Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 26, 1952, p. 2

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mux two the acton free press acton ontario illullsdav junk 2llth u2 not every year good to me that tho flawing job on our trrttott it compltd perhaps w thould ay to- paving but no matter what it it called the rod- way u again tmooth and from our recent travel we believe it would be quite reaionablo to tay we have the belt roadway in the province lait year when the paving job wai done that claim seemed only logical but somarhing happened to hat tmooth turface during the winter and when winter ectonuiljtion of tnow and ice went away part of the nice smooth road turface alio ditappearecl fortunately contractors had done the job who were prepvared to back up their guarantee of mtifacto- worlmanihip and there was little difficulty in arranging for a neu surface its not ever mvn that gets a new roadway each year and it i net liable to happen again here for some time ne could name many towns that require new road sltfaces on their main thoroughfares but we tnew too that tax rates must be carefully guarded in these das of many municipal needs ve sirtcerehope that the new surface just com pleted will prava satisfactory because in all probability it vmii be some years before we will see anomer new roadway so well have to do our best to make it last this time diversion and routine we clcmjbt the reliability of that old saying that the bett part of a visit is getting back home were ready to admit that its nice to be home again but several days away from the of- ice and the necessity of getting down to thinking of subjects of interest m the community has its handicaps t last week we toured for two days with hal- ton county farmers spent wednesday and part of thursdayat home and went to the annual con vention of the weekly newspapers of ontario and quebec at wigwassan lodge in muskoka its just e little difficult to get our thinking straightened cut besides that e havent been reading the daily papers very thoroughly and definitely our exchanges havent had any perusal we wouldnt want to bore our readers with more travel writing again this week but when one spends most of the pre ous week in travelling our dilemma can be appeoated yes its good to get back home ega bjit does take some adjusting to get back into tne routine agam one flag we ve often wondered why the flag of the united states is so prominently displayed in canada go to summer resorts convention halls and very often service clubsin canada and youll find the two flags side by side its perhaps done as a friendly gesture to our american cousins but unfortunately youll never see a canadian ensign or a union jack to welcome the canadian visitor south of the border we think its a cheap way of showing friend ship andarttr acting attention and we dont believe our american friends expect to see their flejg when they come to canada any more than we ex pect t6 see the red ensign flown m the united states canada is a nation and of course deserves a distinctive flag of its own until such time as the canadian government gets around to the task of adopting a distinctive flag the union jack or the red ensign with the jack in the corner will suffice and lets make it the only flag flown m canada ls small wonder the american senators get mis taken ideas about canada when we go i to such measures as to place their flag in equal promi nence with our own there are many ways of showing a welcome to our american visitors without using flags to wave before them the joy of youth schools are finished this week and the child ren are excited over the summer vacation in these days of hurried travel and the advantage many families have m going to summer places where the bathing facilities are not familiar there are many dangers lurking which can mar the summer for the whole family unfortunately it usually takes some disaster to make people aware of danger which exists alongside us throughout every hour cf every day life in itself it thiuprom possession to parents however what can it mean if through their own lack ol supervision that precious thing it taken from a child parents thould at all timet take the greatest care of youngttert it it the duty of every man and woman to look after our young seople if a child any child it lean playing in any particular place where there could be possible danger it it up to all of us to give a warning that warning which will only take very little of our time to give might mean the difference between that child s life or death it is a grave responsibility and it rests upon the shoulders of every member of the community particularly on those of parents any negligence which places a child without the bounds of neces sary