Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1952, p. 8

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thursday june 10th ibm the acton free press acton ontario page seven breathless driving an attempt o introduce chemical breath testa u evidence in drunk driving cases will be made soon in toronto according to the mnanclal post police recently completed art exhaustive series of trials with breath testing equipment and are convinced of the accuracy and fair ness of the syst however a itlft legal battle is expected in getting the tests ac cepted by provincial courts police are biding their time until a suit able case comes along no one will be forced to take a breath test against his will if breath tests are admitted as evidence ontario will be following the lead of m us atates which now accept thum as proof of drunkenness at the wheel interior decorating for superior workmanihip quick efficient service and the new wallpaper sample book call cyril e tin decorator rockwood 51 ring 5 rural children participate in federations annual field day into the jrtuntb of ha hon county community centra came hundreds of rural children last friday to participate in the uanes races and other sporuj of the hal- ton county federation of agricul ture annual field day at three minutes of 10 it 6 heatherihrtoii called the karnes numbering the nix diamonds and called the sched ule for the first round announced the rules and directed the diamond manager and two umpires to each of the diamonds in the ball barnes the winners were 1st round esq no fl nais i esq 7 nelson 0 11 12 nass 10 esq 15 2nd round esq 17 nelson 8 13 nel 4 traf fl 7 8 traf 2 3 esq 15 bye 3rd round esq 17 nel 8 13 nel 4 nel 0 11 12 trnf 2 3 esq 15 4th round nel 4 nel 8 13 trnf 2 3 5th round nel 8 13 bye 6th round nel 4 was declared the winning enm for the day and was presented by the president of the federation of afl- riculturo mr a r service with the silver cup trophy and the cheer for the winners went up the teachers fame was the spec ial feature of the day when the teachers of trafalrar and esquesina townships battled it out with the teachers of nelson and nassnb- weya townships the eastern town ships casing out the teachers or the western townships and were pres ented with a small prize mr sanderson of ookviue wnsi attendance aaain although he has retired from the teaching staff h- is still sincerely interested in the development or children and for this reason was riven a small gift to acknowlodffc appreciation of his interest the new addition to the program this year was the baby show that had a rood number of entrant the judges were mrs mary pcttit one of the burlington von and dr holbrook of hamilton winners were david bruce su- ton gwendolyn peer judith aim chambers el7ibpth anna musics david gates douglas twiss gnro t milchel susan grant and for the monster bingo thursday june 26th every thursday r pm sim in prizes pils sim jackpot prize brampton memorial arena your home u worth a record price today you can save money by painting now and eliminating repairs and replacements its good economy to stop the damage before it s too late by painting this year we doovorythinginthedeoratingbuinei call 75j or 299w for a free estimate moore rocher u2 fti fonto so far this year tho boys havent caught too many of the big ones so there mist be quite a few of those you read about just waiting for you make it a carefree trip this year travel by bus asic you local accnt about hjgwway touts to all paits of the usa round trip fares beaverton 615 1190 parry sound burks fails 1190 subject to change tickets and information at harold wiles phone 207 gray coach lines best twins jean and joan sharpe hornby the winners of tho co operative medical service baby prluy were david sutton elizabeth muack douglas twtis a greater number of horse shoe pitching fan e re out to do the ringer this year but failed to stop bert davidson and hu team mat the prljto for the youngest person went to gwendolyn peer and for the oldest to e b coulson each received a silver dollar the ladles of the fed e rat on of aitriculture supplied the wants of the children and older folic with their well supplied booth and were a very busy tfroup throughout tne day at the close of the dnyfl activit ies the federation of agriculture expressed appreciation and thanks to nil teachers umpires and diam ond captains the sports committee and all others who worked fnlth- fully to make the day a success firm authorizes cable replacement a letter was received at a meet ing of the public utilities commis sion on friday evening from j b mackenzie and son authorizing the puc to purchase and instill a new cable replacing the one which was damaged while digging a drainage trench on the site of the new public school addition this cable was ordered at once for installation as soon as it arrives a report on the inspection of the waterworks pump house on main street north had been made engi neer anderson was of the opinion that the water which was in the basement was not from seepage wayne kelly was appointed to the permanent staff of the hydro department and his salary was to be 2100 per annum superintendent lambirt was in structed to purehase 10 water met ers and supt mason a roll of ser- virc cable d dawkins was present and re quested that he be given consider- ation on commissions given to con tractors for selling hepc hot water tanks in lieu of the work done by him the matter is being considered the salary of alf duby was con sidered as promised last january an increase of 100 per year was granted mr duby a letter was received from the hepc giving an interpretation of rates for summer power this was in conjunction with the beardmore and co power used