Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1952, p. 2

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pack two the acton free press acton ontario ta thursday junk 10th i you never know this is one of those weeks that starts off schedule our editorial comments must be written early because on monday and tuesday your odl- tor will be with a party of halton county farmers whoare making a tour of western ontario farms weve been on many nowspaper conventions and talked shop for days but when our friend agri cultural representative j e whitolock told us thore was an opening to talk and see shop with many of our good friends in the farming com munities of halton wo just couldnt resist the change and the delight of a trip through ontario in june impressions of the trip may appear in another story in this issue because no newspaper man can resist a story but the part we anticipate most is the opportunity to associate for two days with some of our friends who have chosen farming asd n vocation i ait wppk wo had hreakfasl in a tn ronto hotel with 36 editors of weekly newspapers from various states of the united states we could talk shop on publishing and printing wo of course found the visiting although brief very stimulating the folks we are with this week have interests with which we are not as familiar as we should be but they are neighbours and friends if the weather is fine we know we are going to enjoy this outing and acquire an under- standing that will be helpful to our community outlook in this fine agricultural county of halton if we make the trip well and the duties per mit we may be off the end of the week to a news paper gathering in northern ontario where on tario and quebec editors are going to talk shop for three days newspaper work has many sur prises in covering the local field its so unpre dictable that its always interesting try being silly assessment of property for tax purposes is a popular topic of conversation these days both from a municipal and equalized county basis a new and novel idea in assessment appeared recently in the st marys journalargus which we pass on particularly to those who are beefing about their own assessrnent- sounds silly but it is a pet theory of a few local peopfe who have often pondered the intri cacies and problems of taxation the idea is to kick out completely the present stem of assessing land and property each owner sets his own assessment at whatever fgure b values his property if someone wants to buv it at that price the owner is given a period cf grace to recensder and place a higher assessed alue on it which will hold for the remainder of tfat ear otherwise he must sell the nce we cens der it we think that that f r seence n he quod on is correct we can- t c arh rg a oud add more to the ccvcs c- ct c- a- h s suggestion but if z c asesse s rot ccrrect it m ght te w f c z iv c o aahcn and rtr e r ii ctrden c sc cr ma amount i l g seee to the s lly c i-ltf- c te r local muni- z c ii v c d c astssment c z- j sae ta s the years do change twontyfivo years ftgo wo subcribod lo that thinking which held that 65 was a good age for retirement a quartor century later and with iho mark a decado away wo find agreement with those who contend that no nation not even ono as rich as canada could affdrd cither financially or physically to have such a largo proportion of its mature population doing nothing there would not bo enough younger people left to produce the goods services and food the nation would need modern civilization has addod years of health and strength to our lives modern industry is go ing to have to recognizethat fact we dont know the editor of the wolfville ns acadian but wo find that ho too has some thing on the subject with which we agree to give all old people a comfortable pension con- tobulor o othe w the back ot the canadian economy it would also shorten many lives every doctor can speak of the killing effect of retired idleness it would also constitute a huge wasto of potential production work for the majority who are able to work and suitable pensions for those unable is the only practical answer to the problem maybe the next ten years will alter our think ing again but we like to put in a word for the many men and women whose usefulness to so ciety is pot dimmed by years alone and whoso ex perience can be beneficial to the nation as a whole some folks are old at 50 and many others past the four score are better able to cope with lite than the ones 30 years younger years do not count as much as health and physical and mental condition of the man or woman who would want a policy against tbe possibility of his house blowing away food shoppers zz lvt u bit customers are tsi c ae c mere who do their r jai ta vhat robert m cct- is caravan business reporting on t iv rv cftnad an food stores about f ce cf a ca n foodstore shoppers are c- do