Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1952, p. 9

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thursday june 12th 1mb the acton free press acton ontario page urnm tax notice- 1952 municipality of acton second instalment now due attention iff drawn to the payment of 1032 taxes which arc now paynble in four instalments taxes ore payable to the municipal treasurer at the acton public utilities office instalments aiie due as follows second instalment june 16th third instalment august isth fourth instalment october 15th according to the tax collection bylaw a penalty of hof 1 per cent per month shrill be made to the first instalment of every tax rate or assessment remaining unpaid nfter the first day of may 1052 thin penalty applies to each instalment in a similar manner the attention of hntcpayprs is directed to the penalties and other clauses as printed on the reverse side of every tax notico and explained in detail on every tax bill taxes are now due and payable the penalty applies if the first instalment is not met on or before thursday may lat make payment now and take yodk tax notice with you when making payment j mcgeachie collector qdtewftl youll enjoy the warm days and die refreshing cool pinescented evening breezes of ontarios vacation land and you can add enjoyment to your holiday by travelling hie carefree way by bus ask volw locvu agent about highway toms to au mtts ot the vs a round trip fares wasaga beach bracebridge owen sound subject lo change tickets and information at harold wiles phone 207 gray coach lines what boosts a mans stock with people like these lnculahl mplat iil fit kind uf mitn who rruilll iirpli r- ponalttlllt nl lhr know that ilia mtlltlitlf la a hilar i rd man nwiternhlp itf llfr inturttnrw i m pill bccaut bsmkvrs ami oihftrt who intj nionr rvndrr auch ucfti1 smltr thrlr opliiltm uf a mun la mmirtiin to ftieiti itwnrrchlp of adthjuutr life iniumnir la oltrn n imimklmnf iwlnr in wtuhllatitnil aatlaiarlory credit 1 4 unv mun la iiitl ihr lcl hutmitj lit itw wll in hi mlfr ilim ii hr iii- hturm whlili motum hu lanmv with tiiniul mhurif he lnjo rltm lulirrla ixtkhiar ttl hla nniiirtl lit lltrlr fultirr tthrn th knoo ihul n nun unt llfo inaupubfc ttie lmi hrt ir litti to ihlrir llnuiitlul toj-pn- jiiur or hu frimlh rtiwl pirhiva fttc hla omm ulff rmra vnd iwr- iniimt hfa tlnltiu hla atittrr in thla wm ihu retlxnl hint with rpit today miliums oj canadians ore providing security tor themselves and their families and enjoying greater prestige through owning life insurance at yolk skiuick morr than m izunnilliin hrlluh tind itiltnl statca hit inauruiut tttiu- punlc in iuttcl to oflr u the b- ntmulblc life lnmunime tenter a tnilned life underwriter from un uf the eiim pan ira will iliad ly hmlp uu cimw the kind untl aniouni of life lnwunuee thai will heat he our needs tilt life insurance companies in canada it u good cltlivnihlp to own uf inturuncq 705 910 550 the ckuet sea by nicholas afonxttrrat viral of nil hero is a book for men of course it will nppenl to n vtytle rnnjje of renders but the men often room to hnvc more dif ficulty in belnff plcnred the cruel sen i n story of the war mr mormnrrnt knows best what its nbout anil heres whnt te snyn thln is the story the loni and true story of one ocenn two shirui and about n hundred and fifty men it is a lonr story because it deals with a long and brutal bat tle the worst of any war it hns two ships because e was ejnk and hnd to be replaced the shijr is a corvette i new type of osmrt ship an experiment desijtne1 to meet n desperate situation alii over the horizon she is brand- new the time is november 103q her name is hms compact rose yes the time was november 1010 to becin with part one is 1030 and there are seven parts altogether for seven years of flffhtinj froin 1030 till 1045 the battle of the atlantic ls nt documented this is a human story of whnt the compass hose and those seven years did to those hundred and fifty men from n younji newly commissioned lad just mnrried six weeks whm he wop assigned to the corvette to the most hardened old sen doc a novel with the surge of the sen itself its details bring to lfe a reality that to many of us mgnt form clover fiction n names nre of course fictitious but nicholas monsarrat was in the reyal navy during the war tie hinself commanded a corvette and later a frigate another of his books ls hm corvettc he was the son of a liverpool surgeon and left law studies for journalism novels newspaper art icles some poetry and a play show the wisdom of his choice he ha travelled widely in europe since the war he has been em ployed in south africa as director of the united kingdom information flice at johannesburg the cruel sea is a story of peope just like ousel ves who were ttlust inio the rote of heroes they re- mam just like ouselvos a smile in season browns fishing cnture had been a flop and on his way home he entered the local fish market when the dealer nski d what he wanted brown said lust stand over there and throw me five o the biejest trout mi have throw vm wha n akedthe dealer in ania7enu nt so i can tell the wife i caught them replied hi o n 1 may be a poor fisherman but i am no liar tenders for coal and coke federal buildings province of ontario sealed tenders addressed to ihe undersigned and endorsed tender for cod will be received until 3 pm edst wednesday june 25 1052 for the supply of coal nd coke for the federal buildings throughout the province of ontario forms of tender with specificat ions and conditions attached can be obtained from the chief of purchas ing and stores department of pub lic works ottawa and the district architect 30 adelaide st east to onto ont tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the department and in accordance with depart mental specifications and conditions attached thereto the department reserves the right to demand from any success ful tenderer before awarding