecls sere making a ct e i z s r rg ui c palites s ess en ma- find objection to the r c ci- c o fli3s and trie r cs a pce of interest in a pi am rg e trcj- z a c l cat orv n a nee t t c r a crld les hcv in i a j l passed b ne o ce zim an example was cw vc fe to ears foliovmg o- g o a l pass cer ail vaue of retail busi- ress rcse c 5 per cltu cr almost twice the aca rcreye in aucurn calforma where a tarc- enj gnady vent down the main see a bpass around trie business district was tcosed by a 17 per cent increase in the areas income even parking meter receipts increased two per cent the lesson is that it is not the number of cars that go by but the number that stop that provide business and if they cant stop or have no place to park business disappears clean up streets too in this spring cleanup and beautification business we should not overlook municipal pro perty sas the financial post one of the worst offenders in untidiness is often the town govern ment private citizens plant trees and flowers paint fences andtrim their grass only to have the th whole effect spoiled by litter an streets and boulevard or in some vacant lot next door weeds grow high and rank on municipal owned proper ty of on property over which the town van exer cise control garbage collectors leave a trail of papers boxes and garbage pail lids behind them beautiful shade trees sometimes whole streets cf them are slaughtered without consideration there is little hope of making an town or city reall ittractiso unless the municipal authorities do their share village or fighting town after being wall over tho required population figure for several years fergus has decided to east off the village status and become a town ust as acton did throe years ago and editor hugh templin discusses tho matter in tho fergus news- record after 97 years as a village ii may soom quite an important slop to lake and from a local standpoint free press roadors will bo in terested in tho viewpoint that is given by a resi dent of acton the other side of the nruument was ndvonccd to us privately one nljlht last week by a lady who liver n acton acton became n town recently with well over the required 2000 population the lady said she had seen that feruuri was to become a town wod probably regret she said many acton people did it seemed to be the size of the council that made the difference acton used to be a peaceful place when it was n villaue now there uas scrapping and fighting oil tho time she said and the tax rate was uoinit way up wei never like to challenge the viewpoint of a lody or express a contrary stand but wo feel that fergus should not be deterred from this important step by one opinion and porhaps ours wight be nob coidhnm of ceorisctown nrd added to tho bewildorment he detroit hod wines nn lla i ii order was kuest speaker at th we haven t found anything yet that would g t o w n juvenile hockey cause acton to want to go back to village status championship banquet two week- even if i were possible becoming a town has sdcff frstat rem- nothing to do with the transition from a peaceful iniscences of his younger days in village to a scrapping fighting town and georgetown for the benefit of same of his partners in crime who were neither has the size of tho council acton is a present at the dinner and had arowing industrial centre weve put in sewers k up with him i i i i i he sold that in his oplnini the and a disposal plant built a new section to tho mi valuable asset of a hocky tpublic school had an enormous job of putting pnycr was a good coach bob felt i i that he had been lucky at the start roads and streets in repar renewing water of hls caroer by having hls blmc3t services buying road machinery and doing all the fan to coach him his father in his things that rapid growth demands to keep up p t present coach detroits tommy ivan was tons 4a the bus- with it all has been a real job but it would have incss with hap day ranking a close been the same if we had remained a village second he told the boys thai it thev were thinking of hockey as a in view of the fact that members of aclon caroer fix their objective at the top council serve without remuneration the size of ilirn ftr thl nf l i in closing a verv interesting talk the