supervision even for a very brief period of time may be fatal let s have a oyous summertime but let us all do our part to protect the children from the dangerswhicharo toobviousto some-of-us-who- aie older and more experienced certainly im taxpayer that how i got this condition tough job official grading of tourist establishments as is now being attempted in four provinces will be quite a job thinks the financial post it says- even with such tangible things as eggs but ter lumber and wheat grading has some disad vantagesahd limitations there istxjuncfto be a tendency to bring quality down to official re quirements rather than to push it higher and when we come to intangibles like services which bulk so largely in the tourist business the diffi culties increase a great deal will depend on the individual preferences of the tourist some people may want a quiet place others would find it boring some may want socalled plain cooking others will be disappointed without frills some will ex pect showers television tickertapes steam heat and a whole lot of other things hardy souls may crave merely a camp cot or a sleeping bag and what about scenery climate and geography what government inspector can hope to put a yardstick on fhese we must still rely on education competition and training to improve our tourist accommoda tion an official sign over the front door will not mean very much unless there is some real intelli gence and ability behind it north e ast west south when teachers play truant its the eastern mps who skip parliament most argues the calgary herald whether represent ing an ontario or quebec constituency is a more arduous ipb than representing a western riding or whether easterners get tired more easily we do not know but tt is the eastern mps who seem to fmd the overlong weekend essential to their wellbeing they can also cover their tracks more easily the drill is to get your name into hansard early friday afternoon even if you ust say boo to the speaker and then dash to the railway sta tion then you gallop into the house ust before adjournment late monday night and say boo again and again get this deathless remark into hansard there you are the record says you were m the house both friday and monday when m fact you were playing hookey m toronto or montreal the tram schedules are very co operative time and geography militate against western mps maybe its time we put bear traps under each desk privacy for murdcrrr one of the school children who inspected the county jnil when a truest of county council inst month was quoted in an essay as saying hed prefer the death cell reserved for murderers as it was biccer and more private- the essay by elizabeth clnrkson of port nelson was awarded first prize of 10 tawn mjuuser applications for the position of town manager lor oalcviuc will be advertised for immediately the hiring of a town manager was ap proved by ratepayers at last decem bers election flnte or freneh a new course in instrumental music will be on the curriculum of oakville trafalgar high school come the fall the new course will be optional but who wouldnt rather tootle a flute than conjugate or find the cocfficicnt dont know just what the choice is be tween though trafalgar snubbed trafalgar has been snubbed by the ford plant the sign at the plant bears the name of oakville with nary a men tion of the township where the plant is exclusively located com plained the reeve they dbnt eee fit to put trafalgar on the sign if we have a township good enough for them to build in we should have our name on the sign the company should make the name ford of trafalgar or at least ford of trafalgar and oakville i take exception to that sign i the township clerk was instruct ed to write to the ford plant to re mind them just where they stand- in trafalgar kufcrtlon follows drain notice in the georgetown herald a letter to the iditor from the president of the georgetown lions club saying lets have a swim ming pool prime reason for the letter wos us you likely know the tragic drowning of six year old jomes keith ellison in the river on june 14 the kindergarten pupil was playing on the bridge at the dam and somehow fell in the lad was brouglu to the sur face after ten minutes of diving the acton fire brigades resusfiita- tor was rushed to georgetown but nothing could be done of acton interest a couple of interesting items from the actonians point of view arc found in last weeks georgetown herald plenty of interest in th bhive lacrosse team in acton which is composed largely of for mer nerval and brampton players most of the players live in this dis trict and mony of the hoo fans who saw the opening gome saturday night w ere from here and then vmr and mrs fred helson ore spending the summer at morton grove a