Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1952, p. 4

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page four the acton free press acton ontario tllimsimy june mh lftm osprinqg neighbors honor bride of saturday on thursday rvrning mr and mr ivn klootr entertained thi ir halghbor in th village in honor of thili daughter maria whow mur- watftf to william itad wai an tivnt of saturday muilc and community singing wrm enjoyed with mr g sunter and mr ten kloottr an ac- comnanlrts a dell clou lunch of adwtche cak and ice cream wm served mrs w j jackaon accompanied by mr and mrs dougli hoberuon of ouelph vial tod on sunday with thf formers- slider mrs jane wat son at hlllkhurffh mr j w smith of swansea mr and mrs ken lclghtnn and paul of mt dennis mm ilert craia and joan of georgetown vinltcd n sun day uith mr4rs u andj hunter mr nnd mm gordon fisher and nunu wm of noithoin ontario ore visiting with mr and mr k fiuhei ilrnm itoherunn entertained a nunilxt of his playmate on mnn- dnv on the occasion of hi eighth hlrhdn various games weie played followed by lunch of sand wiches ico cream and birthday cake ajpllaliniitatianwas aecftpud b the 1 4i dies aid of the iveaby- terian church to have theii meet ing it mi a vmrs home in krin the meeting ouned bv singing hymn 0a0 o word of god incar nate and mrs fisher taking the devotional the study book on our mork in british guiana was taken by mrs ward bruce pinna were made for the anniversary program to be en en the latter part of jujie 4ilso the sunday school picnic ut rock wood a discussion also took place on decorating the basement which is nt present twin j carried on scripture questions were given by mrs bruce the meeting was brought to close ith prayer by hev a valr after uhirh a lovely lunch was served by the hostess and lu r as sist mis mis c aitken mil mrs geoi ge jickmin rockwooo h pym organist presents program iolnurit of under- inntim universitus m the academic yeir iboul a 10 pei ceitt de- krlday evening there was a- goo a i tendance at the ihafcyterlaa church to hear mr harold victor pym who bt organist and choir leader of wlngham prasbtyrlan church and radio elation cknx hi v frrd williamson waa chair man for the occasion and introduc ed the guest miulclan for the even ing mr pym selections were in groups of three and four numln ra with only a brief pause then a mimical interlude by local talent piano trio by the krecman child ren vocnl number by mr george willys- accompanied by mi how- sell of the stone church mixed quartette mr albert gray mui beatrice swarwlon mrs john free man and mr martin bauer violin selection by mr george cox hymn o lnrd thou art mv god and king organ recital group two exxerpts from mnsie album schu herl indian imv call themi from flnlandla miuicnl inter hide piano trio hy members of the hi tier family vocal number bv mr george willys male quartette selection messrs albert gray martin bauer jr ralph comfort and martin bauersrj violin sel ection by mr george cox hymn the churchs one foundation organ recital group three ex- cerpu- from milsic album wagne nocturne in e flat waltz in v flat both by chopin the world is waiting for the sunrise seitz at the conclusion of the pro gram those who took part in the muiic numbers were treated to re freshments and a social time en joyed anniversary services at the un ited church on sunday were well attended and the guest minister for the day was bcv john ward of chalmers church guelph a former pator of the local church musical numbers by the choir were contributed at the monitn service in the evening the choii of the presbyterian church took imrt in the service and also con- u united two numbers for the ev ening mecige itev j ward spe-k- on generomty at the conclusion of the service members of the united- church choir s4red refreshments to the visiting choir and a social time was enjowd by all the interior of the church wa- w ell decorited by numerous bou- j quels of flowers which added much to the dignity of the days services during the past week the flower beds between mr george bolton and mr mclachne were a profus ion of bloom bright red poppies predominating along with irises of different colors including a few lupins the community was saddened b the sudden death of mr gordon mclin at the guelph gneral kcw- 1 pital last wednesday aftornoon fol lowing