ce fhan 40 per cent of shoppers cc iz f cf age or more according to t- ie ciad an stoppers make nearly three c sparae trps to food stores each month 3 te average canadian makes about 2 4 trips c oc vcrei per wet most people do their t 3 scpp ng en friday and saturday according tc he sure the average friday shopper spends 6 g3 and the saturday buer spends about 55 s3 ard it will come as no surprise to cana dian males to f nd that the average little wo man spends 5 26 at the food store while the average mere man pays out only 4 66 believe it or not it is reported that stores in buffalo still exhbit signs canadian money ac cepted at par wait until they grow up it seems that when towns reach a population of over 5000 they develop a self sufficient com plex that becomes aggravated until the city re quirements are reached we have pans wanting to separate from the county as well as some of the towns of our own county putting out the same feelers of course the argument used is the same always- the amount paid in the county rate and particularly on county roads every growing community is beset with the same problems there is the need for more pub lic services for ar added population and the only avenue to provide these is the distasteful higher municipal tax rate one item that may seem easy to lop off without too much local opposition is the county rate its easy to attack the county rate because not too many ratepayers know what is provided in county services if time were taken to study these services it would be found that per haps the community considering withdrawal from the county would not profit much by the move in halton the county levy includes many ser vices such as the health unit administration of lsttce halton centennial manor half the cost of indigent patients and many more items winch a c ireful summary would bring to light it might fe eli if county councils or officials would pro vide a list lo enlighten the electorate of course there is the county road expenditure which comes in for censure but the amount collected from the individual is infinitesimal as compared with the taxes levied at provincial and federal government levels on tho motorists most every motorist pays 500 and upwards on the purchase of a new car in invisible taxes and an annual license fee and 10c a gallon on every gallon of gasoline it would be interesting to know just what small sum the overage motorist contributes to the county road 5 y stem j the attempt of hespeler to secede from the county last year failed the ontario government acted wisely no community wants a high tax rate its not an inducement to industry or new home owners but the way is not in separation from the county until the city status of population is acquired its an adult step and not one for teenagers towns need to really grow up before withdrawing from the county fold north e ast west s outh iox llultonls a 1lmw prtviliiit in halton is mi bad in gwruitown thf rtlilor hai written an rditnnal ad vising an- xuias relatives fishini pox very emit tenuis tn adult milcs symptoms noted include continual complaint as t need for fresh air sunmimr and relaxation patient has blank ex pression mtmelimes deaf to wile and kids has no taste for work of any kind kumpieiil checking of tackle catatokues flanks out in sporting goods stores longer than usual secret night phone calls to fishing pals mumbles to self no known cure treatment recommended is medication us useless disease is not fatal victim should go fishing as often as possible in streams or lake bonnie doon of interest tit many disrict ladies who took handicraft courses this past j iiir will he ar count tf an advanced weaving course which tho georgetown herald carried lut week i four georgetown ladies at tended t the class weeklong wis held at dnon a little hamlet on the south hank of the grand be ween kit chener and gait at the home of landscape artist homer watson hcalu the home has been art centre since 19411 when it established as a school there are la cabins on the grounds mil last summer nearly 11h students from canada and the states studied art there weaving instruction clashes mere held in a large picture gallery there are beautiful grounds and 1 lake the ueamg course was- undei the direction of the communiv prug ratios bunch i the ontario 1 partment of education santa claus the other ide of the story th oakvilleuecord star sets out its side of the story of the secession suggestion remember not jong ago oak vi he was considering the fnos and cons of succissmn from halton says the editor by ids oakvillc will be asked to pay st1u3 annu ally to the halton county coffers an increase of at r per cent ovi r ida sjcmo or this is our share of the ticket for charity and welfare sidfctd us earmarked for the countys road program now oak- ville just doesnt get slhihio worth of charily and welfare services from the