Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1952, p. 7

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thursday june lath 1m the acton free press acton ontario paoemvkn ice cream for picnics and special occasions u available in quantltla on 48 hour nolle at ipocul prlc packad in dry lc buy quality buy the best buy neilsons sold exclusively in acton at watsons ry phon 14 acton looking for a home here is another of our personally selected homos in ac- ton consists of fivo rooms with bath on flno residential street close to the two through highways and to the buslnoss district this house was built only a fow years ago when good materials woro plontiful by an oxpert buildor for his own woll insulatod and very easy on fuel if you are look ing for something good easily operated well equipped make an appolntmont to soo this at once confidential x- clusive listing wellbuilt scvenroomod housoonin exclusivo residential street convenient to businoss and industrial contres now fumaco sun porch hardwood floors bathroom downstairs also bodroom downstairs and throo upstairs largo hall could bo used as an offico nice sitting room and dining room woll equippod modorn kitchen hot and cold water good garden double garage also a stable always kept in good state of ropair wright real estate and insurance appraisors realtors insurors r l wrlht omiea m wilbur st antes pbae h n b wrlrht office sb maedonnell st ouclpb phone 4b1sw yes we have others as well as small holdings and building lots centre wellington district annual to petition government something new in batteries i the ionitf ionite batteries arc different basically different the difference is in the electrolyte the liquid solution that activates the battery conventional batteries omploy a wator solution of sulphuric acid ionite batteries employ a water solution of lonite a patented blending of a number of rare minerals posses sing in themselves lemarkablo ionization properties in lonite batteries only a very small amount of sulphuric acid is addedwor its nonfreezing properties lonlfe batteries are expertly sturdily built plates separa tors cases everything that goes into your battery is the verybost good construction- plus lonite guarantees you a quality and length of service such as you have never before believed possible the magical recuperativeness of lonite batteries has been demonstrated time and time again lonite batteries new or old have been deliberately run clown by the starter only to spring vigorously into action after a moments rest as tho lomte battery generates no heat the battery is not harmed m any way these batteries are distributed by lorne garner motors acton call in for free demonstration suggestions mens dress shirts while and colored 3 50 value for 27529b droit socks ties sport shirts underwear handkorchlefs braces belts etc boxed toilet sets pipes lighters picture frames table and bed lamps tie pins cuff links shaving supplios razor sets handy tools pocket knives alarm clocks pocket watches boxed chocolatos etc fathers day cards and gift wrapping hintons j 5c 100 a v store acton the with district an mm of cimiro whtliihhm wi wuh hold in miiwihui united church cm friday june ci with mm wm inl inn tint district pranldent in tin clttiir thirteen brnnchcui woro itpreiientcd with 150 mimberit retfintrrinc sccratiirytrcrwurer mrs w ii norrli avo n dotnllcd ropnrt on the flniincci fr tho yonr thin wjli followed by tho nudllnrjt report ulvin hy mrs l 11 ilrynn mm w diiucntlne reviewed tho work of the pnit yenr nnd strewed tho imporl- nnco of jioiullnu in tho reports of tho standing committeed the convoitorfl nf ntnndlnff cm- mltletvi presented their roporth mrs l d tnylnr had reports from 11 brnnchofl for cnnndlnn indiuttrlen nnd agriculture one roll cull re ceived wnn an nluiervntlan i mnde since lenvtna home thbi morninj thirteen reports were received ut home economics nnd health nnd reported by mri ilnrry hurt an nutttnndinu mottn nulldhik bo- jt better thnn mending men wni presented a splendid nrrnv of fine needlework nnd silver bv n dutch indy wns enjoyed nt on- mrollnk citizenship nnd education prvn- entcd by mn hnldwln hnd 12 re ports twelve repnrli received on community