his removal to the hospital late monday afternoon the funeral took place saturdn afternoon with service at victor b rumleys funeral home acton conducted by rev john oliver in terment took place in fonthiu cemetery the sympathy of the community ls extended to mr mc lin in her bereavement and two sons dale and john rev john oliver was at ancestor on sunday conducting anniversary services miss minnie nick ell of toronto was home for the weekend mr and mrs ralph b richard son mr and mrs robert blchan of vineland mr and mrs e j bill still unpaid after hot debate continued rmrt pagtf on ha the all mr george itohliimm vbdlj ie enlly in harris have implied lrud you have implied titers hen fraud in thbi contract engineer said there hava beu protest along on couiuhhom receiving biut- wmu from the town mayor hatch lln dechirvd also denying a charge of fraud i contend you started those pro tests inst year youve created u furore ever since you got on coun cil councillor taylor charged i maoswaln suggested that councillor thompson hud every right buvote and hoped he would do so the controversial question was delayed and a committee of major vr wkend uiehlln heeve hargrove ivputy- reee stewart councillor taylor and solicitor iatherland was ap point d to interview a representat ive of the department of municipal affairs council bv resolution instructed the solicitor to negotiate settlement of spartan claim if possible bv paying 10000 now and retaining the balance pending further set tlement or determination by the court they authorized issuance of n rtwunr thr ammml h- r- j5niliy quest of the solicitor sewer accounts amounting to 1411 wer pas4d for pavment nueuaa iacmuuwi it goodwin of the ixicrosse club asked if council would lu willing mr and mrs fmnk terry itpent the weekend in prtuton mm w duholm and family hut this week to mak their home in winnipeg manitoba mr and mrs h it kone and family spent the weekend at iholr eottuge in hullhurton a visitor wllh mr and mm w laiudsllnrnugh ieeently wuh mr farl vincent of toronto i mr and mrs a t brown vuito i with mr and mis jivnse held nt i mr and mis ii smith nrtoionlu i vlslied with mr ami mrs j m steele ovei the weeuelld miss i it neuou carlisle sosk i is visihng for a few days with lift p sister mrs j it maearthur mr and mrs charles mclaughlin of toronto vtsilmt wllh miss m gibbons over the weekend mr and mrs win green and i family of islington visited with mr and mrs john wood mr and mis a murehleinn bond head visited mr s ii w4- sler it it 4 aettin over the week end nassaoaweya 5s no 7 muss flora moffat of the iargt memorial missinn hospluil at lit ii i bella bc is visiting her home in moffat mr and mrs clifford welwter of toronto v wiled mr and mrs j kllerby it u 4 acton over the weekend miss cornne bowra visited in acton with miss dorothy capper weekend of toronto her cousin over the f anderson and on visited suml mis fred lliiftmm to accept their percentage on the gate receipts based on 100 admis sions since programs were uwd and no actual count was available tlils was approved council nlso approve pi ment for materials to make repilrs in the arena not exceeding 10 fur ther repairs were ttt t nqpovsl bv the park committee use of the amplifying system bv the club was approved provided it was returned in the kame condition pamenl of 25 to the frem i for wushing the streets on saturda morning was approved there wa some question of the legality of u- ing fire equipment for purpos other than fire protection ond thi wis to be investigated since it v i planned to use the old truck foi i mis d g melullm wls able to pumping sewers ieaun home f i inn guelph general council approved payment of in- hospital this week and is cunvaee- digent patient accounts totallig mg at her huni 201 50 rrhate or s7i0 clerk mcgeachie imported on some correspondence with the de partment of highways on a con necting link agreement payment of the town share of upkeep had been made of some 720 througn torrespondence and discussion the clerk had obtained n refund of this ml margaret garvin saturday amount mayor rachlin and coiin- altcniunk the ys mens conf cillors commended the clerkfor jiis i good work i mr and mrs dunn i andt is i t with air hid at hoinln c mrs selvvyn turner of toronto visited with mr and mrs a t brown lining the weekend mrs tinner is formerly of acton mr