county and haltons con- tiibutions to our streets and walks construction could be stuck in your left eye without bothering you if oakville and burlington who between them pay 374 of the total count v levy want to secede and set up a joint court gaol and registry office to escape playing santa claus to the balance f the county they might find hat the costs of these three services jumped rather sharply but that the increase would he insignificant in compari son with the savings in other dir ections a recent georgetown editorial coiwdeicd the plan foolish tilk and an ediortal this week consul ei the idea the proposal his re ceived considerable publicity halton iipslirk yet halton has cvei thing a new lipstick is being manufactured n oakville after a survey and much experimenting the tuo great inland eitcrei s of the canadian noihwest are the mackenzie and he yukon both if which rank among the jo gieates river stems m the world atthe united church of canada arton ontario a friendly church itrv e a carrey ba bd r minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 00 mua o m lanipard atcm- choir leader presbyterian church in canada knox ihiiuil alton kky itoitkkt ii aumsthon ma bd minister orcanlst and editorial notes in spite of the fact tkat we neglected to write 4 fathers day editorial we did pretty well we hope other fathers did not suffer by our sm of omission th only paprr ever pumuhrd in acton keunded jn 1h75 and published every thursday at 56 mill si k acton ont member of the audit bureau of circuln- ik its he c w n a and the ontarioquebec division of the i v na advcrtisinu rates on request subscriptions pay- awe in advance 2 so in canada w 50 in the united states ss months 150 single copies gc authorized as second 1 clasi mail- post office department ottawa g a- dills editor and publuher business and editorial office telephone 1 7 4 suxday june 22nd 1052 10 00 am sunday school training in the nurture admonition of the lord 1100 am morning worship jeet those things w cannot be shaken hob kar and sub- hich 12 7 00 pm evening worship spei- ker the rev erla currey b a of orton thotiqhr for the week certainly no revolution that has ever taken place in socio tv can b compared to that which has been produced bv the words of jeiis christ mark hopkms bethel baptist mission john jones pastor ymc- bvilding side entrance sunday june 22nd 1052 10 00 am bible school i none is too old or too young to share these nfreshing times of bibli cal instruction with us 11 00 am restoration 7 30 pm where might i find god the lord ij niflh unto all ihem rhar call upon htm to all that call upon him in truth advance notice is given of a dailv vacation bible school to be held from july 7th to july mbth for all boys and girls of school age there will be bright singing bible stories contests and handwork baptist church atton duinht l patterson pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 20tir thursday june id 8 30 pm mid week praver meeting ami bible study sunday june 22nd 1052 10 30 am sunday school 1130 am morning worship 7 00 pm evening service 8 15 p m young peoples wednesday june 25 musion hind the good old days may have seemed better j sunday june ujnd i1w 10 ml i m suncliy sihuul 1110 i m uiviti worship 12 13 i m hibu- clis- 7 00 pm divim- worship thtu that ndir upon ihf lnrd shall rttuu rhiir itrntth a warm volcimi awaits you back in 1902 frbm the lwe t ihe vre premd trf tbonuuy jtita 1mb ims london june 17 the canadian coronation contingent arrived here this afternoon and proceeded to the alexandra palace the men are quartered in nine large marquees go in each they were greatly d- mtred by the throng of people awaiting their arrival at the palace acton cornet band is in demand for garden parties mr j e corrya fine terracotta brick residence at the corner of young and arthur streets is offer ed for sale in addition lo the sports for the horsemen in connection with the coronation day celebration hero next thursday the following will prove interesting attractions at one oclock n baseball match for the championship of halton and the silver cup valued at 30 donated by mr a g ii luxton of milton will be played in the park at seven okioolc-thiro-will-lo-the-lhhkltn-f- the new coronation flag at the pub lic school with appropriate cere monies and in the evening a grand rind concert will be held in the park miss jessie nickhn soprano r a elliott baritone w stark tenor and thomas walsh dublin ireland comic assisted by acton cornet band will provide a splen did program a dispatch from lord kitchener dated pretoria saturday june 14 says that 2501 boers have surren dered since friday june 13 fat values for saturday plain and fancy line corsets 30 cents the biggest and best snap we have yet offered ladies wrap pers at 75 cents underskirts undei priced all made from fine english totton cambric finish sime with clusteis