activities nnd public itolntinns presented by mm ilnrry mitchell mtrejwed incnl publicity by tin member mrnt cook reported for temp- ernnce this included donntloni t wctu nnd ipecinl npenlters hlfltoricnl rcscnrch presented bv mm ii cnrter showed more inter est befna token in the twcrdimuir history jjinior work reported by noltn sampson nnd rend by lois cnld- well reported three junior instltui- rfl in wellington county provincial director mrs arnold dnrroch clifford brounht n mei- snge from the provlnclnl bonrd nnd reported pfriarefu in womens in stitutes in ontario mention wn mndo of the events nnd nctfvltlei of the society nt the plowing mntch in october nnd the booth nt the wint er fnlr she spoke on the scholia ship nnd suggested n wellington county ilnlly reference wni mndo of the iioll dny week nt ihr oac nnd it wni suggealed thnt the orgnnlrntlon pny 2 00 in plnce of 100 lownrd the area convention expenses a re minder of tho forthcoming visit of the associnted womon of the world who meet in cnnndn in 1053 was given reports of the presidents and jtecrotnrles conference nt guelnh were given by mm bnllentine nnd mrs norris prizes for contests were awarded to the following bnnnnn cake mrs e awrey mimosa mrs w illndley speed- side auction sale want ad page where old friends meet furniture tools and real estate the undersigned have received instructions from the administrator of the eslntc of the iae miss margaret moffat to sell by public nuctlon at her late home lydln st milton on saturday june u commencing nt 130 oclock d s t the following furniture chesterfield with 1 chair ind stool to mitch 2 settees with h large easy chairs to match fancy square parlor table walnut gateleg table and 4 chairs to match iirge cine rocker easy rocker platform rocker hall seat and mir- mr walnut extension table dining mum extension table nnd j chairs to match di opleaf table 3 high oval back chairs organ morris eh in couch floor lamps desk and table lamps bday clock alarm clock 2 riiks axnunster 9x10 lin oleum rug single walnut bed fancy parlor limn wired bedroom suite including bed springs mat t res i dievmr and wash stand with swinl- ntg mirror spring mattress odd wash staiuls bedroom suite with high minor dresser and wa h stand toilet sets 2 new mattreve- bedroom chairs singer sewing ni ichine drop head cedar chest large suitcase barroom chair wuh l ehuiis to match tudhope ran jet e with back hot plate coal heate step ladder garden base nri shears lawn mower goblin electric vacuum cleaner astral babv refrig erator water power washing mach ine preserves emptv sealers lawn chairs some carpenter tools garden tools wrenches 2 sets of dinner dishes 2 tea sets large assortment of odd and fancy dishes glasswire cutlerv candle holders blankets sheets bedspreails linens feathvr pillows cilshions fancv work md other numerous hoilsehnld articles rem estate at the snme time and place there will be offeied i for sale subject to a reserve hd the residential pronertv of the de- i ceased being a well dralne 1 lot on which is erected a 7roomed storev brick prewar houe with i full basement and almost new hid air furnace centre hill ph with il roorns and bith on main floor 2 i beil rooms sewing room and den on i second floor floors woodwork i 1 and workmanship uibstantlil i throughout nice sire garden at rei of house this hnme is situated in n quiet residentl il section hf tnun i irnim will be open for fnspeetio i all dav saturdiv june 14 or hv ip- pomtment with the adminlstrattr tems of reil kstae will b- m ide known at auction sale terms of chattels c ish seitvment with clerk on da of sale nothing to be removed until tied for tioxd chlshohn administrator telephone 3jur3 milton htndiey annetriott auctioneers phone 10r3 rockwood and 177j milton t hutchinson solicitor for th estate b12 muffins mrs sparry ennotvllle mm ronnie caldwell ferguw apromi mm hermit cnldwoll fergiui mm j mcphno hill burgh pillmy flllps mm hnyefl ennnt- vllle mrs kraft klora a dellciotih luncheon ww served by the members nf tho mlmsn ilranch at the nfternooti jtcwlon miis e found of the department won guest spenker nnd hpoke of the ex tension jiervlces now being offer ed dnrn in korea mui found gave a mnnt interesting