and mrs john elscrbiook and mrs j m che ne of toronto attended the funeral of the late notification of the equalized as sessment bylaw passed by the county was received and accepted g wallace asked that council make their usual gnnt to the ac ton fair board the grant of 200 as allowed in he estimates wis made a discussion on the rural fire area was terminated and left in the hands of the acton representatives the rental of 20 was rebated to the acton vs mens club for the arena being held in banff this week ls forman ijiwrcnce presid ent of the acton ys mens club mr and mrs j m steele at tended the hutchison childerley wedding at st andrews presbyter lan church arthur on saturday little muss iois mc lei ian of hamilton unfortunately broke her collarbone last week she is the granddaughter of mr and mr d g mclellan acton the dump property in accordant with the purchase agreement w coleman jr submitted a bill for 2 for cutting weeds on his boulevard on bower ave with the notation to pay this or see to it someone cuts them in future the letter was ordered filed ii k dodtls applied fr the echel of hamilton mr and mrs r lni r ml en r m j hiii n fliry 1 whuh of guelph spent sundoy with mr john r richardson and mr and mrs clarence henderson in connection with fathers dav mr richard harris attended th- annual reunion of exstudents i o c guelph on saturday tler wos a 1 irge number prevent s mi of the older ones present were it the eolleiie in 1 ite 90 creelm im h ill could not hold all it d mi- r oni others dined in 1 tafeena mrs n small of niagara falls j j i accompanied her mother mrs a fcpco was to bo ardctcd alone r m mcdonaldi to aclon lo j wttkend and nltcndod the funtril i of thf into mfss margaret garvin i saturday afternoon g elliott and mrs m y of combit inont the week- mr cr 1 i nd it the home of mr and mn- it ii kllicill and left with them on i motor trip to the united stiles ineliidint wlshinklon nuts could he granted under a couneil did not f i 1 the should limited but pi invest ite the m w iiw the followiiic p l- d for ji i met hell t lephon i v 1 lulls exjn publie ttil 111 l- ii hue it mm ml 1 ci h itlnvx tew i iw e ruihts inned to clffil jf ml 341 17 v c7it dsikwqt tftfcti sheerer 50fter nosheen m precision mm rn it ue ut t tro k n wt hhnu repiir- hns eoiiihnit il splimili oil- t ltd to con- son molil pip iu ic ions miv rvu j n mu ken ict armni oriln i producs ice t thomivon farm supplier to e oil e hiekev sons aect 9 chims sermce parts aect toth s garage gis acton free press adv jones tt van gils water works pump hoie iri7 2 35 i lfis 4 i4r 177 90 38d1 1 9h r 200 00 i mr ind mrs art suicth im t mr md mrs leslie sva khtnr mil d uikliter took mrs ii johnston of john lnn ny who wis lsit- uii uith them the p lst we k to tuonto sundiy old vlsltel mr ml mrs krmk minton ind mr i mil himshiw there mi mil mrs wilfred j perrott mi st unified p rrott mrs en- fiu t mi john wat on mr and m pro st itl ke m i pisielaili mi ii 11 t mil mis itonild per- iv illfiom mb rta itt nded the p iilti v uri mil ucdditn ill ac- i ton on s uidtv also anions iv out of toun mi t sere mks ii len llwils tin int miss tlerthi and- j iws hrinptui miss jean colihen mr md mrs liorer hunter mr md mis ii rt ihnnellv miss liuu sp ir miss glads s klrkpit- nek mr and mrs felan and mar- kir mr and mrs i mela hall ail i ml anil mrs k ml iel in all of london mr w callander mr william fvs 11 and kerrv of guelph mr and mn friser small guelph mr and mn har- r- burt hillsburuh mr and mrs ter hotter pictnn mn hulh mc- nair kitchener mrs christian lar- sen miss mary buchanan owm sound and miss hael thonsii palsley 5770 40 notice to creditors and otiiebs ltdio kn quilily nylon hose 60 cjjuge sizes 9 to 1 1 sub special price 110 pair pauanil clothing store 29 mill st acton j t armstrong the mutual life of canada ts pleased to announce that mr j t armstrong of georgetown has again qualified for membership in the mlc production club i membership m this group is at tained only through the under writing of a large volume of orotectton winch continues tn force from year to year and the maintenance of a high personal standard of confidential service to policyholders in the eiute of mrrrl denny late of the town of ac tan tn the county of llalton widow de- erard all persons having clairru na rust the estate of margaret denn lre ot hi- town