suburb of chicago v hile mr helson works with his old firm baxter laboratories mr hcimih mis foimerly with baxters here in acton he moved to georgetown after his marriage and hiis just completed hus first year osgoode hall in toronto at ths b united church of canada aetan ontario a friendly church rev el a currey iua bd minister parsonage 20 bower avenue phone co mlaa o m unipam atom organist and choir leader editorial notes if you think traffic conditions crossing the highway on weekends are serious m your com munity pity the folks in bowmanville where it is reported local motorists and pedestrians cannot cross the mam artery at certain times from friday afternoon until sunday evenings decentralization of new industry is now a reality and a growing movement in ontario re ports the financial post in surveying n ontario government report of 92 new industries coming to the province last year 67 are outside the greater toronto area this compares with 16 out ci 47 ouide the area in 1949 of the 92 new ndustries 32 u s are companies originating in the e aus- nme are bntisr four european n 46 canadian ln artnn 3fnp pnh0 rffe the only paprr ever puhluhrrf tn acjoti founded in 1h75 and pubhthtd rwry thursday at m mill si k acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tion the cwna and the ontarioquebec diwsion of the i n a advertising rates on retjurst subscription pay- blt in advance 2 50 in canada 3 so in the united state v months 1 ml single tropin 6c authorized as srond cljvs mali post office department ottawa business and g a dills editor and publuhrr editorial office telephone 1 7 4 sunday june 29th 9s2 10 00 am sunday school for good character development 1100 am morning worship sub ject things which cannot b- shaken continued 7 00 p m evening worship in si albans church the h v price speaker thmioht jot the week educate men without rcligini and ou make them but clever dev- ls duke of wellington presbyterian church in canada knox cliurcn acton rev itobkrt ii armhtroni ma bd minister sunday june 20th i0w 10 00 amisunday school 11 00 am rev alex calder ba bd 12 15 pm bible class 7 00 pm service in st albans june 30july 4 9001130 daily vacation bible school thvt tiat wait upon he ltrrd shall reticle their itrenoth a warm welcome awaits you st albans church an i lean ralph e price ba bu rector trinity iii st peter apostle and martyr sunday june 20th 105j 10 00 am church school 11 15 am beginners clau 11 15 am matins jitany and sf- mon 7 00 pm shortened evensong and address friend of other al ton churches are welcomed to this service 3 30 pm sunda june 20 out door service at appleb c near oakil- all baptist church acton dwight l patterson pamor panonage 115 bower avy 1 phone 20flr thursday june 2fi prarr meittng and bible studv in 1st john 11 j h30 pm friday june 27 young pi opl s i meeting at the home of mr and 111 hugh reid sunday june 20h 1952 10 30 a m sundav school with clasaea for all ages 1 1 30 a m doer or hearer 0 7 00 p m eening service oi gc elitime bethel baptist mission john jones pastor y mca biilding side kntmnce mv- police 9921 all averagt min a dav in h permim canada rrporvd ij tbi in 1050 luiamed about 2il r 1 war police lo- june 20- h 1952 lf school morning worship srr- mr twill cated 8 h20 missing persons sunday 1 0 00 1 ir 11 00 an vice 7 30 pm onlv suon be pist it 15 appointed unto men tmtr t die but after this the udgnrt daily vacation bible school bethel baptist mission juiy 7th to 18th for all boys and girls of tchool aga bible c tories right inginc thegood old days may have seemed better back in 1902 from th ittue of the vf preua o thurttutv june 26th t w02 london june 24 sir krunclr knollyn the king prlvuto rere- tury him burned the following medi cal aiinoiiiiidiiient the king 1 nurturing from perltyphitu hit comlltliut on saturday wast atu- fuctory and it wan hoped that with rare jltrt miijeuty would iwi able to go through the coronation cere mony on monday rvetiliuf a ie- 1 rudrjireiifi 1m ic 11 me munlteiit rentu erlng a mirgkal operation neei wi- ai v toduy london june 20 the find ruwh of the renewed ihihah of the kinii rami- from the houti- of common where vnrloua court officials uuv an intimation that the arrangement for thumday would lntter be pnat poned forthwith tm the commit ion ceremony would be postponed indefinitely indeiutibable consternation pre vails throughout the country should anv impilcalions occur it u tuitud km u edwtrd pretient- phyjdcal and nervous condition would prove jncfiunl to the jt train involved toronto street ear strike th city underwent a rather unique v perience strike declared mob violent militia called out and happy settlement nil in three daya the annual excursion of hal ton fanners institute to the model farm guolph took place