governing body can make no difference to bob tow n nmusink 1iulc jok on the tax rate the improvements that any rapidly hmuolf it seems that where bob expanding municipality encounter make for chnt s sfj many differences of opinion we like the peace about not scoring a goal this seasm fulness of a small village but the name of town or i whl n nl iu inu hls scoring itntj replied that between village has nothing whatever to cio with that he and ted limkiy and gnrd iiha tranquility fergus has had the growth which i hey had scon d 77 goals when places it in town status and it might as well ad mit it and become a town and discard the mis- r oer of village if the community is growing t tix rate ill go up anyway the good old days may have seemed better it dir had nred 17 eui blissful ignorance among the things recently developed but hich ve navent yet seen on the market is a new tpe 01 garbage can designed to keep animals cut it is made of hard black rubber with a lid tt at is screvcd on 10 that odors stay in ancl ani mals stay out we have no information on cost orrjv how permanent the type of lid will remain after usage we udge that if the price is reasonable how ever many folks will be willing to give the rjew can a trial it just seems hopeless to keep the dogs tied up and instinct seems to guide them to the garbage pails no matter how well ihey are fed at home its quite annoying to residents and those who collect garbage to find the cans upset and the litter all over the street or premises we have tried putting a shovel or some other heavy article on top and the noise of it falling usually scares the visitor away from that trip trouble is that such a racket usually awakens the whole household also and we dont know whether the dogs or the residents get the worst of the deal some day some one will go along with a simple garbage can that will fool the dogs and stand bouncing around after it has been emptied or bounce back into shape again after it has been collapsed in the meantime the dogs are having the best of the argument in spite of all the laws that can be passed we enoy the blissful ance of our canine friends sometimes asked to brv that gind he lindsay 30 out of gas heie it is june with moon spoon ennui and honeymoon vn1 whil happens they give the poliee itf i eirueri for iise on the bi k hi id- of trafalgar color pnel iphv of the tiees- and elnits cliuh hlirk ml white tn thief pieellteil a hil to t falir eouneil for tl e pi hits tahi of spemiels and ei o- of t a- falg back riads he was nisrii- ul tn ordei a llash camera o i t hrn m gaining evidence s lie sure to have emivh es oakvillr iurr mores 0kle is to have a mlinin- r thiitie the year the cniii1 heile will piohlii- cimille ililm of the western world a so nn their dramatic agenda and niimmgs the group will hold e i- es m acting for local bernhardt and nirrvmores imid these barrv- mores really were in acting familv weve just finished rending we barrymoreswith a humorous sum mary of varied careers hospital deficit the rates at oakvilletrafalgar memorial hospital have been in creased as a deficit of 54371 for april was announced the rates are not yet to the limit approved by the blue cross last december anuatnc we certainly pick up odd bits of news from these haltpn papers we read every week did you krniiv that a statue is to be erected in loving memory of pinocchlo in italy and heres another item a mn in cleveland bought a cat to catch the mice on his property bu the cat just tooktife easy and rested his inry bones in the sun while the mice frolicked on their merry way so the man bought a mouse trap its first catch was the cat and fearless fosdick is now on tv amazing what we read it could happrn to vh the editor of the georgetown herald had some of his faith in his home town slightly shattered when he wis in windsor recently re- eiiith while in the ery he sly we twice had the occasion to phone home long distance kaeh tune we asked for georgetown the op rat n askel is that ill out mo back tn 1902 from the itsur of jm free prets of thurgdav june 13th 902 mcrfj fred and eddie ryder- both plnyed with woodstock ln- crojuic club nt london in their championship mitch on saturday both are highly spoken of by th woodstock paper on mondiy