of aclon in the coun ty of haltnn widow who iu d on or about the twentyninti div of mireh 1952 afe requirei to tend i i ulars and proofs lvoof to the undirsinntni before the f fth dav of julv 1952 when h atse td will be distribute amonr the par ties lenallv entitled therrta hainff regard only to the claims which shall hae been filed i dated at acton ontario this i thirteenth day of june 1052 j c f iiathehand acton ont a 503 solicitor for the executor mr and mr alex thompson h n 2 krin wish tn announce the en gagement of thi ir younges daugh ter annie christena to herbert fowler son of mr and mrs ne- in ild fowler doncastcr england wedding to take place in july cmidn haa the electrical equiv alent of 300 million strong workmen at her command because electric- rv is so cheap thbi labor force works for about one tenth of a cent an hour the buds of canadas balsam poplar arc sticky and produce a wax used by wild beea to aeal cracks in their hivej mrs coxe hostess busy bee institute tlie june meittim nf the mmy meit liuiltule wu held lii out home nf mfu h nvt tim meellnif op ened wllh lite hlnulntf bf the iii- htltuie ode and the roll cull wirn uniiweied hy numliiu a favnrith dt- ert a dimatlnn of mnny wun voted to tint niivy ijgu nnd u doiintlon nf plivs far the fihm uny ut itwvllltf tlio report of tin dulrlet lnniiul meellpg in aclon wiut lveii by mis i mruim unit mm h itobln win mr linker rem rurr lit ev onu mm melmin uiive n pitndi imper nn hfinut eiiinuinleh the pre parlna mid ennking of mepla in dlfferentjniiiitrieji how inttat wiw enoked in open flrepljieru and the iiikiklng nf ment lu n flrnplme iliiimiey wiihi ewplulnod she elnhed with u norm votfe able vltomlnh thi piouriim eiinveiiru mm win walliue look the choir for the following progninr reading tim kelplng hand hy mrs henderinn the ivrfert hnusekreper by mtn harlow and a hoy needx u mou hv mrn ilndfiay mrn tuek rend a jiliort poem a delightful solo ijta go to fhurch wivt sung by mrs allan two eonteiui brought forth much laughter at the end of the program the meeting ringed wllh the re penting of the iorda prayer thn umial soelul hctir followed with mm k coxe nnd mrs znwlliikl ns- skting mrs s coxp mrs p mrlrnn mrn s conn mrs a allan mm n harlow mr s i tob in ion nnd mm 0 henderson attended the hnlton district annual meeting of the w i in acton last week no 7 school tonk part in the nn- nuil field dav in iowville park list friday the pupils were ac companied by their parents and friends ind report a good plrnie first communion for 14 children kniiilntn chllilrun tnitili uiplr tli hi imlv rnmmilllliin hlimluy juin 15 ul si jiuukili church acton thi iillnm won bountifully ilwor- iilcil with niirlnu rliiwiim riuiwi muklnitthrlr lrl enrnmun- inn wnni llelnn ilranktpwlcii mml- iiihi ityiirfrrnitiui mnr ciiikirkc iiullth iupllldn maurmit harifnnt tjirnillh ilfnnotl llelhil nritnn mury kuy olminna llurhura mc- lliiln mlrhaul llunnntt plr horr jiihn iiiikii oliniirup davlit papll- inn mill ritllilifii klllilt hllirn jinn la hndlimtcil lo tin suriiil hi nit nf jimiiii thn rhniru llvimilfi linil thnt tlllllll georgetown takes ps meet trophy athtetus from cjeorgutown and artnn putttie uuuu tfotherml in die agricultural o round milton wiui tin- milton public school for tile unnuul infersrhnol fluid n1t on monduy nf this wew fliorgotown claimed top honors of ihe day when ihuy won the trophy fr hut greutfjit nuiohr of points on the events dttorgmown had al pointu milton 43 id alton 20 student wttrtt only al lowed to i nter two eventw und tlih relay thut iiiakinu the competition itrongir uiiihhilhihhimhiiillhwhmwwihhmhhimuhhhmmi lacrosse in acton arena saturday june 21 0hsweken vs b hives 900 pm june 14 draw winners lit 1361lnd iss53rd 1489 holders of iho lucky numbers mfly claim their pn05 rtt the dhivo pustouriirit if priiei not claimed by june 38 another draw will be made hbbhhbhmnklntjmh 01 mill street dcto meat market illstreet telephone quality meats telephone 541 krksil slicki side pork kmaii link lb 31c sausage lb 45c liver and bacon special i ii 8mcki lb sliced pork liver and side bacon for 35c pork hocks lb 19c butter another big band tattoo in acton park saturday july 19 15 bands m c r r parker adults 35c 300 bandsmen other entertainment students 25c mare details later i

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