talk on con dition there before nnd nfter the wnr she dlnplnyed nntive coslum- efl worn by men nnd women nnd explained how they were nil hand sewn nnd taken npnft to be wnshed pr7ej for yenrs programs were awarded to illllsbtirgh auxlllnry nelwood elora secretarys reports of inexperienced iiecretarles mrs w illndley speodslde nnd mrs k orny mlmobn experienced secret- arvs mrs mercer incknon iiill- hurgh auxltinrv and mrs it a carmlchael hltlihurgh quilu sil- ada ten prlre elora and cumnock three resolutions presented bv the fergus brnneh were dlnrutsdj atid unstained resolutions fnvuring nn extens ive education on the harmful ef fects of narcotics that the provinc ial government lie petitioned to en force legislation against liquor ad vertising more stringently and to petition the provlnclnl government president andrannngor of the royal winter fair ngnlnst keeping the fnlr open on sundays were discussed nnd siintnlned the report of the nominating committee wns submitted by mrs paton nnd mrs arnold darrorh presided over the election of offic ers as follows president mr john mcphee illlhjmrgh first vicepres ident mrs alfred woods fergus p o second vicepresident mrs w n rettle n r 3 fergus third vlcepreuldent mrs norman jam- leson r r 2 elora sccretnry- truasurer mrs w h norris llel- wnod federated representative mrs wm ballentlne r n 1 or ion nlternnte mrs d g robert son r r 1 guelph auditors mrs j ij cjregson belwood mrs lorm dryon bellurood agriculture nnd cnnndlnn ind ustries mrs jamc talbot r r 5 belwood home economics nnd health mrs ilnrry burt r r 1 hiusburgh cltljcnshlp nnd educ ation mrs e noot hilbthurgh community activities nnd public relations miss doris fines r r 3 acton historical rwenrch mis henry cnrter r r 4 fergus federntlon of agriculture mrs jo seph roxborough r r 1 fergus tempernnce mrs thomas cook u r 4 belwood resolution mrs e moorej r r 1 orton junior instit ute work miss ncltn sampson r r 5 rockwood district delegate mrs alf woods fergus nlternnte mrs john r baldwin r r 1 er in an invitation from belwood in stitute to have the next district annual was gratefully received mrs ruskln of elorn moved a heir- ty vote of thanks to the church board nnd mimosa branch judges and all who had helped make the day such a decided succeis balunafad respected citizen mrs sinclair dies township assists with cemeteries erin township council met at hillsburgh june 2 with all mem bers present and reeve albert wheeler pi esided council placed an order for we d spray for 50 miles of road and imish spray for s miles with the canadian industi ies itd and at order fur weed sprav for so miles of mad with the green cniw imii- panv y a lesolulion was passe1 hat fwherew the treasurer hit re- eeivid a giant of 100 00 from well ington counv fr the purpose of cleaning up nnd beautify in the balhnafad ceineter that the township donate an equal amolint nd the treasu re i be authori7ed to piv the said grants to the tntstcs of the cetneterv with the under- j r standing that the trustees keep th ceineterv in repair in the future council decided the township would cooperate with the cmiiy in the repairing and cliantng up of the mcmillan cemetery lot 17 0th line provided those interested co operate cold win burt was ap pointed to supervise the woii i erin agricultural societv wis iciun a gran of 250 00 anrt acton i agricultural societv 25 off fir the war 1952 elmer mckumon uas paid 100 us epensis for attending the on tario welfare officers convention held at rrantford on ma 20tn the paid genera relief sheep roads follow ing accounts ftim 10 35 i 100 price bros we will instal your laterals and do odd jobs phone 164w a wnve of natlness swept over this community on sunday when n wellknown and highly respected resident in the person of edith bono sinclair belovd wife of the late d j sinclair passed nwny suddenly nt her home on sunday june 1st in her fllsl year mrs sinclair was born nl c-frr- inghhy the daughter of the late john w burt and jnnet mckln- non she wfis united in rnnrringe to dnvld john sinclair 32 years ago the late mra sinclair was a fnllbjlit member nf ballinnfad un ited church wan n kind and loving mother nnd n good neighbor who will be mlsiied by all