of tucks and deep flounces of fine embroid ery others with iows of insertion and lrtce french bands most of them with dust frills gji cents the correct ping pong lie get a line on it boys its the newest our usual line of saturday gro cery list 1 h tea si 4 plugs of chewing tftbieco 25c 2 pounds cof fee 2c 2 cms freh red salmon 25c 2ii pounds sugar si it b scott mill st acton back in 1932 ftm the kxu bf th fr thursday june 16 19x2 garden parties seem very popular just now mr maurice e starkman son of mr and mrs l starkman formerly of acton has opened a law practice in toronto sir donald mann of toronto visited mr and mrs murray at thr blue spriniflast tuesday by a majority of 220 votes over his only opponent sims mclenn was elected reove of eramosa township at an election made neces sary by the death of the late xlccve adam wood the shopping festival days staged- by the acton business mens as sociation have been generally term ed a splendid succe the band concerts at sunderland hout grounds were greatly enjoyed acton lost the first gnme of th league when milton won by a scor of 70 t regulars on the actow team were barred by milton from playing which rather disorganized the acton team fortvthree legionnaires of the acton branch of the canadian le gion attended the zone banquet and parade in brampton on friday ev ening ihi hitching peacefully at the home of her soninlaw rev h caldwell limehouse on friday evening june jo 1032 elizabeth kilclung widow of the late john k itching nissigaweya in her illth year got start in scout show while attending high school in toronto johnny wayne and frank shusti r who today enjoy top- llight popularity as radio comedians made their debut in a boy scout show the success of their team work carried them triumphantly through vaivaty into the army show in cmida and overseas they reali d a long deferred ambition when they got into radio shortly after being demobilized from world war ii professional directory and travellers guide mkii m dr w g c kenney rhylrlan and surgeon oltice in symon block mill si acton itflrr lhonr 78 rrsldrnrr churrh st rhonr iso dr d a garrett rhyvlclan and surfran cornir of willow ind kirr sl entrinct river slree icton ontino ihonr z1x dental dr a j buchanan driital surgeon oltio ijishmm block mill st oiriiu hour- y a ni to t p m xkay telephone hi vktkrinary b d young b v sc c l young dv m veterinary surgeon oftac hnxikville ontino lhoiu- milton lliiri f g oakes vs b v sc veterinary surgeon otticf iiitt kfcltiict knox ave acton phone 1j0 c f leatherland ilarrivter a soliritor notary publla oliuv 22 phone he1 151 acton lever hoskin charterrd accountant succenrs to jenkins ami hardy ipi metropolitan nidi h vntori st toronto elu 91u a j crandell turtrreil arrounlant mmi tiit ce oi itetuan 1 i pi one ft i clllltoirattor d j armstrong lloctnr of f hiropractlc l kinlerick st n acton phone real estate and inhlranck travellers guide st albans church laniltavil rev ralph e price n a bd hector gray coach lines dnyhulit sartna timr coaches leave acton ealbound 6 38 a tn h sll i in 11 ji i m 2 hi p ni 5 ftu p m i s3 p ml a 12 p m 19 ml p m westbound 10 27 j m 12 s2 pm 2 57 p m 27 p tn 7 27 p ni y 12 p m 1 1 12 imii 1 12 1 in sm to kitchener unit i a dnlv except sundji inl holi- div ilurdav sniutiv ind holi- dai saskatchewon produces the great est dollar value of farm field crops trinity n sunday june 22nd 1952 10 00 am church school 11 15 am bcjrinners clara 11 15 am matins and sermon 7 00 p m shortened evinmin and address a 00 pm tursdav june 24 1952- induction of the rev r tlph e price a1 rector of st alhins church acton ant st johns church rockwood service in st allans church preacher the rev v john bartlett rec- 1 tor st marks church orawte- ville i i canadian national railways standard ttnv eastnound v daily 5 40 am daily exiept snn- tlaj 964 am 710 pm sunjay only 8 ifl p m daily except sun day fhtt at genrietou n 9 02 a m dally elver at georcetown 10 11 p m weatbaund daily except sunday and mon- dav 2 24 am sundayand monday onlv 12 08 a m taily except sun day a 48 am t 44 p m dally ex cept sat and sun 54fl pm sat urday only 136 pm sunday only a 43 am iflaestop sundav only fiver at guelph 7 03 pm wright real estate and insurance k i wright n d wright 20 wilbur st lit macdonnell 3t aetoii ont guelph cmt phone 95 phone 4015w valuators kralton liuurora member appralsal instttuut of canada member- guelph and dlrstict real es ate hoard menib r guelph and district inuraie agents association wm r bracken real eute geneilm insurance phonv 211 ac too mlsceiuweoirs the victor b rumley funeral home funeral home ileld ambalaae- phone 30 night or day servinit the community for 43 years eve carb by appointment wm c milligan ro otunumst 1st and 3rd wedneadayiibt th month 1 pm to pm at m1u st reajdtne ol a t htawn hl i i

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