a dlatinkulshed itonor hai juu been conferred upon one of actonv sons nnd a former editor of ihi free irty at the annual sesjinn of hamilton conference which closed at woodstock cm tuesday rev t albert moore was elected president of hamilton conference of the methodist church by a very lat- lerinu majority the emigration of farm irmds from great britain to canada and especially to the province of oni- nrio has been on an exception illy large scale during the spring the farm help problem promises to be a serioils one this summer ov inn- to a large movement of agricultural hands to tho northwest and ne ontario brampton has passed a cigarette bylaw if acton has the welfare of the rising generation at heart they will emulate bnunptoni ox- ample it is altogether likely that abase- ball league will be formed ronsst- ing of hamburg acton waterlc- and guelph as each of these town have excellent teams and all are anxious to get in a league chapter 60 of the ontario statu tes provides that any person who ties a horse to a shade tree in the sreet or cuts trims or injures such a tree in any way ls liable to a fine the person in front of whose place the tree is ls not exempt from the restriction does the streets and walks com mit tee not know that some of our old plank walks especially on mun street are positively dangerous back in 1932 from the ittuf of the free pre of thur milan june 0th t032 the first band concert of the wa- non by acton citixcrut band on sunday evening was very enjoy able mr and mrs thomas perrymnir of brougham formerly of acton celebrated their fiftythird wedding anniversary lant week only two names with put in for the nominations of iteeve and school truee e t thedford is iteeve by acclamation and w r- norton school trustee to flit the vacancy by the removal of mr jmes hudson mr thoiford had served on the council for eleven years and l well qualified for the ollice sunday wa the annual decor ation day service of acton i o o f in ihi afternoon graves of the de- eewd in fairview cemetery wero decorated and in the evening the innuil church service was held in the united church the acton baseball nine w ii their third straight game when they beat oakville on saturday by he- eere of 109 the business men of acton have planned their first community event for friday and saturday there will be band concerts both ev n- ing lucky number tickets with cah prizes a ball game saturday tfternoon thus ls the biggest mer- handising event ever put n in avion died crawford at the home church sreet acton on tuesday lime 7 1032 jane ide beloved wife of john crawford in her ttsl for boys of ail creeds women have edge his masters voice tii pupp pups hml canada- 3 024 scout groups em brace many denominations hero are the itfiliaion anglican 455 j baptlst 101 hebrew 23 latter day women outnumber men in sub- saints 37 lutheran 23 presbyter- scribing to the federal govern- ian 12u roman catholic 451 sal- mcnts annuities according to the vation armv 74 united 444 other labor deparment figures of 4h denominations 25 canadian leg- 000 contrary under which annuities ion 0 community 2 handicap- are already being paid cloe to p d school 49 service clubs kw 27000 are women men uaneou- 146 professional directory and travellers guide iniij a new corker spaniel j to speak for his muin tin- imner w otild hold the dogs j jut on of reach and then blik a few time- bfore giving it t i him the pup hi hoped would a i soeiate bai king with food and be- gn to opeak for himself aftt r a week of this he again heltl the food just out of reach and uiid fur the dog to bark the puppy failed to take hi cue but he owner put the dih before him anywav then eame the real shock the puppy refused to eat until his niasler baiked the readers di- k- t mk1hcal dr vv g c kenney itnsicun and surgeon otfice in svmon block mill st aclon office imionr 7k rrsidrnce church st phonr dr d a garrrt rhsinan and sure con corner of willow and river entrance river strct i acton ontario phonr 23k llw c f leaihfrland lliirrktrr a sturilor nularv 1 o jj il ki atn in ulilir i levfr 8 hoskin clurtfriil rrountuiil sue rir jikinn m iiariiv 1 i in mrin hms dkntai holberg bc is a town built ompletely on rafls it is composed f homo for lumberjacks ignor- at