at the spray grounds a letter from the comstock co reported that they would have a man available tn instal the potheads on the end of the underground cable at the school when the cable arrives mayor raehlin requested that the waterworks department assist the town men in washing the streets for resurfacing the roadway on no 7 highway the commission as sured the mayor that all possible assistance would be given a service charge was authorized against hilton and perry for power service due to the unusuallv small amount of power being consumed and the heavy installation cost in volved to the puc a request for power was received from e braida it was decided this power would bo on a commercial ba until such tim as the re- quiremenls- ai e established superintendent mason reported that some poles had been sold to r butler for a service in the country a request for a rebate on water service was received under the prrmiv of mipplwng water for con- st ruction purposes as the owners had been living m the house at the ri 23 i tune of bricking the building ani mich i small amount of water h id been ilsed no rebate a mild be giv en the waterworks superintendent 1 imibert gave i very complete report on the waterworks convent ion winch he attended in montreal roc ntly the follow m ij lua or accounts was pjsed for payment hydro highvviv garage tuiek iteceiv general meter ins cunningham a hill mipp sangamo demand meters line cable mipp northern electric supp kuis a howard mipp maedonald electric supp d ii how den supp canadian line ma supp lv marchment sign paint ing ii epc of ont mipp acton free press printing and advertising bell telephone services petti cash cxp trans chronicles of ginger form written specially for h qacto trie pru by gwendoline clarit oil 127 fl4 18 3 77 water acton puc hydro charg es mdse anderson welding acet welding ilton perr vupp standard chemical hvp- oehl acton puc operations miv acton auto body supp thompson motor- truck 200 i 1 50 ii 17 35 21 fi9a 7ti 3 7a 1 00 947 0 last week while the weather wns still cool we spent the better part of a day fixing up window screens nnd putting them where they be longed and not n day too soon no sooner were the screens on the win- down than the weather turned hot and humid however with nir net ting into the house from all direc tions we are now quite comfortably cool in fact although it is 00 de grees outside i have just found it necessary to don a lightweight sweater different people have different ideas about how to keep the house cool in summer we have often been told that the only way is to shut the doors and windows and thus keep the heat out well ive tried it and we dont like that way at all tho house stays cool all right but we rind it suffocating at such a time partner has often come in and exclaimed for heavens sake get some air in here so now however hot it is the doors and windows stay open with the blinds half down last saturday i did not reali7c how hot it was until i got down town i was shop ping as usual and the heat was insufferable and so was the par king as to that is there any small country town where parking has not already become quite a pro blem in our local shopping centre par king has been more or less free nnd easy up to the present tiut just recently parking restrictidns have been imposed now we go down town look up and down the street ah what luck theres an empty space we drive up to it only to be confronted with a newly in stalled standard no parking on this side of the street i suppose that is as it should be and is for the protection of every person using the street but still doesnt solve the parking problem back streets are being used more and more for this purpose and since many of them are narrow this practise also pre sents a hazard maybe the time will come when every shopping district will have a drivein parking arc similar to simpsons on richmond street in toronto anything rather than parkmg meters or steel pickpockets as gordon sinclair calls them one jreason for the increasing number of cars in small towns and the resultant parking congestion is the everincreasing number of people from tho country who drive to their nearest town instead of doing most of their shopping at the local corner store as they used to one reason for this is so they may take advantage of the cheaper prices offered by chain stores in many lines of staples in these days of high living costs can you blame anyone for shopping where prices are lower to give one instance that was brought to my attention one country stoe was selling a wellknown brand of coltee at 115 a pound that same brand could bo bought for 00c in a nearby town not only from chain stores but from an independent g roper the country storekeeper when ni3dcqlichcdinistedhe could not sell goods any cheaper and still stay in business not having the ex perience of a country storekeeper i am not in a position to jurigv but et it seems obvious to me that no man running a country store nn hope to say in business if he oes customer by having prices out if line with tores m nearby hoppli centres granted his dailv o weekly turnover must be conmdei ablv iess but then surelv his o e head niihl also be less the bilsy little comer tore bus been almost a national inuutir for so minv years i hate to thrik of it a- one more thing that in pas- away and yet the writing i- on the wall unless country storekeep er nut rural shoppers cm meet each other halfway in reg ird to selling pi ices personallv if we had a little store within easy reach of us and with prices that were reasonable i would certainly deal there in pre ference to going down town where one milst wime tune driving around looking for a place to park and then waste more time waiting