who knew her the funeral was held from her inle residence lot 2 concession fl erin township on wednesday june 4 her pnstor mr wm a clbb assisted by rev a o w foreman conducted a short service nt the home followed by n service at the church during the service a duet home sweet home was rendered bv mrs stan lev sinclair and mrs norman sinclair inter ment was in erin cemetery her hushnnd predeceased her five years ago she leaves to mourn her loss a son garnet nnd n daughter jean nlso two sisters nnd four brother mrs d f sovereign annie nnd mrs peter coin minnie both v burlington laurence nnd clifford burl of georgetown chester and goldwln burt of illllsbiirgh the pnllbenrers were edgtt binghnm normnn mclaiughlnn hugh reld earl sovereign lloyd burt and wirred burt among the floral tributes wns a pillow from the family wreaths sprnys and baskets from the fol lowing mr nnd mrs d f sov ereign and family mr nnd mis peter cole and alleen mr nnd mrs laurence burt and fnmllv mr ami mrs chester burt nnd rimily mr and mrs clifford burl orace and bert mr goldwln burt bingham family reld family mr and mrs elmer mceachern mr and mrs henry isley mr and mrs george edmonds mr nnd mrs ar chie mcenery and family mr and mrs archie uawr lorraine mullin eleada brlltnn olive muaselle bob mcglll dr and mrs clifford reld miss ada currle mission circle neighbors junior farmers nnd junior institute ballinnfad hocky club the flower bearers were dorothy warne wllma klrkwood mildred pnrkinson smith r griffin mer- vln billiard bob mcglll grant wright a d mcenery lloyd mar shall henry hilts tile beautiful floral tributes and the circle of friends who guthered at the funeral bore testimony to the high esteem in which mrs sinclair was hold the sympathy or the community goes out to the family and relatives thank you tho acton ys aaons club community auction silo wns huge success wo nro grnlem to thoso who gavo and ihoso who bought wo npprociatothe offorti of our throo auction eers messrs hindley gibson nnd amos nnfrftho many others who worked with us i j acton ys mens club winners of the prlx in th donors draw 1 jjany 2 w ruddock 3 j vanfleet 4 w coleman jr mining boom largely n a result of the uran ium boom in the athnbaskn area saskatchewan established new rec ords in both claim staking nnd min ing licenses lait year reports the financial past a totnl of 2030 claims were stak ed in saskatchewans northlands in 10 which was almost double the previous record of liflo set during the calendar year 193fl when the athabnska gold rush was under way only oldtime jjnlfers still call a golf cmirse a links a links or iinksland is a stretch of sandy soil deposited by the ocean the words origin ls applied to golf is st andrews old course shrine of the game st andieus ls not a mad course it wus always there on the natutal itnksland that fringes the scottish coast on speedvjlo avo east at northeast city limits frisat june 1314 rocky mountain errol flynn montues june 1617 great lover bob hope rhonda fleming wedthurs june 1819 doublo feature storm warning i ginger rogers adult alcatraz island ann sheridan adult kirxt how at dusk aiwas color cartoon and news children s playcrouno 2 shows nightly kain 01 clear children under 12 ftan free its terrific lifetime vinyl plastic floor tile needs no waxing ever linoleums tiles floor coverings and wall coverings in stock at our store in milton we supply and apply main sr milton phon milton 426w 426m a sherwinwilliams demonstration will be held in our store this saturday be sure to come in end rocoivo suggestions and help on your interior and extorior painting problems donh miss this opportunity symon hardware mill si aden fathers sunday june 15th sport shirts broadcloth rayon nylon a wide selec tion 395 to 795 dress shirts white colors stripes always acceptable 395 to 650 sweaters pullovers cardigans sse tho aliortment ties smart summer patterns 100 to 200 socloes cotton rayons wool smart pattemi 50c to 125 pr bow ties theyre smart 100 nylon sock guaranteed for 90 days 100 to 150 handkerchiefs white and colors 25c to 59c mens polojamas theyre new 495 broadcloth pyjamas plains stripes 495 to 650 elliott bros

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