th dr a j buchanan drnuil surcron oftic lihnian wk mill st oitkt iidui- i m in li pin xkay teiep1ionk mr editorial notes one of hie consolations of qittingover 50 int- fiii ihit no one hoflitvs ou in nwn- to s united church of canada artnn ontsrin a friendly cirurch rrv e a currry ha bd mlnmtpr pannnabi 20 bower avenue phonr 60 mua o m ininant a tcjh oreantst and choir uiader sunday junk 15th 11v lmxiini mnniinn worship fm- r sutiiiiv ini ctiililrn s s- r vii- shikt mr iil nroiil- s s mum- mil rii iuis in tin- rhililr presbyterian church in canada knox iidkcii alton itkv ufinutt ii ahmmtroni ma bd mlnuur r pol its hondi schockilfs irt- most njuslnes lnl il s wi i plliinf orders mi tjeli in tr now ii ii to kf opt- p till if lk ition ir m mint lv to b o p niii mn rrh rih n tmuin kv h t h riimulit lhimhkl i h rflht i first n s i 1 i i it 1 sh i m ll t h- m n w- 1 lir- ill 1tp artnn 3ree naa dlf otilj rupt elt fi unilid in ks7s oiut published t- mutuil in actim ifislwsis fry thursday at vi mill acton ont member or the audit bureau o clrcula- tiili- he c w n a and the ontarioquebec division of the n a adwrlminc rates on rttiucst subscriptions pay able in advance 2 50 in canada 3 50 in the united static s s months 1 50 single copies 6c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa g a dills editor and publisher business and editorial office telephone 17 ni truiril baptist church tov h i patterson pi sunday 1unf 15th 1952 kiwi am sunrtlie sihiiul 1100 am divine wurhip 2 la a m llitile ciis 7 00 p m divine worship tiil rhar irmt upon the i r slwill reileu their strength a warm welcome aaihi you st albans church aimheanl it ralph f price ii a it i hector trin tv i mniiav junk 1 i-i- ii oil in mivi ho 11 i i n ii limn la ii ii a m hols kusiiiit 7 00 pin v i- i if s n the tuiiili pri stljyi rii flier vktkrinary a b d young bvsc c i young dv ay veterinary surgeons office hrookvilc ontni ihune- mimnii hvirll f g oakes v s b v xeterlnary surcron ollice and he id tic- knr acton photic 130 sc eik aiil a j crandell hartered accountant on a4 c iiikoiratk d j armstrong lioctor of chlroprmrtlo u fril rick st n acton i honk 550 rkai rntatk ami innlravck traveiurs guide gray coach lines time acton daivlloht snt ini coaches ikwk kasthound ball 1 in n fl a m 11 11 p in 5 oil pni ti 11 p n ii till a i sau r westhound ti 12 52 p m 7 27 pin ii 1 1 m sun it sun i 2 57 p in ii i 1 hen- i wright real estate and insurance f i wukht n b wright 2d wilbur st 111 macdonnell st ai ton hit guelph ont phone 115 phone 4d15w valuator realtor iruurorli m iilu r appraisal iiustkute of canada mi ml is guelph anil dlrstut it ai fvate hoard j tub r- citiclph and district ii acils assltjn r israckfn ltralutr hli insurance june 12 the iiivc k irimr meet na and iliblc stuis a io p mi friday june la junior until fcl- i iu hip at 7 10 p m sunday junk 5h 12 ml 10 a m sundn school 11 10 1m onlv one gopel 7 00 i ni evitimil service h 15 pm youni peoples tuesdav june 17 women- mi nil circle at the home of mrs lt1 1 mccutchcon si5 pm i truth moss u one of the industrie peculiar to prince edward lsland bethel baptist mission john jonks pastor vmc a iililding side entrance sunday junk lvh l2 10 00 am ilihle school 11 00 am a turn for the woie ithird in a -erie- of nuas oil the life of joseph i 710 p m wonder of wonrlu saturday 8 00 pm ope i air mcetitie i mill street near maim for iihosoefer shall call ukm the name of the lord slml he sariti romans 10 13 canadian national railways standard time cast bound daily 510 am dulv except su dais 9 54 am 7 10 p m s in lay h 16 p m dailv except sun- l mim lllskois ihf victor b rumlty fjneral home funeral home ilrated amhulastc pioie 0 nmhl or dav s nine clou n u02 am rliun 10 11 i onlv dav flver at george daili flyer at geo p m i westbound i dally except sunday and mon- day 2 24 am sunday and monda onlv 12 0b am daily except sun day h 43 a m 744 pm dally x- cept sat and sun 548 pan sat- urday only 130 pm sunday only j 8 43 am iflaextopi sunday only flyer at guelph 705 pm the tummtinity 45 years for ro eve care by appointment wm c milligan opuaulrui lat and 3rd wednesdays of the month 2 p m to 9 pm at mill st residence of a t mown

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