on sat urday ilallon the banner county of the farmers institute always sends a full quota of its nons to the model farm and they arc invari ably well used there everyone returned in the evening well pleas ed with the outing although a little unpleasantncjw was caused by the failure of the train to stop here the excursionists from acton being carried on to lfmehouse the band aland has been removed from the town hnll square to the park a coat of paint would im prove it very much mens coats heavy and light weights single and double breast ed honest value 2 so to clear at 1 so each six only summer suits coats and pants grey striped flannel patch pockets new snquc cut regular 7 value saturday per suit 4 back in 1932 from tin i aunt of th jry prn of thuyttlav june 23rd 1033 acton adapt daylight having tim on saturday night the entrance exams ar mhulntf in hiillon thln year and the tu- deiiu are not sorry a number of farmen are attend ing the viirm and home week at the oag at guelph this week the jlaltori prchbyterial kagtem section rally of the women n mii- fliiiiiary society was held in acton united church ten ailxttiarics re minded to roll call and gave splen did report mm c it crowe president of the dominion hoard gave an inspiring addreus klxneer ci ntennlal provided a great gathering of viiitora form er reldilili of natlfagawiya vliltid at the old home chimh splendid discourses wen given by jtv dr t a mooie of toronto on mon day there was a program of sports and enlei tilrimcnt on monday evining the nmtr uu 1 c candiir h v o i stephenson of lions head and hw john litlle of hock wood asisti d in thiie er- vices in tin first we tern ontano ten nis ieague competition held at milton the artnn ladies hut to milton bill m the mcns events acton defeated milton nohn dtiyden at flint mien on sun day june 2 1002 to mr and mrs arthur storey dryden aj son marr1rd p yd kr simpson at the prvsfoy- terian manse actrn on saturday june lfl 1m2 by rev h l den- nle ma hilda eiith daughter of mr and mrs gs simpson to mr edward glen ttyder son of mr and mrs e d ryder of acton light foot burner if grandpa only had known about this life would have been eaty the financial post describes a new light single bottom twoway mouldboord plow which permits contour plow ing and the turning of furrows up hill and it can be raised and lowered hydraulically by finger tip controls professional directory and travellers guide medical 1- lfoai dr w g c kenney physician and kurcron oltlce in symon block mill st acton olflcr phonr 7s c fleatherland lurrlnter a sollrltor notary pulilu olrire phone ties 151 acton rnlilrnrr church hi phonr iso dr d a garrett physician and hurcron corner of willow and hivcr st entrance river street acton ontario phonr 23ft lever s hoskin chartered accountants suet evrors to jrnkinh and 1iardv ia5 metropolitan bldjl 44 victoria st toronto eli 0131 kkntai a j crandell chartered accountant main street georietowr tflrpliom 8s4 dr a j buchanan llrntal hurxron odlce uuhmin block mill st ofllce houni 0 am to c p m xray teuuiione mb ciiibopracttir b d young b vsc c l young dvm veterinary hurftoiu office brookville ontal to ihunr miltun looril ioctor of chlropractla 15 kriflerirk st n artnn phone vio f g oakes v s b v sc uvm ehtate ani intiukanob veterinary surfron ofticc and lloidrnci knox av acton phone 130 wright real estate and insurance travellers- guide cray coach lines dailight sanno time coaciiem leave acton eaatbound 111 in usb j rn 1 11 a m 1 00 p m 5 01 p m 0 13 p m 8 12 p m ho ml p m weilhound 1017 am 12 x i m 257 p m 5 27 i m 7 27 pm yii p m n ej p m 1 12 am isun ti kitchener fjtily 1 uail except sundae ami holl- dav t siurda sunday and holi day y i whigut n d wrjoht 20 wilbur st macdonnell st aeton ont guelph onl phone oi phone 4di5w valuators hrsltora inabrsvt member appralaal institute of canada munfci rs guelph and ilritict heal esate board member guelph and district ilura arnls association wm r bracken bral lauu gene1iai insurance phone 2b acton mincellaneottt canadian national railways 5 fa ntta rd tt tri e eatband tjjiiv ft 40 j ni daily rxerpt sun- 1- dm am 710 p m sundy ml 8 16 pm ouil txcept sun- lu fiver jt gcorgeinun j 02 a rn dji1 flyer at georfietuan 10 11 p rn loat bound djiiv except sundav and mon dav j 24 am sunday and mtindj v 12 oh a m dalv except sun- dav b4fl am 144 p m daily ex cept sat and sun 5 48 pm sat urday only 1m pm sundae only h43 am flacxtop sundnv only fiver a gurlph 7 05 pm the victor b rumley funeral home funrral llonr fuautl abbuliam ihont- 30 night or day sc rvmi thr community tar 43 yean eve cake by appointment wm c milligan po oalaitlrtot it and 3rd wednedayii of tb month 3 pm to 0 pm at u1u st reaida el a tbuwn i

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