to be served or if one mum park on a side mreet then one is faced with the alternative of carrying parcels a block or more to the car and that often nitmiis making two or three trips depending upon the amoiuit of shopping that has been done there is room in this coutrv for upandcoming general merchans hut the exsv going crackerbarrel t pe hls surely had its day new sweet clover takes to moisture a new casllymcrmlnauntf variety of sweet clover has been develop at the saskatoon forage crops lab oratories which will make fannerd loss heal t not in sedlrttf larger a re ax with this foratfc crop the mtw variety produces seeds whtch are easily permeable to moisture nnd will therefore completely fiermlnate in the year of planting thus elim inating the hitherto inevitable sweet clover infestation that per sists for many years in fields plan ted with this crop a large percentage of the seeds of the currentlygrown sweet clover varieties la hard and hot easily permeable to moisture as a result no more thnn about 10 per cent of the planted seeds germinnte in any one year the bulk of the seeds remains in the ground to ger minate in successive stages over nn indefinite number of years so that an nrea once seeded wllh sweet clover never will become quite free of this crop its presence undir these conditions no more desirable than that of a weed becomes a double headache when the farmer plans to seed the sweet clover in fested nren with certl fled seed yielding alfalfa for instance sunflower tests at the experi mental station melfort sask have shown that early seeding of this crop ls of the utmost importance seedlings made on may 9 gave a yield of 5554 pounds an acre with an oil content of 21 17 per cent while seedlings of may 30 yielded only 217 pounds per acre with nn oil content of 12b1 quick shave a new plastic shave tube nas a round gpongo top instead of a screw cap explains the financial post by squeezing the tube crenm li forced into the sponge which produces instant lather for quick application plaid c cap protects the sponge when it is not in use pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 wafer st north gait telephone tu picture news from cil auction sale of household effects the undersigned has received in- st nut ions from the executor- for jlu- rotate of the lat1- malcolm a mrdonald to sell by auction at his late res idence situated on no 7 highway miles east of guelph jdjolnm kmbes garage on saturday junk 21 commencing at 130 oclock the following thor electric washing machine good as new princess lat cooking range force electric ranfiette coleman circulator heater nearly new hot plate 200 gal oil tank coal oil stove full set of dishes quantity of odd dishes pots and pans silverware bedroom duhes tubular bedstead spring and mat tress wooden bedstead spring and mattress dressers and wash slands buffet extension table chairs whatnot clock wicker suite mar coni electric radio victrola with records drop leaf table linoleum rug 12x12 rug 0x9 runner 10 yard carpet sweeper quilts and bedding house scales garden tools garden boe lawn mower lawn clippe step ladder extension ladder quantity of pine plank 40 ft hydro pole oil barrel and many other ar ticle- too numerous to mention wm a gibson o auctioneer fashion photographers often use family groups to point up tb vrutiiey of modern fabrics like nylon daughter displays the late thing in nylon play iu its while her parents model this summer tmmit nylon beachwear good news for canadians is the new oil plant at maitlandvont which will lead to more of this wonder fabric for your easier living farmer reading recent issue of cil oval magazine is interest ed in articles by canadian agri cultural authorities hints on country home decoration and garden planning andmany other farm features writecil box 10 montreal for your free copy many things you find so useful today like nylon and cello phane were developed in chem ical research laboratories search for improved or new chemical products goes on continuously did yu itntw sinc 1939 clli production volume hai incraatsd about 191 par cent it payroll and idarie total has incraatsd about 314 par cent in addition to fair wages and lalarlet cil employe have n oyed a companyfinanced pension plan tlnce 1 91 9 a life insurance plan sines 1 920 canadian industries limited montreal threenurters of the residents of cities and large towns in canad i depend upon automobiles for trans- port at ion to and from their dob and for their business it is reported by federation of automobile dealer associations of canada having sold his farm a mossky will hold a clkakinc auction sale lot 27 3rd line erin 2 mil uhith of orton of tract ir farm implemen lives ock household furniture i eluding electric il equipment poi try equipment and a large numtj of started chicken stlltny jlnk 2th at 100 ock iiindley and elliott auctionee how much will your dollar buy today thanks to tnfljdon our dollar will buy 52 cents worth of goods by comparison ith t ho full dollars worth it would buy m 1939 the buying power of the dollar has gone down because prices have been forced up prices have been forced up through infla tion because the amount of money in circulation has exceeded the volume of goods and services available to consumers the two main sources of inflation are high government taxation and wage rates which are not re a ted to manhour production unless production and vagos are held m balance ondunles at the same time nondefence government expenditures are held in check our dollar is bound to lose more buying power published is a public service by the steel company of canada limited plants d hamilton brantford swansea gananoque montreal

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