the order a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in canada made payable to the order of the honor able the minister of public work- equnl to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender or bearer bonds uf the dominion of canada or of the canadian national railway com pany and its constituent companies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the dom inion of canada or the aforemen tioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract robert fortter acting seeretarv department of public works ottawa mav 22 1952 b12 raid taamditm optometrist 58 st georges square guelph formerly occupied by mr e p head complete eyesight service wool combing co subject of address the regular meeting of lli friendly circle was nt the homo uf mrs c pickett on wednesday winy 21 the president mijls c grind- ley was in clmrge tribute wan paid mlsfl jejule walker n member of the circle with a moment of silent prnycr followed by n word of prnyer by miss m z bennett mrs j stcwnrt jr rend the report or the previous meeting it was moved and carried that a canada packers demonstration be sponsored by the friendly circle to be held in the town hall the treasurer mrs c pickett gave the report of the previous meeting and of the spring tea mrs b mowat spoke on the work that has been done to the sunday school to the friendly circle which hns helped out group four under the direction of mrs b wnterhousf and mrs e ilufnagel conducted the devotional period two verses of the hymn for the beauty of the earth wei sung mrs f konlner read th scripture lesson a prayer was given by mrs g cunningham and mrs c rognvaldson read a poem mrs j adamson gave a vey interesting talk on the woik at th canadian wool combing corpor ation and she had n few samples to show a basket of flowers was given to mrs j adamson nnd mrs j j stewart sr on the occasion of their iwenlyfkfth wedding anni versary the meeting closed with the serving of n very delicious lunch mrs mac symon thanked group four for the interesting meeting mrs adnmson for her talk and mrs pickett for the imc of her home knox ladiesi aid holds may meeting the regular monthly meeting of the knox presbyterian church lndlei aid wait held on tuesday afternoon nt the home of mm a m mcpherson arthur street the president mrs f j me- cutcheon presided nnd mrs a voting rend the scripture lesson tho indies nre entering for a wedding nnd also for the annua meeting of the halton womens in stitute during the month of june mrs w wntklm nnd mrs j dennis were in chnrge of supplies for both events mrs mcknight favored with a delightful piano solo and mr- james ingles read a poem be the best of whatever you nro the meeting closed with the lhd prayer mis fred cole conducted a con test know your nnimnls the awards went to mrs r l david on and mrs w walkins the group of the month conven ed by mrs e- j hassard provided i delicious lunch and mrs il m mcdonald expressed thanks to them and the hast ess fur trading ls not a thing of the pst in canndn by any means in 1050 in the north west territ ories nlone it was a big btinoss worth 2500000 officers course phase completed pilot officer john tnrzwell ac ton ont successfully completed phase b of his technical armament officers course at 1 radnr and communications school rcaf sta tion clinton on mny 23 po tarzwell son of mr h r tnrzwell acton is married to the former marjorle mcdonald george town he is n graduate of western technical school toronto and holds n bachelor of science degree from queens university kingston po tnrzwell wns n nnvlgntor in the rcaf from 1041 to 1040 he rejoined the rcaf in november 1050 your homo li worth record price todayl you can save money by painting now and eliminating repairs and replacements its good economy lo slop the damage before its loo late dy paintingthis year we do everything in tho decorating builneit call 275j or 299w for a free estimate moore rocher canadas me fttstfon miicacb jk sap2tt lorne garner motors acton ont phone 455 toths service station acton ont phone 326r cimibal motobs vaiui illustrated 2door custom riviira right from the start you ii love it tt isnt always the big things that tell you how downright good a car really is youll note for example that this buick has not one but two sets of figures on its speedometer theres one for total mileage which almost all cars give you and theres one for trip mileage found on all buicks but rare on other cars carrying comparable price tags then theres the way a buick starts no groping for a v starter button on the dash you just push down your foot on the accelerator pedal and one motion does the whole job thats something else found only on a buick and we can give you a good guess what the reason is its a costlier device and when you step on this combined starteraccelerator boy do things start to happen thar greatpowered fireball 8 engine purrs into action and youre olpwith the steady swoop of a diesel streamliner on the rails now you discover something else buicks million dollar ride surefooted on curves levclgaited on the straight away steady and true on course its worth every dollar it cost in tools engineering and special features including i the magic of dynaflow drive what we are trying to tell you is this no matter how you size up a 1952 buick by its features its fabrics the way it performs the way it rides or the cost per mile of operation you find that nothing is spared to make it the greatest buy jrinas been in years and thats doubly significant when you remember that buick delivered prices start down at a figure that any new- car buyer can easily reach how about checking this for yourself at your nearest buick dealers 5amr roaduasth tpliomsl st xtr ci 9m cuitou and supta srin buick roadmaster uick super sure is true for 52 when better automobiles are built buick will build them lome garner motors main at bower acton phone 452

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